Overland®, Overland Data®, Overland Storage®, ARCvault®, LibraryPro®, LoaderXpress®, Multi-SitePAC®, NEO®, NEO Series®,
PowerLoader®, Protection OS®, REO®, REO 4000®, REO Series®, Snap Care®, SnapServer®, StorAssure®, ULTAMUS®, VR2®, WebTLC®, and
XchangeNOW® are registered trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
GuardianOS™, SnapWrite™, Snap Enterprise Data Replicator™, and Snap Server Manager™ are trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any resemblance to
actual companies or individuals, whether past or present, is coincidental.
All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland Storage. By accepting this material the recipient
agrees that this material and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in trust and will not be used, reproduced in whole or
in part, nor its contents revealed to others, except to meet the purpose for which it was delivered. It is understood that no right is conveyed to
reproduce or have reproduced any item herein disclosed without express permission from Overland Storage.
Overland Storage provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Overland Storage may make improvements or changes in the products or
programs described in this manual at any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Overland Storage assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this manual, nor for any problem that
might arise from the use of the information in this manual.
Overland Storage, Inc.
4820 Overland Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
The Overland Storage REO 4600 REO 4600 appliance serves as a shared network
resource by utilizing high-capacity disks; high-speed Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and
Internet SCSI (iSCSI) connectivity; and unique software intelligence capability.
The REO 4600 comes with a standard software package called Protection OS®
already installed. Protection
need to configure your REO 4600 to work within your network environment.
This document includes information that helps you set up the REO 4600,
including system requirements, questions that you need to answer before
installing the product, and installation procedures.
OS software contains all the basic features that you
This user guide exercises several typographical conventions to help explain how to
use the REO 4600 appliance.
ConventionDescription & Usage
BoldfaceWords in boldface indicate items to select such as menu items or
command buttons.
Ctrl-Alt-rThis type of format details the keys you press simultaneously. In this
example, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the r key.
NOTEA Note indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or
supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies
information that may apply only in special cases—for example,
memory limitations or details that apply to specific versions of a
IMPORTANTAn Important note is a type of note that provides information
essential to the completion of a task or that can impact the product
and its function.
CAUTIONA Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid
damaging or permanently deleting data or causing physical damage
to the hardware or system.
WARNINGA Warning contains information essential to people’s safety. It
Flow Indicator (>) Words in bold font with a greater than sign between them indicate the
Software Updates
The latest release of the Protection OS® software can be obtained from the
Overland Storage FTP site.
1. Point your browser to
2. Open the appropriate version folder.
advises users that failure to take or avoid a specific action could
result in physical harm to the user or hardware.
flow of actions to accomplish a task. For example, Setup > Passwords
> User indicates that you should press the Setup button, then the
Passwords button, and finally the User button to accomplish a task.
3. Download the latest software file labeled overland_nnnn.upgrade
(where “nnnn” represents the latest version number).
For additional assistance, search at http://support.overlandstorage.com/.
Product Documentation
The REO product documentation and additional literature are available online at:
Overland Technical Support
For assistance configuring and using your appliance, search for help at:
Our Overland Storage Technical Support staff is also available to assist you at:
1 (877) 654-3429 (Toll-free and active only in US and Canada)
+1 (858) 571-5555 Option 5 (Worldwide)
They are available on normal business days, 6 AM through 5 PM (PST), excluding
Overland holidays. At all other times we will respond to technical support calls
within 4 hours.
Technical support for our EMEA customers is available from our UK office at:
+44 (0) 118-9898050
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GMT)
Monday through Friday
You can e-mail our technical support staff at techsupport@overlandstorage.com or
get additional technical support information on the Contact Us web page.
A discharge of static electricity can damage micro-circuitry or static-sensitive
devices. To help prevent Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), observe the following
• Transport and store items in static-safe containers.
• Keep electrostatic-sensitive parts in their containers.
• Use properly-grounded tools.
• Make sure you are always properly grounded.
• Keep the work area free of non-conductive materials.
