TA-110 9 inch Static Balance type Tonearm User Guide
Ortofon A/S | Stavangervej 9 | DK-4900 Nakskov | Denmark | Tel. +45 54 91 19 15 | www.ortofon.com
Mounting distance
(Distance between the pivot point and turntable center)
Effective armlength
(Distance bet ween the stylus and pivot point)
Effective mass without headshell
Weight of supplied headshell LH-2000E
(Distance from the platter spindle center to the stylus point)
Offset angle
(Angle between the car tridge/cantilever axis and the line from pivot to stylus)
Tracking force adjusting range
Tracking force adjusting range (with extra mass ring mounted)
Height adjustment range
Diameter of the armbase mounting hole
Diameter of the center shaft of tonearm
Null points: Inner null point
Outer null point
Counterweight for cartridge + headshell mass between 21 and 28 g included
Extra mass ring for heavier cartridges included
Extra mass ring weight
213. 0 mm
231.0 m m
3.5 g
15.5 g
18.0 mm
23.9 degrees
0-3 g
0-4 g
35 - 55 mm
19 - 20 mm
18 m m
66 mm
120.9 m m
45 g
Horizontal tracking error
The path of the stylus follows an arc across the
record. Therefore the stylus can not be tangential to
the groove in more than 2 points.
These two points with zero horizontal tracking error
are according to Baerwald, inner null point 66.0 mm
and outer null point 120.9 mm (measured from the
center of the record).
Do NOT remove or adjust any screw on the tonearm assembly. They are factory assembled to the exact
specifications. Any changes could result in malfunctioning of the arm.
The mounting distance, the effective armlength and
the overhang must be set as specified in the User
Guide in order to achieve this alignment.
TA-110/210 Principle sketch
Mounting distance
Effective armlength
Offset angle
Inner null point
Outer null point
Stylus path
Diameter of the armbase mounting hole
Center of pivot
Center of spindle

Tonearm Base
ContentsRef.: Fig 1
The Hole for Turntable Spindle
Mounting Template
Turntable Spindle
Turntable Plinth (or Armboard) Tonearm Mouting
The Hole of Template Marked TA-110 / TA-210
TA-110 TA-210
3 x M3 Screw Hole
The Hole of Template Marked TA-110 / TA-210
Guide Pin Adapter
Guide Pin
Tonearm Base
1 x Tonearm
1 x Tonearm Base
1 x Tonearm Cable
1 x User Guide
1 x Hexagonal M4 Wrench
(for height adjustment)
1 x Guide Pin Adaptor
1 x Guide Pin
1 x Plastic Mounting Template
3 x M3 Screws
3 x Washer
3 x M3 Nuts
1 x Hexagonal Wrench for
M3 Screws & Armlift
3 x Wood Screws
How to mount Tonearm (Ref.: Fig 1)
1. Place the plastic template onto the turntable
spindle and determine the position of the tonearm
base as shown in Fig.1.
2. Place the tonearm base under template hole
m a r ke d TA -110.
Insert the guide pin adaptor in the hole for the
tonearm shaft and secure with screw.
3. Insert the guide pin through the template hole
marked TA-110 and guide pin adapter. Use the
pin to make a mark on the arm board. This is the
center of the TA-110 pivot.
4. Hold the armbase in this position, and make
marks on the armboard/plinth for the three
mounting screws. The guide pin can also be used
for this.
5. Drill a hole for the arm shaft (19 mm - 20 mm
diameter) and 3 holes for the base mounting
screws (3.5 mm for short M3 screws, 2 mm
for wood screws). Screw hole size might need
adjustment due to different hardness of boards.
6. Mount the arm base with 3 mounting screws onto
the board.
7. Place the tonearm shaft into the tonearm base
hole. Hold the shaft at the desired height, and
tighten the M4 set screw with the included Allen
(Hexagonal) wrench.
Anti Skating Force
When a vinyl record spins, the stylus riding in the groove is pulled inwards toward the center of the vinyl,
causing a greater stylus pressure against the inside wall of the groove than against the outside wall. The
anti-skating mechanism incorporated in the tonearm will neutralize this. It is calibrated from 0 to 3 g in 0.5 g
increments corresponding to the same calibration of the stylus pressure.
Adjustment of tonearm
(Ref.: Fig 2)
Horizontal balance
1. Mount the shell/cartridge onto tonearm. The headshell+cartridge with the total weight in the range
18 g - 28 g can be used for TA-110. For heavier cartridge and headshell combinations, the extra mass ring
may need to be attached to achieve proper tracking force.
2. Adjust the rear tonearm counter weight by turning it until the tonearm floats approximately parallel/
horizontal to the platter.
3. For maintaining of counterweight Inner/Outer scales to be applied:
Inner scale to be applied with main counterweight. Outer scale to be
applied with extra mass ring mounted onto the end of counterweight.
4. The counter weight should be attached onto the rear of the tonearm
with the inner number scale facing forward. If the extra mass ring is
needed, it must be installed prior to attaching the counter weight to
the tonearm. The extra mass ring should be installed on the back of
the counter weight and may need to be twisted slightly to facilitate the
installation. Ensure the extra mass ring fits tightly to the thick part of
the counterweight.
Vertical tracking force
1. Turn the tracking force adjustment ring to “0”.
2. Move the counter weight forward by turning it until its
indicator points to the recommended tracking force.
Height of stylus tip
1. Set height of armlift so that the tip of the stylus is
5-10 mm above the vinyl record surface when the
tonearm is lifted via the armlift lever.
Ref.: Fig 2
Finger Lift
Headshell Tonearm Tube
Tonearm with Rubber Insert:
Rubber insert with high vibration dampening properties integrated in tonearm tube.
Ortofon manufactures rubber insert using its own special acoustic rubber compound.
Rubber Insert
Armlift Lever
Case of Pivot Assembly (Aluminum)Tonearm tube should be horizontally balanced in parallel with player base Tracking Force Adjustment Ring
Arm Rest Anti Skating
1 x M4 Screw for Height Adjustment
Tonearm Mounting Shaft (Zink) Tonearm Base (Aluminum)
Tonearm Mounting Shaft (Zink)
The use of different metals (aluminum, brass and zink)
disperse the total resonace of tonearm assembly.
Counterweight (Brass)
Ortofon TA-110 tonearm 06-12/5800139-12/rev.02