1. Single User License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA, Overland Storage, Inc. (“Overland”) grants to you
(“Customer”) a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use (a) Overland software which provides the basic operating environment
for Overland equipment and whether pre-installed on, embedded in or provided with Overland equipment, and (b) the specific
Overland program modules or features which have been enabled by security keys supplied by Overland and for which Customer had
paid any applicable license fees (collectively, the “Software”), both of the foregoing in object code form only: (i) solely as pre-installed,
embedded in or provided with Overland equipment owned or leased by Customer; and (ii) for key-enabled Software corresponding to
the security key(s) supplied by Overland and for the license fees paid by Customer.
2. Limitations. Except as otherwise expressly provided under this EULA, Customer will have no right, and Customer will not:
(i) make error corrections to or otherwise modify or adapt the Software nor create derivative works based upon the Software, or to
permit third parties to do the same;
(ii) copy, in whole or in part, de compile, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to humanreadable form; or
(iii) remove the Software from the equipment in which it is embedded.
3. Upgrades and Additional Copies. For purposes of this EULA, “Software” will also include (and the terms and conditions of this
EULA will apply to) any upgrades, updates, bug fixes or modified versions (collectively, “Upgrades”) or backup copies of the Software
licensed or provided to Customer by Overland or an authorized distributor for which Customer had paid the applicable license fees
and holds the corresponding software keys. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Overland will have no obligation to provide any Upgrades
under this EULA. If Upgrades are provided, (i) Customer has no license or right to use any such additional copies or Upgrades unless
Customer, at the time of acquiring such copy or Upgrade, already holds a valid license and the corresponding security keys to the
original Software; and (ii) use of the Upgrades is limited to Overland equipment for which Customer is the original End-User
purchase or lessee.
4. U.S. Government Restriction Rights. The Software was developed at private expense and is provided with “RESTRICTED
RIGHTS” as set forth in this License Agreement. Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq., or its successors. The use of this Software constitutes
acknowledgement of Company’s and its licensors’ rights in the Software.
5. Notices of Proprietary Rights. Customer will maintain and reproduce all trademark, copyright, patent, and notices of other
proprietary rights on all copies, in any form, of the Software in the same form and manner that such trademark, copyright, patent,
and notices of other rights are included on the Software. Except as expressly authorized in this EULA, Customer will not make any
copies or duplicates of any Software without the prior written permission of Overland.
6. Proprietary Rights. The Software is and will remain the sole and exclusive property of Overland. Software is licensed, not sold,
by Overland hereunder. Any references to terms in connection with the foregoing, such as “sale”, “purchase” or “sell” will be
interpreted as licensed rights granted on a non-exclusive basis hereunder and as otherwise provided in this EULA. Overland’s rights
under this Section will include, but not be limited to: (i) all copies of the Software, in whole and in part; and (ii) all intellectual
property rights in the Software.
7. Confidential Information. Customer will not disclose or, except as expressly permitted in this EULA, use any Software or other
technical information disclosed to Customer by Overland (“Confidential Information”). Customer will take all reasonable measures
to maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information in Customer’s possession or control, which will in no event be less than
the measures Customer uses to maintain the confidentiality of Customer’s own information of equal importance. Confidential
Information will not include information tha t: (i) is in or enters the public domain without breach of this EULA; (ii) Customer receives
from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a nondisclosure obligation; or (iii) Customer develops
independently, which Customer can prove with written evidence.
The Confidential Information is a trade secret of Overland, the disclosure of which would cause substantial harm to Overland that
could not be remedied by the payment of damages alone. Accordingly, Overland will be entitled to preliminary and permanent
injunctive relief and other equitable relief for any breach of this Section.
8. Limited Software Warranty. Overland warrants that the Software will substantially conform to its published specifications for
a period of 90 days from the later of receipt of the equipment containing the Software or receipt of access to the Software. This limited
warranty extends only to Customer as the original licensee. Provided that (a) Customer has notified Overland of such substantial
non-conformance during the applicable warranty period, and (b) Overland has confirmed such Software to be substantially nonconforming, as Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy and Overland’s and its suppliers’ entire liability under this limited warranty,
Overland will, at its option, repair, replace, or refund the Software pursuant to Overland’s then-current warranty policy.
Except as expressly provided in this EULA, the Software is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. Overland does not
warrant that the Software is error free or that Customer will be able to operate the Software without problems or interruptions.
