GuardianOS™, RAINcloud™, RapidRebuild™, SnapDisk™, SnapEDR™, Snap Enterprise Data Replicator™, SnapExpansion™,
SnapSAN™, SnapScale™, SnapServer DX Series™, SnapServer Manager™, SnapWrite™, and SnapServer Manager™ are
trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any
resemblance to actual companies or individuals, whether past or present, is coincidental.
All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland Storage. By accepting this material
the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in trust and will not be
used, reproduced in whole or in part, nor its contents revealed to others, except to meet the purpose for which it was delivered. It is
understood that no right is conveyed to reproduce or have reproduced any item herein disclosed without express permission from
Overland Storage.
Overland Storage provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited
to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Overland Storage may make improvements or
changes in the product(s) or programs described in this manual at any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of
this publication.
Overland Storage assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this manual, nor for any
problem that might arise from the use of the information in this manual.
This user guide explains how to install, setup, and use your new Overland Storage SnapSAN
S1000 server.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with computer hardware, data storage, and
network administration terminology and tasks. It also assumes you have basic knowledge of
Fibre Channel, Internet SCSI (iSCSI), Serial-attached SCSI (SAS), Serial ATA (SATA),
Storage Area Network (SAN), and Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
Product Documentation and Firmware Updates
Overland Storage SnapSAN product documentation and additional literature are available
online, along with the latest release of the SnapSAN S1000 software.
This document exercises several alerts and typographical conventions.
ConventionDescription & Usage
IMPORTANTAn Important note is a type of note that provides information essential to
the completion of a task or that can impact the product and its function.
CAUTIONA Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid
damaging or permanently deleting data or causing physical damage to
the hardware or system.
Typographical Conventions
A Warning contains information concerning personal safety. Failure to
follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
Un Canadien avertissement comme celui-ci contient des informations
relatives à la sécurité personnelle. Ignorer les instructions dans
l'avertissement peut entraîner des lésions corporelles ou la mort.
ConventionDescription & Usage
Ctrl-Alt-rThis type of format details the keys you press simultaneously. In this
NOTEA Note indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or
Menu Flow
Indicator (>)
Courier ItalicA variable for which you must substitute a value
Courier Bold
Information contained in this guide has been reviewed for accuracy, but not for product
warranty because of the various environments, operating systems, or settings involved.
Information and specifications may change without notice.
Words in this special boldface font indicate the names of command
buttons found in the Web Management Interface.
example, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the r key.
supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies
information that may apply only in special cases, for example, memory
limitations or details that apply to specific program versions.
Words with a greater than sign between them indicate the flow of actions
to accomplish a task. For example, Setup > Passwords > User indicates
that you should press the
and finally the
Commands you enter in a command-line interface (CLI)
Front Panel ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Disk Drive Assemblies ......................................................................................................................................1-2
SAS Concepts .......................................................................................................................................................1-8
Chapter 2 - Installation
First Things First—Activate Your Warranty! ..........................................................................................................2-1
Installing the SnapSAN S1000 .........................................................................................................................2-3
Powering ON / OFF ...............................................................................................................................................2-4
Power Up the SnapSAN S1000 .......................................................................................................................2-4
Powering Down the SnapSAN S1000 ............................................................................................................2-4
Web Management Interface ........................................................................................................................3-1
Front Panel Display .........................................................................................................................................3-3
Front Panel Display Usage .............................................................................................................................3-6
Serial Console ..................................................................................................................................................3-6
System Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................4-3
System Settings ................................................................................................................................................4-3
Log and Alert Settings ....................................................................................................................................4-5
Entity and iSNS Settings ................................................................................................................................4-10
Active Sessions ..............................................................................................................................................4-13
CHAP Accounts ............................................................................................................................................4-15
RAID Groups ..................................................................................................................................................4-18
Logical Units ...................................................................................................................................................4-27
Volume Creation Example ..........................................................................................................................4-28
SES ...................................................................................................................................................................4-35
System Maintenance .........................................................................................................................................4-36
System Information ....................................................................................................................................... 4-37
