This product is to be used only under the supervision of a licensed health care
professional. Care must be taken to follow the advice of the healt care professional
when using this or any medical device.
1 Each pair of shells, (2 upper and 2 lower), must be set to the same position
(Figure 1). Failure to do so could cause hinge malalingment and brace
2 Depress button on each shell and slide shell to required length (Figure 2).
3 Undo mid-strap and place brace under patient´s leg (Figure 3). Attain correct
hinge position by adjusting the mid-strap and pad.
4 Hinges are centered halfway between the front and back of the knee
(Figure 4).
5 Hinges and shells are parallel (Figure 5).
6 Pass strap throug the d-ring and fasten the hook tap end back onto the strap
to secure (Figure 3).
7 The mid-strap should be tightened as firmly as possible without restricting
circulation. Adjust stap length through hinge arm d-rings
Correct Brace Position.
8 Align calf shells so hinges are parallel to tibia. Secure strap 1 (Figure 5). Pull
strap tight, pass strap through d-ring and fasten the hook tab end back onto
the strap.
9 Align thigh shells so hinges are parallel with the femur.
10 Secure straps 2,3, and 4 (Figure 5) using same procedure.
11 When desired strap length is achieved remove hook cover on shell and mid-
strap (Figure 6). Press strap against hook to secure.
12 After straps are secured, check brace position again and adjust if necessary.
Leave straps fastened at hook contact along shells. The brace is now properly
sized for the patient. Future application and correct positioning can be done
easily by fastening straps along the front of the brace position.
13 Push and set to desired extension position (Figure 7).
14 Push and set to desired flexion position (Figure 7).
15 After Range of Motion is set push Range Of Motion Spring Locks into place
(Figure 8).
16 Make adjustments to both hinges.
NOTE: Range of Motion Lock is not to be used in the 105 degree
Liners may be hand washed with cold water. Hang to dry.
Ossur post operative bracing product are disposable, limited use devices not
intended for long term use. We warrant our products against defects in material
and workmanship in the following manner; 30 days for skin contact parts (foam
and straps) and 90 days for shells and hinges. Since we cannot control the manner
in which such devices are fit, applied, adjusted or used, this warrany does nota
apply to products which have been neglected, abused, incorrectly applied or
incorrectly fit. There are no warranties, either expressed or implied, other than
those listed above.