Ormazabal ekor.rpa, ekor.rpa-110, ekor.rpa-110-v, ekor.rpa-120, ekor.rpa-110-p General Instructions Manual

Protection, metering and control multifunction unit
General Instructions
IG-267-EN, version 01, 07/04/2017
When medium-voltage equipment is operating, certain components are live, other parts may be in movement and some may reach high temperatures. Therefore, the use of this equipment poses electrical, mechanical and thermal risks.
In order to ensure an acceptable level of protection for people and property, and in compliance with applicable environmental recommendations, Ormazabal designs and manufactures its products according to the principle of integrated safety, based on the following criteria:
Elimination of hazards wherever possible.
Where elimination of hazards is neither technically nor economically feasible, appropriate protection functions are incorporated in the equipment.
Communication about remaining risks to facilitate the design of operating procedures which prevent such risks, training for the personnel in charge of the equipment, and the use of suitable personal protective equipment.
Use of recyclable materials and establishment of procedures for the disposal of equipment and components so that once the end of their service lives is reached, they are duly processed in accordance, as far as possible, with the environmental restrictions established by the competent authorities.
Consequently, the equipment to which the present manual refers complies with the requirements of section 11.2 of Standard IEC 62271-1. It must therefore only be operated by appropriately qualified and supervised personnel, in accordance with the requirements of standard EN 50110-1 on the safety of electrical installations and standard EN 50110-2 on activities in or near electrical installations. Personnel must be fully familiar with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual and in other recommendations of a more general nature which are applicable to the situation according to current legislation
The above must be carefully observed, as the correct and safe operation of this equipment depends not only on its design but also on general circumstances which are in general beyond the control and responsibility of the manufacturer. More specifically:
The equipment must be handled and transported appropriately from the factory to the place of installation.
All intermediate storage should occur in conditions which do not alter or damage the characteristics of the equipment or its essential components.
Service conditions must be compatible with the equipment rating.
The equipment must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions given in the manual, and the applicable operating and safety principles must be clearly understood.
Maintenance should be performed properly, taking into account the actual service and environmental conditions in the place of installation.
The manufacturer declines all liability for any significant indirect damages resulting from violation of the guarantee, under any jurisdiction, including loss of income, stoppages and costs resulting from repair or replacement of parts.
The manufacturer guarantees this product against any defect in materials and operation during the contractual period. In the event that defects are detected, the manufacturer may opt either to repair or replace the equipment. Improper handling of this equipment and its repair by the user shall constitute a violation of the guarantee.
Registered Trademarks and Copyrights
All registered trademarks cited in this document are the property of their respective owners. The intellectual property of this manual belongs to Ormazabal.
For example, in Spain the “Regulation on technical conditions and guarantees for safety in high-voltage electrical installations” – Royal Decree 337/2014 is obligatory.
In view of the constant evolution in standards and design, the characteristics of the elements contained in this manual are subject to change without prior notice. These characteristics, as well as the availability of components, are subject to confirmation by Ormazabal.
General Instructions ekor.rpa
1. General description ..................................................5
1.1. General operating features ...................6
1.2. Components.................................7
1.2.1. Electronic relay ..............................8
1.2.2. Current sensors ..............................9
1.2.3. Voltage sensors ..............................9
1.2.4. “Binox” bistable tripping device and
tripping coil ................................10
1.3. Functionality of the unit.....................10
1.4. Communications............................11
2. Applications .............................................................12
2.1. Remote control of transformer and
distribution substations .....................12
2.2. Automatic reclosing of lines .................12
2.3. Line protection with circuit-breaker..........13
2.4. Transformer protection......................14
2.5. Automatic transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
2.6. Detection of phase with earthing............16
2.7. Protection and control of
MV interconnection stations.................17
2.8. Energy balances ............................17
3. Metering functions ..................................................18
3.1. Current and voltage metering ...............18
3.2. Power meterings............................19
3.3. Energy meter ...............................19
4. Protection functions ................................................20
4.1. Overcurrent units ...........................20
4.1.1. Timed overcurrent units.....................20
4.1.2. Instantaneous overcurrent units.............21
4.1.3. Block diagram ..............................21
4.2. Ultra-sensitive earth.........................22
4.3. Directional units ............................23
4.3.1. Phase directional units ......................23
4.3.2. Neutral and sensitive neutral
directional units ............................24
4.4. Thermal image unit .........................25
4.4.1. Estimated thermal capacity..................26
4.4.2. Functionality................................27
4.4.3. Block diagram ..............................28
4.5. Broken conductor unit ......................29
4.5.1. Calculation of sequence currents ............29
4.5.2. Functionality................................32
4.5.3. Block diagram ..............................32
4.6. Voltage units ...............................33
4.6.1. Timed overvoltage units ....................34
4.6.2. Instantaneous overvoltage units.............34
4.6.3. Timed undervoltage units...................35
4.6.4. Instantaneous undervoltage units ...........35
4.6.5. Block diagram ..............................36
4.7. Second harmonic blocking unit .............37
4.7.1. Functionality................................37
4.7.2. Block diagram ..............................39
4.8. Block by I
5. Detection, automation and control functions .......42
5.1. Recloser automation ........................42
5.1.1. Functionality................................42
5.1.2. VREF........................................42
5.1.3. Settings ....................................43
5.1.4. Recloser statuses............................43
5.2. Voltage presence/absence automation ......45
5.2.1. Functionality................................45
5.2.2. Settings ....................................45
5.2.3. Voltage presence/absence
automation statuses ........................45
5.3. Switch control ..............................46
5.3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
5.3.2. Settings ....................................46
5.3.3. Switch control statuses......................47
5.4. Remote control .............................47
6. Sensors ......................................................................48
6.1. Current sensors .............................48
6.1.1. Functional characteristics
of current sensors...........................49
6.1.2. Vector sum/zero-sequence wiring ...........50
6.2. Voltage sensors .............................51
6.2.1. Bushing ....................................51
6.2.2. ekor.evt-c ..................................52
7. Technical characteristics of the equipment ...........53
7.1. Rated values ................................53
7.2. Mechanical design ..........................53
7.3. Insulation tests..............................54
7.4. Electromagnetic compatibility...............54
7.5. Climatic tests ...............................55
7.6. Mechanical tests ............................55
7.7. Power tests .................................55
7.8. CE Conformity ..............................55
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Contents General Instructions
8. Protection, metering and control models .............56
8.1. Description of models vs functions ..........56
8.1.1. ekor.rpa-110................................58
8.1.2. ekor.rpa-120................................58
8.1.3. ekor.rpa-100-v/ekor.rpa-100-p..............59
8.1.4. Relay configurator ..........................60
8.2. “v” ekor.rpa-110-v and ekor.rpa-120-v
type units...................................61
8.2.1. Functional description ......................61
8.2.2. Definition of digital inputs/outputs .........62
8.2.3. Installation in a cubicle......................63
8.2.4. Checking and maintenance .................64
8.3. “p” ekor.rpa-110-p and ekor.rpa-120-p
type units ..................................66
8.3.1. Functional description ......................66
8.3.2. Definition of digital inputs/outputs ..........67
8.3.3. Fuse protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
8.3.4. Installation in a cubicle......................71
8.3.5. Checking and maintenance .................72
9. User configuration settings .....................................73
9.1. Local protection and automation settings ...73
9.2. Date and time settings ......................79
9.3. Remote communication settings ............79
11. User interface ...........................................................85
11.1. Web server. Checking and
configuring parameters .....................85
11.1.1. Characteristics of the Web server ............85
11.1.2. Access to the Web server: Local and
remote access ..............................86
11.2. Keyboard/Display ..........................90
11.2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
11.2.2. Display screen ..............................91
11.2.3. Error codes .................................96
11.3. Fileserver in USB memory ...................97
11.3.1. Connection to the system ...................97
11.3.2. Use of the interface .........................98
11.3.3. ekor.soft-xml ............................. 100
12. Communications ................................................... 102
12.1. Physical medium: RS-485.................. 102
12.1.1. MODBUS protocol ........................102
12.1.2. PROCOME protocol .......................107
12.2. Physical medium: Ethernet ................110
12.3. Physical medium: Mini-USB................111
13. Annex ..................................................................... 112
10. Log record .................................................................80
10.1. Fault report ................................80
10.1.1. Data capture logic ..........................80
10.1.2. Structure of the report ......................81
10.1.3. List of available signals .....................82
10.2. Event record ................................84
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa

1. General description

General description
Within the ekor.sys family, the ekor.rpa range of protection, metering and control units groups together a series of multifunctional devices. Depending on the model, the equipment can incorporate voltage and current functions, along with automation functions, local/remote control, etc. All these functions are related to current and future automation, control and protection requirements in switching and transformer substations.
As a result of new demands in supply quality, there is an increasing need for automation in distribution networks and for equipment to carry out metering and control supervision functions for the switch in distribution cubicles.
The ekor.rpa-100 protection, metering and control units have been designed to meet these needs, in accordance with national and international standard requirements and recommendations that are applied to each part that makes up the unit:
• EN 60255, EN 61000, EN 62271-200, EN 60068, EN 60044.
• IEC 60255, IEC 61000, IEC 62271-200, IEC 60068, IEC 60044, IEC 61958.
Integrating the ekor.rpa units in the Ormazabal cubicle system allows specific products for requirements in different facilities.
2. Delivering the complete integrated solution (cubicle + relay + sensors) reduces handling of interconnections when installing the cubicle in the network connection. The only connection necessary is the medium-voltage cables (MV). The possibility of wiring and installation errors is removed, thus minimising commissioning time.
3. Voltage and current sensors are installed in the cubicle cable bushing. Metering of V, I, P, Q and energies are obtained without the need for voltage transformers.
4. All the units are factory installed, adjusted and checked; each piece of equipment (relay + control + sensors) also undergoes a comprehensive check before being installed. The final unit tests are carried out once the unit is incorporated in the cubicle before delivery.
5. Current metering is carried out by current sensors with a high transformation ratio, making it possible for the same equipment to detect a wide range of power levels. This is possible thanks to the high sensitivity and low noise of the relay's analogue channels.
The ekor.rpa-100 units in the ekor.rpa range have outputs to, either locally or remotely, open and close the switch in the cubicle where it is installed. Furthermore, the equipment series has inputs which receive the status of the cubicle switch.
The ekor.rpa-100 units also have the following benefits compared to conventional systems:
1. The remote control unit (RTU or Remote Terminal Unit) and protection are integrated in the cubicle in a compact manner, simplifying the solution and minimising the need to install control boxes on the cubicles.
Figure 1.1. Protection, metering and control units: ekor.sys family
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General description General Instructions

1.1. General operating features

All the relays of the ekor.rpa-100 series include a microprocessor for processing the metering sensor signals. They process voltage and current meterings and eliminate the influence of transient states, calculate the magnitudes required to ensure current and voltage protection functions, automation, etc. At the same time they calculate the efficient values of the electrical meterings that report the instantaneous value of these parameters of the installation.
Figure 1.2. ekor.rpa-100 series relay
The ekor.rpa-100 relays are equipped with a keypad for local display, set-up and operation of the unit, as well as communication ports to handle these functions from a PC, either locally or remotely. The ergonomic keyboard menus have been designed to make use as intuitive as possible.
Current metering is carried out via high transformation ratio current sensors. These transformers or current sensors maintain the accuracy class in all of their rated range.
Voltage metering is normally by capturing the voltage signal using a capacitor divider built into the cubicle's bushing. There is an option of installing ekor.evt-c external capacitive voltage sensors for applications which require high-voltage metering precision, such as applications with MV network energy meters.
The different interfaces, local (display) or remote (Web), also provide settings parameters, logs, events, etc., in addition to instantaneous values for metering of currents, voltages, powers and energies.
From a maintenance perspective, the ekor.rpa-100 units have a series of features that reduce the time and the possibility of errors in the test and service restoration tasks. Among the main characteristics, the most prominent are the large diameter toroidal-core current transformers installed in the cubicle bushing, their built-in test bars (for easier checking), and accessible terminal blocks for current or voltage injection tests as well as for checking the relay inputs and outputs. This configuration enables a comprehensive testing of the unit.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa

1.2. Components

The parts which make up the ekor.rpa-100 protection, metering and control series are the electronic relay, voltage and current sensors, auxiliary circuits (terminal block and wiring), the bistable release and the tripping coil.
General description
Terminal block
ekor.rpa electronic relay
Voltage and current sensors
Figure 1.3. Parts of the assembly of ekor.rpa-100 in cubicle
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General description General Instructions

1.2.1. Electronic relay

The electronic relay has a keyboard and display to set and view the protection and control parameters. Moreover, the display provides information of the system's meterings, alarms and control signals in real time. The keyboard includes a seal on the <<SET>> key to ensure that once the settings have been made they cannot be changed unless the seal is broken.
The protection trips are registered on the display with the following parameters:
• Trip unit
• The phasor at the moment of tripping (currents and voltages).
• Tripping time. The time passing from start-up to tripping of the unit.
• The time and date the event occurred.
Unit errors are also permanently displayed. Furthermore, it is possible to check the fault reports using the front USB port by connecting a PC to this port and using the implemented folder system.
The “ON” LED is activated when the equipment receives power from an external source and flashes quickly when the relay starts up. This LED will flash less frequently once the microprocessor has checked that the status of the equipment is correct and all the protection units are active. In this situation, the unit is operational to carry out protection functions.
The voltage and current analogue signals are conditioned internally by small and very accurate transformers that isolate the electronic circuits from the rest of the installation.
The system has, in all its variants, 9 inputs and 4 outputs. Both the inputs and the outputs are protected from unwanted enabling/disabling.
The unit has 2 rear Ethernet ports for configuration, a front mini-USB port for maintenance, and two rear RS-485 communications ports for remote control. The standard communication protocols for all models are MODBUS and PROCOME.
"ON" signalling LED
Metering and parameter setting display
SET key
Keyboard for scrolling through screens
Front mini-USB communication port
Figure 1.4. Description of the elements available on the front of the
ekor.rpa-120 relay
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

1.2.2. Current sensors

The current sensors are toroidal-core current transformers with a 300/1 A or 1000/1 A or 2500/1 ratio, depending on the models. These transformers cover the entire operation range of Ormazabal cubicles, from rated currents 5A up to 2500 A.
The phase toroidal transformers are factory-installed in the cubicle bushings, which significantly simplifies on-site assembly and connection. This way, once the medium­voltage cables are connected to the cubicle, the installation protection is operational. Installation errors of the sensors, due to earth grids, polarities, etc., are removed upon installation and checked directly at the factory.
All the current sensors have an integrated protection against the opening of secondary circuits, which prevents overvoltages.
General description

1.2.3. Voltage sensors

Cubicle voltage metering is carried out using a capacitor divider incorporated in the cubicle’s bushing, which ensures a precision of ± 5 % in the worst case scenario.
Ormazabal ekor.evt-c capacitive sensors can be used for greater precision. These are capacitor divider voltage sensors for gas-insulated cubicles. They are designed to allow assembly in both separable T-connectors and busbars. Their operation is autonomous and passive (without external auxiliary supply), with low-voltage analogue output and low power applicable directly to the metering systems without prior conditioning, for installation in medium-voltage automation and supervision systems in networks up to 36 kV. It can also measure partial discharges and establish communication via PLC.
Current sensors
Figure 1.5. Location of the current sensors
Figure 1.6. ekor.evt-c voltage sensors
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General description General Instructions

1.2.4. “Binox” bistable tripping device and tripping coil

The "Binox" bistable trigger is a precision electromechanical actuator which is sealed with its own reinforcement and integrated in the switch driving mechanism. This release acts upon the switch when there is a protection trip. It is characterised by the low actuation power (high energy efficiency) it requires for tripping. This energy is delivered in the form of a pulse from the relay in a controlled manner to ensure the proper operation of the release and the opening of the switch.
The trials and tests passed by the ekor.rpa-100 unit set and cubicle, along with quality assurance in manufacture, mean this is a highly reliable element in the tripping chain. The solutions presented by Ormazabal with ekor.rpa-100 units have this tripping device installed as standard.
Figure 1.7. “Binox” Tripping coil
The operations ordered by the ekor.rpa-100 unit digital outputs are performed by means of conventional tripping coils. This way, a redundant and therefore more reliable operational system is achieved.

1.3. Functionality of the unit

The functionality of the assembly as a unit (MV cubicles for protection, metering and control, sensors, and protection and metering transformers) is validated in a test plan carried out in an in-house controlled environment.
To achieve this, Ormazabal counts on the CIT, its Research and Technology Centre, which represents an essential instrument in R&D, in order to capture and improve existing technologies and carry out research into new ones.
The CIT facilities offer services to the science and technology sector in order to carry out research, development and type tests both for Ormazabal's business unit products and also for the rest of the electricity sector.
The CIT is made up mainly of:
1. HPL: Electrotechnical power laboratory, with the goal of identifying, acquiring and disseminating process technologies and strategic products within Ormazabal.
2. UDEX: Demonstration and experimentation unit consisting of a fully configurable, independent medium-voltage singular experimentation network to allow tests for new technologies, products and services to be developed and carried out in a safe, controlled environment.
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

1.4. Communications

All the relays of the ekor.rpa-100 units have two TCP/IP connection Ethernet ports and a Web server for configuration. They also have a front mini-USB port for maintenance and two rear ports with serial communication RS-485 twisted pair (COM0 and COM1) for remote control.
The standard communication protocols implemented in all equipment are MODBUS in RTU transmission mode (binary) and PROCOME, through the rear RS-485 COM0 port fitted in these units.
Optionally, the ekor.rpa-120 model also has a bus for temperature sensor connection.
The ekor.rpa-100 relays can be interconnected to other units in the ekor.sys family, as shown in the image below.
General description
Figure 1.8. Intercommunicated units of the ekor.sys family
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Applications General Instructions