Reset to Factory Defaults .............................................................................................................................4-39
Reboot and Shutdown .................................................................................................................................4-40
How To Use the Guided Configurations ...........................................................................................................4-40
Home ..............................................................................................................................................................4-44
RAID Group Migration ..........................................................................................................................................5-2
Virtual Disk Extension ............................................................................................................................................5-4
Create the Snapshot Space ..........................................................................................................................5-5
Take a Snapshot .............................................................................................................................................5-5
Disk Roaming .........................................................................................................................................................5-9
MPIO and MC/S ..................................................................................................................................................5-12
Trunking and LACP .............................................................................................................................................5-14
Controller Status ............................................................................................................................................5-17
System Buzzer ........................................................................................................................................................6-1
Theory of Operation .............................................................................................................................................7-1
Using SnapSAN S1000 VSS ....................................................................................................................................7-3
Creating a Snapshot ......................................................................................................................................7-3
Exposing a Snapshot ......................................................................................................................................7-3
Activate the RAID Subsystem License Key ...................................................................................................8-2
Set Up the Replication Port On The Source .................................................................................................8-3
Create A Backup Virtual Disk On The Target ...............................................................................................8-4
Create Replication Job On The Source .......................................................................................................8-5
Working with Replication Jobs ............................................................................................................................8-7
Run a Replication Job ....................................................................................................................................8-7
Create a Replication Job Multi-Path Setting ...............................................................................................8-8
Schedule a Replication Job ..........................................................................................................................8-9
Configure Snapshot Space ...............................................................................................................................8-10
How Replication Redundancy Works ..............................................................................................................8-11
Normal Operation .........................................................................................................................................8-11
Controller 1 Fails on Source .........................................................................................................................8-12
Controller 1 Fails on Target ..........................................................................................................................8-12
Create Multiple Replication Jobs .....................................................................................................................8-12
First Time Best Practices ...................................................................................................................................... 8-13
This user guide describes how to set up and use the Overland Storage SnapSAN S1000.
The storage array, available in different configurations of iSCSI, Fibre Channel, and SAS
interfaces, together with the SnapSAN S1000 installed software, provides a flexible,
intelligent, storage area network (SAN) solution for virtualized server environments and the
growing demand for data storage. With a SnapSAN S1000, you can store, share, protect, and
manage data through a single easy-to-use web interface.
This section provides basic information about the hardware components.
Front Panel
The front of a SnapSAN S1000 server with the bezel attached:
The Front Panel Display control panel is located in the upper left corner.
Front Panel Display
There are five buttons to control SnapSAN S1000 Front Panel Display, including: ▲ (up), ▼
(down), ENT (Enter), ESC (Escape) and MUTE.
Disk drive assemblies consist of a SnapSAN S1000 disk tray with either SAS, SATA II, or
Green SATA II disk drive preinstalled in it. A blank assembly consists of a special empty
tray used to ensure proper airflow within the enclosure. Eight blank assemblies are included
with the server.
Green SATA II‘
The front of each disk tray has four components:
This table provides details about the front components of a disk tray:
Rear Panel
1Tray removal handle.
2Latch to release the tray and tray handle.
3Power LED:
Green = Drive is inserted and good.
Red = Drive has failed.
OFF = No disk drive in the tray.
4Access LED:
Blue blinking = The disk drive is being accessed.
OFF = The disk drive is not being accessed or
there is no disk drive in the tray.
CAUTION: To prevent data loss, when powering down the SnapSAN S1000, perform a normal
shutdown (see “Powering Down the SnapSAN S1000” on page 2-4) to flush any data from the
cache to the physical disks, as opposed to simply turning the power OFF. All active initiators need to
be logged off before shutting the server down.
The individual components are all configured as removable modules and are accessible from
the rear.
This table describes the rear components:
CalloutDescriptionRear Label
1Controller 2 (Optional)CL2
2Controller 1CL1
3Power Supply Unit 1 PSU1
4Fan Module FAN1/2
5Power Switch (“|”=ON and “O”=OFF)(none)
6Power Supply Unit 2PSU2
7Fan ModuleFAN3/4
All controllers for the SnapSAN S1000 are shipped in separate packaging. Each comes with
its own Battery Backup Module (BBM).