Installing the Appliance in the Rack ................................................................................................... 2-6
Installing Disk Drives ............................................................................................................................... 2-7
Connecting a UPS ...................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Chapter 3 - Powering Up the Appliance
Disk Insertion Verification ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
Enabling Power ........................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Power Supplies ...................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Shutting Down the Appliance ................................................................................................................... 3-3
Backup Power ............................................................................................................................................. 3-4
UPS Power Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Behavior When Connected to UPS ..................................................................................................... 3-5
Set Up Network Addressing ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
Logging On ............................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Entering Configuration Settings for the Management Port ............................................................. 4-3
Configuring the GbE Data Ports ............................................................................................................... 4-4
Configuring FC Data Ports ......................................................................................................................... 4-5
Entering the System Information ............................................................................................................... 4-6
Setting the Local Time ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
RAID Setup with One or More Expansion Units ................................................................................ 4-11
Chapter 5 - Virtual Tape Library Setup
Adding a VTL ............................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Displaying VTL Status ............................................................................................................................. 5-8
Backing Up the Appliance Configuration ............................................................................................... 5-9
Restoring Configuration Settings From Backup File ..............................................................................5-10
Standalone Disk Devices ........................................................................................................................... 6-1
Creating Standalone Disk Devices ..................................................................................................... 6-1
Modifying Standalone Disk Devices ................................................................................................... 6-2
Setting the SCSI Time-Out Value in Windows Environments ............................................................. 6-3
Add iSCSI Initiator Access for Standalone Devices ................................................................................ 6-6
Add FC Initiator Access for Standalone Devices .................................................................................... 6-7
Configuring a Static Route ........................................................................................................................ 6-8
Removing a Route ................................................................................................................................ 6-9
Making a Backup Copy of the Configuration File .................................................................................. 6-9
Restoring Configuration Settings From Backup File ......................................................................... 6-10
Chapter 7 - Working With the Appliance
Logging On from Any System with Network Access ............................................................................... 7-1
Logging Off the GUI .............................................................................................................................. 7-1
Establishing Communication Between the Systems ............................................................................... 7-2
Connecting the REO Ports ................................................................................................................... 7-2
Looking at How Dynamic Tape Devices Work ........................................................................................ 7-3
Checking Communication with Other Appliances or Systems ............................................................. 7-3
Refreshing the GUI Display ......................................................................................................................... 7-4
Reviewing How the Disk Drives are Numbered ....................................................................................... 7-4
Understanding What the LEDs Represent ................................................................................................ 7-5
Front Panel LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Back Panel LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Relocating (Moving) an Appliance ......................................................................................................... 7-7
Using Compression ..................................................................................................................................... 9-1
List of Appliance-Specific Alerts ................................................................................................................A-2
List of Generic SNMP Alerts (Traps) ......................................................................................................A-4
Using the Log Files .......................................................................................................................................A-6
Windows Application Event Log Errors .....................................................................................................A-7
Unable to Access the Appliance .............................................................................................................A-7
Appliance Does Not Start Correctly .........................................................................................................A-7
Unable to Log On to the GUI ....................................................................................................................A-8
Internet Explorer Does Not Redirect from IP Address on Windows Server 2003 .............................A-8
Reset Internet Explorer Security Settings .............................................................................................A-8
GUI Stops Responding or Displays a Refresh Error ...................................................................................A-9
Addressing an Unresponsive GUI ........................................................................................................A-9
Addressing a Refresh Error Message ...................................................................................................A-9
Out of Resources Message When Trying to Create a VTL ...................................................................A-11
Unexpectedly Logged Off .......................................................................................................................A-11
Unable to Connect to the Disks via Windows Explorer ........................................................................A-11
