Overland Storage NEO S Service Manual

NEO® S-Series Tape Library
Service Manual
January 2015
NEO S-Series User Guide
©2015 Overland Storage, Inc. All rights reserved.
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NEO S-Series User Guide
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5
Document Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1
Product Warranty Caution .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2
2 General Warnings .......................................................................................................................... 6
Document Conventions: ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.1
General Product Warnings ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2
3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 8
Installation problems ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1
SCSI ID .......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1
SCSI host adapter installation ........................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2
LUN scanning ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.3
SCSI cabling ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.4
Termination ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.5
Compatibility .................................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.6
Backup application installation.......................................................................................................... 9 3.1.7
Device driver installation .................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.8
Troubleshooting table ............................................................................................................................... 10 3.2
Removing stuck tape cartridges from the library ...................................................................................... 14 3.3
Emergency release ................................................................................................................................... 15 3.4
Upgrade the library firmware .................................................................................................................... 15 3.5
General diagnostic .................................................................................................................................... 16 3.6
System test .................................................................................................................................. 16
Slot-to-Slot test ............................................................................................................................ 16 3.6.1
Library verify test ......................................................................................................................... 16 3.6.2
Error codes ............................................................................................................................................... 17 3.7
Error messaging .......................................................................................................................... 17
Error structure ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.7.1
OCP error reporting ..................................................................................................................... 17 3.7.2
RMU error reporting .................................................................................................................... 18 3.7.3
Main error codes ......................................................................................................................... 19 3.7.4
Sub error codes related to the robotic ......................................................................................... 27 3.7.5
Sub error codes related to the library .......................................................................................... 29 3.7.6
4 Servicing ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Possible tools needed ............................................................................................................................... 30 4.1
Electrostatic discharge .............................................................................................................................. 30 4.2
Removing a tape drive .............................................................................................................................. 31 4.3
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Replacing a tape drive .............................................................................................................................. 31 4.4
Removing the library controller ................................................................................................................. 32 4.5
Replacing the library controller ................................................................................................................. 32 4.6
Removing a power supply ........................................................................................................................ 33 4.7
Replacing the power supply ..................................................................................................................... 33 4.8
Servicing a magazine ............................................................................................................................... 34 4.9
Removing the base chassis ...................................................................................................................... 34 4.10
Preparing to remove the base chassis ........................................................................................ 34 4.10.1
Removing the base chassis from the rack .................................................................................. 35 4.10.2
Replacing the base chassis ...................................................................................................................... 35 4.11
5 Packaging before transportation................................................................................................ 36
6 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................. 39
Hardware specifications............................................................................................................................ 39 6.1
Operating environment ............................................................................................................................. 40 6.2
Maximum storage capacity and data transfer rate ................................................................................... 41 6.3
7 Agency Certifications .................................................................................................................. 43
Recycling and disposal ............................................................................................................................. 43 7.1
Device standards ...................................................................................................................................... 44 7.2
CE mark .................................................................................................................................................... 44 7.3
ETL mark .................................................................................................................................................. 44 7.4
FCC (United States) ................................................................................................................................. 45 7.5
Canadian verification ................................................................................................................................ 45 7.6
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1 Introduction
Document Purpose 1.1
This document provides information to inst a ll, operate, and upgrade the NEO S-Series Scalable Tape Library. The instructions are intended for the trained System Administrators and technicians who need physical and functional knowledge of the S-Series library.
The main components are: Base library Expansion module
Product Warranty Caution 1.2
The customer should only perform the service and repair actions on the tape library components listed in this document. Any other actions needed should only be performed by an authorized service center.
The warranty for the tape library shall not apply to failures of any unit when: The tape library is repaired or modified by anyone other than the manufacturer’s personnel or approved
The tape library is physically abused or used in a manner that is inconsistent with the operating
instructions or product specification defined by the manufacturer.
The tape library fails because of accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration,
faulty installation, modification, or service by anyone other than the factory service center or its approved agent.
The tape library is repaired by anyone, including an approved agent, in a manner that is contrary to the
maintenance or installation ins truc tio ns supp lied b y the m anuf ac tur er.
The manufacturer's serial number tag is removed. The tape library is damaged because of improper packaging on return.