NOTE: To facilitate support of your controllers, each BBM must be installed in the controller with
which it came packaged. All controllers and batteries must be registered with the SnapSAN
S1000 in which they are installed.
By default, the SnapSAN S1000 is configured as a single controller system. To change it to a
dual controller system with Master and Secondary controllers:
1. Install the optional Secondary controller.
2. Go to System Maintenance > Upgrade > Controller Mode.
3. Using the drop-down list, select Dual and click Apply.
For the dual controller setup, both controllers must be the same type (for example,
10Gb iSCSI controllers).
There are four different controllers available for the SnapSAN S1000. With the exception of
the host SAN ports, the connections are the same on all four modules:
Dual-PORT 4Gb Fibre Channel controller:
1345 6827
This table details the items called out in the controller components photos:
1Expansion array port (SAS)
2Battery Backup Module (BBM) slot
3Port for APC Smart-UPS communication
4Console serial port
5Management console port
6BBM status button – used to check the battery when the power is OFF.
Press the Status button to activate:
• If the LED shows Green, then the BBM still has power to keep data
in the cache.
• If LED stays OFF, then the BBM power has run out and it cannot
provide power for the cache anymore. It needs to be recharged or
7LEDs (from left to right):
• BBM LED (when status button pressed):
Green = BBM installed and powered.
Off = No BBM installed or dead.
• Cache LED:
Orange = Data on the cache waiting for flush.
Off = No data on the cache.
• Master Slave (MS) LED:
Green = This is the Master controller.
Off = This is the Slave controller.
• Controller (CTR) Health LED:
Green = Controller status normal.
Red = System booting or controller is not working
properly. For example, a hardware failure or
software error causing a hang.
8SAN ports (depending on model):
• 4Gb Fibre Channel ports (x2) (shown without SFP modules)
• Gigabit iSCSI ports (x4)
• 10Gb iSCSI ports (x2) (shown without SFP+ modules)
RAID is the abbreviation of Redundant Array of Independent Disks. The basic idea of RAID
is to combine multiple individual drives together to form one large logical drive or volume.
The operating system detects the RAID drive as a single storage device.
There are different RAID levels with different degrees of data protection, data availability,
and performance. A description of supported RAID levels follow:
TypeDescriptionMin. No. of Drives
RAID 0 Disk striping. At least one
RAID 1 Disk mirroring over two disks. At least two
RAID 3 Disk striping with parity on a dedicated disk. At least three
RAID 5 Disk striping with distributed parity. At least three
RAID 6 Disk striping with dual-distributed parity. At least four
RAID 0+1 Disk mirroring of a RAID 0 group. At least four
RAID 10 Disk striping of a RAID 1 group. At least four
RAID 30 Disk striping of a RAID 3 group. At least six
RAID 50 Disk striping of a RAID 5 group. At least six
RAID 60 Disk striping of a RAID 6 group. At least eight
JBOD Independently address a drive. At least one
Volume Relationships
The following graphic describes the relationship of RAID components. One RAID Group
consists of a set of virtual disks and owns one RAID level attribute. Each RAID Group can be
divided into several virtual disks. The virtual disks in one group share the same RAID level,
but may have different volume capacities. All virtual disks share the Cache Volume (CV) to
execute the data transaction. Logical Unit Number (LUN) is a unique identifier, in which
users can access through SCSI commands.
Fibre Channel Concepts
Fibre Channel is a gigabit-speed network technology which transports SCSI commands over
Fibre Channel networks. Fibre Channel was primarily concerned with simplifying the
connections and increasing distances, but later designers added the goals of connecting SCSI
disk storage, providing higher speeds and far greater numbers of connected devices.
The SnapSAN S1000 Fibre Channel controller only supports loop networks. It does not work
with Fabric networks.
A Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) is a Fibre Channel network in which up to 126
systems and devices are connected in a loop topology, with each transmitter connecting to
the receiver of the device on its logical right. The Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop protocol
used for transmission is different from Fibre Channel switched and point-to-point protocols.
