All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered proprietary by Overland Storage. By
accepting this material, the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein are held
in confidence and in trust and will not be used, reproduced in whole or in part, nor its contents revealed to
others, except to meet the purpose for which it was delivered. It is understood that no right is conveyed to
reproduce or have reproduced any item herein disclosed without express permission from Overland Storage.
Overland Storage provides this manual as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Overland Storage may make improvements or changes in the products or programs described in this manual at
any time. These changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Overland Storage assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of this
manual, nor for any problem that might arise from the use of the information in this manual.
Overland products are covered by one or more of the following patents registered with the USPTO: 5,870,245; 6,328,766; 6,353,581; 6,496,325.
Overland®, Overland Storage®, XchangeNOW®, VR2®, WebTLC®, PowerLoader®, LoaderXpress®, NEO SERIES®, and REO SERIES® are registered trademarks of
Overland Storage, Inc. Simply iSCSI™, Simply Protected™, Simply Protected Storage™, SnapWrite™, ULTAMUS™, ULTAMUS SERIES™, ULTAMUS PRO™,
ULTAMUS RAID™, REO™, NEO™, ARCvault™, ARCvault SERIES™, Protection OS™, Multi-SitePAC™, NDMP PAC™, CompliancePAC™, VTLPac™, and
D2D2T™ are trademarks of Overland Storage, Inc.
This service manual provides detailed information necessary for upgrading or repairing an
Overland Storage ARCvault Series™ autoloader or library. It is designed to be used only by
Overland-authorized service technicians.
Product Documentation
ARCvault product documentation and additional literature are available online at
This service manual exercises several typographical conventions to help explain how to use the
ConventionDescription & Usage
BoldfaceWords in boldface indicate items to select such as menu items or command
Ctrl-Alt-rThis type of format details the keys you press simultaneously. In this example, hold
NOTEA Note indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or supplements
IMPORTANTAn Important note is a type of note that provides information essential to the
CAUTIONA Caution contains information that the user needs to know to avoid damaging or
WARNINGA Warning contains information essential to people’s safety. It advises
down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press the r key.
important points of the main text. A note supplies information that may apply only
in special cases—for example, memory limitations or details that apply to specific
versions of a program.
completion of a task or that can impact the product and its function.
permanently deleting data or causing physical damage to the hardware or system.
users that failure to take or avoid a specific action could result in
physical harm to the user or hardware.
Firmware Updates
The latest release of the ARCvault firmware can be obtained from the Overland Storage FTP
1. Point your browser to
2. Open the ARCvault folder.
3. Download the latest firmware file labeled ARCvault_nnnn.bin (where “nnnn” represents the
latest version number).
For additional assistance, search at
10400025-101 10/2006iii
Electrostatic Discharge Information
A discharge of static electricity can damage static-sensitive devices. Proper packaging and
grounding techniques are necessary precautions to prevent damage. To prevent electrostatic
discharge (ESD) damage, observe the following precautions:
• Transport products in static-safe containers such as conductive tubes, bags, or boxes.
• Keep electrostatic-sensitive parts in their containers until they arrive at static-free stations.
• Cover the loader or library with approved static-dissipating material.
• Use an ESD wrist strap connected to the work surface and grounded tools and equipment.
• Keep the work area free of non-conductive materials such as foam packing materials.
• Make sure you are always properly grounded when touching a static-sensitive component or
• Avoid touching pins, leads, or circuitry.
Overland Technical Support
For assistance configuring and using your ARCvault, search for help at:
Our Overland Storage Technical Support staff is also available to assist you by phone at:
1 (877) 654-3429 (Toll-free and active only in US and Canada)
001 (858) 571-5555 x5 (Worldwide)
They are available on normal business days, 6 AM through 5 PM (PT), excluding Overland
holidays. At all other times we will respond to technical support calls within 4 hours.