Warranty will become immediately void in the event of unauthorized repairs or modifications.
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2 General Warnings
Document Conventions: 2.1
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
General Product Warnings 2.2
High voltage
Risk of electric shock
Do not remove covers (top, bottom or rear). No user-serviceable
parts are inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Product Weight
Risk of personal injury
Before lifting a library: Observe local health and safety requirements and guidelines for
manual material handling.
Remove all tapes to reduce the weight. Remove all tape drives to reduce the weight. Obtain adequate assistance to lift and stabilize the library during
installation or removal.
Risk of damage to devices
When placing a library into or removing the library from a rack:
Extend the rack’s leveling jacks to the floor. Ensure that the full weight of the rack rests on the leveling jacks. Install stabilizing feet on the rack. Extend only one rack component at a time.
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Static Sensitive
Risk of damage to devices
A discharge of static electricity damages static-sensitive devices or
micro circuitry.
Proper packaging and grounding techniques are necessary
precautions to prevent damage.
Ventilation – Place the product in a location that does not interfere with
proper ventilation.
Heat – Place the product in a location away from heat sources. Power sources – Connect the product to a power source only of the type
directed in the operating instructions or as marked on the product.
Power cord protection – Place the AC line cord so that it is not possible to be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against it.
Object and liquid entry – Insure that objects do not fall onto and that liquids
are not spilled into the product’s enclosure.
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3 Troubleshooting
This chapter provides information for verifying correct installation and tro ub le shooting the library.
Installation problems 3.1
Problems encountered d uring the inst allation of the library are usuall y caused by imp roper SCSI bus configura tion, application software configuration errors, or an incorrectly configured operating system.
If the used application software is not c ommunicating with the library after installation, check the followi ng:
SCSI ID 3.1.1
The library uses a single SCSI ID. Depending on other devices attached to the same SCSI bus and their SCSI IDs, change the SCSI ID of the library or tape drive before use the library.
Review the manuals for the other devices on the SCSI bus or the operating sys t em to determine which S C S I IDs are currently in use.
SCSI host adapter installation 3.1.2
1. Verify that the SCSI host adapter is ins ta lle d correctly.
Refer to the manual that came with the SCSI host adapter for installation a nd troubleshooting instructions.
2. Pay particular attention to any steps de scribing the settings of various jumpers and/or switches on the host adapter,
if applicable.
3. Make sure that the host adapter is properly seated in the motherboard slot and the operating system correctly detects
the host adapter.
4. Make sure that the proper device driver is installed for the SCSI host adapter.
LUN scanning 3.1.3
Use dual LUNs to control the tape drive (LUN 0) and library robotic (LUN 1). These models require an HBA that supports LUN scanning and LUN scanning must be enabled.
SCSI cabling 3.1.4
1. Verify that all SCSI cables are securely connected at both ends.
2. Check the l ength and int egrity of the SCSI cabling.
3. Check the SCSI connector for bent pins.
The length of the internal SCSI cabl ing inside the library is 2 feet (60 cm). This length must be included in a ny calculations of cable length.
For LVD SCSI the maximum length for a single device is 82 feet (25 meters).
• For multiple devices, the maximum combined internal/external length is 40 feet (12 meters).
If you have a combinatio n of LVD and SE devices on the bus, the maximum cable length re verts to the SE
specification, which for ultra devices is 10 feet (3 meters) for four or fewer devices, and 5 feet (1.5 meters) for more than four devices.
Termination 3.1.5
If the library is the only SCSI device — other than the SCSI host adapter — on the selected SCSI bus, it must be terminated. Likewise, if the libr a ry is physically the last SCSI device on the SCSI bus, it must be terminated.
Only the devices physically located at the beginning and end of the SCSI bus should be terminated. Refer to the manuals supplied with other devices on the SCSI bus for information on enabling or disabling termination
on those devic es.
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If available, take the terminator from the accessories bag. The supplied terminator is “dual mode” and will work on both Low-Voltage Differential (LVD) and Single Ended (SE) SCSI buses.
To terminate the library, see Chapter Connecting the parallel SCSI cable, Page Error! Bookmark not defined.. Check all SCSI and power connections and confirm that the library is attached to a valid SCSI SE or LVDS bus.