Perpetual Loop of Audible Alerts on the Appliance ............................................................................A-12
Disabling the Audible Alarm on the Appliance ....................................................................................A-12
Recover System Page Appears in the GUI ............................................................................................A-13
Troubleshooting a Disk Drive Problem ....................................................................................................A-15
Rebuilding a RAID Volume (Without Hot Spare) .............................................................................A-16
Re-creating a Hot Spare (RAID With Hot Spares) ............................................................................A-17
Purchasing a Spare Disk Drive .................................................................................................................A-17
Impact of a Power Outage .....................................................................................................................A-17
Restoring a Configuration ........................................................................................................................A-17
Appendix B - Specifications
Capacities, Requirements and Limits ....................................................................................................... B-1
Industry Canada ................................................................................................................................... B-3
Title Bar .................................................................................................................................................. C-2
Submenu Bar ........................................................................................................................................ C-2
Disk ......................................................................................................................................................... C-6
FC Initiator Access ............................................................................................................................... C-8
FC LUN Map ........................................................................................................................................ C-11
System Tab ................................................................................................................................................ C-12
System Summary ................................................................................................................................ C-13
Disk Management ............................................................................................................................. C-14
Set Time ............................................................................................................................................... C-21
Setting the Time Manually ........................................................................................................... C-22
Setting the Time by NTP Server ................................................................................................... C-22
Disabling NTP Time Synchronization ........................................................................................... C-22
System Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................ C-25
Support Request File .................................................................................................................... C-25
Ping an IP Address ........................................................................................................................ C-25
Contact Us .......................................................................................................................................... C-25
About Initiators and Targets ...................................................................................................................... E-1
How Targets and Initiators are Associated ........................................................................................ E-2
Appendix F - Customer Support
Registering Your Product ........................................................................................................................... F-1
Locating Additional Information for Your Product .................................................................................. F-2
Updating the Appliance ............................................................................................................................ F-3
Determining the Version of Your Protection OS Software ................................................................ F-3
Checking For and Downloading Updates ......................................................................................... F-4
Updating the Appliance ...................................................................................................................... F-4
The Overland Storage REO 4600 disk-based backup and recovery appliance (Figure 1-1)
with Protection OS® software delivers volume and device virtualization, management,
and connectivity capabilities, plus offers both iSCSI and Fibre Channel (FC) connectivity
Figure 1-1: REO 4600 Disk Backup and Recovery Appliance
The VTL uses a Web-based interface and can be easily configured as either a virtual tape
library (VTL) and/or any mix of standalone virtual tape drives, Dynamic Virtual Tape
(DVT) drives, or virtual disks. Using DVT, users can create virtual tape cartridges that
automatically expand or shrink as needed to match the exact capacity requirements of the
backup operation.
The REO 4600 offers optional add-on data compression hardware that provides high
performance compression and decompression capabilities for use with any virtual tape
device. It provides 2:1 or better compression without sacrificing performance.
NOTE: Hardware compression is only available for virtual tape drives; it is not an available option
for disk targets.
Once the hardware card is installed, compression is enabled and is available for all virtual
tape devices on the REO 4600. The also implements in-band host application enable or
disable requests, and monitors the compression status for the virtual tape devices.
NOTE: Hardware compression settings cannot be changed manually.
Reviewing Pre-Installation Requirements
Before attempting to operate the REO 4600 with your backup media servers, verify that
your network meets the minimum requirements specified in the following sections.
For best results, Overland strongly recommends that you use a dedicated GbE network to
share the storage resources on the REO 4600 among multiple backup media servers.
To ensure optimum performance, always use the appropriate patch cables to connect the
REO 4600 to the backup-server storage network. To select the appropriate cables, use the
following guidelines:
• If you intend to use GbE, you must use Category 5e (or better) cables for GbE
connections. You can use either straight-through or cross-over cables.
• If you intend to connect the REO 4600 to a 100BASE-T or faster network, use
Category 5 (or better) shielded cables.
• The maximum length of cable for any Ethernet-based network connection is 328 feet
(100 meters).
NOTE: For smaller environments, you can attach the REO 4600 directly to a single application or
backup server by using standard Category 5e cables without the use of a switch.
Initiators are required to communicate with the REO 4600 targets (devices). Each backup
media server that will interface with the REO 4600 must be equipped with a software- or
hardware-based initiator. The REO 4600 supports any computing platform with an
available iSCSI initiator, either in software or using an iSCSI HBA (it must comply with
iSCSI draft 20, version 1.0).
