Orientalmotor AR FLEX DC, MEXE02, OPX-2A User Manual

Closed Loop Stepping Motor and Driver Package
AR Series
DC power input Built-in Controller Type
Thank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor product. This Operating Manual describes product handling procedures and safety precautions.
•Please read it thoroughly to ensure safe operation.
•Always keep the manual where it is readily available.
1 Introduction
1 Introduction ................................................... 8
2 Operating Manuals for the AR Series .......... 9
3 Overview of the product ............................. 10
4 System conguration .................................. 12
5 Safety precautions ...................................... 13
6 Precautions for use ..................................... 16
7 General specications ................................ 18
8 CE Marking ................................................... 19
9 Preparation .................................................. 20
9.1 Checkingtheproduct................................... 20
9.2 Howtoidentifytheproductmodel............... 20
9.3 Combinationsofmotorsanddrivers............ 21
9.4 Namesandfunctionsofparts...................... 22
2 Installationand
1 Installation ................................................... 26
1.1 Locationforinstallation................................ 26
1.2 Installingthemotor...................................... 26
1.3 Installingaload............................................ 27
1.4 Permissibleradialloadand
permissibleaxialload.................................. 28
1.5 Installingthedriver...................................... 29
1.6 Installingthebattery.................................... 30
1.7 Installingandwiringincompliancewith
EMCDirective.............................................. 30
2 Connection ................................................... 32
2.1 Connectionexample
(electromagneticbrakemotor)..................... 32
2.2 Groundingthemotoranddriver................... 36
2.3 Connectingthedatasetter.......................... 36
2.4 ConnectingtheRS-485communication
cable............................................................ 37
2.5 Connectingandchargingthebattery........... 38
3 Explanation of I/O signals .......................... 39
3.1 AssignmentofdirectI/O.............................. 39
3.2 AssignmentofnetworkI/O.......................... 43
3.3 Inputsignals................................................ 47
3.4 Outputsignals.............................................. 52
3.5 Sensorinput................................................ 56
3.6 Generalsignals(R0toR15)........................ 57
3 Operationtypeandsetting
1 Adjustment and setting .............................. 60
1.1 Resolution.................................................... 60
1.2 Operatingcurrent......................................... 61
1.3 Standstillcurrent.......................................... 61
1.4 Acceleration/decelerationrateand
acceleration/decelerationtime..................... 61
1.5 Smoothdrive............................................... 62
1.6 Speedlter.................................................. 62
1.7 Movingaveragelter................................... 63
1.8 Speederrorgain.......................................... 63
1.9 Controlmode............................................... 63
1.10 Positionloopgain,speedloopgain,
speedloopintegraltimeconstant................ 64
1.11 Absolute-positionbackupsystem................ 64
2 Operation ..................................................... 65
2.1 Positioningoperation................................... 66
2.2 Return-to-homeoperation........................... 79
2.3 Continuousoperation.................................. 86
2.4 Otheroperation............................................ 91
3 Operation data ............................................. 96
4 Parameter ..................................................... 97
4.1 Parameterlist.............................................. 97
4.2 I/Oparameter.............................................. 98
4.3 Motorparameter.......................................... 99
4.4 Operationparameter................................. 100
4.5 Return-to-homeparameter........................ 100
4.6 Alarm/warningparameter.......................... 101
4.7 Coordinationparameter............................. 101
4.8 Commonparameter................................... 101
4.9 I/Ofunctionparameter............................... 102
4.10 I/Ofunction[RS-485]parameter............... 103
4.11 Communicationparameter........................ 104
4 MethodofcontrolviaI/O
1 Guidance .................................................... 106
2 Operation data ........................................... 108
3 Parameter ................................................... 109
3.1 Parameterlist............................................ 109
3.2 I/Oparameter............................................ 110
3.3 Motorparameter........................................ 110
3.4 Operationparameter..................................111
3.5 Return-to-homeparameter.........................111
3.6 Alarm/warningparameter.......................... 112
3.7 Coordinationparameter............................. 112
3.8 Commonparameter................................... 112
3.9 Communicationparameter........................ 112
3.10 I/Ofunctionparameter............................... 113
3.11 I/Ofunction[RS-485]parameter................ 114
4 Timing charts ............................................. 115
5 Methodofcontrolvia
ModbusRTU(RS-485 communication)