2. Applications

2.1. Remote control of transformer and distribution substations

The ekor.rpa-100 protection, metering and control units make it possible to handle remote control applications of the transformer and switching substations, by implementing the control and monitoring of each switch through the units associated with each functional unit.
Figure 2.1. Remote-controlled switching substation
The use of a remote control terminal and ekor.rpa-100 units enable the user to visualise and operate each functional unit remotely thanks to the inputs and outputs fitted for this purpose.
Figure 2.2. Layout of dierent stations in the network
Units that include this remote control function:
Unit Type of cubicle
ekor.rpa-100 type = p ekor.rpa-100 type = v
Table 2.1. Remote control function units
Fuse-combination switch
The remote controlling applications complement the ekor.rci integrated control unit associated to feeder functions (see Ormazabal document IG-158).

2.2. Automatic reclosing of lines

The reclosing function performs the automatic reclosing of lines once the protection unit has commanded the trip and the switch has opened.
This function is always associated with Ormazabal circuit­breaker cubicles.
The protection units with automatic reclosing have a series of advantages over protections without reclosing:
• They reduce the time in which electrical power is interrupted.
• They avoid the need to locally re-establish the service in substations without remote control for transient faults.
• They reduce the fault time using a combination of fast switch trips and automatic reclosings, which results in lesser damage caused by the fault and generates a lower number of permanent faults derived from transient faults.
The unit which includes this function is:
Unit Type of cubicle
ekor.rpa-100 type = v
Table 2.2. Recloser function unit
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

2.3. Line protection with circuit-breaker

The purpose of the line protection is to isolate this part of the network in case of fault, without it affecting the rest of the lines. In a general way, it covers any faults that originate between the substation, transformer substation or switching substation and the consumption points.
Figure 2.3. Feeder protection functions in ekor.rpa-100 relays
The types of fault that occur in these areas of the network depend primarily on the nature of the line, overhead line or cable and the neutral used.
In networks with overhead lines, the majority of faults are transient, which makes many line reclosings effective; in these cases, the reclosing function associated with circuit­breakers is used.
This is not the case for underground cables where faults are usually permanent.
On the other hand, in case of phase-to-earth faults in overhead lines, when the ground resistance is very high, the zero-sequence fault currents have a very low value In these cases, an ‘ultrasensitive’ neutral current detection is required.
The underground cables have earth coupling capacities, which causes the single phase faults to include capacitive currents. This phenomenon makes detection difficult in isolated or resonant earthed neutral networks and thus requires the use of the directional function.
In ekor.rpa-100 units, model ekor.rpa-110, line protection is carried out mainly by the following functions:
50 Instantaneous overcurrent relay. Protects against short-circuits between phases.
51 Inverse time overcurrent relay. Protects against excessive overloads, which can deteriorate the installation.
51_2 Inverse time overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against excessive overloads, which can deteriorate the installation.
50N Instantaneous earth overcurrent relay. Protects against phase-to-earth short-circuits.
51N Inverse time earth overcurrent relay. Protects against highly resistive faults between phase and earth.
51_2_N Inverse time earth overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against highly resistive faults between phase and earth.
50NS Instantaneous sensitive earth overcurrent relay. Protects against phase to earth short-circuits of very low value.
51NS Inverse time sensitive earth overcurrent relay. Protects against highly resistive faults between phase and earth of very low value.
51_2_NS Inverse time sensitive earth overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against highly resistive faults between phase and earth of very low value.
Harm. Block Second harmonic blocking. Blocks
overcurrent units during transformer magnetisation
79 Reclosing relay. Enables the automatic reclosing of lines.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Applications General Instructions
In addition, the ekor.rpa-100 equipment, ekor.rpa-120 model, also have the following functions:
67/67N and 67NS Directional overcurrent relay,
directional earth fault relay and directional sensitive earth fault relay. Phase, neutral and sensitive neutral
directional functions which are associated to their corresponding overcurrent units, together allowing directional overcurrent units.
49 Machine or transformer thermal relay. Protects against thermal overloads in lines which cannot be detected by the overcurrent units.
46BC Broken conductor detection. Detects open lines, which are generally quite difficult to detect using overcurrent units.

2.4. Transformer protection

The distribution transformers require various protection functions. Their selection depends primarily on the power and level of responsibility they have in the installation.
59/59N Overvoltage and residual overvoltage relay. Protects against phase and neutral overvoltages in the lines with 2 units for each phase and neutral, one timed and the other instantaneous.
27 Undervoltage relay. Protects against phase undervoltages in the lines with 2 units for each phase, one timed and the other instantaneous.
The units which provide the aforementioned functions are:
Unit Type of cubicle
ekor.rpa-100 type = v
Table 2.3. ekor.rpa-100-v
Figure 2.4. Transformer protection functions in ekor.rpa-100 relays
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa
The protection functions, available in models ekor.rpa-110, which must be implemented to protect distribution transformers with power ratings between 160 kVA and 2 MVA are the following:
50 Instantaneous overcurrent relay. Protects against short-circuits between phases in the primary circuit, or high value short-circuit currents between phases on the secondary side. This function is performed by the fuses when the protection cubicle does not include a circuit­breaker.
51 Inverse time overcurrent relay. Protects against excessive overloads, which can deteriorate the transformer, or against short-circuits in several turns of the primary winding.
51_2 Inverse time overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against excessive overloads, which can deteriorate the transformer, or against short-circuits in several turns of the primary winding.
50N Instantaneous earth overcurrent relay. Protects against phase to earth short-circuits or secondary winding short-circuits, from the interconnections and windings in the primary.
51N Inverse time earth overcurrent relay. Protects against highly resistive faults from the primary circuit to earth or to the secondary circuit.
51_2_N Inverse time earth overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against highly resistive faults from the primary circuit to earth or to the secondary.
50NS Instantaneous sensitive earth overcurrent relay. Protects against phase to earth short-circuits of very low value.
51NS Inverse time sensitive earth overcurrent relay. Protects against highly resistive faults between phase and earth of very low value.
51_2_NS Inverse time sensitive earth overcurrent relay II. Additional step to protect against highly resistive faults between phase and earth of very low value. 2
Harm. Block Second harmonic blocking. Blocks
overcurrent units during transformer magnetisation.
In addition, the ekor.rpa-100 equipment, ekor.rpa-120 models, also have the following functions:
67/67N and 67NS Directional overcurrent relay,
directional earth fault relay and directional sensitive earth fault relay. Phase, neutral and sensitive neutral
directional functions which are associated to their corresponding overcurrent units, together allowing directional overcurrent units.
49 Machine or transformer thermal relay. Protects against thermal overloads of transformers which cannot be detected by the overcurrent units.
46BC Broken conductor detection. Detects open lines. Broken conductors are quite difficult to detect using overcurrent units.
59/59N Overvoltage relay and residual overvoltage relay. Protects against phase and neutral overvoltages in the lines with 2 units for each phase and neutral, one timed and the other instantaneous.
27 Undervoltage relay. Protects against phase undervoltages in the lines with 2 units for each phase, one timed and the other instantaneous.
The protection units that include the above mentioned functions are:
Unit Type of cubicle
ekor.rpa-100 type = p ekor.rpa-100 type = v
Table 2.4. ekor.rpa-100-p/ekor.rpa-100-v
Fuse-combination switch
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Applications General Instructions