Overland reserves the right to charge additional fees for repairs or replacements performed outside of the 90-day limited warranty
This warranty does not apply if the Software or the Overland equipment in which the Software is embedded (i) is licensed for beta,
evaluation, testing or demonstration purposes for which Overland does not receive a license fee, (ii) has been altered, except by
Overland, (iii) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Overland, (iv)
has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress or to misuse, negligence, or accident, or (v) is used in ultra-hazardous
Each party recognizes and agrees that the warranty disclaimers and liability and remedy limitations in this EULA are material
bargained for bases of this EULA and that they have been taken into account and reflected in determining the consideration to be
given by each party under this EULA and in the decision by each party to enter into this EULA.
10. Term and Termination. This EULA is effective until terminated. Customer’s license rights under this EULA will terminate
immediately without notice from Overland if Customer fails to comply with any provision of this EULA. Upon termination, Customer
must destroy all copies of Software and the corresponding security keys in its possession or control.
11. Compliance With Law. Each party will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with its activities
under this EULA. Without limiting the foregoing, the Software, including technical data, is subject to United States export control
laws, including the United States Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import
regulations in other countries. Customer will comply strictly with all such regulations and acknowledges that Customer has the
responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export, or import the Software.
12. Restricted Rights. The Software will be classified as “commercial computer software” as defined in the applicable provisions of
the Federal Acquisition Regulation (the “FAR”) and supplements thereto, including the Department of Defense (DoD) FAR
Supplement (the “DFARS”). The parties acknowledge that the Software was developed entirely at private expense and that no part
of the Software was first produced in the performance of a Government contract. If the Software is supplied for use by DoD, the
Software is delivered subject to the terms of this EULA and either (i) in accordance with DFARS 227.702-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a), or
(ii) with restricted rights in accordance with DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (OCT 1988), as applicable. If the Software is supplied for
use by a Federal agency other than DoD, the Software is restricted computer software delivered subject to the terms of this EULA
and (i) FAR 12.212(a); (ii) FAR 52.227-19; or (iii) FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III), as applicable.
13. Third Party Software. Third party suppliers of materials integrated with the Overland equipment disclaim all implied
warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The collective liabilities of the
seller/licensor and its third party suppliers are subject to the limitation of liabilities described in this agreement. The third party
supplier is an intended beneficiary of this limitation.” Third party suppliers disclaim all liability for consequential or other indirect
damages or for loss of or damage to data or records.
14. General. This EULA will bind and inure to the benefit of each party’s successors and assigns, provided that Customer may not
assign or transfer this EULA, in whole or in part, without Overland’s written consent.
This EULA will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, United States of America, as if
performed wholly within the state and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law.
No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this EULA will act as a waiver of such rights.
Any waivers or amendments will be effective only if made in writing b y non-preprinted agreements clearly understood by both parties
to be an amendment or waiver and signed by a representative of the respective parties authorized to bind the parties.
If any portion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this EULA will remain in full force and effect.
This EULA is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding and
replacing any and all prior agreements, communications, and understandings (both written and oral) regarding such subject matter.
Any notice, report, approval or consent required or permitted hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given
if delivered personally or mailed by first-class, registered or certified US mail, postage prepaid to the respective addresses of the
parties. The prevailing party in any action to enforce this EULA will be entitled to recover costs and expenses including, without
limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees.
A material breach of this EULA adversely affecting Overland’s proprietary rights in the Software would cause irreparable injury to
Overland for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy and that Overland will be entitled to equitable relief in
addition to any remedies it may have hereunder or at law.
Overland® and Overland Storage® are registered trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc. Simply iSCSI, REO SERIES™, REO 100™,
REO 1000™, REO 4000™, REO 9000™, Protection OS™, Multi-SitePAC™, vtlPAC™, CompliancePAC™, BackPAC™, REO
SoftKey™, and D2D2T™ are trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The names of companies and individuals used in examples are fictitious and intended to illustrate the use of the software. Any
resemblance to actual companies or individuals, whether past or present, is coincidental.
All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland Storage. By accepting this material
the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein are held in confidence and in trust and will not be used,
reproduced in whole or in part, nor its contents revealed to others, except to meet the purpose for which it was delivered. It is
understood that no right is conveyed to reproduce or have reproduced any item herein disclosed without express permission from
Overland Storage.