Compatibility 3.1.6
Ensure that the library is compatible with the SCSI host adapter and backup application you plan to use. For a list of compatible SCSI adapters and application software, check with your SCSI host adapter manufacturer or backup application vendor.
The host bus adapter for the library should be SCSI-3 LVDs. A
single-ended SCSI host bus adapter will severely degrade performance. Also, if there is any SE devices on the same SCSI bus, the entire SCSI bus will negotiate down to SE speed and severely degrade performance
Backup application installation 3.1.7
Refer to the documentation included with your backup application for instructions on how to verify proper installation. Some backup software packages require an additional module to communicate with the library robotics.
Device driver installation 3.1.8
Make sure that the proper device driver, if applicable, is installed for the library. Contact your support representative for more information
Many backup applications use their own drivers for the library and
tape drive. Before installing a driver , make sure it will not be in conflict with the software.
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Troubleshooting table 3.2
Poor throughput performance
Try a new tape. A marginal tape can cause performance problems due to
bad spots on the tape requiring retries.
Backing up data that compresses poorly or is already compressed will
lower performance.
• Check the size of the files. Small file size can impact performance.
Confirm that the backup application is utilizing block sizes of at least
32KB, preferably 64KB. Refer to the backup application documentation for details.
Check the network bandwidth from the host computer. If you are backing
up data over a network, consider comparing to a local-only backup.
Make sure the backup server has enough memory to handle the bandwidth
of the backup or restore.
Clean the tape drive with:
OCP, see Chapter Cle aning tape drives, Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
RMU, see Chapter Cleaning tape dr ive(s), Page Error! Book mark not defined..
Cannot load the cleaning
M ake sure you are using an Ultrium universal cleaning cartridge.
See Chapter Tape cartridge type, Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
Contact your service representative.
Device Not Detected on SCSI Bus
Connected to a high voltage
differential SCSI bus/host adapter
• Attach device to a LVDS SCSI host adapter/bus.
SCSI cable length exceeded, use shorter cable, or removes other devices
from the bus.
• Check for conflictin g SCSI IDs.
• Check that the HBA supports LUN scanning and this feature is ena bled.
• Device not properly terminated. See Chapter Termination, Page 8.
• P o wer up device before powering up the host computer.
• Check that the device has been powered up and is not in an error state.
• Check the SCSI connector for bent pins.
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Errors Displayed on Operator Control Panel
“!” in library operator panel
inventory display
Export the tape cartridge marked with an “!” in the inventory. The tape
cartridge is either damaged, incompatible with the tape drive, or the wrong type for the attempted operation.
To find the compatible tape cartridges for your library: See Chapter Tape cartridge type, Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
There is an error code on the
Look up the error code, try to resolve the failure, and power cycle.
See Chapter Error codes, Page 17.
Cleaning or data tape
incompatible with drive.
Make sure you are using data and cleaning tapes that are compatible with
the drive and model of your library. The library automatically unloads incompatible tapes, the <Media Attention> LED flashes, and an exclamation mark (!) is displayed in the inventory display for the indicated slot number.
Export the media in order to clean the state.
Cannot write to or read from
Make sure that the tape is write enabled (move the write-protect switc h to
the enabled position).
• Make sure you have the appropriate data tape for your library model.
Make sure you are using an ultrium tape that has not been degaussed. Do
not degauss ultrium tapes.
Make sure that the tape has not been exposed to harsh environmental or
electrical conditions and is not ph ysically damaged in any way.
Many backup applications do not read or write to tapes that were created
using a different backup application. In this case, perform an erase, format, or label operation on the tape.
Make sure you understand any data protection or overwrite protection
schemes that your backup application may be using, which coul d prevent you from writing to a given tape.
• Retry the operation with a different, known good tape.
• Clean the tape drive with:
OCP, see Chapter Cle aning tape drives, Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
RMU, see Chapter Cleaning tape drive(s), Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
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<Media Atte ntion> LED issues
Contamination by loose
Avoid contamination by ensuring that the library is installed in a clean,
contamination-free environment. Tapes should be stored vertically in their plastic cases. Continue cleaning the tape drive as needed.
