Whenever you apply a transform, all of the operations that it contains are applied
sequentially in the following order to each step parameter:
1. Add RANDOM(Rd)
2. Multiply by G
3. Add JITTER(Jt)
4. Add A
5. Quantize to Qt
The result is the following formula:
+ RANDOM(Rd)) + JITTER(Jt) + A,Qt)
: The new value of the step parameter
: The old value of the step paramter
QUANTIZE(x,y): Round x to the nearest multiple of y
RANDOM(x): Random integer between 0 and x (uniform distribution)
JITTER(x): Random integer between -x and x (uniform distribution)
If for a particular step and parameter, the transform results in a P
that is outside
the valid range of the step parameter then the transform will have no eect on that
parameter. For example, trying to subtracting 50 from CV-A = 12 will have no eect.
TIP: In the case of non-destructive transforms, the Jitter and Random operations are
re-evaluated every time a target step is played.
A transform with all default values for each of its operations has no eect and is
called the identity transform. You can quickly reset any transform back to its identity
by pressing the DELETE button while in the TRANSFORM EDIT screen.
You can invert a transform that you are editing by pressing the INVERT button. Also,
you can apply the inverted version of a transform by holding the INVERT button
while pressing and releasing the MATH button. Transform inversion only applies to
the Add (A) and Multiply (G) operators.
Add 12.
Subtract 12.
Multiply by 2.
Divide by 2.
Add a random number
between 0 and 10.
Add a random number
between -3 and 3.
Round to the nearest
multiple of 8.
Code Operation Range Eect
A Addition -99 to 99 add A
G Multiplication 1/99 to 99 multipy by G
Jt Jitter 0 to 99 add a random integer between [-Jt, Jt]
Rd Random 0 to 99 add a random integer between [0, Rd]
Qt Quantize 1 to 99 round to the nearest multiple of Qt
The letter codes (aka variables) used in the TRANSFORM EDIT screen to represent
each operation.
Congurable Option: You can edit the conguration le to have only a single opera-
tion active at a time instead of all operations.