1 Guidance .................................................... 128
2 Communication specications ................ 130
3 Setting the switches .................................. 131
4 Setting the RS-485 communication ......... 133
5 Communication mode and
communication timing .............................. 134
5.1 Communicationmode................................ 134
5.2 Communicationtiming............................... 134
6 Message ..................................................... 135
6.1 Query......................................................... 135
6.2 Response.................................................. 137
7 Function code ............................................ 139
7.1 Readingfromaholdingregister(s)............ 139
7.2 Writingtoaholdingregister....................... 140
7.3 Diagnosis................................................... 141
7.4 Writingtomultipleholdingregisters........... 142
8 Register address list ................................. 143
8.1 Operationcommands................................ 143
8.2 Maintenancecommands........................... 144
8.3 Monitorcommands.................................... 145
8.4 ParameterR/Wcommands....................... 148
9 Group send ................................................ 158
10 Detection of communication errors ........ 160
10.1 Communicationerrors.............................. 160
10.2 Alarmsandwarnings................................ 160
11 Timing charts ............................................ 161
6 Methodofcontrolvia
1 Method of control via CC-Link
communication .......................................... 164
1.1 Guidance................................................... 164
1.2 Settingtheswitches................................... 167
1.3 Remoteregisterlist.................................... 168
1.4 AssignmentforremoteI/Oof6axes
connectionmode....................................... 168
1.5 AssignmentforremoteI/Oof12axes
connectionmode....................................... 171
2 Method of control via MECHATROLINK
communication .......................................... 176
2.1 Guidance................................................... 176
2.2 Settingtheswitches................................... 179
2.3 I/Oeldmapforthe
2.4 I/Oeldmapforthe
2.5 Communicationformat.............................. 182
3 Details of remote I/O ................................. 184
3.1 Inputsignalstothedriver.......................... 184
3.2 Outputsignalsfromthedriver................... 185
4 Command code list ................................... 186
4.1 Groupfunction........................................... 186
4.2 Maintenancecommand............................. 187
4.3 Monitorcommand...................................... 188
4.4 Operationdata........................................... 189
4.5 Userparameters........................................ 190
............. 180
............. 181
7 Inspection,
troubleshootingand remedialactions
1 Inspection .................................................. 198
2 Alarms and warnings ................................ 199
2.1 Alarms....................................................... 199
2.2 Warnings................................................... 204
2.3 Communicationerrors............................... 205
3 Troubleshooting and remedial actions ... 206
8 Appendix
1 Accessories (sold separately) .................. 208
Specication Change of Driver
MEXE02 Version 3.00 or later MEXE02 older than Version 3.00
Driver after the specification change Driver before the specification change
Some specifications have been changed in this product. There are differences in data setting range, etc. between the product after the change and before the change. For the driver before the specification change, contact your nearest Oriental Motor sales office.
This manual describes contents of the driver which is after the specification change.
When using the driver which is before the specification change, take note of the following points.
Push current
Before the specification change
0 to 500 (1=0.1%) 0 to 1000 (1=0.1%)
NET-IN input function
The following input signals can be assigned in the product after the specification change.
•24: ALM-RST
•26: P-CLR
After the specification change
Pay attention to the data update
•When the data is set using the
If the
is older version than 3.00, the value after the specification change can not be set.
, use the
•When the following data passing is performed, the most recent value will not be effective
1) When the using the older
If the data is opened by the older
2) When the
Latest value Latest value
data which has set the value after the specification change is opened
than the Version 3.00
Saves the data Opens the data
than the Version 3.00, the data will be changed to the initial value.
Data file
data which has set the value after the specification change is downloaded
to the driver that is before the specification change
The value which is after the specification change will not be updated to the driver which is before the specification change, and the value presently set is kept.
which software version is 3.00 or later
Initial value
Uploads the data Downloads the data
Latest valueLatest value
Value before the change
The maximum speed for push-motion operation has been changed. If push-motion operation is started after setting higher speed than 30 r/min in the driver which is before the specification change, an operation data error alarm will generate.
•Maximum speed for push-motion operation
Before the specification change
30 r/min 500 r/min
After the specification change

