*) Typica
Cartridge weight
Replacement stylus unit
l value
Internal inductance
Recommended load resistance
Recommended load capacitance
Cartridge color (body/stylus)
Tracking force range
Tracking force, recommended
Tracking angle
Internal impedance, DC resistance
Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force*)
Compliance, dynamic, lateral
Stylu s type
Stylus tip radius
Channel separation at 1 kHz
Channel separation at 15 kHz
Frequen cy range at -3 dB
Frequency response
Technical Data
Output vo ltage at 1000 Hz, 5 cm /sek
Channel balance at 1 kHz
Moving Magnet cartridges
1.5-2.0 g (15-20 mN )
200-500 pF
47 kO hm
5 g
1.75 g (17.5 mN)
750 Ohm
450 mH
R 18 µm
20-20,000 Hz
20-22,000 Hz
20 µm/m N
60 µm
20 dB
12 dB
OM 1S OM 5E OM 10
4.5 mV
2 dB
1.5-2.0 g (15-20.0 mN )
200-600 pF
47 kO hm
5 g
200-500 pF
47 kO hm
5 g
1.75 g (17.5 mN)
750 Ohm
450 mH
750 Ohm
450 mH
r/R 8/18 µm
1.25-1.75 g (12.5-17.5 mN)
1.5 g (15 mN)
r/R 8/18 µm
20-20,0 00 Hz +/- 2 d B
20-25,000 Hz
20 µm/m N
65 µm
25 µm/m N
70 µm
22 dB
15 dB
4 mV
2 dB
20-20,0 00 Hz +3 /- 1 dB
20-22,000 Hz
22 dB
15 dB
4 mV
2 dB
Ortofon A/S
Stavangervej 9
DK-4900 Nakskov
08-17/5-800130-12 rev.02

Thank you for choosing the Ortofon Moving Magnet
cartridge. At Ortofon we constantly look for new
technology to be used in our products, thus we assure
the highest level of per formance and quality. It is our
aim to bring you many hours of new and surprising
experience in listening to your precious collection.
This phono cartridge is only for mounting on tonearms
and must not be used for other purposes.
Please note
To avoid damages on the stylus please keep the stylus
guard on the cartridge any time when mounting or
dismounting the unit.
Mounting the cartridge
1. Remove stylus unit with stylus guard before working
with leads and screws. Handle all parts carefully.
2. Please correlate the colour code for the terminals on
the drawing with the colour codings on the cartridge.
For more information please refer to Ortofon HiFi FAQ:
Stylus care
To maintain optimal sound reproduction and to
minimize wear on your record as well as on your
stylus, we recommend the following procedure before
and after each playback: remove dust carefully from
record surfaces by using a fine antistatic brush or
cloth before every use. Ortofon do not recommend
the use of solvents of any kind for cleaning of either
record surface or stylus. If necessary, records may be
washed in lukewarm demineralized water with a dash
of sulphonic soap. The detergents should be allergy- &
environmental friendly, without perfume or as little as
possible: a few drops to a few liters of waters, no lather.
The use of solvents on the stylus and cantilever may
damage stylus cement; interior parts of the cartridge
can be affected seriously by the intrusion of solvents.
The Ortofon warranty service will not be valid in cases
where such treatment has caused malfunction of your
White L+
Red R+
3. Fasten the cartridge to the headshell using a pair
of screws enclosed the packing. Do not tighten the
screws completely before the stylus unit has been
4. Adjust tonearm parallel to record surface, set
tracking force and antiskating acc. to the cartridge’s
recommended technical data.
Green RG
Blue LG
For cleaning the stylus, use fiber brush a few times
along the cantilever in the direction of the stylus tip,
whenever you play a new record or change sides. Use
the brush in the forward direction from the rear of the
cartridge towards the stylus tip and never from stylus
tip to the rear of the cartridge and never from side to
side. This will take all normal dust and most of the
slick release agent from new records. Following this
treatment there will normally be no need for further
stylus cleaning.
Please remember to remove dust from the diamond tip
before and after playback of each record.