Multiple FC-AL loops can be connected via a fabric switch to extend the network.
Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is a protocol which encapsulates SCSI commands and data in TCP/IP
packets for linking storage devices with servers over common IP infrastructures. iSCSI
provides high performance Storage Area Networks (SAN) over standard IP networks like
LAN, WAN, or the Internet.
IP SANs are true Storage Area Networks which allow several servers to attach to an infinite
number of storage volumes by using iSCSI over TCP/IP networks. IP SANs can scale the
storage capacity with any type and brand of storage system. In addition, it can be used by
any type of network (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet)
and any combination of operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X,
etc.) within the SAN network. IP SANs also include mechanisms for security, data
replication, multi-path, and high availability.
Storage protocols, such as iSCSI, have “two ends” in the connection. These ends are initiator
and target. In iSCSI, they are called the iSCSI initiator and the iSCSI target. The iSCSI
initiator requests or initiates any iSCSI communication like read or write. The iSCSI target
can be the storage device itself or an appliance which controls and serves volumes or virtual
volumes. It performs SCSI commands sent by the initiator or is a bridge to an attached
storage device.
The initiator can be either software or hardware (HBA). Refer to the SnapSAN S1000
Compatibility Guide on the Overland Storage web site for the latest certification list. OS
native initiators or other software initiators use standard TCP/IP stack and Ethernet
hardware, while iSCSI HBAs use their own iSCSI and TCP/IP stacks on board. Hardware
iSCSI HBAs also provide their own initiator tool. Please refer to the vendors’ HBA user
guide. Microsoft, Linux, Solaris, and Mac provide software versions of iSCSI initiator
SAS Concepts
SAS, short for Serial Attached SCSI, is a point-to-point serial protocol that replaces parallel
SCSI bus technology (multidrop) and uses the standard SCSI command set. It has no
termination issues, supports up to 16,384 devices (using expanders), and eliminates clock
skew. It consists of an Initiator that originates device service requests, a Target containing
logical units that receives device service requests, and a Service Delivery Subsystem that
transmits information between the Initiator and the Target.
With the availability of 3Gbps and 6Gbps SAS, performance is now on par with fibre channel
design and in highly random read environments can outperform fibre channel.
This chapter explains how to install your SnapSAN S1000. Sections in this chapter include:
•First Things First—Activate Your Warranty!
•Connection Planning
•Installation Overview
•Powering ON / OFF
First Things First—Activate Your Warranty!
Before installing your new SnapSAN S1000, drives, and controllers, it is essential that you
activate your Overland warranty. Technical and warranty support are not available until
this is done:
NOTE: The serial number of the chassis, controllers, and battery backup modules from the
attached labels are needed to complete this process.
1. Go to the Overland Storage web site at:
2. Select Service & Support > My Products.
3. At the Site Login, enter your email address and password.
NOTE: If you are not yet a member, click “New member?” and follow the instructions given. It’s
free and easy!
4. Under the My Products tab, click Register New.
5. Fill in the Server information and click Submit.
6. Repeat Steps 4–5 for all the drive packs, controllers, and BBMs.
Serial numbers can be found on the box labels.
IMPORTANT: Within three business days after registering, you will receive an email from
Overland with your warranty certificate. Review it carefully and verify that the product and
address information is accurate. If errors are found, email us at:
The System Maintenance > System Information tab also provides useful information for
registering the product.
Use this checklist to help you plan the incorporation of your single controller SnapSAN
S1000 into your SAN network. For a dual-controller system (shown in square brackets),
double the number of connections:
IP AddressDHCP (default) or Static
GbE SwitchOne [or two] RJ45
Fibre ChannelTwo [or four] 4Gbs (SFP) on a Fibre switch
1Gb iSCSIFour [or eight] 1Gbs (RJ45) on a 1Gb Ethernet switch
10Gb iSCSITwo [or four] 10Gbs (SFP+) on a 10Gb Ethernet switch
SAS DirectOne [or two] 6Gbs (or 3Gbs) SAS (SFF-8088) available on
each host. Two [or four] for connections with redundancy.
