ank you for choosing Orion Welders and congratulations on your purchase!
You are now the proud owner of a Orion 250i EV CNC System. is manual was designed to
have you welding safely within minutes of unpacking your new welder. Please read and follow
all safety precautions before proceeding with the welding process.
At Orion we are committed to producing quality products and ensuring complete owner
satisfaction. If you require assistance after reading this manual please contact us with the
information provided below.
Orion Welders.
1693 American Way Suite #5
Payson, UT 84651
1.877.786.9353 (toll free)
+1-801-658-0015 (international)
Fax: 866-701-1209
NOTE: e information contained in this manual is subject to change as improvements are
made to our products. See the product specific page at for the latest
version of this document.
Chapter 2: Welder and CNC Setup
Step 1: Place CNC table onto workspace
• Clear a space on a sturdy table or work bench for the system to reside.
• e table should have a flat area cleared that is at least 36”(91 .5cm) wide and 24”(61cm) deep.
• Provide at least 40”(101 .6cm) of overhead clearance (above the tabletop).
• Ideally, locate the table near a 110VAC outlet.
• Connect power cord.
Step 2: Determine how to mount the Orion 250i2 welder
ere are two options. One option is to mount the welder next to the CNC table. is option is best when
planning to make hand-held welds in addition to making automated welds. e second option does not
involve the use of the microscope or hand held stylus. is option is best when only using the welder to
make automated welds on the CNC table.
e Orion microscope arm table mount will clamp to any
tabletop. Simply place the table mount
on your tabletop in the desired location and then tighten the
screw located at the bottom of the table mount with an allen
wrench. Align the table mount screw with the center hole of the
included steel plate and then tighten. is steel plate will help
spread the weight of the system and provide more support.
Insert the bottom end of the microscope arm into the
microscope arm table mount.
Insert the welder into
the top of the arm.
en use an Allen
wrench to secure the
welder in place on the
*If you purchased the microscope version follow steps 4 - 5
Place the rubber eyepiece shields over the microscope
When connecting the stylus to the welder, line up the slit on
the stylus to the groove on the stylus port. en, push the
stylus into the port and twist the nut on the stylus until it stops.
Push in the stylus again and twist (repeat this until stylus is
secure). Now, insert the stylus into the stylus holder below the
microscope as seen above. Twist the knob below the stylus
holder to secure the stylus in place.
Step 3: Connect the power cable and AC power
1. Plug the power
cable into the
back of the
2. Plug the other
end into the
power supply
3. Now plug the
AC power cord
into the other
side of the power
supply box .
4. Last, plug the
end of the AC power cord into any standard 110-220VAC outlet.
Step 4: Argon Setup
Use protective shielding gas, such as 99.996% pure Argon (Argon 4.6) or higher.
1. Ensure that your shielding gas tank is securely fastened to a stationary point near the
welding area.
2. Turn the regulator dial COUNTER CLOCKWISE (closed) until it is fully
backed out to prevent over-pressurization of the line.
3. Screw the gas regulator onto the shielding gas tank.
4. Connect one end of the gas tubing into the gas regulator. It will stop
when it is fully connected. Tug gently on the tube to verify a tight fit.
5. Insert the other end of the gas tubing into the gas port on the top of
the weld head. It will stop when it is fully connected. Tug gently on the
tube to verify a tight fit.
6. Open the gas tank slowly. e dial on the right should pressurize and
the dial on the right should remain at zero (when the regulator dial is
fully backed out – see step 2).
7. Slowly turn the regulator dial CLOCKWISE until the gas pressure
reads between 7-10 psi. (is will adjust the dial on the left side of the
Step 5: Connect the Janome to the welder
Use the provided cable that contains a 3 PIN and RJ-45
connector on one end and a 25 PIN parallel connector on the
other end to connect the Jonomi to the welder.
Plug the 3 DIN connector into the “Trigger” port on the back
of the welder and the RJ-45 cable into the “Shutter” port.
Plug the 25 PIN parallel connector into the I/O-1 port on the
back of the Janome.
Step 6: Connect the wires on the EV weld head to the welder
Using the wires on the weld head, connect the red wire to the positive port and the black wire to the
negative port.