2.5. Automatic transfer

The automatic transfer of lines with circuit-breakers minimises power outages in loads fed by transformer or switching substations with more than one incoming line, thereby improving continuity of service.
Under normal conditions with voltage present on two possible incoming lines, the switch selected as preferred remains closed and the reserve one is opened. A voltage drop in the preferred line will cause the switch of this line to open and the reserve switch to close afterwards. Once normality has been re-established in the preferred line, the inverse cycle is performed, and the system returns to its initial status.
Figure 2.5. Automatic transfer

2.6. Detection of phase with earthing

In networks with isolated or resonant earthed neutral, the fault currents are very low. In the event of a fault in a system of this type, the fault current may not reach the calibrated threshold for overcurrent protection, and therefore this fault may not be detected.
Function 59 is used instead of programmed logic for detecting this type of fault, analysing both the installation’s neutral voltage and its current.
Figure 2.6. Detection of phase with earthing
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

2.7. Protection and control of MV interconnection stations

In MV customers where an ekor.rpa-100 relay is installed, either in protection cubicles with circuit-breaker or fuses which protect the MV outgoing, information on this outgoing can be sent to the SCADA both by the web and via the MODBUS-TCP communications protocol.

2.8. Energy balances

By including MV energy meterings in the ekor.rpa-100 relays, it is possible to analyse non-technical losses which can be found between the Transformer Substation and the LV consumption, in order to uncover possible fraudulent use such as energy which has not been billed due to an error in the LV equipment.
The accessible information would be as follows:
• Cubicle position
• Trips
• Alarms
• Meterings:
- Voltage
- Current
- Power
- Energy
Figure 2.7. ekor.rpa-100 unit measuring MV energies in a transformer
with private customers
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Metering functions General Instructions

3. Metering functions

3.1. Current and voltage metering

The unit has four current reading inputs (IA, IB, IC and INS) and three voltage reading inputs (VA, VB and VC). Each of them are conditioned and digitised in order to carry out the calculation.
The design of the equipment and sensors, along with their integration in the cubicle, form an assembly which works as a single unit to achieve maximum immunity and quality of the signal to be measured, both in the 50 Hz and 60 Hz networks.
The signal transduction and conditioning stages are designed to ensure the sensor and relay assembly reproduces both the magnitude and the phase of the current and voltage signals of the distribution network. This ensures optimal performance in real-time applications, with protection algorithms, in all operation conditions and in supply quality or load monitoring meterings.
The samples obtained for I
and VN, calculated by the sum
of samples of the corresponding phase signals, must be added to the voltage and current inputs sampled directly. These calculated signal characteristics are equivalent to those obtained by vector sum of the conventional sensor signals.
The meterings for supervision of current and voltage are measured integrated for 1.28 seconds and represented in phasorial mode (module + argument). Network load status is therefore updated regularly.
The current and voltage meterings are:
• Line currents I
• Line voltage: U
, IB and IC.
, UBC and UCA and Line voltages: VA, VB
and VC.
• Residual currents and voltages. Represented as: I
(3Io) and VN (3Vo).
Figure 3.1. Current and voltage metering
The final calibration is the overall calibration of sensors, metering equipment, cabling and switchgear, and is validated in an exhaustive test plan carried out in a controlled environment which reproduces the reality of the medium-voltage electrical distribution network.
All this process includes different scenarios:
• Maximum electromagnetic interference and temperature rise scenarios of the assembly, carried out at rated switchgear current.
• Maximum thermal variation scenarios, carried out in a climate chamber between -10 °C and 60 °C.
• Scenarios with highly aggressive transient disturbance, power and lightning impulse tests with medium-voltage levels.
• etc.
These tests conclude in points such as: the ratio of the number of turns of the current transformers, impedance of the voltage reading inputs, etc. All this is tested and validated on the final solution delivered to the customer.
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

3.2. Power meterings

Metering functions
The powers which are monitored (locally or remotely) are
1.28 second integrated meterings of the calculated RMS instantaneous values.
Accredited meterings in precision class guarantee reliability in the values obtained.
The equipment acts as a metering station for load analysis or electrical supply quality monitoring tasks. The monitored meterings for active and reactive power are single-phase and three-phase, and three-phase only for apparent power.