Maximum of four [or eight] hosts with dual controllers
without redundancy or two [or four] with redundancy.
SAS SwitchedTwo [or four] 6Gbs (or 3Gbs) SAS (SFF-8088) available on
SAS switch to desired hosts
Installation Overview
WARNING: It is recommended that a mechanical lifter (or at least two people) be used to raise
and align the unit to prevent injury during installation. Use care when inserting or removing a
unit into or out of a rack to prevent the accidental tipping of the rack causing damage or personal
AVERTISSEMENT: il est recommandé que la mécanique lifter (ou au moins deux personnes)
soit utilisé pour élever et d'unifier l'appareil pour éviter des blessures pendant l'installation.
Faites attention lorsque vous insérer ou de retirer une unité d'entrée ou de sortie d'un support pour
empêcher le déversement accidentel de la crémaillère causant des dommages ou des blessures.
CAUTION: Overland strongly recommends that you install the unit in a clean, air-conditioned
environment with power conditioning and an adequately rated uninterruptible power supply
(UPS). The unit is intended to be grounded.
IMPORTANT: Before unpacking the unit, ensure that the area is free from conditions that
cause electrostatic discharge (ESD). Discharge static electricity from your body by touching a
known grounded surface. Also, avoid touching pins, leads, or circuitry.
•A host with a Gigabit Ethernet NIC (recommended).
•A management computer on the same network as the SnapSAN S1000.
•Use either CAT 5e or CAT 6 (recommended) network cables for the management port
and the iSCSI data ports (10GB and 1Gb controllers only).
•A storage system configuration plan by your network administrator.
The plan should include network information for the management port and iSCSI data
ports. If using static IP addresses, prepare a list of the static IP addresses, the subnet
mask, and the default gateway.
•Gigabit switches (recommended) or Gigabit switches with VLAN / LACP / Trunking
•For a 4-port Gigabit S1000, 4 or 8 available ports on a Gigabit switch.
•For a 2-port 10GbE S1000, 2 or 4 available 10Gb ports with SFP+ connections.
•For a 2-port Fibre Channel S1000, 2 or 4 available 4Gb Fibre Channel ports with
SFP connectors.
•For a 2-port SAS S1000, 2 or 4 available 6Gb SAS ports with SFP connectors (or
connect directly to hosts with SFP connectors for Direct Attach Storage (DAS)
•CHAP security information, including CHAP user name and secret (optional). See
“Overland Glossary & Acronym List” for details.
•For dual-controller systems, it is recommended that the host logon to the target twice
(both Controller 1 and Controller 2), and then the MPIO should setup automatically.
•For an iSCSI dual-controller system, install an iSNS server on the same LAN
Drive Slot Numbering
The drives can be installed into any slot in the enclosure. Slot numbering is reflected in Web
Management Interface.
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12
Different capacity drives can be installed; however, they should not be in the same RAID set,
because capacity usage for all drives in the RAID is limited to the smallest drive capacity.
IMPORTANT: Install at least one drive in Slots 1 to 4 (shaded slots). System event logs are
saved in these drives. Otherwise, event logs no longer exist after a reboot.
Installing the SnapSAN S1000
Using detailed instructions from the SnapSAN S1000 Quick Start Guide that came in the
Accessory Kit, install the unit in the rack as follows:
1. Install the Battery Backup Modules in their appropriate controllers.
2. At the rear, install the Master controller in its slot (CL1).
3. If desired, install the optional Secondary Controller in its slot (CL2).
4. Install the Rail Kit onto the unit and insert it into the rack.
5. Install the Disk Drive assemblies.
6. Connect the data and management cables based on the network plan.
7. Attach the power cords and power ON the unit.
8. Confirm or set the IP address and start the configuration for your needs.
Powering ON / OFF
Power Up the SnapSAN S1000
The power switch is located in the center of the rear panel’s lower section. To turn the
storage array ON, press “|” (switch top).
After you turn the power ON, the System performs a self-test process, which takes a couple
of minutes.
Powering Down the SnapSAN S1000
If it becomes necessary to power down the system, it is recommended using a normal,
controlled shutdown from either the Front Panel Display or the Web Management Interface
to ensure all data is flushed from the cache first.