Step 7: Connect the EV weld head to the welder using the RJ-11 cable
Plug the RJ-11 jack
from the cable
chain wire harness
into the “Acc. Port”
on the back of the
welder then to the
port on the weld
head that reads “to
Step 8: Plug in the weld head power cord
e weld head has a power cord coming out of the cable chain wire harness. Connect this to an electrical
Step 9: Install the electrode in the nose cap
Remove the nose cap from the weld head and twist the electrode holder counter clockwise to open the
collet. Insert the electrode into the collet. Tighten the electrode holder clockwise to secure the electrode in
place. e electrode should protrude about a half inch out of the holder. Now replace the nose cap.
Step 10: Power the welder and the EV weld head
Power the welder with the button on the bottom
of the welder, then turn on the weld head with
the switch found on the side. Once both are
powered the welder interface should display the
EV mode screen. If you don’t see this tab you
may be missing a connector or may have not
powered the weld head.
Chapter 3: Electrode Setup
Clean and Shape the Electrode
1. Attach the provided diamond disk to a dremel (or
similar type tool) . Power on the dremel and hold it in one
hand (close to your body to keep it steady) .
2. Place the electrode in your other hand between the
thumb and index finger .
3. Touch the electrode to the diamond disk (at your
desired angle) and rotate the electrode in the same
direction multiple times until it is clean/sharp .
4. Run the electrode shaft parallel with the rotating plate,
do not run it perpendicular to the electrode shaft.
*Desired angle is 15˚
Chapter 4: User Interface
e Orion i2 automatically detects when an EV weld head is connected to the “Acc. Port” and is powered
on. If the 250i2 fails to detect the weld head, refer to the FAQ page in this user manual for common
If a weld head is detected, the i2 will automatically enter the EV screen and hide the other options such as
“Arc”, “Tack”, and “Metals” tab. e auto trigger option is disabled along with seam and rapid fire modes.
EV Screen - Control Area
is section contains the different controls to customize the i2 ‘s settings for welding output.
is circular dial controls and selects the amount of weld energy or weld power used based on the
waveform selected.
Users can touch or slide along the circular path to adjust and set the weld energy. Notice that the dial’s
controls are non-linear—is allows users greater refinement and control when selecting lower level
settings. is means, when welding with the classic waveform, the first section of the dial represents
0.01 – 1.5 Joules; the next section represents 1.5 – 3 Joules, the third represents 3 - 5 Joules, the fourth
represents 5 - 30 Joules, and the final represents 30 - 200 or 250 Joules (depending on model).
Additionally, users can input weld energy settings via a number pad. To access the number pad, tap on
the weld energy numbers inside the dial. is allows users to directly enter the exact desired weld energy
values. Once the numeric value is entered, tap OK to set the value and exit the number pad.
e waveform selections determine and control how energy is released when welds are made.
CLASSIC e classic waveform is the default waveform for welding on all Orion welders. It has a high peak
current, which is the peak of the energy level, followed by a curved discharge slope. e curved discharge
slope allows the weld spots to cool with less internal stress, and without surface ripples. Classic welds will
typically have a smoother surface than other waveforms.
TRIANGLE e Triangle waveform is similar to the classic waveform’s ability to make smooth and uniform
weld results. One key advantage of the triangle waveform is the ability to set the peak and the length
independently. Meaning, a weld could have a very high peak and a very short time, or a very low peak with
a very long time, or any other combination of these two parameters. A Triangle waveform’s weld power
will always go to zero. In comparison, adjusting the weld time in Classic Waveform to be shorter does not
guarantee that the weld energy discharges to zero. Instead, the energy is simply cut off and not allowed to
fully discharge.
SQUARE Similar to the triangle waveform, a square waveform allows users to adjust the peak and the
length independently. Again, the user can select Square waveform so that a weld could have a very high
peak and a very short time, or a very low peak with a very long time, or any other combination of these two
parameters. e difference of this waveform compared to Classic and Triangle is the abruptness of power
at the start and end of each weld. e square waveform closely mimics the weld output of a typical laser
e ignition options control the electrode tips position at the moment the energy is released.
STANDARD In the Standard ignition option, the energy discharge occurs at approximately the same time
as the tip lifts off the work-piece surface. Since the electrode is close to the work-piece when the weld
is formed, it’s easier to get a weld on any surface or angle. is mode provides the most accuracy, but
requires the operator to hold the work-piece steadily below the electrode. is mode is perfect for metal
types that do not require a pre-heat phase during the weld. Because the electrode is closer to the workpiece, the electrode may dull more quickly.
