OSRAM QTi 1x35, QTi 2x35 Technical Information

QTi 1x35/49/80 QTi 2x35/49
21mm height
Lamp start within 1 s with optimum filament preheating
Suitable for applications with frequent switching cycles
Automatic shutdown of lamps in the event of a defect and at the
end of their life
Automatic restart after lamp replacement
Combi-Wiring (CW) terminal for automatic or manual wiring
Suitable for luminaires with protection class I and II (functional
earth connection required)
Suitable for emergency installations acc. to VDE 0108
Technical Data:
Technical Information
Edition: April 2004
Subject to change without any notes
QT i 1x35/49/80 QT i 2x35/49
Lamps: 1x HE 35W, HO 49W, HO 80W 2xHE 35W, HO 49W Lamp wattage [W]: 35 / 49 / 80 2x35 / 2x49 System wattage [W]: 39 / 55 / 91 79 / 110 Line current [mA]: 157 / 250 / 400 350 / 480 Luminous flux at 25°C [lm]: 3300 / 4300 / 6150 3300 / 4300 Luminous flux at 35°C [lm] 3650 / 4300 / 7000 3650 / 4300 Max. cross section of wires for IDC-contact [mm Max. cross section of wires for push-in contact [mm
„e“: 0,5; „f“: 0,75
„e“: 0.5...1.0*
Ignition time: t < 1 Sek. Line voltage: 220-240 V Voltage range (AC): 198 V – 264 V Voltage range (DC) 176V – 254 V; Zündung bei mind. 198V Line frequency: 0, 50-60 Hz Operating frequency: 45 - 70 kHz Incrush current: IP = 1 A TH = 5 ms IP = 1,5 A TH = 5 ms Radio interference
gem. EN 55015 + EN 55022 suppression: Harmonic content: gem. EN 61000-3-2 Immunity: gem. EN 61547 Power factor:
Ambient temperature range t
λ = 0,99* λ = 0,99*
-20°C bis +50°C Case temperature tc: max. +70°C Design (L x B x H): 360 x 30 x 21 mm 423 x 30 x 21 mm Distance between
350 mm 415 mm mounting holes: Weight: 310 g 390 g Approval marks:
* Single values under www.osram.de