3.3. Energy meter

The equipment is fitted with an "Active and reactive electrical energy meter" which meets the particular requirements for static energy meters. This is an indirect connection three­phase meter which, along with the voltage and current metering sensors, form a medium-voltage (MV) meter.
The energy meter accumulates 100 meterings of powers P and Q integrated in a semicircle (1 second for 50Hz and
1.2 seconds for 60Hz). In total, there will be four meters: three single-phase (A phase, B phase and C phase) and one three-phase.
The meterings are made up of:
• Single-phase: Active PA, PB and PC and Reactive QA, QB and QC.
• Three-phase: PT, QT and ST Powers and Power Factor (P.F.).
Each meter has two active energy records (E+ and E-) and four reactive energy records (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4), each of them 32 bits. These registers have a bit to indicate overflow and a reset option by command.
Active powers are expressed in kilovolts-hour (kWh) and reactive powers are expressed in kilovolt amperes reactive­hour (kVArh).
Active energy imported (in kWh): EA + , EB + , EC + and ET + Active energy exported (kWh): EA - , EB - , EC - and ET ­Inductive reactive energy imported (kVArh): QA1, QB1, QC1 and QT1 Capacitive reactive energy imported (kVArh): QA2, QB2, QC2 and QT2 Inductive reactive energy exported (kVArh): QA3, QB3, QC3 and QT3 Capacitive reactive energy exported (kVArh): QA4, QB4, QC4 and QT4
Figure 3.2. Energies
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions

4. Protection functions

4.1. Overcurrent units

The ekor.rpa-100 systems are fitted with the following overcurrent protection units:
• Six phase overcurrent timed units (3 x 51.3 x 51(2)).
• Three phase overcurrent instantaneous units (3 x 50).

4.1.1. Timed overcurrent units

The phase, neutral and sensitive neutral timed units start up if the fundamental value of the magnitude for each unit exceeds the value 1.05 times the adjusted start-up, and are reset when this value is below 0.95 times the adjusted value.
Tripping takes place if the unit is started up for the time set. This time may be adjusted by selecting different types of curve, in accordance with IEC and ANSI Standards.
The curves implemented in the ekor.rpa-100 units are:
• IEC DT: Defined time
• IEC NI: Normally inverse curve
• IEC VI: Very inverse curve
• IEC EI: Extremely inverse curve
• IEC LTI: Long time inverse curve
• IEC STI: Short time inverse curve
• ANSI LI: Long time inverse curve
• ANSI NI: Normally inverse curve
• ANSI VI: Very inverse curve
• ANSI EI: Extremely inverse curve
These curves are detailed in the ANNEX section.
Neutral (Calculated):
• Two neutral timed overcurrent units (1 x 51N, 1 x 51(2) N).
• A neutral instantaneous overcurrent unit (1 x 50N).
Sensitive neutral (measured):
• Two sensitive neutral timed overcurrent units (1 x 51NS, 1 x 51(2)NS).
• A sensitive neutral instantaneous overcurrent unit (1 x 50NS).
The settings for the timed units are:
Enabling the unit: Enable/disable the unit (ON/OFF).
Starting up the unit: Unit starting current. Variable ranges in accordance with current transformers used.
Time index: Time index, also known as time dial (from
0.05 to 1.60). This setting applies to all curve types except for IEC DT.
Fixed time: Unit tripping time (from 0.00 s to 100.00 s). This setting only applies to IEC DT type curves.
Torque control: Directional tripping mask (OFF, FORWARD or REVERSE). To indicate the direction for tripping:
- OFF: Regardless of the direction, the relevant overcurrent unit will trip if the overcurrent conditions are met.
- FORWARD: The corresponding overcurrent unit will trip whenever the overcurrent conditions are met, and the directional unit will give the FORWARD signal.
- REVERSE: The corresponding overcurrent unit will trip whenever the overcurrent conditions are met, and the directional unit will give the REVERSE signal.
This setting will only be found in ekor.rpa-100 units model 120.
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General Instructions ekor.rpa

4.1.2. Instantaneous overcurrent units

Protection functions
The phase, neutral and sensitive neutral instantaneous units start up if the fundamental value of the magnitude for each unit exceeds the value 1.00 times the adjusted start­up, and are reset when this value is below 0.95 times the adjusted value.
Tripping takes place if the unit is started up for the time set.
The settings for the instantaneous units are:
Enabling the unit: Enable/disable the unit (ON/OFF).
Starting up the unit: Unit starting current. Variable ranges in accordance with current transformers used.
Fixed time: Unit tripping time (from 0.00 s to 100.00 s).

4.1.3. Block diagram

Any overvoltage unit complying with the diagram shown below:
Torque control: Directional tripping mask (OFF, FORWARD or REVERSE). To indicate the direction for tripping:
- OFF: Regardless of the direction, the relevant overcurrent unit will trip if the overcurrent conditions are met.
- FORWARD: The corresponding overcurrent unit will trip whenever the overcurrent conditions are met, and the directional unit will give the FORWARD signal.
- REVERSE: The corresponding overcurrent unit will trip whenever the overcurrent conditions are met, and the directional unit will give the REVERSE signal.
This setting will only be found in ekor.rpa-100 units model 120.
Input signal
Output signal
Figure 4.1. Block diagram
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions
Basically, the diagram shows that, whenever a magnitude measured in real-time (Ix) exceeds the setpoint value (l
pick up
setting), a time counter counts down (counter: f (curve, index, time), tripping when completely expired.
If the measured magnitude (Ix) drops below the setpoint (I
) during timing, the unit and the meter are reset and
pick up
the unit remains idle.
All the units generate the following signalling:
Pick-up: Activated when the measured magnitude (Ix) exceeds a setpoint (I
setting) and disabled when the
pick up
metering value drops below the setpoint.
Temporize: Activated when the time counter reaches its end, and disabled when the metering value drops below the setpoint.
Trip: Activated when the temporize signal is activated, and disabled when the metering value drops below the setpoint.