Overland Storage provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited
to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Overland Storage may make improvements or
changes in the product(s) or programs described in this manual at any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of
this publication.
Overland Storage assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this manual, nor for any
problem that might arise from the use of the information in this manual.
Overland Storage, Inc.
4820 Overland Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
8 X Contents
The Overland Storage REO 1000 Disk-Based Backup-and-Recovery
Appliance takes the lag time, expense, and burden out of backing up
critical data and works seamlessly within current storage environments.
The REO Appliance performs faster than traditional disk-based storage
methods and serves as a shared network resource by utilizing highcapacity disks, high-speed Ethernet and Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
connectivity, and unique software intelligence capability from Overland
The REO Appliance comes with a standard software package called the
Protection OS. The Protection OS software contains all the basic features
that you need to configure your REO Appliance to work within your
network environment.
This document includes information that helps you set up the REO
Appliance, including system requirements, questions that you need to
answer before installing the product, and installation procedures.
Important: If you purchased multiple units, be aware that the keys are
not interchangeable and Overland strongly recommends that you
make a backup copy of the files on the keys before and after you
configure them.
Preface W 9
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
10 X Preface
Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts
and Requirements
The main steps involved in preparing to set up the REO Appliance
Step 1 Understanding the concepts of iSCSI, disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T)
backup, redundant array of independent disks (RAID), tape emulation,
logical volume management (LVM), and how the REO Appliance fits into
the picture.
Step 2 Reviewing the requirements that your servers and network must meet to
ensure successful installation and operation of the REO Appliance.
Important Concepts to Understand
To understand the configuration of the backup network and how it fits
into the local-area network (LAN), review the following sections.
Internet SCSI (iSCSI) Protocol
Internet SCSI (iSCSI) is a standard protocol for universal access to
shared storage devices over standard, Ethernet-based transmission
control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) networks. The connectionoriented protocol transports SCSI commands, data, and status across an
IP network. For more information, see Glossary and Acronym List on
page 143.
iSCSI Architecture
The iSCSI architecture is based on a client-server model. The client is a
host system that issues requests to read or write data. iSCSI refers to a
client as an initiator. The server is a resource that receives and executes
client requests. iSCSI refers to a server as a target.
File servers, which store the programs and data files shared by users,
normally play the role of server. With the REO Appliance, the application
and backup servers within your network act as clients or initiators and
the REO Appliance acts as a server or target. The initiators can either be
software drivers or iSCSI host bus adapters (HBAs) on the server that is
being backed up.
Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements W 11
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape (D2D2T) Backup Capabilities
The REO Appliance is a storage resource used by a single backup server
or shared by multiple backup servers using an Ethernet network. By
using standard backup software, you can copy backup data that resides
on the REO Appliance to tape for long-term data retention.
The following illustration shows application servers sending backup data
over a Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) LAN to backup servers sharing REO
Appliance D2D storage over GbE.
Application servers
Storage-Area Network (GbE)
Backup Network, 10/100/1000 BaseT
Backup Server
12 X Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
In addition to being part of the LAN, the backup servers, and the REO
Appliance are part of the GbE backup SAN.
interface (console)
Server 4
GbE or 10/100
GbE or 10/100
Tape sub-system
GbE Switch
GbE or 10/100
GbE or 10/100
GbE or 10/100
GbE or 10/100
Server 3Server 2Server 1
GbE or 10/100
GbE or 10/100
Backup server
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
RAID provides convenient, low-cost, reliable storage by saving data on
more than one disk drive simultaneously. If one disk drive in a RAID 5
configuration becomes unavailable, the others continue to work in a
degraded state, thus avoiding downtime for users.
Server 8Server 7Server 6Server 5
GbE or 10/100
Backup server
Tape sub-system
Note: Because RAID 5 is designed for data protection, you might see
performance degradation when compared to JBOD operations.
RAID allows you to group the individual disk drives on the REO
Appliance into logical disk drives of different sizes. You can configure
your REO Appliance to create a physical RAID volume by selecting either
of the following RAID options:
RAID 0. This configuration uses striping, which provides enhanced
performance and volume-level capacity. It divides the data into blocks
and writes each block to a separate disk drive, which improves
performance by dispersing the input and output load. RAID 0 does not
provide data redundancy.