Shutdown Using the Web Management Interface
Using the Web Management Interface:
1. Select System Maintenance > Reboot and Shutdown.
2. Click the Shutdown icon.
3. When the “System Shutdown” message is shown on the Front Panel Display, move the
main power switch to OFF (O).
Shutdown Using Front Panel Display
At the Front Panel Display:
1. Power off the unit using a normal shutdown.
a. Press ENT.
b. Press ▼ twice to show Reboot/Shutdown, and press ENT.
There are two primary methods to manage a SnapSAN S1000—the Web Management
Interface and the Front Panel Display.
Web Management Interface
For remote management and daily usage, the SnapSAN S1000 uses a web graphic user
interface called the Web Management Interface. It supports most common web browsers,
including Internet Explorer 7 or 8, and Firefox 3.5. JavaScript must be enabled in the
browser and a LAN cable connected to the Management port of the SnapSAN S1000.
The default IP setting is DHCP. Check the Front Panel Display to find the DHCP address
displayed there. If your network doesn’t have a DHCP server, you will need to configure a
static IP address using the Front Panel Display (as detailed in the SnapSAN S1000 Quick Start Guide).
Enter the unit’s IP address into your browser to access the authentication screen. With some
browsers, you may need to prefix the address with “http://” (for example,
Basic Configuration
To access the Web Management Interface of the SnapSAN S1000, you must enter a user
name and password. The initial defaults for Administrator login are:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
NOTE: For user level access, enter “user” as the User Name and no password. If needed, you can
add a User password by logging on as the Administrator and going to System Configuration
> Login Settings.
When the password has been verified, the Home Page is displayed.
and Icons
(Content Page)
Menu Bar
Choose the functions from the Menu Bar on the left side of the window to make any
configuration changes. The second item changes based on the type of controllers:
NOTE: The iSCSI Configuration menu bar option is only shown when iSCSI controllers are used in
the S1000. The Fibre Channel Configuration menu appears for Fibre Channel controllers.
There are up to seven indicators and three icons above the Menu Bar. The last indicator
(Dual Controller) is only visible when two controllers are installed.
RAID light:
Green = All RAID Groups are functioning.
Red = A RAID Group is degraded or has failed.
Temperature light:
Green = Temperature is normal.
Red = Temperature is high.
Voltage light:
Green = Internal power levels are normal.
Red = Internal power levels are abnormal.
UPS light:
Green = UPS functioning or no UPS connected.
Red = UPS connection has failed.
Fan light:
Green = Fan working.
Red = Fan failed.
Power light:
Green = Both power supplies are connected and working.
Red = A power supply has failed or is no longer connected.
Dual controller light:
Green = Dual controllers are active and functioning.
Orange = One of the dual controllers has failed.
Return to Home Page.
Log out of the Management GUI.
Mute alarm beeper.
Tip: Internet Explorer users: If the status indicators in Internet Explorer (IE) are displayed in gray,
but not in blinking red, please enable Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Play animations in web pages options in IE. The default value is enabled, but some applications disable it.
For detailed information on the Web Management Interface, see Chapter 4, “Web
Management Interface.”
Front Panel Display
NOTE: The Front Panel Display bottom row of buttons are only accessible with the bezel removed.
After booting up the system, the Front Panel Display on the front of the unit shows the
management port IP and “SnapSAN.”
To access the Front Panel Display options, press the Enter (ENT) button. Use the Up (▲) and
Down (▼) arrows to scroll through the functions:
•System Info – Displays the firmware version and amount of RAM.
•Alarm Mute – Mutes an alarm after an Error occurs.
•Reboot/Shutdown – Reboots or shutdowns the system.
•Quick Install – Provides steps to create a RAID Group.
•Volume Wizard – Provides steps to create a volume.
•View IP Setting – Displays current IP address, subnet mask, and gateway.
•Change IP Config – Sets IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. There are 2 options:
DHCP (Get IP address from DHCP server) or static IP.
•Enclosure Mgmt – Shows the enclosure data for disk drive temperatures, fan status,
and the power supply status.