4.2. Ultra-sensitive earth

This functionality is available in both directional and non­directional ekor.rpa and corresponds to a particular case of overcurrent detection for phase-to-earth faults. Primarily used in networks with isolated neutral, resonant earthed neutral or on highly resistive soils, where the phase-to­earth fault current has a very low value.
Moreover, the overcurrent units can be blocked by the
maximum current blocking and second harmonic blocking units detailed in the following sections.
Moreover, the overcurrent units can be blocked in three different ways:
Unit block: Blocks the unit, preventing start-up while this input remains active.
Timing Block: Freezes the time counter value while this input is active.
Trip Block: Allows the unit to advance, and blocks it before the trip output.
The current flowing to earth is detected using a toroidal­core current transformer which covers the three phases. In this way, the metering is independent from the phase current, thus avoiding errors in the phase metering sensors.
Using this type of toroidal-core means the measured neutral currents due to unbalanced phases are reliable in very low primary amp values. For this type of configuration, the unit allows a minimum trip setting of 0.3 primary amps in its Sensitive Neutral channel.
Voltage and current sensors
Zero-sequence transformers
Figure 4.2. Current sensors
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa

4.3. Directional units

Protection functions
The directional units are combined with the overcurrent units when taking a decision on tripping. In accordance with the "torque control" direction setting (Forward or Reverse) and the result of the direction of the fault, the overcurrent units finish by tripping or not.

4.3.1. Phase directional units

Angular criterion
The phase directional units are units which, using the angular criterion, determine the direction of each of the 3 phases. The polarisation voltage used for each phase is the compound voltage corresponding to the other 2 phases.
These units determine direction based on:
• The calibrated settings.
• The phase difference existing between the polarisation signal and the current signal.
The settings for the phase directional unit are:
The ekor.rpa-100 model 120 systems have the following directional units:
• Three phase directional units (3 x 67)
• A neutral directional unit (1 x 67N)
• A sensitive neutral directional unit (1 x 67NS)
The Reverse direction zone will be the opposite of the Forward zone. In other words, the above formula needs to be turned around 180° in order to achieve the expression which delimits the Reverse direction zone.
The directional units will indicate ndef direction if in the indeterminate zone or polarisation voltage is below the V
The figure shows an example of operation of the directional unit of phase A:
Characteristic phase angle: Characteristic angle (from - 90.0° to 90.0°). This often corresponds to the series impedance angle of the lines. Typical values in distribution: 30° and 45°.
Minimum phases voltage: Minimum polarisation voltage (from 0.5 kV to 72.0 kV). Polarisation voltage value as of which the directional unit considers the angle reliable, and is capable of determining a direction.
Indeterminate zone: Indeterminate zone angle (from
0.0° to 90.0°). Setting to establish the indetermination zone which is close to the zero torque line.
The direction indicated by the units can be Forward, Reverse or ndef (undefined).
The Forward direction zone is delimited by the following formula:
Indeterminate zone
Zero torque line
Maximum torque line
Figure 4.3. Phase A directional unit
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions

4.3.2. Neutral and sensitive neutral directional units

The neutral and sensitive neutral directional units include two different criteria to determine direction: Directional criterion and wattmetric criterion. The criterion is selected through a setting in the unit itself.
Angular criterion
The angular criterion of the neutral and sensitive neutral directional units is based on the phase difference between the polarisation signal (-3V (3Io).
The polarisation signal used is the 180° out-of-phase residual voltage, i.e.- 3V
The settings for the neutral and sensitive neutral directional unit, which apply to the angular criteria, are:
) and the residual current signal
Characteristic neutral angle: Characteristic angle (from
- 90.0° to 90.0°). In distributions with earthed neutral, this often corresponds to the earth impedance angle.
Minimum neutral voltage: Minimum polarisation voltage (from 0.5 kV to 72.0 kV). Polarisation voltage value as of which the directional unit considers the angle reliable, and is capable of determining a direction.
Indeterminate zone: Indeterminate zone angle (from
0.0° to 90.0°). Setting to establish the indetermination zone which is close to the zero torque line.
The direction indicated by the units can be Forward, Reverse or ndef (undefined).
The Forward direction zone is delimited by the following formula:
The Reverse direction zone will be the opposite of the Forward zone. In other words, the above formula needs to be turned around 180° in order to achieve the expression which delimits the Reverse direction zone.
The directional units will indicate ndef direction if in the indeterminate zone or polarisation voltage is below the V
The figure below shows an example of operation for the neutral directional unit:
Indeterminate zone
Figure 4.4. Neutral directional unit
Wattmetric criterion
The wattmetric criterion of the neutral and sensitive neutral directional units is based on the phase difference between the polarisation signal (- 3V
) and the residual current signal
(3lo), along with the magnitude of the residual active power.
The settings for the neutral and sensitive neutral directional unit, which apply to the wattmetric criteria, are:
Minimum neutral active power: Minimum residual active power. Minimum residual active power value (in absolute value), as of which direction other than ndef (i.e. Forward or Reverse) can be considered. Variable ranges in accordance with current transformers used.
Minimum neutral voltage: Minimum polarisation voltage (from 0.5 kV to 72.0 kV). Polarisation voltage value as of which the directional unit considers the angle reliable, and is capable of determining a direction.
Indeterminate zone: Indeterminate zone angle (from
0.0° to 90.0°). Angle formed by the 90° axis and the line which delimits the indeterminate zone.
The direction indicated by the units can be Forward, Reverse or ndef (undefined).
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa
Protection functions
The unit will indicate Forward direction in the following conditions:
• The residual current signal (3I
) drops in the following
The residual active power is lower than - P
The reverse direction zone will be the opposite of the Forward zone. In other words, the above formula needs to be turned around 180° in order to achieve the expression which delimits the reverse direction zone. Furthermore, residual active power must be greater than + P
The unit will give undefined direction if:
• The residual active power in absolute value is lower than P
• The polarisation voltage value is lower than the V
• This is found in the indeterminate zone (see figure below).
The figure below shows an example of operation for the neutral directional unit with wattmetric criterion:
Indeterminate zone
Figure 4.5. Neutral unit with wattmetric criterion

