GuardianOS™, RAINcloud™, SnapDisk™, SnapEDR™, Snap Enterprise Data Replicator™, SnapExpansion™, SnapSAN™, SnapScale™,
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The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any resemblance to
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, VR2®, and XchangeNOW® are registered trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
Overland Storage, Inc.
9112 Spectrum Center Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92123
This user guide explains how to install, setup, and use the SnapSAN VSS Provider software.
VSS Provider is software that facilitates business backup operations by linking the Volume Shadow Copy
Service (VSS) of Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 or Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 with data
replication (VSS Storage Volume Cloning or VSS Provider Replication and Mirroring) and a snapshot
function (VSS Provider Snapshots).
This guide assumes that you are familiar with computer hardware, data storage, and network
administration terminology and tasks. It also assumes you have basic knowledge of Internet SCSI (iSCSI),
Serial-attached SCSI (SAS), Serial ATA (SATA), Storage Area Network (SAN), and Redundant Array of
Independent Disks (RAID) technology.
This guide is intended for those who have basic knowledge of backup and recovery using Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and the VSS Provider snapshot function or data replication
This manual explains functions implemented by the following program products:
•VSS Provider Manager and VSS Provider base product
•VSS Provider Control Command
This manual is applicable to the program products of the following versions:
•VSS Provider Manager Ver4.2 or later
•VSS Provider Base Product Ver4.2 or later
•VSS Provider Control Command Ver4.2 or later
The VSS Provider series disk array subsystems is referred to as a disk array in this manual unless clearly
Product Documentation and Firmware Updates
Overland Storage SnapSAN product documentation and additional literature are available online, along
with the latest release of the SnapSAN VSS software.
Point your browser to:
Follow the appropriate link to download the latest software file or document. For additional assistance,
search at
This document exercises several alerts and typographical conventions.
ConventionDescription & Usage
IMPORTANTAn Important note is a type of note that provides information essential to
the completion of a task or that can impact the product and its function.
CAUTIONA Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid
damaging or permanently deleting data or causing physical damage to
the hardware or system.
WARNING A Warning contains information concerning personal safety. Failure to
follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
Typographical Conventions
ConventionDescription & Usage
Ctrl-Alt-rThis type of format details the keys you press simultaneously. In this
NOTEA Note indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or
Menu Flow
Indicator (>)
Courier ItalicA variable for which you must substitute a value
Courier Bold
Words in this special boldface font indicate command buttons found in
the Web Management Interface.
example, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the r key.
supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies
information that may apply only in special cases, for example, memory
limitations or details that apply to specific program versions.
Words with a greater than sign between them indicate the flow of actions
to accomplish a task. For example, Setup > Passwords > User indicates
that you should press the
finally the
Commands you enter in a command-line interface (CLI)
User button to accomplish a task.
Setup button, then the Passwords button, and
Information contained in this guide has been reviewed for accuracy, but not for product warranty
because of the various environments, operating systems, or settings involved. Information and
specifications may change without notice.
A discharge of static electricity can damage static-sensitive devices. Proper packaging and grounding
techniques are necessary precautions to prevent damage. To prevent electrostatic damage, observe
the following precautions:
•Transport products in static-safe containers such as conductive tubes, bags, or boxes.
•Cover the appliance with approved static-dissipating material.
•Use a wrist strap connected to the work surface and properly-grounded tools and equipment.
•Keep the work area free of non-conductive materials such as foam packing materials.
•Make sure you are always properly grounded when touching a static-sensitive component or
Snapshot or Data Replication ............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Data Replication Installation ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Initial Setup of Volumes .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Backup Server Connected to Data Replication Volume (RV) .................................................................. 3-5
Backup and Restore Procedures .................................................................................................................. 3-5
Chapter 4 - Error Management
Actions When Error Occurs .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
When Backup has Errors ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
When VSS must be Restarted ........................................................................................................................ 4-1
When Returning Volume to Initial State ....................................................................................................... 4-1
Backup Server Connected to Snapshot LV .................................................................................................4-1
Backup Server Connected to Data Replication RV ................................................................................... 4-2
Collecting Information of Unclear Failure .................................................................................................... 4-3
Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting
About Snapshot or Data Replication ........................................................................................................... 5-1
This chapter provides an overview of the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) and explains
system configuration and other fundamentals.VSS was implemented in Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008, as a new function for performing storage
management. The graphic shows a basic VSS Configuration made up of backup software
(requestor), business applications (writers), and software that performs disk array shadow
copy (replication) instructions (VSS provider).
Backup using VSS is performed by taking a request from the requestor as a trigger. When
VSS receives a backup request from the requestor, it performs coordinating operations with
the writers and provider, and it instructs the provider to create a replication. This series of
operations is performed entirely under the control of VSS. Accordingly, a user can easily
carry out non-interrupting backup without becoming involved with complicated scripts for
each application, just by executing the requestor.
A hardware provider is software exclusively for the in-house manufactured disk arrays
(supplied by the storage vendor), makes it possible to create shadow copies using hardwarespecific replication functions. VSS Provider is a hardware provider.
A software provider is software that a software vendor supplies for creating shadow copies.
The system provider that is supplied by Microsoft Corporation is also a software provider.
Software Required
The following software is needed on each server or disk array:
Application Server
•Job management software (Example: JobCenter)
•Requestor (Example: Protection Manager)
•Exchange Server 2003
•VSS Provider
•Control Command
Backup Server
•Job management software (Example: JobCenter)
•Requestor (Example: Protection Manager)
•Backup software (Example: NetBackup)
•VSS Provider
•Control Command
•SnapSAN Manager
Disk Array
•Snapshots, Volume Cloning, or Replication and Mirroring
•Access Control
Volume Types
VSS Provider handles volumes that are subject to snapshot or replication operations by a
disk array’s logical disk.
VSS Provider supports Protection Manager and other software as requestors. For
introductions about each requestor, refer to the product-specific manual.
VSS Provider Installation and Operation Procedures
This example shows the system installation procedure by taking a tape backup system in
which the D series is used as an example. For the snapshot environment installation
procedure, refer to
Windows)”. For the data replication environment installation procedure, refer to the “Data
Replication User's Manual (Installation and Operation Guide for Windows)”. For hardware
configurations and software configurations, refer to the configurations in this manual. For
requestor installation procedures and operating procedures, refer to the manuals of the
selected requestor. Highlighted portions below are procedures to perform by
other manuals
the “Snapshot
User’s Manual (Installation and Operation Guide for