RAID 5. This configuration uses striping and distributed parity,
which provides a balance between performance and availability. In
addition to dividing the data into blocks as described for RAID 0, the
parity information is also striped across the disks. If one of the disk
drives fails, you can use the parity information to rebuild the lost data.
Important Concepts to Understand W 13
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
In addition to using either of the preceding RAID configurations, you can
also take advantage of logical volume management (LVM) and create
logical volumes from the data pool.
Tape Emulation
The Protection OS software includes two tape emulation features, which
you can use to create virtual linear tape-open (LTO-2) tape devices that
provide 2-to-1 compression ratios with typical data sets (actual
performance might vary with application). When you use tape emulation,
the disk drives on the REO Appliance appear to your backup software as
LTO-2 tape drives, which simplifies the setup process while
simultaneously providing data compression and the attributes of backing
up data to disk. The REO Appliance uses an InstantSearch feature that
ensures you can recover any file in any directory in less than one second.
Depending on the configuration that you use, you get a different number
of virtual LTO-2 devices. In the just-a-bunch-of-disks (JBOD)
configuration, you can have up to four. If you use RAID 0 or 5 without
logical volumes, you can have one. If you use logical volumes with RAID 0
or 5, you can create up to 64 virtual LTO-2 devices.
If you decide to use tape emulation, you also have the option of using
fixed-length (Tape) or dynamic-length (Dynamic Tape) devices. To take
advantage of the Dynamic Tape option, you must use logical volumes,
which is described in the next section. Using Dynamic Tape lets you
create devices that adjust to the size of individual backup jobs.
Logical Volume Management (LVM)
With LVM, you can create multiple logical volumes (partitions) of
different sizes and assign logical unit numbers (LUNs) to represent the
different volumes, or REO devices. This feature lets you set up and assign
devices to different systems according to your needs and the
configuration and type of storage network that you use.
Using this feature in the Protection OS software, you can create up to 64
LUNs, and you can reassign space allocation for disk or standard (not
dynamic) virtual tape-devices, in 1 gigabyte (GB) increments, on the fly.
Virtual Tape-Libraries (VTLs)
The VTL feature lets you create up to four virtual libraries on your REO
Appliance that emulate a NEO SERIES tape library (NEO 2000, 4100, or
4200). The VTL appears as a standard physical library to your backup
software. (If you already use a physical library in your backup process,
this feature helps you integrate a disk-based backup solution into your
existing environment.) It includes virtual versions of the storage
elements (storage slots, also known as bins) and data-transfer elements
(tape drives) that make up a physical library or changer.
To take advantage of the VTL feature, you must use a RAID
configuration with logical volumes. Each virtual tape-cartridge is
automatically defined for you by the REO GUI as a device of type
Dynamic Tape, which means that it adjusts to the size of an individual
backup job. (For more information, refer back to Tape Emulation.) You
can create up to 180 virtual cartridges and 32 virtual drives.
14 X Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements
Reviewing Pre-Installation Requirements
Before attempting to operate the REO Appliance with your backup
servers, verify that your network meets the minimum requirements
specified in the following sections.
Important: If you purchased multiple units, be aware that the keys are
not interchangeable and Overland strongly recommends that you
make a backup copy of the files on the keys before and after you
configure them.
For best results, Overland Storage strongly recommends that you use a
dedicated GbE network to share the storage resources on the REO
Appliance among multiple backup servers.
To ensure optimum performance, always use the appropriate patch
cables to connect the REO Appliance to the backup-server storage
network. To select the appropriate cables, use the following guidelines:
You must use Category 5e (or better) cables for GbE connections. You
can use either straight-through or cross-over cables.
If you intend to connect the REO Appliance to a 100 BaseT network,
use Category 5 (or better) shielded (screened) or unshielded 100-ohm
twisted-pair RJ-45 network cables.
The maximum length of cable for any Ethernet-based network
connection is 328 feet (100 meters).
Note: For smaller environments, you can attach the REO Appliance
directly to a single application or backup server by using standard
Category 5e cables without the use of a switch.
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
iSCSI Initiators
iSCSI initiators are required to communicate with the iSCSI targets
(REO Devices) on the REO Appliance. Each backup server that will
interface with the REO Appliance must be equipped with a software- or
hardware-based initiator. The REO Appliance supports any computing
platform with an available iSCSI initiator, either in software or using an
iSCSI HBA (it must be iSCSI draft 20/version 1.0).