The REO 4600 GUI is a Web-enabled program that requires the use of cookies, Java
applets, and JavaScript. Make sure that the Web browser you use is configured to allow
these items.
The main steps involved in setting up the REO 4600 include:
1. Activate the warranty coverage.
2. Install the rack rails.
3. Insert the appliance into the rack.
4. Attach the network cables.
5. Attach the appliance to a UPS.
First Things First—Activate Your Warranty!
Before installing your new appliance, it is essential that you activate your Overland
warranty. Technical and warranty support are not available until this is done:
1. Go to the Overland Technical Support web site at:
2. At the MEMBER LOGIN (Figure 2-1), use your e-mail address and password to log
in to the site.
NOTE: If you are not yet a member, click “New member?” and follow the instructions. It’s
free and easy!
Figure 2-1: Login and Sign-up Links
3. At the Support Home page menu on the left, select My Products > Add or
Register a Product.
4. Fill in the information and click Submit.
IMPORTANT: Within three business days after registering, you will receive an e-mail from
Overland with your warranty certificate. Carefully review it and verify that the product and
address information is accurate. If any errors are found, e-mail us at:
CAUTION: Overland strongly recommends that you install the unit in a clean, air-conditioned
environment with power conditioning and an adequately rated uninterruptible power supply
(UPS). The unit is intended to be grounded.
Unpacking the REO Appliance
The REO 4600 appliance ships with up to twelve disk drives assembled into carriers and
packaged separately.
An Accessory Kit is included containing:
• Power cords
• Rack kit and adaptors
• REO 4600 Quick Start Guide
• REO 4600 Documentation CD
IMPORTANT: Before unpacking the unit, ensure that the area is free from conditions that
cause electrostatic discharge (ESD). Discharge static electricity from your body by touching a
known grounded surface. Also, avoid touching pins, leads, or circuitry.
Installing the Rail Kit
Your REO 4600 appliance comes with a set of slide rails for mounting the chassis in the
19-inch rack. The unit has a 2U form factor.
Each rail assembly consists of three rail members (Figure 2-2 on page 2-3). The inner
member is released from the rail assembly and attached to the appliance. The expandable
outer member along with the embedded middle member is mounted onto the rack.
The rail kit included with the appliance is adaptable for installation in the three major
types of hardware racks:
• Squared-holed RETMA rack on page 2-4
• Round-holed RETMA rack on page 2-4
• Round/Threaded-holed RETMA rack on page 2-5
NOTE: The two-post telco-style rack or a rack less than 32-inches in depth will not support the
REO 4600 appliance.
WARNING: Install multiple units in the rack from the bottom up. Extending a unit that has
empty spaces beneath it might cause the rack to tip and cause injury or damage. Overland
recommends that two people be used to insert or remove a unit.
The rails are not universal. They are stamped LH (left) and RH (right) and must be
mounted on the appropriate side (when facing the rack front).
NOTE: Make sure the “A” stamp is up and the two square holes on the adaptor are
aligned with the hooks on the outer rail.
b. Press the adaptor onto the hooks and slide it upwards until it locks (clicks).
NOTE: The rail buttons will pop into the square holes.
c. Repeat Steps a–b for the rear adaptor (“B”).
2. With you facing the rack (Figure 2-8), position the left outer rail on the front left
side of the rack, aligning the adaptor front outside the rack holes being used.
Figure 2-8: Using the Round-Hole Adaptors
3. Using a screws and cup washers from the kit, secure the front of the outer rail to
the rack.
IMPORTANT: If you plan to secure the REO 4600 appliance to the rack (highly
recommended), only use one screw and washer now and use the other to secure the
appliance after it is installed.
4. Slide the rear segment of the bracket rearward until the outside of the adaptor is
outside the rail and the hooks are in line with the correct holes.
5. Using the screws and cup washers from the kit, secure the rear of the outer rail
to the rack.
6. Repeat Steps 1–5 for the right outer rail.
Continue the installation with “Rack Installation.”
Rack Installation
Installing the Appliance in the Rack
WARNING: It is recommended that a mechanical lifter (or at least two people) be used to
prevent injury during rack removal and reinsertion.