Non-acclimated media.
A tape should be acclimated for at least 24 hours before being used,
particularly if it has been stored at a substantially different temperature or level of humidity than the library.
Tape cartridge is
Use only tapes that are compatible with the tape drive type.
See Chapter Tape cartridge type, Page Error! Bookmark not defined..
Expired cleaning cartridge.
Make sure you are using an ultrium universal cleaning tape. (max. 50 cleans)
If the <Media Attention> LED is cleared and –although the ta pe drive has b een
cleaned – immediately re-displays each time a particular tape is reloaded that tape should be suspected as being defective.
Export the tape and load a known good tape. In some cases, a tape can be
worn out, have a defective tape memory, or have been formatted as a Firmware Upgrade Cartridge.
Any tape that is suspected of being defective or contaminated should NOT
be reused in any drive.
Library does not power up.
Check all power cord connections.
• Make sure the power switch on the front panel is in the <ON> position.
• Make sure there is power to the outlet. Try another working outlet.
Replace the power cord.
• Contact your service representative.
No display messages appear.
Make sure the power cord is connected.
• Make sure the power switch is on.
• Power cycle the library.
• Download the library firmware.
• Contact your service representative.
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Changed drive SCSI ID, b ut
the host serve r does not recognize the new ID.
Make sure that all SCSI devices on the same bus have unique ID numbers.
If the SCSI bus is narrow, (50-pin) only SCSI IDs 0 through 7 are available.
• Make sure that you cycle power on the library after changing the SCSI ID.
Reboot the host server. Tape library performance. The library is not
efficiently backing up data.
Make sure the library and tape drive are on their own SCSI bus and not
daisy-chained to another tape drive or to the hard drive being backed up.
Make sure the library is connected to a LVDs SCSI bus and there are no
SE devices on the same bus, because this will cause the entire bus to negotiate down to SE speed.
• U se an Ultra32 0 SCSI bus and high quality cabling with the library.
• Do not connect the library to a narrow SCSI bus.
Tape cartridge movement
Tape cartridge stuck in tape
Power cycle the library, allow it to c omplete initialization, which in rare
cases can take as long as 10 minutes, and then retry unloading the tape using the library operator control panel.
Allo w t he tape drive to complete all ope rations. This may take as long as
ten minutes if you reset or cycle power up the library while the cartridge is positioned at the physical end of the media.
Make sure that the backup software is not reserving the slot or preventing
the tape drive from ejecting the tape. The backup software needs to cancel the reservation and any hold it has on the tape drive. Temporarily disconnecting the library from the host server and power cycling eliminates the host and its software as a problem source.
Contact your service representative.
Tape stuck in s torage slot.
See Chapter Removing stuck tape cartridges from the library, Page 14.
Table 1 Troubleshooting table
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Removing stuck tape cartridges from the library 3.3
Stuck tape cartridges in the NEO S-Series Tape Library
Risk of damage devices
When the library is moved, any tape cartridge can become
dislodged from the magazines and damage the tape cartridges left in the library and library robo tic .
To avoid damaging the libraries, remove the tape cartridges
before moving the libraries.
Indications for a stuck tape cartridge are e.g. cartridge cannot be removed via OCP/RMU; robotic movement blocked when pulling a cartridge (see error codes); strange noises of the robotic; no read/write operation possible in the drive
To remove a stuck tape cartridge, adhere the following steps:
1. Unlock the magazine (with / without mailslot) us e the:
OCP, see Chapter Releasing and replacing magazines, Page Error! Bookmark not defined.
RMU, see Chapter Releasing and replacing , Page Error! Bookmark not defined.
Emergency release, if you are not able to unlock the magazine with the OCR or RMU,
see Chapter Emergency release, Page 15
2. If applicable, pull the mail slot magazine out to access the tape cartridge.
3. To remove the tape cartridge from the mail slot area see Figure 100 / from the cpl. Magazine see 9.4
Use the finger holes to push the tape o ut o f the mail slot.
If required insert a new tape cartridge.
Repeat this process until all stuck tape cartridges are removed.
In the following figure, an triple mailslot is shown as an example.
Figure 1 Removing a stuck tape
4. Push the mail slot magazine back into the library.
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