Reviewing Pre-Installation Requirements W 15
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
The REO GUI is a Web-enabled program that requires the use of cookies,
Java applets, and Java scripts. Make sure that the Web browser you use
is configured to allow these items.
Verifying the Settings in Internet Explorer
1 Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2 In the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3 On the Security tab, click Custom Level.
Click here.
4 In the Scripting section, verify tha t Enable is selected for Scripting of
Java applets.
Verify that this
option is selected.
16 X Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
5 On the Privacy tab, verify that the setting is Medium (or lower).
Verify that the slider is
set to Medium (or lower).
6 If you made any changes, click OK to save them.
Verifying the Settings in Firefox
1 Launch Mozilla Firefox.
2 In the Tools menu, click Options.
3 Click the Privacy icon, and expand the Cookies option.
4 Select the Allow sites to set cookies check box.
Verify that this check
box is selected.
Tip: If you want to limit what sites can set cookies, use the Exception
feature to specify that www.overlandstorage.com is allowed to create
5 Click the Web Features icon.
Reviewing Pre-Installation Requirements W 17
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
6 Verify that the Enable Java and Enable JavaScript check boxes are
Verify that these check
boxes are selected.
7 If you made any changes, click OK to save them.
18 X Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements
Setting the SCSI Time-Out Value in Windows
If you intend to use your REO Appliance in a Windows environment, be
aware that there are certain operating conditions in which time-out
errors might occur. These errors usually result in the system reporting a
disk failure for the associated REO Appliance disk drive or drives. (These
errors might be reported as iSCSIPrt errors in the System Log of the
Event Viewer. Examples include an Event ID 9 [Target did not respond
in time for a SCSI request…] and Event ID 39 [Initiator sent a task
management command to reset the target…]. Other symptoms might
include “Lost Delayed Write Data” system error messages or similar
error messages related to the REO Appliance disk drives.)
The reason that these disk time-out errors can occur is because the
default I/O time-out value for Windows is 20 seconds, which is not
sufficient to support the default iSCSI protocol time-out value of 60
seconds. When you install and set up your REO Appliance, Overland
strongly recommends that you set this value to 60 seconds.
To set the time-out value to 60 seconds
1 On the Windows system, run regedit.
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
Warning: If you edit the registry incorrectly, you might cause serious
problems that require you to reinstall your operating system. Edit the
registry at your own risk. Prior to making any changes, refer to the
following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
2 In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\
Services\Disk, edit or add the TimeOutValue entry to set it to 60
seconds in decimal format ((0000003c in hexadecimal).
To edit the value for the TimeOutValue entry if it already exists,
double-click the entry, enter the new value, and click OK.
To add the TimeOutValue entry if it does not yet exist, right-click
anywhere in the list of values, and then click New > DWORD value.
Name the new value TimeOutValue, and then double-click it to edit
the setting.
Setting the SCSI Time-Out Value in Windows Environments W 19
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
20 X Reviewing REO 1000 Concepts and Requirements
Setting Up the REO 1000
The main steps involved in setting up the REO Appliance include:
Step 1 Unpacking the appliance, and reviewing safety guidelines.
Step 2 If you intend to position the appliance in a rack, attaching the required
Step 3 Connecting the appliance to the management LAN.
Preparing the REO Appliance
Caution: Due to the weight of each rack-mounted unit when it is fully
extended, you should install units from the bottom up. Extending a
unit that has empty spaces beneath it might cause the rack to tip
forward or might cause personal injury. Overland Storage
recommends that two people support and slide the unit in the rack.
Vorsicht: Aufgrund des Gewichtes eines Gerätes, welches für den
Einbau in ein Rack gedacht ist, empfehlen wir Ihnen, dieses von unten
nach oben in das Rack zu installieren. Wenn Sie ein Gerät aus dem
Rack heraus ziehen, könnte es Ihnen entgleiten und so zu
Verletzungen führen. Wir empfehlen den Ein- und Ausbau des
Gerätes durch zwei Personen.
1 Unpack the REO Appliance.
The shipping container contains the following:
Overland Storage appliance chassis
Four disk carriers and disk drives
Power cord (U.S.) (Approved cord shall be used in countries outside
North America.)
REO SoftKey
Rack-mount hardware
Documentation CD-ROM and poster
2 Review the following guidelines prior to positioning the appliance
physically within your network.
Make sure that the appliance is accessible.