STANDARD+ In Standard+, the energy discharge happens well after the electrode tip lifts off the work-
piece surface. While similar to the Standard option, Standard+ includes a “pre-heat” function before the
main weld. During this time, a very low amount of energy flows through the electrode and work-piece. is
preheating of the tungsten electrode helps create a more efficient weld area in preparation to the main
weld. e Standard+ ignition helps provide better weld consistency by allowing more variation
in contact pressure before the weld takes place.
During the weld, a high frequency agitation feature can be used to improve weld formation and strength.
Additional energy is added to the weld in the form of micro energy bursts. ese energy bursts occur at a
rate of up to 600 times per second. Using agitation can produce an audible, high-pitched “ping” noise.
NONE With “None” selected, no agitation is added to the weld. is is the standard weld discharge curve
with a smooth slope.
SLOPED e Sloped agitation option offers low levels of agitation. It has minimal impact on spot size
formation, but yields additional penetration and enhanced weld strength.
SUSTAINED e Sustained option offers high levels of agitation for improved weld spot strength in some
metals. e high levels of agitation energy will affect the spot size because of the extra energy used in this
option. To compensate for this addition of agitation energy, it’s recommended to lower the overall weld
energy slightly when using this option.
*Sloped and Sustained Agitation can increase weld penetration with minimal effect to the size of the heat
affected zone. Enabling these can make a big difference in weld outcomes, so exercise caution.
Length adjusts the amount of time that the energy is discharged from the welder. In classic waveform
mode, the length will automatically adjust to the recommended time as the users adjust the power dial. In
the Triangle and Square waveform mode, the length will not adjust automatically. Users will set the length
and power independently in Triangle and Square waveform modes. Increasing or decreasing Length allows
for more or less total weld energy and will change the size and penetration of the weld spots.
After choosing the waveform, agitation, ignition, length and power you will have a weld discharge shape.
is shape is displayed on the screen in the blue section. As you adjust those 5 parameters the weld
discharge shape will change. e weld discharge shape and energy can be adjusted to fit the needs of
the metals being welded as needed. It is often best to start at a low energy with maximum length and no
agitation, then add energy in small increments as needed. Changing weld length will help fine tune the
PLAY/PAUSE Pressing the Play/Pause icon, toggles between Play and pause. If the Play icon is green, the
welder is capable of making welds anytime a work-piece (connected to the positive alligator clip) makes
contact with the electrode. When paused (White Play icon), users are unable to weld.
UNDO e Undo icon allows the user to go back through the 5 previous screen taps. is is helpful when a
change is accidentally made.
RESET e Reset icon resets all the variables and parameters on the screen back to the factory default
Prepare the EV Screen to Make a Weld
Be sure to press the “Play” button in the lower left corner to enable welds.
Power on the Orion 250i2. Once powered on, there are two indicator dots in the top left corner of the
screen. e top dot indicates the Weld Ready signal. e bottom dot indicates the Weld Good signal.
a. e Weld Ready dot will be red if the welder is not ready to weld, or green if the welder is ready to make
a weld.
b. e Weld Good dot will be red if the most recent weld was bad, green if the most recent weld was good,
or gray if a weld has yet been performed.
Clicking on the “Ignition” button navigates to the screen pictured below where the user can adjust various
aspects of the weld discharge timing.
1. “LIFTOFF DELAY” controls the time between tip retraction and weld. Lower values will produce better
arc ignition consistency, but will contaminate the electrode tip more easily - resulting in shorter tip life.
Higher values will increase tip life, but will decrease the arc ignition consistency.
•If the EV unit seems to be misfiring often, clean and re-sharpen the tip of the electrode. If the problem
persists, try lowering the Lift-off Delay value. Make adjustments in increments of 10-20uS at a time,
because this delay can make a big difference.
•If the electrode seems to be sticking to the workpiece surface a lot, or the electrode tip seems unusually
contaminated, raise the Lift-off Delay value. Again, it is best to only adjust by 10-20uS at a time.
2. “MINIMUM TIME BETWEEN WELDS” controls the minimum amount of time that must transpire before
another weld can occur.
3. “TIP RETRACT DISTANCE” controls how far off the surface the electrode tip will be when a weld occurs.
Lower values will produce better arc ignition consistency.
4. “Head Travel Delay” controls how long it takes for the head of the nozzle cone to reach the welding
THE “STANDARD +” mode is recommended for most EV applications, but experimentation may show that
the other modes are better suited for specific applications.