Technical support for our European customers is available as well from our United Kingdom
office at:
+44 (0) 118-9898050
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GMT)
Monday through Friday
You can e-mail our technical support staff at
1.2 General Description ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Version Control ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2
2.6.2 I/E Element .................................................................................................................................. 2-15 Single-Slot I/E Element ....................................................................................................... 2-15 Full-Magazine I/E Element ................................................................................................ 2-16
Section 3 - Troubleshooting and FSCs
3.1 Possible Problems ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
4.5.2 Installing the New Drive ............................................................................................................... 4-9
4.5.3 Reinstalling the Drive Assembly ................................................................................................. 4-10
Section 5 - Firmware Update
5.1 Using a Local FTP Server ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Using a Remote FTP Server .................................................................................................................... 5-1
This section provides introductory information about the ARCvault Series 2U (Figure 1-1) tape
archive units—ARCvault 12 Loader1 and ARCvault 24 Library. Included are performance
specifications and characteristics, power requirements, available configurations, and list of
recommended tools and test equipment.
1.1 Safety
Observe the following warnings while servicing this system:
Figure 1-1: ARCvault 24 Library
WARNING: The power supplies in your tape archive may produce high voltages and energy
hazards, which can cause bodily harm. Only trained service technicians are authorized to
remove the covers and access any of the components inside the unit.
Die Stromversorgungen Ihres Computers oder Speichersystems erzeugen lebensgefährliche
Hochspannung. Computerabdeckungen dürfen nur von autorisierten Servicetechnikern entfernt
werden, der Zugang zu den Komponenten im Innern des Computers ist ausschließlich
autorisierten Servicetechnikern vorbehalten.
WARNING: Due to the weight of the unit, it is recommended that at least two people be used to
lift the unit out of the box to prevent injury.
Wegen des großen Gewichts der Einheit ist es empfehlenswert, dass beim Herausheben aus
dem Verpackungskarton mindestens zwei Personen beteiligt sind, um somit köperlichen
Verletzungen vorzubeugen.
1 Unless otherwise noted, the ARCvault 12 Loader is included for all generic references to an ARCvault library.
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Section 1
WARNING: It is recommended that a mechanical lifter (or at least two people) be used to raise
and align the library to prevent injury during the installation into the rack.
Es wird empfohlen, dass zum Anheben und Ausrichten der Library ein mechanisches
Hebegerät (oder ein Minimum von zwei Personen) eingesetzt wird, um körperlichen
Verletzungen bei der Installation ins Rack vorzubeugen.
WARNING: Neither the touch screen nor the power switch completely shuts off power to the
library. To reduce the risk of electrical shock or damage to the equipment, unplug the power
Die Library lässt sich weder durch die Bedienung des Tastbildschirms, noch des
Betriebsschalters völlig ausschalten. Stecken Sie das Netzkabel aus, um das Risiko eines
elektrischen Schlags zu vermeiden.
Library maintenance may involve exposure to electrical shock or possible damage to the unit.
Before servicing the library, be aware of possible hazards and take necessary precautions. Refer
to the product documentation for additional notes, cautions, and other alerts.
1.2 General Description
The ARCvault loaders and libraries deliver tape backup and archive capabilities to small- and
mid-size IT environments that need to effortlessly protect large amounts of data. The combination
of high capacity and simplicity make the ARCvault family ideal for organizations looking to
implement both disk and tape for superior data protection.
1.3 Version Control
The table below shows the different versions of this service manual. This version is the last
version shown in the table:
Table 1-1: Service Manual Released Versions
Version NumberDate ReleasedChanges from Previous Version
10400025-101_AOctober 30, 2006Initial Release for ARCvault firmware version 1.57.
Dimensions2.5” x 1.25” (6.4cm x 3.2cm)
TypePressure-sensitive blue and light-gray screen
Resolution128 x 64 pixels @ 50 dpi
Physical Dimensions
Dimensions (H x W x D)3.475 x 18.9 x 34.25 in. (8.6 x 48.3 x 87.0 cm)
Weight Empty43 lbs (20kg)
Base Configuration Shipping Weight 45 lbs (21kg)
Fully Configured Weight with Maximum Number
of Magazines and Drives (No Cartridges)
*. ARCvault 24 only.
