Oticon Radio Model - Quick Installation Guide
Radio Model Name: BTE/RITE Fusion 2
The mini RITE Fusion 2 radio model is a low power, inductive radio transceiver working at 3.84 MHz and consisting of a Digital-Signal-Processor (DSP), a radio
Front-End (FE) and memory (EEPROM) – connected to an antenna coil, a telecoil and smaller components, all mounted on a flexible Printed-Circuit-Board (PCB).
This Printed-Circuit-Board (PCB)
with all its mounted components
is intended to be installed as a
module into Oticon wireless
hearing aid devices of BTE and
RITE wearing styles.
The module also has all voltage
regulators included inside the
DSP and FE and
programming inputs on the
The module requires a battery,
one or two microphones and an
audio receiver to be attached and
must be mounted in an external
plastic shell.
The module is depicted to the
right with its main components
and connections:
buffered data
Oticon A/S Kongebakken 9 DK-2765 Smørum
Main +45 39 17 71 00 Fax +45 39 27 79 00 Denmark CVR-no. 42334219
Oticon Radio Model - Quick Installation Guide
Radio Model Name: BTE/RITE Fusion 2
When the BTE/RITE Fusion 2 module is to be implemented inside the RITE wearing styles of Oticon’s wireless hearing aids, an extra small add -on
PCB with passive filtering components is added due to EMC reasons. It bears no relevance to the radio performance of the wireless hearing aids, in
which it is included, but it is shown here below (seen from 3 sides) to provide a complete overview of the devices:
Add-On PCB for RITE styles:
Oticon A/S Kongebakken 9 DK-2765 Smørum
Main +45 39 17 71 00 Fax +45 39 27 79 00 Denmark CVR-no. 42334219