Overland Storage NEO 400S Getting Started

NEO 400S 4U Tape Library
getting started
removed. See Step 1, Removing and storing the shipping lock.
The 4U Tape Library weighs 30.2 kg (66 lb) without media and 46 kg (101.4 lb) with media (48 cartridges). When moving the Library, to reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the device:
• Observe local health and safety requirements and guidelines for manual material handling.
• Remove all tapes to reduce the overall weight of the device and prevent cartridges from falling into the robotic path and dam­aging the Library.
• Obtain adequate assistance to lift and stabilize the device during installation or removal.
When placing the Library into a rack, to reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment:
• Extend the rack leveling jacks to the floor.
• Ensure that the full weight of the rack rests on the leveling jacks.
• Install stabilizing feet on the rack.
• Extend only one rack component at a time. Racks may become unstable if more than one component is extended.
© Copyright 2009
First edition: July 2009
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Front panel overview
2. Magazine and mailslot1. Power button
4. LCD screen3. LEDs
6. Air vents5. Control keys
7. Magazine
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Back panel overview: parallel SCSI
Back panel overview: Fibre Channel (FC)
1. 68-pin HD parallel SCSI connectors
9. Pull-out tab containing product information
2. Fan
4. Tape drive assembly3. Power connector
6. Serial port (Factory use only)5. Ethernet port
8. Magazine release hole7. USB port
10. Tape drive assembly LED
Back panel overview: SAS
9. Pull-out tab containing product information
Power supply LEDs
2. Fan1. Fibre Channel ports
4. Tape drive assembly3. Power connector
6. Serial port (Factory use only)5. Ethernet port
8. Magazine release hole7. USB port
10. Tape drive assembly LED
9. Pull-out tab containing product information
2. Fan1. SAS port
4. Tape drive assembly3. Power connector
6. Serial port (Factory use only)5. Ethernet port
8. Magazine release hole7. USB port
10. Tape drive assembly LED
1. Blue
2. Yellow
3. Green
AC power is connected. Fan failure. The fan is running too slow or is defective. The power supply is producing good power for the
Using the operator control panel (OCP)
The OCP has a power button, four LEDs, five control keys, and an LCD screen. With the OCP, you can monitor, configure, and operate most Library functions from the Library front panel.
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See “OCP menu” on page 10 for more information.
Control keys
The OCP displays a menu that lets you access information and execute commands using the five control keys: Up, Down, Left, Right, and OK.
To enable the Library RMI, follow the instructions in this installation process to:
• Connect the Library to your local area network with an Ethernet cable..
• Configure the network settings of the .
• If you intend to use the administrative functions of the RMI, set the Administrator password using the OCP.
The Library is shipped without an administrator password. You must set the administrator password with the OCP before you can use the RMI administrator functions. Once the administrator password is set, you can access the RMI by providing the administrator password on the login screen.
Logging in
Using the OCP, find the Library IP address from the Info > Network screen. Open any HTML web browser and enter the Library IP address. Select the account type. For the administrator account, you must also enter the administrator password. Click Sign In.
LED indicators
The OCP has four LEDs that provide information.
Ready— Green, steady when power is on, blinking with tape drive or Library robotics activity.
Clean — Amber when a tape drive cleaning operation is recommended.
Attention — Amber if the Library has detected a condition that user
attention is necessary, but that the device can still perform most operations.
Error— Amber if an unrecoverable tape drive or Library error occurs. A corresponding error message displays on the LCD screen. User intervention is required; the device is not capable of performing some operations.
Using the remote management interface (RMI)
With the RMI, you can monitor, configure, and operate most Library functions from a web browser. The only tasks you cannot do from the RMI are:
When possible, use the RMI as the primary Library interface because the web interface provides access to additional features, includes online help, and is easier to use. The only tasks you cannot do from the RMI are:
• Opening the mailslots.
• Initiating the Wellness test.
• Saving and restoring configuration files, saving support tickets, and downloading firmware via a USB flash drive.
Once signed in, click Help in the upper right-hand corner for more information about the fields and information in the RMI.
Status icons
The green Status OK icon indicates that the Library is fully operational and that no user interaction is required.
The blue exclamation point Status Warning icon indicates that user attention is necessary, but that the device can still perform most operations.
The red X Status Error icon indicates that user intervention is required and that the device is not capable of performing some operations.
Unpacking the Library
Remove the packaging, accessories, and Library from the box one layer at a time. Place the Library on a level work surface. Carefully remove the foam padding from the Library. Save the packaging materials to move or ship the Library in the future.
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