†. Assumes compression ratio of 2:1. Actual performance may vary with the application.
storage TB (LTO-3 / LTO-2)
LTO-2 transfer rate (GB /hr)
LTO-3 transfer rate (GB/hr)216 / 432
General Information
•24 (ARCvault 24)
•2 (ARCvault 24)
half-height drives in the ARCvault 24)
0, 1, or 12, depending on configuration
9.6 /4.8 (ARCvault 24)
9.6 /4.8 (ARCvault 12)
19.2 / 9.6 (ARCvault 24)
172.8 / 345.6
• ARCvault 12: 52 lbs. (23.5kg)
• ARCvault 24: 57.5 lbs. (26kg)
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Section 1
1.5.2 Technical Information
Operational Specifications
Mount timeLess than 60 seconds, estimated
Dismount time (excluding rewinding)Less than 60 seconds, estimated
Inventory time (full including tape drives)Less than 3 minutes
Rewind time (maximum / average)98 / 49 sec
Input Voltage, Low
Input Voltage, High
Input Frequency50-60 Hz
AC Power InputOne IEC320-C14 type rear-panel receptacle
BTU Heat Load
Maximum, one drive69.0 BTU/hour
Maximum, two drives
*. The low voltage nominal will be 110 VAC and the high voltage nominal will be 220 VAC.
†. Based on 3.415179 BTU/watt.
‡. ARCvault 24 only.
100-120 VAC ±10%
200-240 VAC ±10%
96.9 BTU/hour
1.5.3 Reliability and Safety
Mean time between failures (MTBF)More than 250,000 hours
Maximum swaps before failure (MSBF)More than 1,000,000 cartridge swaps
Design life7 years
Mean time to repair (MTTR)Less than 30 minutes
Safety Standards
NRTL - USIEC60950-1, Standard for Safety of Information
NRTL - CanadaCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 950, Standard for Safety of
CE Marking (European Union)Low Voltage Directive, 72/23/EEC, European Union
TÜV GS Mark (Germany)EN60950, (IEC950) Standard for Safety of
Technology Equipment
Information Technology Equipment
Information Technology Equipment, 3
1–410400025-101 10/2006
1.5.4 Temperature, Humidity and Altitude
Dry Bulb Temperature-10°C to 40°C
Temperature Gradient1°C / min. (across the range)
Temperature Shock15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature26°C
Relative Humidity15% to 85% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient10% / hr.
Power On—No Tape Loaded (Unpacked—72 hours)
Dry Bulb Temperature0°C to 50°C
Temperature Gradient15°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature30°C
Relative Humidity10% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient10% / hr.
Non-Operating—Long Term (Packed or Unpacked)
Dry Bulb Temperature-40°C to 60°C
Temperature Gradient20°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature30°C
Relative Humidity5% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient10% / hr.
Transit—Short Term (Packed 7 Days)
Dry Bulb Temperature-40°C to 60°C
Temperature Gradient25°C / hr. (across the range)
Temperature Shock15°C (over 2 min.)
Wet Bulb Temperature30°C
Relative Humidity5% to 95% (noncondensing)
Humidity Gradient10% / hr.
Non-Operating, with Tape Cartridges Removed (Unpacked—No Damage)
Peak Acceleration71 Gs ±5%
Wave Shape1/2 sine pulses
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Section 1
1.5.6 Vibration
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
Transit/Storage (Packed—No Damage)
Peak Acceleration30 Gs
Wave Shape1/2 sine pulses
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
Physical Drop Test (Packed—No Damage)
Drop Test Distance30 in.