•Reset to Default – Resets the SnapSAN S1000 to default settings.
The default resets include Administration password set to “admin,” IP address type set
to “DHCP,” the DHCP default IP address set to “,” subnet mask set to
“,” and gateway set to “”
Warning or Error events displayed on the Front Panel Display are automatically filtered by
the Front Panel Display default filter. It can be changed in the Web Management Interface
under System Configuration > Log and Alert Settings.
CAUTION: To prevent data loss, when powering down the SnapSAN S1000, perform a normal
shutdown (Reboot/Shutdown > Shutdown > Yes) to flush any data from the cache to the
physical disks, as opposed to simply turning the power OFF.
Front Panel Display Usage
Press the ENT button to access the options shown in the next column to the right. Use the ▲
and ▼ buttons to move up and down the list.
Press ESC to return to the next higher level shown in the column to the left.
At an option that requires a Yes or No response (▲Yes No▼), press the ▲ button for Yes
and the ▼ button for No.
To change IP addresses, use ▲ to increase the number, ▼ to decrease the number, ENT to
move to the right, and ESC to move to the left. After changing the last digit on the right,
press ENT to accept the change and return to the higher level.
Serial Console
Should the need arise, use the provided console cable (NULL modem cable) to connect from
console port of the SnapSAN S1000 to the RS-232 port of management computer. The
console settings are:
Baud rate: 115200, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Terminal type: vt100
Login name: admin
Default password: admin
Secure Shell Remote Access
If desired, SSH (secure shell) software can be also used for remote login.
Host name: The DHCP address from the Front Panel Display
Login name: admin
Default password: admin
Tip: When using SSH, the IP address and password are required for login.
The Web Management Interface is a web-based GUI accessed through your browser. This
chapter reviews all the options available in the Web Management Interface. Refer to “Web
Management Interface” on page 3-1 for details on logging in and using the interface.
Interface Hierarchy
This table shows the hierarchy of the Web Management Interface:
Menu Bar ItemLevel 1Level 2, Button, or Menu (▼)
System Configuration System SettingsSystem Name / Date and Time / System Identification
Fibre Channel
(This option is only
visible when using
Fibre Channel
iSCSI Configuration
(This option is only
visible when using
iSCSI controllers)
Web Management Interface
Network SettingsMAC Address / IP Address / DNS Server Address /
Service Ports
Login SettingsLogin Options / Admin Password / User Password
Email Notification
Log and Alert Settings SNMP Trap Settings / Windows Messenger / Syslog Server
Fibre ChannelChange the link speed.
Network SetupMenu options: iSCSI Bonding Settings / iSCSI IP Address
/ Attach LUN / Detach LUN / List LUNs / Set Clone / Set
Snapshot Space / Cleanup Snapshots / Take a Snapshot /
Scheduled Snapshots / List Snapshots / More Information
Create button: Create a Virtual Disk dialog box
Cloning Options button: Snapshot Space / Threshold / Restart
the task an hour later if failed
SnapshotsSet Snapshot Space button: Virtual Disk / Size / Free Capacity
Scheduled Snapshots button: Months to Take Snapshots /
Weeks to Take Snapshots / Days to Take Snapshots / Hours
to Take Snapshots
Take a Snapshot button: Virtual Disk / Snapshot Name
Cleanup Snapshots button
(Three step wizard. See “Volume Creation Wizard” on page 4-42 for details.)
System Configuration
The System Configuration menu option is for accessing the System Settings, Network
Settings, Login Settings, Email Notification Settings, and Log and Alert Settings option
System Settings
The System Settings tab on the System Configuration screen is used to setup the system
name and date. The default System Name is the SnapSAN model name.
Options available on this screen:
•To change the System Name, highlight the old name and type in a new one.
•To change the current date, time, and time zone settings, check Change Date And
Time. The changes can be done manually or you can synchronize the time from an
NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.
•To locate this server in the racks, click the Flash button in the System Indication
section to flash the array’s drive LEDs. Click it again to turn them off.
•To disable the Front Panel Display buttons, click Yes in that section.