OvaCue Mobile Fertility Monitor Owner's Manual

Owners Manual
Thank you for purchasing the OvaCue Mobile Fertility Monitor!
Recommended by fertility specialists, this convenient, easy to use fertility monitor provides up to seven days advance notice of ovulation with 98% accuracy.
We are pleased that you are among the thousands of couples using the OvaCue Mobile to aid in conception.
Version #: 1408
The Key to Conception: Understanding Your Cycle................................
Description of Parts....................................................................................
How the OvaCue Mobile Works.................................................................
Getting Started............................................................................................
Oral Readings..............................................................................................
Vaginal Readings.........................................................................................
What Do the Numbers Mean?...................................................................
Graph of 28 Day Cycle................................................................................
Understanding the Purple Box...................................................................
Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................
Cleaning and Storing your OvaCue Mobile .............................................
The OvaCue Mobile Fertility Monitor was developed to assist in conception. It must be used in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual. Use of this product does not guarantee success in achieving pregnancy. OvaCue Mobile is an in vitro diagnostic medical device designed for home use. Store in a dry place at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children. Ovacue Mobile is not intended to be used to prevent pregnancy.
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The Key to Conception: Understanding Your Cycle
You have decided that now is the time in your life to have a baby, but you might be learning that becoming pregnant is not as easy as you once thought. The OvaCue Mobile Fertility Monitor may help to increase your chances of conceiving by predicting your most fertile days up to seven days in advance. But, before you begin using your OvaCue Mobile, it is important to understand how your menstrual cycle works.
The menstrual cycle is the process during which your body prepares for pregnancy. It is regulated by a complex interaction of several key hormones, and for most women, lasts between 24 and 35 days. Your cycle begins with menstruation (day 1 of your cycle is the rst day of your menstrual period), with ovulation occurring sometime close to the midpoint of your cycle.
Ovulation is the process through which an egg is released from the ovary. Within the ovaries, each egg is stored in a uid-lled cavity called a follicle. While both ovaries store many follicles, only one follicle (called the dominant follicle) is selected each month to release an egg. The maturation process of the dominant follicle occurs approximately 5-7 days before ovulation.
As the dominant follicle matures, the amount of estrogen produced in your body increases. At the same time, luteinizing hormone (LH) is produced and stored in the anterior pituitary gland. Just prior to ovulation, the anterior pituitary gland secretes a surge of LH, which causes the wall of the dominant follicle to weaken and rupture, thereby releasing the egg and propelling it into the opening of the nearby fallopian tube.
Once the egg is released from the follicle, the follicle cells transform into the corpus luteum, a glandular structure that secretes large amounts of progesterone. If the egg is fertilized (which must occur within 24 hours after ovulation), increasing amounts of progesterone are released. Progesterone acts to build the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg and prevents menstruation. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum will disintegrate towards the end of the menstrual cycle, progesterone levels will drop rapidly, and menstruation will occur.
By tracking changes in the concentration of electrolytes in your saliva, OvaCue Mobile detects the hormonal changes that coincide with the maturation of the dominant follicle, and uses this information to predict the days you will be most fertile. Using the data collected with the vaginal sensor, OvaCue Mobile detects the surge in estrogen that occurs just prior to ovulation, and the shift to progesterone dominance that occurs at ovulation. This information allows OvaCue Mobile to help conrm the date of ovulation.
Description of Parts
Mobile Adapter Vaginal Sensor Oral Sensor
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