ApplicationPer TAPPI T802om-91
Operating Sine Test (Within Spec—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–500–5Hz
Amplitude0.1 inch, double amplitude, 0.25 G
Dwell and Duration15 min. for a total of 1.5 hours
Wave shapeSinusoidal, 1 octave/min.
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes, 2 sweeps per axis
Operating Random Test (Within Spec—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–500Hz
Profile Level0.27 GRMS
Duration30 min. per axis
Random TestsPer ASTM D3580
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
Non-Operating Sine Test (Unpacked—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–1000–5Hz
Amplitude0.1 inch, double amplitude, 1.0 G
Dwell and Duration15 min. for a total of 1.5 hours
Wave shapeSinusoidal, 1 octave/min.
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes, 2 sweeps per axis
Non-Operating Random Test (Unpacked—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–250Hz
Profile Level1.54 GRMS
Duration30 min. per axis
Random TestsPer ASTM D3580
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
Truck Transit Test (Packed—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–200Hz
Profile Level1.146 GRMS
Duration30 min. per axis
Random TestsPer ASTM D4728-95
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
1–610400025-101 10/2006
Air Transit Test (Packed—No Damage)
Frequency Range5–300Hz
Profile Level1.146 GRMS
Duration30 min. per axis
Random TestsPer ASTM D4728-95
ApplicationX,Y,Z axes
1.5.7 Electromagnetic Emissions
Agency Standards
FCCUS Std. 47 CFR, Part 15 Rules, Class A. Notation on
Industry Canada (ICES)Industry Canada Rules, ICES-003, Class A. Notation
CE Marking (European Union)EMC Directive, 89/336/EEC Laws, relating to
VCCI (Japan)Class A per CISPR 22, Japan. VCCI statement on
BSMI (Taiwan)CNS: 13438, Taiwan. Class A
General Information
on product
electromagnetic compatibility, European Union
EN55022, Standard, RFI limits, Information
Technology Equipment, Class A EN55024,
Information Technology Equipment, Immunity.
10400025-101 10/20061–7
Section 1
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System Overview
2.1 Installation
WARNING: Due to the weight of the unit, it is recommended that at least two people be used to
lift the unit to prevent injury.
2.1.1 Shipping Tie-Down Wire
CAUTION: A tie-down wire holds the shuttle and robotics in place for shipment and MUST be removed before
operating the unit. Failure to remove this tie-down will result in damage to the internal robotics and
catastrophic failure of the unit. Tie-Down Removal
1. Turn the library on its side (Figure 2-1).
Robotics Tie-Down
(Must Be Removed)
Figure 2-1: Location of Robotics Tie-Down Wire Underneath Library
2. Untwist the tie-down wire underneath near the front center.
3. At the wire end closest to the center of the unit, push (Figure 2-2) part of the wire up into
the unit.
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Section 2
Push In
Pull Out
Figure 2-2: Tie-Down Removal
4. Using the wire end closest to the front, gently pull the wire out.
If necessary, feed the other wire end up into the unit as you pull out the front end.
5. Save the tie-down wire in case you ever need to ship the unit. Tie-Down Reinstallation for Shipment
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to equipment, disconnect the power
by unplugging the power cord.
CAUTION: Do NOT turn the library upside down onto its top or allow the front bezel to contact the table if on
its side.
1. Remove and retain the six screws from the front top cover of the empty chassis.
2. Lift the front edge of the cover and pull it slightly forward to release the tabs in the rear. Set
the cover aside.
3. Verify that the shuttle is in the Home position (facing the bottom front slot of the right
IMPORTANT: If the shuttle is not in the Home position, contact Overland Technical Support.
4. Position the library so there is space underneath the front 8 inches (20cm) of the unit.
This allows room for the tie-down to exit the chassis and be twisted together.
5. Insert one end of the saved tie-down into the front tie-down hole and the other end into the
rear tie-down hole (Figure 2-3).
Route the tie-down wire between the black motor cable and the body of the shuttle.
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