Setting Up the REO 1000 W 21
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
Make sure there is unrestricted air flow around the unit and through
the vents in the sides and rear of the case.
Route external cables so that they can be connected easily without
blocking air vents or impeding air flow.
Protect the appliance from extreme temperature and humidity.
Overland Storage recommends that you install the unit in a clean, airconditioned environment where water and moisture cannot enter the
case of the appliance. Keep the air as free from dust as possible.
Protect the appliance from physical shock and vibration.
Make sure that the inlet air temperature within the rack remains
below the specified limit of 95°F (35°C).
Keep the appliance and cabling away from sources of electrical noise
such as elevator shafts, stereo speakers, microwave ovens, air
conditioning units, and even telephones. Electromagnetic fields can
interfere with the signals on copper cabling and introduce errors,
therefore slowing down the network.
Positioning the REO Appliance in a Rack
The appliance comes with slides already mounted.
Caution: Due to the weight of each rack-mounted unit when it is fully
extended, you should install units from the bottom up. Extending a
unit that has empty spaces beneath it might cause the rack to tip
forward or might cause personal injury. Overland Storage
recommends that two people support and slide the unit in the rack.
Vorsicht: Aufgrund des Gewichtes eines Gerätes, welches für den
Einbau in ein Rack gedacht ist, empfehlen wir Ihnen, dieses von unten
nach oben in das Rack zu installieren. Wenn Sie ein Gerät aus dem
Rack heraus ziehen, könnte es Ihnen entgleiten und so zu
Verletzungen führen. Wir empfehlen den Ein- und Ausbau des
Gerätes durch zwei Personen.
To install the unit in a rack
1 Separate each set of slides as follows:
a Pull the outer slide toward the rear, along with the intermediate slide,
until the inner slide-lock engages the intermediate slide.
b Continue to pull the outer slide towards the rear until the outer slide-
lock engages the intermediate slide.
c To permit the intermediate slide to continue to move toward the rear,
press the inner slide-lock button.
22 X Setting Up the REO 1000
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
d Continue to move the outer and intermediate slides toward the rear
until they are separated from the inner slide.
2 Identify the screw holes in the front and rear rails of the rack where the
slides will be installed.
The unit uses 1U of rack space.
Location of rails and
mounting hardware
Nut plates,
Slide rails, and
mounting screws
3 Select slots in the mounting brackets so that the length of the assembly
equals the distance between the front and rear rails of the rack.
4 Fasten each outer slide behind the front rail of the rack by using 10-32
screws (with washers, if needed) and one nut plate.
Positioning the REO Appliance in a Rack W 23
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
Note: For racks with square holes, use square clip nuts to secure the
Nut plate
5 Fasten each of the mounting brackets to the front of the rear rail of the
rack by using 10-32 screws and a nut plate.
Note: When fastening the adjustable bracket, allow room for the slide to
pass by the inside of the rack.
6 Tighten all the screws.
7 If they are not already locked in the extended position, pull the
intermediate slides toward the front (out of the rack) so that they lock in
the extended position.
Caution: The next step should be performed by at least two people, or
by using a mechanical lift. Make certain that when the REO Appliance
is fully extended that a force of 20% of the rack’s weight, but not more
than 28 lb. (12.7 Kg), applied in any direction other than upwards,
does not cause the rack to overbalance.
24 X Setting Up the REO 1000
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
8 At the front of the rack, lift the appliance to its installed height, engage
the inner slides mounted on the appliance with the intermediate slides
protruding from the rack, and slide the appliance toward the rack until
the inner slide-lock engages the intermediate slide.
This leaves the entire appliance protruding from the rack, locked in
position, supported by the slide rails.
Caution: With one unit installed in the rack and in the extended
position, support might be required (to prevent the rack from tipping)
until the unit is pushed completely into the rack. (The unit is shown in
the middle of the rack for clarity.)
9 Press inward (toward the chassis) on each of the inner slide-locks to
permit the intermediate slides to move toward the rack.
10 Slide the
outer slide locks engage, and that the
appliance in and out several times, ensuring that the inner and
chassis does not bind against the
11 If binding occurs, loosen the screws that secure the slides to the front
rails and the rear rails.
12 If necessary, repeat step 10 and step 11 until the
chassis does not bind
against the slides.
Positioning the REO Appliance in a Rack W 25
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
13 Slide the appliance into the rack, and attach the captive screw on each
panel extension (left and right sides) to the rack and nut plate.