1. At the front of the rack, pull out the middle members until they lock (click) in the
2. Confirm that the ball-bearing shuttle is all the way to the front of the middle
member (
Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9: Inserting Appliance Into Rack
3. Using a mechanical lifter or two people, lift the appliance to its install height and
engage the inner members mounted on the appliance with the middle members
protruding from the rack, sliding the appliance into the rack until it stops.
4. Slide the appliance in and out several times to ensure that the rail members slide
smoothly, the locks engage properly, and the appliance does not bind.
If binding occurs, verify that the front and rear flanges are mounted in the correct
holes, readjusting the slide positioning as necessary.
5. Using the two screws provided, secure the appliance flanges to the rack.
Figure 2-10: Secure the Appliance to Rack
Installing Disk Drives
The drives come packed separately. Once the appliance is in the rack, install the drives:
NOTE: Do not remove the disk drives from their carriers. Doing so voids the drive warranty.
1. Position the drive carrier assembly with the button to the right before you slide it
into the chassis.
2. With the lever open, carefully insert the drive assembly until it completely enters
the bay.
3. Push the lever back in place to lock it (Figure 2-11).
4. Repeat Steps 1–3 for each remaining drive carrier.
IMPORTANT: To maintain proper airflow and cooling, either a drive assembly or a blank
drive carrier must be installed in every slot.
5. Attach the bezel:
a. Insert the left tabs into the holes.
b. Push the right side in until it latches (clicks).
Attaching Cables
All cabling and power connections are located on the rear panel of your REO 4600
appliance (Figure 2-12). Connections are available for Ethernet, USB, and serial cabling.
All unit cooling exhaust is handled through the rear panel.
Once the unit is secured in the rack and the disk drives installed, you are ready to attach
the cables that connect the REO 4600 appliance to your host system and power source.
Figure 2-12. REO 4600 Rear Panel Connections
IMPORTANT: You cannot attach peripherals, such as keyboards, mice, and monitors, directly
to the rear of the REO 4600 appliance. To communicate with the appliance, use a computer
on your network.
The main steps involved in enabling power to the REO 4600 include:
• Making sure that the disks are correctly inserted in the appliance.
• Connecting the power cords to a power source and enabling power.
• Shutting down the appliance.
• Using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
Disk Insertion Verification
IMPORTANT: The REO 4600 head unit must be fully populated with drives that are all of the
same capacity. Also, expansion units must be fully populated with drives that are all of the
same capacity. The drives in one unit can be a different capacity than those in other units as long
as all the drives in a single unit are the same size.
Make sure that the disks are seated correctly to prevent an error state during the poweron procedure.
Enabling Power
IMPORTANT: Both power cords must be connected. If one of the cords is disconnected or
malfunctioning, the appliance beeps continuously until the situation is resolved. Overland
recommends that you use separate power mains for the power sources.
Power problems can be the cause of serious failures and downtime on your network.
Ensure that the power input to your system is clean and free from sags and surges to avoid
unforeseen network outages. Overland strongly recommends that you install power
conditioning and an adequately rated uninterruptible power supply (UPS), especially in
areas prone to blackouts, power dips, and electrical storms.
The REO 4600 is intended to be grounded. Ensure it is connected to earth ground during
normal use.
Power Supplies
Each of the two power supply modules contain:
• A socket for an AC line cord.
• A two-color LED for indicating the status of the power supply.
• When all outputs are available, the LED becomes green.
• If the power supply fails, the LED becomes red.
• A latch for releasing the power supply.
• A handle for pulling the power supply out of the appliance.
• A pair of fans to prevent overheating.
• A feature that verifies the following (if not detected, an alarm signal sounds):
• All output voltages V1 to V5 are within regulation.
• The fans are operating normally.
• The internal temperature of the power supply is normal.
Figure 3-1: Enabling Power to the Appliance
CAUTION: To power on a REO system with an expansion unit, refer to Chapter 8, “Expanding
Capacity.” If you do not complete these steps in this order, the appliance might start in an
error state.
