ORiNG IAP-W420+, IAP-W422+ Quick Installation Manual

Qui ck Inst allat ion Gui de
Version 1.0
Quick Installation Guide
190 7-2-2 9-IAP W42X- 1.0
Panel Layout s
Fron t Panel
1. Non -PoE LA N port
2. PoE L AN port
3. LNK /ACT LE D for non -PoE LA N port
4. LNK /ACT LE D for PoE L AN port
5. WiF i conne ction s (weak est sig nal str ength a t the bo ttom, s trong est at th e top)
6. Pow er indi cator
7. Res et butt on
Network Conn ection
The de vice ha s two 10/ 100Ba se-T( X) Ethe rnet po rts. Ac cordi ng to the l ink typ e, the AP uses C AT 3, 4, 5, 5e, 6 UTP cab les to co nnect t o any oth er netw ork dev ice (PC s, serv ers, sw itche s, rout ers, or h ubs).
Cable Type Max. Length Connector
10Base-T Cat. 3, 4, 5 100-ohm UTP 100 m (328 ft) RJ45
100Base-TX Cat. 5 100-ohm UTP UTP 100 m (328 ft) RJ45
IA P-W 42 0+ /W 42 2+
The I AP-W4 20+/W 422+ is a r eliab le IP-6 7 outdo or IEEE 8 02.11 b/g /n WLAN acc ess poi nt with t wo 10/1 00Bas e-T(X ) P.D. Et herne t ports . It can be con figur ed to ope rate in AP /Clie nt/AP -Clie nt/Br idge mo des and i s speci fical ly des igned f or the to ughes t indus trial e nviro nment s. The com binat ion of an I P­67 de sign an d super b manag ement f uncti onali ty, the IAP -W420 +/W42 2+ pro vides a w aterp roof, d ust-t ight co nnect ion. In a dditi on, IAP -W420 + pro vides a h igh pow er outp ut of 800 mw and th rough put up to 8 0Mbps t o sat isfy lo ng dist ance co nnect ions. Th e IAP-W 422+ pr ovide s two N-t ype con necto rs for an y N-typ e anten nas to ex tend co mmuni catio n dista nces. You are a ble to co nfigu re the de vice by W eb inte rface v ia the LA N port or by WL AN inte rface . In addi tion, t he devi ce prov ides P.D. fe ature w hich is f ully com plian t with IE EE802 .3af Po E stand ard to sa ve the la yout co st of pow er lin e. The dev ice can b e easil y adopt ed in alm ost all k inds of a pplic ation s and pro vides t he most r ugged s oluti ons for m anagi ng your n etwor k in outd oors.
Package Contents
The d evice i s shipp ed with t he foll owing i tems. I f any of th ese ite ms is mis sing or d amage d, plea se cont act you r custo mer ser vice re prese ntati ve for a ssist ance.
Cont ents
IAP-W 420+/ IAP-W 422+
Pict ures Numb er
X 1
X 1
N-typ e ANT. Rubb er Seal
X 1
Bef ore ins talla tion, m ake sur e you hav e all of th e packa ge cont ents ava ilabl e and a PC wi th Micr osoft I ntern et Expl orer 6. 0 or late r, for usi ng web -base d syste m manag ement t ools.
When i nstal led out doors , make su re the LA N ports a re cove red by RJ -45 rub ber seal s provi ded wit h the pac kage.
Do not r emove t he wate r-pro of casi ng, and a void to uchin g or movi ng the devi ce when t he ante nnas ar e trans mitti ng or rec eivin g.
Safety & Warni ngs
RJ-45 R ubber S eal
X 2
Pole Mo unt Kit
X 2
X 2 (IAP- W422+ o nly)
Rear P anel
1. N-t ype ant enna co nnect ors
10/100Base-T(X) RJ-45 Port Pin Assignments
Pin Number Assignment
1 TD+
2 TD-
3 RD+
4 N.C.
5 N.C.
6 RD-
7 N.C.
8 N.C.
Industrial IP-67 PoE Outdoor Access
Wir eless
IP -67
When i nstal ling th e devic e, make s ure to ke ep the ra diati ng at a min imum di stanc e of 20 cm (7.9 i nches ) from al l perso ns to min imize t he pote ntial f or huma n conta ct duri ng norm al oper ation .
Do not o perat e the dev ice nea r unshi elded b lasti ng caps o r in an oth erwis e explo sive envi ronme nt unle ss the de vice ha s been mo difie d for suc h use by qu alifi ed pers onnel .
145. 0
162. 0
101. 5
133. 0
101. 5
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
IAP- W422+
Pole mountin g
You can m ount the d evice t o a pole us ing adj ustab le stee l band st raps in clude d in the pack age.
Thre ad the tw o suppl ied met al moun ting st raps th rough t he scre w holes o n the edg e of the un it and th en put th e strap s aroun d the pol e, as sho wn belo w. Put the w asher s and nut s thro ugh the s traps a nd tigh ten the s trap.
The de vice is p owere d by an Eth ernet c able vi a the PoE p ort, wh ich is on t he righ t hand side . Make su re the Po E port is c onnec ted wit h an RJ-4 5 cable a nd chec k if the powe r LED lig hts up af ter con necti on.
