Manual 22771_EN_SE_1D
2. (EN) Installation
2.1. Generic
Remove the protective caps from the pump, including plugs from the air inlet and the fluid outlet.
Remove the drum adapter from the pump tube. Mount the adapter into the 2” hole in the pump or pump
bracket. If the pump is to be used with a drum of similar the suction tube, 222 62 14, has to be fitted. Do not
use PTFE (Teflon®) tape to seal any thread. Use Loctite® or similar liquid sealant for tubing system.
Put the pump vertically into the drum and lock the pump so that the outlet is in the desired position. Set the
pump with a bottom clearance of 10-15mm and lock the pump into place using the adapter.
Connect the liquid outlet hose to the outlet of the pump and the air coupler to the air inlet.
Do not mount a pump directly onto a sheet metal wall or similar construction, which can create noise
resonance and augment the normal noise level of the pump.
A hose must be mounted between the outlet of the pump and the fixed pipe work. This hose should have
sufficient length to make it possible to lift the pump in and out of the drum or tank without difficulty.
Do not let the pump run fast when starting up a new system or after changing barrel in an existing system.
Start the pump with lowered air pressure on initial priming and gradually increase the pressure, as the system
is primed.
Important! If the air pressure in the system is higher than the working pressure of the
pump it will be necessary to install an air regulator and gauge into the airline
prior to the pump.
Important! The pump is pre-lubricated with silicon grease. It is not necessary to use a
lubricator during normal operation. If a lubricator has been used with the
pump, the pre-lubricated silicon grease will have been washed away. It is
therefore needed to continue the use of lubricator.
2.2. When pumping flammable liquids
Besides the above mentioned, please also note the
following when pumping flammable fluids.
• The pump must be grounded by the dedicated ground screw,
see picture.
• The pump must be equipped with dry-pumping protection.
• At first start up the pump and the system it is connected to
must be thoroughly checked for leaks.
• During operation the pump and the system it is connected to
must be checked for leaks on a regularly basis.