Installing the Disk Carriers and Disk Drives
The disk carriers, which contain the disk drives, are packaged
separately, which allows you to insert them into the appliance after you
have installed the chassis in the rack.
1 Remove the package of desiccant from each disk carrier.
2 Insert the first disk carrier in to the applicable slot in the chassis.
3 Close the disk carrier by doing the following:
a Make sure that the lever is in its fully extended, open position.
b Press the right side of the carrier into the slot.
c Press the lever in. Pressing the lever in draws the carrier fully into the
slot and locks it in place.
4 Repeat these steps for each disk carrier.
26 X Setting Up the REO 1000
REO SERIES™ Setup Guide
Connecting the REO Appliance to the Management
1 Choose one of the following:
If you want to use the REO GUI to configure the ports, use a Category
5e (or better) cable to connect Data Port 1 on the appliance to a
system that is temporarily configured to use a 10.0.0.<n> IP address
and a subnet mask of
Data Port 1
If you want to edit the files on the REO SoftKey to configure the ports,
connect the Management Port on the appliance to your LAN via a
twisted-pair network cable.
Management Port
2 Complete the steps outlined in the next chapter, Using the REO SoftKey
to Start the REO 1000 on page 29.
Connecting the REO Appliance to the Management LAN W 27
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
28 X Setting Up the REO 1000
Using the REO SoftKey to Start
the REO 1000
The main steps involved in using the key to start the REO Appliance
Step 1 Making a backup copy of the key.
Step 2 Choosing whether to change the settings via the REO GUI or to edit the
configuration and network files on the key.
Step 3 Connecting the key to the REO Appliance.
Understanding What the REO SoftKey Is
The REO SoftKey is a removable USB disk drive. It contains the software
and settings required for configuring the REO Appliance and must be
inserted in the REO Appliance whenever you restart it or access the REO
GUI. (Because the REO Appliance uses a Linux-based OS, the key is
formatted using the virtual file-allocation table [VFAT].) You can also
use the REO SoftKey to download and install updates when they become
Important: If you purchased multiple units, note that the keys are not
Backing Up Your REO SoftKey (Pre-Configuration)
Always make a backup copy of all the files on the REO SoftKey before
and after you configure it.
1 Remove the cap from the REO SoftKey, and insert it into a USB port on
a Windows 2000, 2003, or XP system that contains active virusprotection software.
Note: If you have not previously installed a USB mass-storage device,
Windows displays a dialog box that indicates it has found new
hardware and will automatically install the necessary drivers on your
2 Double-click My Computer on your desktop (or use Windows Explorer),
and browse to the software-key disk drive.
Using the REO SoftKey to Start the REO 1000 W 29
Overland Storage REO 1000™ with Protection OS™ Software
The name of this disk drive varies based on your system configuration,
but it will be called something like Removable Disk (G:).
Make a backup copy of all the folders and files contained on the REO SoftKey.
3 Make a backup copy of all the data on the REO SoftKey, and store the
copy in a secure location.
4 Complete the steps outlined in the next section, Deciding Whether to
Configure the Ports via the Key or the GUI.
Deciding Whether to Configure the Ports via the Key or
the GUI
The REO Appliance is preconfigured to use Data Port 1 as the initial
communication mechanism for your management system. It uses IP
address and subnet mask You can manually edit
the files on the REO SoftKey to enter the applicable gateway address and
the different address for each port, or you can connect your management
system to Data Port 1 and then configure all the port information via the
REO GUI. (If you use the GUI to enter the information, you will need to
move the connection to the management system from Data Port 1 to the
Management Port after you have completed the configuration process.)
X Choose one of the following:
If you want to use the REO GUI to configure the ports, continue from
step 1 under Attaching the REO SoftKey to the Appliance on page 34.
If you want to edit the files on the REO SoftKey to configure the ports,
complete the steps outlined in the next section, Editing the
Configuration Files Manually, before continuing.
Editing the Configuration Files Manually
Because the appliance is preconfigured to use Data Port 1 for the initial
connection to the management system, you must remove the default
information from the corresponding file and enter the applicable
information for your environment in the file for the Management Port.
You can also enter any addition information for the other ports, as well
as the gateway information.
Important: The Management Port and Data Port must be on separate
30 X Using the REO SoftKey to Start the REO 1000
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