To power up the appliance:
1. Plug the UPS power cord into a separate AC power source and turn the UPS ON.
IMPORTANT: If power is automatically enabled when you attach the UPS cord to an AC
power source, shut down the appliance by pressing the Power button for one second
and then releasing it before continuing with the setup process.
2. To power up the REO 4600, press and hold the Power button for about one second,
which starts the power-up sequence.
The power switch is located in the lower-left corner of the front panel. The power
switch is a momentary contact device that needs to be held no more than one second
to begin the power-up sequence.
After you turn the power on, the REO 4600 performs a power-on self-test (POST)
process. Following successful completion of the POST, which takes several minutes,
you should hear 3 beep tones spaced about 1 second apart.
If you are unable to hear the tones in your physical environment, wait about five minutes before continuing.
IMPORTANT: On startup, the appliance might reach an error state and begin an
endless loop of alerts. The pattern (2 beeps separated by a 1-second delay) repeats
every 4 seconds. If this occurs, turn the appliance off and then back on. For more
information, see “Perpetual Loop of Audible Alerts on the Appliance” on page A-12
3. After you hear the POST completion beep tones, proceed to the configuration steps
outlined in the next chapter,
“Configuring Your Appliance” on page 4-1.
IMPORTANT: You must leave the appliance ON while completing the configuration
process for your application and backup media servers.
Shutting Down the Appliance
IMPORTANT: To ensure preservation of data on the REO 4600, you should not turn off the
appliance using the Power button. Always use the Shut Down option located in the GUI.
NOTE: If you are setting up a new appliance and you did not complete the steps in the proper
order or power was automatically enabled, you might not have access to the Shut Down
option in the GUI.
To shut down the appliance via the GUI:
1. Make sure none of the initiators (servers) have active connections.
To determine connection status, check the Initiator Summary page in the GUI.
2. In the GUI, click System > Maintenance.
3. On the Maintenancepage, under Shut Down/Restart, click Shut Down.
4. When the confirmation message appears, click OK.
1. Press and release the Power button on the front of the appliance quickly (1 second
or less) to initiate a graceful software-system shut down process.
2. Wait up to 1-2 minutes to see if the appliance responds.
The power LED turns off after the shutdown process is finished.
3. If the appliance does not shut down after the first attempt, repeat
Steps 1–2 a second time.
CAUTION: Pressing and holding the Power button for 4 seconds or more causes an
immediate hardware shut down that might result in the loss of data on the appliance if there
are any active read-, write-, or management-operations. Whenever possible, turn off the
appliance using the GUI or the graceful shutdown method described earlier. If you must use
the immediate hardware shutdown method, make sure that you first stop all host and
management server-related activity.
Backup Power
In order to protect your data from loss due to sudden power interruption, your REO 4600
supports the use of an external UPS. The unit monitors the UPS via the USB port
(reporting the charge level on the System Summary page). When the REO 4600 senses a
low UPS power condition, it initiates a graceful shutdown that completes before the UPS
runs out of battery power.
UPS Power Monitoring
When the REO appliance detects that it is connected to a UPS, it displays the UPS
Information (
Figure 3-3) at the bottom of the System Summary page.
Figure 3-3: System Summary Page UPS Information
• When the REO is receiving power from the main AC source, the indicator bar is
green. A complete green bar and 100% indication mean that the UPS battery is fully
• When the main AC power is interrupted and the REO is powered by the UPS, the
indicator bar turns red (Figure 3-4). The red bar and the numeric indication grow
smaller as the UPS battery charge goes down.
Figure 3-4: REO Running on UPS Power
• When the primary AC power is restored, the indicator bar turns green. The green
bar and the numeric indication grow toward 100% as the UPS battery recharges
Behavior When Connected to UPS
A REO 4600 with a UPS works normally as long as the main AC power is supplied. When
the main AC power is interrupted and the REO 4600 detects battery power, it initiates a
graceful shutdown in such a way as to be completed before the battery power runs out.
Once initiated, the shutdown process continues to completion, even if the AC power has
been restored. Upon completion of the shutdown, and when the AC power has been
restored, the REO 4600 does not restart automatically. Use the Power button on the front
panel to restart the REO 4600.