4.4. Thermal image unit

The ekor.rpa-100 model 120 systems are fitted with the thermal image unit (49) for protection of lines and transformers.
On certain occasions, the thermal overload of the element to be protected cannot be detected by conventional protection units. Furthermore, many of the elements
installed in the power system are being used ever-closer to their thermal limits, making it necessary for the protection devices used for these elements to have thermal units.
The thermal image unit is a unit which, in accordance with the estimated thermal capacity value, generates alarm and trip signals.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions

4.4.1. Estimated thermal capacity

The system estimates thermal capacity through the phase currents (I
Where: T
: Estimated thermal capacity at instant n
: Estimated thermal capacity at instant n-1
Δt: Time interval between consecutive n and n-1 instants τ: Cooling or heating constant If T
constant will be applied in the formula If, on the other hand, T
: Final thermal capacity This value is calculated based on the
, IB and IC), using the following formula:
< T
< T
, the cooling constant will be applied in the formula
, the temperature rise
adjusted rated current and the phase currents, in accordance with the following formula:
capacity (T)
Estimated thermal
Time (min)
Figure 4.6. Estimated thermal capacity
Starting from an initial thermal capacity of 0 %, during the first 100 min where current is 16 % higher than the rated (5.8 A), estimated thermal capacity reaches a value of
84.6 %.
: The estimated mean thermal current based on the phase
Example The evolution of the thermal capacity estimated by the
system for a 250 kVA transformer in a 30 kV network under the following conditions:
sequence read by the equipment:
Interval 1 Interval 2 Interval 3
From 0 min
to 100 min
5.8 A 1.5 A 5.8 A
Table 4.1. I
read by the system
From 100 min
to 150min
From 150 min
to 250min
In the next 50 min current drops to 30 % of rated current (1.5 A), and this makes thermal capacity drop to 58.4 %.
A third interval identical to interval 1 has been chosen to check the memory effect of the estimated thermal capacity. In other words, a current which is 16 % higher than the rated (5.8 A) for 100 min. It is observed that, after these 100 min, thermal capacity reaches 106.3 %, thus exceeding 100 % (typical trip level setting).
This difference in the estimated thermal capacity between intervals 1 and 3 is due to the fact that previous statuses are taken into account in the calculation. Hence, as the first interval starts from a thermal capacity equal to 0 %, the third interval starts from the thermal capacity accumulated up to this moment, taking into account all the thermal stress suffered by the element to be protected. This means the estimated thermal capacities are different in these intervals.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa

4.4.2. Functionality

Protection functions
The thermal image unit starts up (with an alarm signal) if the thermal capacity value exceeds the alarm level setting (%), tripping whenever the trip level setting is exceeded (%). Once the unit has tripped, this will reset when the thermal capacity value drops below the trip reset level setting (%).
The settings for the thermal image unit are:
Enabling the unit: Enable/disable the unit (ON/OFF).
Temperature rise constant: Temperature rise constant (from 3 min to 60 min).
Cooling constant: Cooling constant (from 3 min to 180 min).
Alarm level: Alarm threshold percentage. The thermal capacity percentage from which an alarm situation is considered (from 80 % to 100 %).
Trip level: Trip threshold percentage. The thermal capacity percentage from which a thermal overload is tripped (from 100 % to 200 %).
Trip reset level: Reset threshold. The thermal capacity percentage below which the unit is reset (from 50 % to 99 %).
Rated current: Rated current of the element to be protected. Variable ranges in accordance with current transformers used.
The time taken to reach tripping, based on a thermal capacity equal to zero, given by the following formula:
Where: t: Tripping time
: Temperature rise constant
: Adjusted rated current
: The estimated mean thermal current based on the phase
The trip times for different temperature rise constants are shown graphically below:
Figure 4.7. Trip time
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions

4.4.3. Block diagram

The thermal image unit complies with the following block diagram :
Input signal
Output signal
Figure 4.8. Block diagram
The thermal image unit generates the following signal:
Alarm: Activated when the estimated magnitude of thermal capacity (Th. C) exceeds the “Alarm Threshold” setting, and is disabled when estimated thermal capacity (Th. C) drops below the “Alarm Threshold – 5%” setting.
Temporize: Activated when the estimated magnitude of thermal capacity (Th. C) exceeds the “Trip Threshold” setting, and is disabled when estimated thermal capacity (Th. C) drops below the “Restore Threshold” setting.
Trip: Activated when the temporize signal is activated, and disabled when the estimated thermal capacity (Th. C) drops below the “Restore Threshold” setting.
Moreover, the thermal image unit can be blocked by the maximum current blocking unit detailed in the following sections.
The thermal image unit can be blocked in three different ways:
Unit Block: Blocks the unit, preventing start-up while this input remains active.
Timing Block: Blocks the unit, allowing it to run the alarm signal but not allowing the temporize or trip signal.
Trip Block: Allows the unit to advance, and blocks it before the trip output.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
General Instructions ekor.rpa

4.5. Broken conductor unit

Protection functions
The ekor.rpa-100 model 120 systems are fitted with the broken conductor unit (46BC).
Conventional protection functions cannot detect conditions in which one of the conductors is broken.

4.5.1. Calculation of sequence currents

The broken conductor unit is supplied by the sequence currents (I
, I2 and Io) previously calculated by the system.
The sequence current calculation is carried out in accordance with these formulae:
The broken conductor unit (46 Broken Conductor) can be used to detect broken conductors, by monitoring the sequence currents, and another series of conditions detailed in this section.
With the phase A sequence components known, the B and C sequence components will be identical in modules, displaced 120° in angle in the case of direct and inverse sequence, and with the same angle in the case of zero­sequence.
IG-267-EN versión 01; 07/04/2017
Protection functions General Instructions
The following image shows an example of calculation of the sequences based on an imbalanced system. It is observed that the system has a large inverse component, but no zero-
Line currents Direct-sequence currents
sequence (situation which can come about in lines which are not uniformly charged in the three phases):
Inverse-sequence currents Zero-sequence currents
Figure 4.9. Calculation of sequences
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