Power Supply
Aft er conn ectin g an Ethe rnet ca ble to th e PoE por t, the gr een pow er LED sho uld tur n on. Ple ase ref er to the f ollow ing tab le for LE D indic ation .
Qui ck Inst allat ion Gui de
Quick Installation Guide
ORi ng Indu stria l Netwo rking C orp.
Copy right © 2014 OR ing
All rig hts res erved .
TEL: + 886-2 -2218 -1066 FAX: +8 86-2- 2218- 1014
Webs ite: ww w.orin g-net worki ng.co m E-ma il: sup port@ oring -netw orkin g.com
Powe r
Inpu t power
48VDC f rom P.o.E p ort
Phys ical Ch aract erist ic
Encl osure
Dime nsion ( W x D x H)
162 (W) x 1 01.5 (D ) x 58 (H) mm ( 6.38 x 4. 0 x 2.28 in ch.)
Weigh t (g)
Envi ronme ntal
o o
-30 to 85 C (-22 t o 185 F)
Stora ge Tempe rature
5% to 95% N on-co ndens ing
Opera ting Hu midit y
Regu lator y Appro vals
FCC Par t 15, CIS PR (EN5 5022) c lass A
EN610 00-4- 2 (ESD) , EN610 00-4- 3 (RS), E N6100 0-4-4 ( EFT), E N6100 0-4-5 ( Surge ), EN610 00-4- 6 (CS), E N6100 0-4-8 , EN610 00-4- 11
IEC60 068-2 -27
Shoc k
IEC60 068-2 -32
IEC60 068-2 -6
Vibra tion
Free Fa ll
Warr anty
3 years
Freq uency Ba nd
Transm issio n Rate
Encr yptio n Secur ity
WEP: ( 64-bi t, 128- bit key su pport ed) WPA/W PA2: (W EP and AE S encry ption ) 802.1 1i WPA-P SK (256 -bit ke y pre-s hared ke y suppo rted)
802. 1X Authe ntica tion su pport ed TKIP e ncryp tion
Wire less Se curity
SSID br oadca st disa ble
Transm it Powe r
Recei ver Sen stivi ty
Prot ocol Su pport
Prot ocol
EN609 50-1
Safe ty
o o
-20 to 70 C (-4 to 1 58 F)
Opera ting Tem peratu re
ORin g WLAN Ac cess Poin t Model
10/1 00 Base-T (X) Por ts in RJ4 5 Auto MD I/MDI X
Phys ical Po rts
Tech nolog y
Modu latio n
WLAN I nterf ace
Opera ting Mo de
AP/ /AP- Clien tClie nt / Bridg e
Ante nna and Co nnect or
Radio F reque ncy Type OFDM
IAP- W420+
IEEE8 02.11 b/g/n : CCK, DQ PSK, DB PSK IEEE8 02.11 g/n : OFD M with BP SK, QPS K, 16-Q AM, 64- QAM
Amer ica / FCC : 2. 412~2 .462 GH z (11 cha nnels )
Euro pe CE / ETSI : 2 .412~ 2.472 G Hz (13 ch annel s )
-96d Bi
± 2dBi
IEEE 802.1 1b: 11, 5. 5, 2, 1 Mbp s IEEE 8 02.11 g: 54, 48, 3 6, 24, 18 , 12, 9, 6 Mb ps IEEE 8 02.11 n: up to 300 Mbps
IEEE 802.1 1b/g/ n: 800mw (29db m) max.
Buil d-in 10 dBi pane l anten na
IAP- W422+
1. Lau nch the I ntern et Expl orer an d type in I P addre ss of the d evice . The defa ult sta tic IP add ress is 1 92.16 8.10. 2
Fol low the s teps be low to lo g in and ac cess th e syste m:
2. Log i n with de fault u ser nam e and pas sword ( both ar e admin ). Afte r loggi ng in, yo u shou ld see th e follo wing sc reen. F or more i nform ation o n confi gurat ions, p lease refe r to the us er manu al. For i nform ation o n opera ting th e devic e using O Ring’ s Open­Visi on mana gemen t utili ty, plea se go to ORi ng web site.
For pr otect ion, th e reset b utton i s place d in the ca se cove red by a sc rew hea d. If you need t o reset t he devi ce, rem ove the s crew an d use a ver y small p oint ob ject li ke a need le or a too thpic k to poke t he rese t butto n. To resto re the de vice co nfigu ratio ns back t o the fact ory def aults , press t he Rese t butto n for 5 sec onds.
Power C onsum ption (Typ.)
9 watts
Version 1.0
2 x Exte rnal N- type ant enna co nnect or
Industrial IP-67 PoE Outdoor Access
Wir eless
IP -67
IA P-W 42 0+ /W 42 2+
LED Color Status Description
PWR Green On PoE power is on and power supply in normal function
On Port is linked
ETH Green
Blinking Transmitting data
WLAN activated
(WLAN strength: 1<30%, 2<60%, 3<90%) WLAN Green
Blinking Transmitting data via WLAN