Supported UPS Models
UPS support has been verified with the APC Smart-UPS 2200VA. Other UPS devices that
connect via the same driver can be found at:
The main steps involved in configuring your REO 4600 management environment are:
1. Entering default gateway and Management Port addresses.
2. Entering the Data Port information.
3. Entering Fibre Channel and system information.
4. Configuring logon information.
5. Configuring alerts.
6. Setting the applicable time information.
7. Connecting the appliance to the backup media servers, either via iSCSI or Fibre
The images shown in the following sections were captured on a Windows system. The
screens might appear slightly different if you are using a UNIX-based system.
Set Up Network Addressing
Before using your REO 4600, you must configure the network communication addresses.
The Management Port connects the REO 4600to the Management LAN. A workstation or
computer connected to the LAN can then be used to manage the REO 4600.
IMPORTANT: The Management Port and both Data Ports must be on a separate subnets.
Logging On
When setting up your REO 4600, you must initially connect to Data Port 1 and configure
the network settings.
1. Directly connect a laptop or other computer to Data Port 1.
2. Configure the NIC in the laptop to be on the network except
3. Launch a Web browser on the connected laptop.
4. In your Web browser, connect to the default IP address of
When you first access the GUI, it displays the System Summary page. The main menu
tabs are located at the lower left side of the title bar. Selecting a tab name displays the
submenu buttons in the side bar. The content page on the right displays the information
that corresponds to the submenu option you click.
Entering Configuration Settings for the Management Port
CAUTION: The Management Port MUST be configured.
The REO 4600 is preconfigured to use Data Port 1 as the initial communication
mechanism for your management system. It uses default IP address and subnet
mask Connecting the management system initially to Data Port 1 allows
for Management Port configuration (Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3: Initial Network Configuration Screen
NOTE: You cannot configure the Data Port to which you are currently connected. When you are
connected to Data Port 1 via the default IP, you can only configure the Management Port.
To configure Data Port 1, you must be connected to the Management Port.
1. With the GUI visible in your browser, verify that the System tab is selected.
2. Click Network Configuration to display the option screen.
3. In the Default Gateway section, enter the address you want to use and click
4. In the Management Port section, enter the address and subnet mask you want to
use and click Apply.
NOTE: Only when the Management Port has not yet been established does that section
5. Click the Logout link (Figure 4-4) on the right in the Title Bar.
Figure 4-4: Logout Link Location
6. Using a Category 5 (or better) cable, connect the Management Port to a switch or
hub on the Management LAN.
7. In a browser on the Management computer, enter the Management Port IP address
set in
Step 4.
8. Logon to the GUI using the same user name and password.
NOTE: If the computer attached to the Management Port is unable to access the GUI,
reconnect the laptop and use the address to double-check the information
you specified for the Default Gateway and Management Port.
Continue the configuration process by configuring the GbE data ports as described in the
next section,
“Configuring the GbE Data Ports.”
Configuring the GbE Data Ports
Data Port 1 and Data Port 2 are GbE data ports used for block-level data transport
between your backup media servers targets and the REO 4600. Data Port
2 are fully interchangeable before configuration.
IMPORTANT: The Management Port is on the Management LAN. Use Data Port 1 and Data
Port 2 on separate subnets of the backup network. Data Port 1 and Data Port 2 each
requires an available static IP address within their respective subnets. The REO can also be
managed via either of the data ports. Entering either data port IP address in your browser displays
the REO 4600 GUI.
The backup media servers must have a GbE port. If you have one or two backup media
servers, you can connect each one directly to one of the data ports on the REO 4600. If you
have more than two backup media servers, you must make these backup media server
connections through a GbE switch.
NOTE: You cannot configure the data port to which you are currently connected. When you are
connected to Data Port 1 via the default IP, you can only configure the Management Port.
To configure Data Port 1, you must be connected to the Management Port.
1 and Data
To configure the GbE ports:
1. At the System tab, click Network Configuration.
Because you are accessing the GUI through the Management Port, those port
options are not changeable.