OT Bioelettronica EMG-USB2 User Manual

User manual v 2.0
Signal Amplifier
Read this manual carefully before using the EMG-USB2 amplifier.
EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... pag. 5
2. EMG-USB2 KIT CONTENT ..................................................................................... pag. 6
3. END USERS ........................................................................................................... pag. 6
Contraindications ............................................................................................ pag. 6
Side effects .................................................................................................... pag. 6
4. SAFETY CAUTIONS AND OTHER WARNINGS ...................................................... pag. 7
5. SYMBOLS USED ON EMG-USB2 AND IN THE USER MANUAL ............................. pag. 9
6. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................. pag. 10
7. DETAILED DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... pag. 12
Single input connectors: IN 1÷4 ............................................................. pag. 12
Multiple input connectors: MULTIPLE IN 1÷3 .......................................... pag. 13
PATIENT REF connector ........................................................................ pag. 13
DRL IN connector ................................................................................. pag. 13
DRL OUT connector .............................................................................. pag. 14
Liquid crystal display and keypad............................................................ pag. 14
Power supply socket .............................................................................. pag. 15
Power supply switch .............................................................................. pag. 15
Fuse box ............................................................................................... pag. 16
Fan ....................................................................................................... pag. 16
USB connector ...................................................................................... pag. 17
AUXILIARY INPUTS connectors .............................................................. pag. 17
TRIGGER connector ............................................................................... pag. 17
ANALOG OUTPUT connector................................................................... pag. 17
8. USE OF EMG-USB2 ................................................................................................ pag. 18
Detection Mode ..................................................................................... pag. 18
Amplification gain .................................................................................. pag. 20
High pass and Low pass filters ............................................................... pag. 20
Analog out setting ................................................................................. pag. 21
Global Settings ...................................................................................... pag. 21
Backlight management .......................................................................... pag. 22
Firmware upgrade ................................................................................. pag. 22
............................................................................................. pag. 12
............................................................................................... pag. 15
.................................................................... pag. 18
9. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................ pag. 27
10. EMG-USB2 MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE ........................................................ pag. 28
11. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................... pag. 29
12. WARRANTY ........................................................................................................ pag. 30
Warranty conditions ........................................................................................ pag. 30
.................................................................................. pag. 23
.............................................................................. pag. 24
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
The EMG-USB2 is a multichannel amplifier for bioelectrical signals. It can detect surface
electromyographic (sEMG) signals, intramuscular electromyographic (iEMG) signals,
electroencephalographic (EEG) signals and electrocardiographic (ECG) signals.
The EMG-USB2 allows the detection and recording of the electric signals generated by human
body. The signals acquired by the instrument are amplified, filtered, digitally converted and then
transferred to a PC, via an USB interface, for real-time visualization and storage. A freeware
software called OT BioLab has been designed by OT Bioelettronica and is available for download
on the website www.otbioelettronica.it, under the download page.
The EMG-USB2 is a research instrument designed for clinical research carried out by qualified
researchers. EMG-USB2 has been developed by the cooperation between OT Bioelettronica and
EMG & MOTOR UNIT LABORATORY of Aalborg University.
The EMG-USB2 is a modular system. It can amplify from 16 up to 256 bioelectrical channels, in
modules of 16 channels per board installed. The number of amplifier boards installed in the system
determines the total number of channels.
Several configurations of electrodes are possible by means of a number of cable adapters that
allow splitting the 7 amplifier inputs (16 channels for inputs: IN1, IN2, IN3 and IN4; 64 channels
EMG-USB2 allow to acquire, in any configuration, 16 additional signals on the auxiliary inputs
(AUX-IN). The signals can be generated by others amplifiers (e.g. force, torque, angle, position or
trigger signals) that do not need an optical insulation.
Custom amplification boards can be realized on user request to allow acquisition of other biological
and non-biological signals (MMG, force, etc.).
The EMG-USB2 instrument is completely safe for the patient. The safety is achieved by means of
medical grade electrical insulation of all the circuitry connected to the patient.
This user manual refers to all hardware versions of the instrument.
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
1 multichannel amplifier EMG-USB2 1 to 7 cable adapters to connect electrodes to the amplifier (depending on the number of
channels installed into the amplifier and on the customer request);
1 conductive cream package; 3 reference straps; Arrays and matrix of electrodes of different sizes, depending on the customer request; 1 EMG-USB2 user manual.
EMG-USB2 multichannel amplifier allows invasive and non invasive recording of biopotentials
(iEMG, sEMG, EEG, ECG) detected by superficial and intramuscular electrode.
In case of sEMG, EEG and ECG recordings the end user must be familiar with the technique and
received a proper training in EMG or EEG or ECG detection and interpretation.
The detection of iEMG signals is subjected to the insertion of needles or wires into the muscle and
must be supervised by trained medical staff.
EMG-USB2 has no particular contraindications when used jointly with personal computers,
provided that all the electrical devices connected to it and the power line comply with safety rules
and standards concerning grounding and leakage currents.
