IPX Phone User Manual
IPX Phone User Manual
Version 2.1A
IntelliSoft Technologies, Inc
September 2009
IntelliSoft Technologies, Inc 1
IPX Phone User Manual
About the Manual
The IPX Phone User Manual is applicable to the IPX P200, IPX H600, and IPX B1000
product series only.
The intended readers of this manual are the IPX phone extension users. The extensions
include analog phones, IP phones, PC soft phone, WiFi phone, and other SIP based
mobile phones. The readers are assumed to have some knowledge of phone operations.
The manual provides detailed instructions on how to use IPX features through phone
terminal or software. The table of contents, list of figures or tables, or indices at the end
of the reference manual can be used to search for specific IPX concepts, usages,
interests, concerns, or examples. Acronyms are listed in the appendix.
All information in the manual is subject to change without notice.
The IPX hardware, software, technical documents, and trademark are properties of
original vendor of IPX systems and they are protected by the copyright laws. It is illegal
to copy a part or whole of the products without prior written permission.
Warranty Disclaim
The warranty provided by the original vendor of the IPX product does not cover the IPX
extension terminals or the systems on which soft phones are running.
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IPX Phone User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to IPX Systems .........................................................................................4
1.1 IPX System Overview ......................................................................................................4
1.2 IPX Networks ...................................................................................................................4
2 Extension Setup ..............................................................................................................5
2.1 Analog Phone and Fax .....................................................................................................5
2.2 IP Phones ..........................................................................................................................5
3 Operation Guides ...........................................................................................................6
3.1 Call Other Extensions ......................................................................................................6
3.2 Make External Calls .........................................................................................................6
3.3 ##NET Calls .....................................................................................................................7
3.4 Call Forwarding ...............................................................................................................7
3.5 Call Transfer.....................................................................................................................7
3.6 3-Way Calls ......................................................................................................................8
3.7 Call Waiting .....................................................................................................................8
3.8 Call Holding .....................................................................................................................9
3.9 Call Park and Retrieve .....................................................................................................9
3.10 Do Not Disturb ...............................................................................................................10
3.11 Absent Service ...............................................................................................................10
3.12 Pick Up Neighbor’s Calls ...............................................................................................10
4 Online Extension Management ...................................................................................10
4.1 Login to IPX ...................................................................................................................10
4.2 Basic Settings .................................................................................................................11
4.3 Phone Setting .................................................................................................................11
4.4 Change Extension Password ..........................................................................................12
5 Voice Mailbox ...............................................................................................................12
5.1 Voice Mail and Voice Email ..........................................................................................12
5.2 Mailbox Management by Phone ....................................................................................13
5.3 Mailbox Operation Commands ......................................................................................13
5.4 Online Mailbox Management.........................................................................................14
5.5 Voice Email ....................................................................................................................14
6 Phone Commands.........................................................................................................15
7 Index ..............................................................................................................................16
Table of Figures
Figure 1.1 Single Local SMB IPX Network ................................................................................4
Figure 1.2 Voice Intranet Concept ...............................................................................................5
Figure 2.1 IP Phone Position ........................................................................................................6
Figure 4.1 Extension Login ........................................................................................................10
Figure 4.2 Extension User Settings ............................................................................................11
Figure 4.3 Extension Phone Setting ...........................................................................................12
Figure 5.1 Mailbox Operations .................................................................................................13
Figure 5.2 User Setting for Voice Mailbox ...............................................................................14
Figure 5.3 Check Message Online ............................................................................................14
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1 Introduction to IPX Systems
1.1 IPX System Overview
The IPX products are designed for building convergent communication platforms for
enterprise networks and small and medium businesses (SMB). Each IPX is an all-in-one
system and it has a set of built-in capabilities: IP PBX, VoIP gateway, unified
communication service, IP router, and NAT firewall.
The IPX supports analog phones and IP phones, analog PSTN trunks and VoIP trunks.
Outgoing voice calls can intelligently select the best network and service.
The IPX PBX features include Auto Attendant, Call Forwarding, Call Transfer, Call
Blocking, Call Waiting, Call Holding, Call Parking, Call Back, 3-Way Call, Do-NotDisturb, Pickup Others, Call ID, CDR Generation, and Life-Line.
The IPX advanced PBX features include voice mail and email, customizable IVR
(Interactive Voice Response), ACD (auto call distribution), voice recording; wake-up call,
resource partitioning and separate billing, and the intelligence to work with legacy PBX.
The IPX peering mechanism can be used to construct a voice intranet with a mesh
topology; the IPX proxy-routed mechanism allows an IPX to work as a server to form a
server based voice intranet.
IPX Phone User Manual
As an IP router, the IPX supports LAN stations with DHCP and DNS services; with NAT
capability, it allows the PC and other IP systems in a private LAN to share Internet access.
The IPX management has a vivid graphical user interface and allows administrators to
manage the system and allows individual extension users to manage their phone sets.
1.2 IPX Networks
One IPX satisfies the voice communication needs of a SMB in a single location.
PSTN lines can be used for emergency calls, sending and receiving FAX, and local calls.
The regular inbound and outbound voice calls can go through the ITSP (Internet
Telephony Service Provider) network. An ITSP VoIP line can support multiple voice
connections at the same time, which is more advantageous than analog lines.
Figure 1.1 Single Local SMB IPX Network
When an enterprise group has multiple branch offices in different locations, it can have
multiple IPX at different locations, joining together to form a voice intranet.
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IPX Phone User Manual
Figure 1.2 Voice Intranet Concept
In this diagram, the three cities could be in the different part of the world. The IPX’s have
peer-to-peer relationships over the Internet. Calls from an extension in one location to an
extension in another location are the same as the calls to the next office in the same
location. The PBX services can transcend geographical boundaries. All local PSTN lines,
VoIP lines, and VoIP trunks can be shared by all extensions of the entire organization.
Virtually, the three IPX work together as if it is a wide area IPX.
In this virtual wide area PBX, any extension can use local or remote external lines to
make outbound calls. Incoming calls from any location can reach any internal extensions.
For you, an extension user, the remote extensions are the same as local extensions;
remote PSTN lines, VoIP lines and VoIP trunks can be used as the local external lines.
You do not need to make path selection, the IPX systems will make decision for you
based on predefined routing policies.
2 Extension Setup
2.1 Analog Phone and Fax
Each IPX model has a fixed number of analog phone ports. Analog phone can connect to
a phone port and becomes an extension of the IPX.
By dialing *25# from the phone, you will hear the announcement of the extension
number. The number is predefined by the IPX system administrator.
2.2 IP Phones
The connections between IP phones and the IPX are over IP network – a shared data
network. In the following figure, IP phone A is in the IPX LAN; IP phone B is in the IPX
WAN that is the ADSL LAN; IP phone C is in the public Internet.
The network relationship between an IP phone and the IPX determines how an IP phone
can access the IPX. Each IP extension should use a proper IP address of the IPX for
extension registration. The IP address of the IPX should be reachable from the IP phone.
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