Side effects
In case of sEMG, EEG or ECG, no significant side effects are known. The materials used for
manufacturing all the parts in contact with the patient are biocompatible. Possible slight cutaneous
allergic reactions (e.g. skin reddening) are reduced to a minimum during short duration of
bioelectrical signal acquisitions.
In case of iEMG, the needles or wires used to detect the signals must be sterilized. No significant
side effects are known.
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
The use of the multichannel EMG-USB2 amplifier is absolutely forbidden in the following
While other monitoring devices are in use with the patient. While electro surgery equipment, short waves or microwaves therapy devices are used. By mentally impaired people. Whenever the equipment is damaged. In proximity of inflammable substances (especially inflammable liquids and gases) or in
environments with high concentration of oxygen.
On patients carrying life-supporting equipment that might be adversely affected by
electromagnetic interferences, such as pacemakers, etc.
The following cautions should be observed:
The detection of iEMG signals must be supervised by trained medical staff. Only use electrodes supplied by the manufacturer: EMG-USB2 is guaranteed to achieve tested
performance only if used with electrodes supplied by the manufacturer.
Contact the manufacturer immediately if extraneous materials permeate into the device
(liquids, powders, etc.). In case of hard shocks suffered by the EMG-USB2 (like a drop to the
floor, etc.), verify that no crack or any other kind of damage of the box resulted from the
shock. In case of doubt, please contact the manufacturer.
The EMG-USB2 is subject to electromagnetic interference that is not dangerous for the patient
(such as electrostatic or electromagnetic interference generated by electrical motors and other
sources). This interference may affect the measurements of the physiological variables derived
from the EMG or EEG signals. These measurements are not meant to be used for diagnostic
purposes, and thus these signal alterations cannot be dangerous for the patient, please always
take into account the presence of noise in your signal processing tasks and evaluations.
Before making any measurement, it is mandatory to check the quality of the grounding of the
power line to which the EMG-USB2 is connected. The use of electrical devices with
grounding connections not compliant with safety standards represents a high risk
for the patient and the operator.
The connection between EMG-USB2 and other electrical devices (e.g. a PC) must be done in
compliance with the European standard EN 60601-1-1 on medical devices.
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EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
Always use the EMG-USB2 with a PC manufactured in compliance with the European standards
EN 60950 (safety standard for information technology devices), EN 55022 (EMC standard) and
EN 55024 (immunity standard).
Electrical motors and other electrical devices (relay, remote control switch, neon lights, etc.)
near the EMG-USB2 electromyograph can be a source of electromagnetic interference that
disturbs the amplifier. The presence of such electromagnetic fields is not dangerous for the
patient, but can alter the bioelectrical signals and cause unreliable measurements.
The use of the EMG-USB2 is restricted to skilled personnel. Incorrect measurements can arise when unskilled personnel use the device in presence of
strong sources electromagnetic interference (e.g. strong electromagnetic fields). The presence
of interference in the signals is easily recognised by skilled personnel.
EMG-USB2 is not designed to be portable equipment. Should it be necessary to move the EMG-
USB2 electromyograph, it must be properly packaged to avoid typical vibrations and shocks
arising from transportations. Vibrations could cause the release of metallic particles inside the
appliance, such as screws, nuts and bolts, that could compromise the safety of the patient and
the integrity of the appliance.
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Class BF for circuitry applied to patient.
Read carefully the instruction remarks before use.
Dangerous voltage level, power line voltage.
Multifunction keys to select the parameter to be modified. Multifunction keys to modify the selected parameter value.
Input selection keys, indicated as Previous INPUT and Next INPUT. They can be used to select the group of channels related to an IN and a MULTIPLE IN connector.
Multifunction key to enter the selected parameter value.
Signals input.
Signals output.
Power on (I): switch on power line voltage supply. Power off (O): switch off power line voltage supply.
EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
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Device configuration
Example of probes configuration
256 channels
four 16 channel probes and three 64 channel probes
128 channels
four 16 channel probes and one 64 channel probe
64 channels
four 16 channel probes
16 channels
one 16 channel probe
EMG-USB2 User manual v.2.0
EMG-USB2 is an optically and galvanically insulated device designed to guarantee a high safety
level for the patient and the operator in all operating conditions. The optical and galvanic
insulation separates the circuitry connected to the patient from the circuitry connected to external
non-medical devices, such as the PC used for data acquisition and user interface. An embedded
circuitry, called Driven Right Leg (DRL) circuitry, is available to reduce common mode voltage
noise arising from electrical interference from the power line. The DRL is particularly useful in
monopolar acquisition mode.
Table 1 shows an example of possible probes configurations with the available versions of the
TAB. 1: Examples of probes configurations with EMG-USB2 amplifier.
As shown in the examples, it is possible to simultaneously acquire signals with different probes.
This is necessary when signals from different muscles need to be recorded at the same time or
when EEG and EMG has to be recorded together.
Using the front panel keypad, it is possible to assign a gain value to each probe. When the signals
are detected from different sources, it can be necessary to set different gain levels for each probe
to exploit the full range of the A/D converter and obtain the best possible recording of the signal.
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