1 Introduction

This part explains the composition of the operating manuals, the product overview, specifications and safety standards as well as the name and function of each part and others.
Table of contents
1 Introduction ........................................ 8
2 Operating Manuals for the
AR Series ............................................. 9
3 Overview of the product .................. 10
4 System conguration ....................... 12
5 Safety precautions ........................... 13
6 Precautions for use .......................... 16
7 General specications ..................... 18
8 CE Marking ........................................ 19
9 Preparation ....................................... 20
9.1 Checking the product ............................20
9.2 How to identify the product model .........20
9.3 Combinations of motors and drivers .....21
9.4 Names and functions of parts .........

1 Introduction

Before use
Only qualified personnel should work with the product. Use the product correctly after thoroughly reading the section "5 Safety precautions" on p.13. The product described in this manual has been designed and manufactured for use in general industrial equipment. Do not use for any other purpose. Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damage caused through failure to observe this warn
Hazardous substances
The products do not contain the substances exceeding the restriction values of RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU).
Notation rules
The following term is used in explanation of this manual.
Term Description
Master controller
This is a generic name for a programmable controller, master module, pulse generator and so on.
Operating Manuals for the AR Series

2 Operating Manuals for the AR Series

Operating manuals for the AR Series FLEX DC power input built-in controller type are listed below. The "USER MANUAL" does not come with the product. For details, contact your nearest Oriental Motor sales office or download from Oriental Motor website download page. After reading these manuals, keep them in a convenient place so that you can reference them at any time.
Applicable product Type of operating manual Description of operating manual
Motor OPERATING MANUAL (Supplied with motor)
Series FLEX DC power input Built-in controller type
Data setting software
Data setter
Network converter
Driver OPERATING MANUAL (Supplied with driver)
USER MANUAL (this document)
CC-Link compatible
USER MANUAL EtherCAT compatible
With regard to the information required to be certified under the UL Standard, refer to the "APPENDIX UL Standards for AR Series DC power input type" (the paper is supplied with the product).
This manual explains the functions as well as the installation method and others for the motor.
This manual explains the functions as well as the installation method and others for t
This manual explains the functions, installation/ connection method and data setting method as well as the operating method and others for the motor and driver.
This manual explains how to set data using the accessory
This manual explains the functions and installation/ connection method as well as data setting method and o
thers for the accessory
This manual explains the functions and installation/ connection method as well as the operating method for the network converter.
he dri
(sold separately).
Overview of the product

3 Overview of the product

This product is a motor and driver package product consisting of a high-efficiency stepping motor equipped with a rotor position detection sensor, and a driver with built-in controller function. This product can be controlled via I/O, Modbus RTU (RS-485 communication) or industrial network communication using the network converter. The operation data and parameters can be set using the accessory 485 communication.
Main features
•Introducing closed loop control
The AR Series can continue its operation even upon encountering quick acceleration or an abrupt change in load. Monitoring the speed and amount of rotation while the motor is running, the AR Series performs the closed-loop control under overload and similar conditions to continue its operation at the peak torque.
hree operating patterns
You can perform positioning operation, return-to-home operation and continuous operation. Up to 64 operation data points can be set, and multi-point positioning is also possible.
•Compatible with Modbus RTU (RS-485 communication)
You can set operation data and parameters or issue operation start/stop commands from the master controller. Up to 31 drivers can be connected to one master.
(sold separately) or
or via RS-
•Absolute-position backup system
When connecting an accessory battery set backup system. Positions will be retained in the event of a power outage or after turning off the driver power.
(sold separately), this product can be used in the absolute-position
•Automatic control of the electromagnetic brake
This driver controls the electromagnetic brake automatically. The control signal input or the troublesome ladder logic design can be saved.
Motor and driver losses have been substantially reduced to achieve low heat generation and save energy. Since the motor and driver generate much less heat, they can now be operated for longer hours at high speed, which was not possible with conventional motors/drivers.
•Alarm and warning functions
The driver provides alarms that are designed to protect the driver from overheating, poor connection, error in operation, etc. (protective functions), as well as warnings that are output before the corresponding alarms generate (warning functions).
The operation data and parameters can be set using the accessory 485 communication. Provide the
as necessary.
(sold separately) or
, or via RS-
Related products
The AR Series FLEX DC power input built-in controller type can be used via various network when connecting to a network converter.
Network converter Supported network
CC-Link communication MECHATROLINK-communication MECHATROLINK-communication EtherCAT communication
Function list
Main functions
Overview of the product
Return-to-home operation
[Setting by parameters]
Motor operation
[Setting by operation data
and parameters]
Other operations
[Setting by parameters]
Support functions
2-sensor mode
3-sensor mode
Data setting mode (Position preset)
Positioning operation
Operation function
Single-motion operation
Linked-motion operation
Linked-motion operation 2
Continuous operation
JOG operation
Automatic return operation
Starting method
Data number selecting operation
Direct positioning operation
Sequential positioning operation
[Setting by parameters]
External interface
Data setter
RS-485 communication
Protective function
Alarm detection Warning detection
I/O function
Input function selection Output function selection Input logic level setting
Coordination setting
Resolution (Electronic gear) Wrap function Motor rotation direction
Monitor function
Operation data setting
Parameter setting
Operation start
Operation data setting
Parameter setting
Return-to-home function
Home position offset External sensor signal detection
Stop operation
STOP input action Hardware overtravel Software overtravel
Motor function setting
Operating current Standstill current Speed filter Moving average filter
Data storing
Data initialization
Test function
Test operation Teaching I/O test
Monitor function
Maintenance function
System configuration
4 System conguration
Connect to CN4
This battery is an accessory BAT01B (sold separately). Connect this battery if you want to operate the driver in the absolute system.
AC power
Noise filter
Use a noise filter to eliminate noise. It has the effect of reducing noise generated from the power supply and driver.
Connect to CN6 or CN7
24 VDC or 48 VDC
GND Connect to CN1
DC power supply
Master controller
Connect when controlling the system via RS-485 communication.
Connect to CN3
Output signals: Connect to CN9
Input signals: Connect to CN8
Connect to CN2
Cable for motor
This cable is used to connect the motor and driver.
(sold separately)
Connect to CN5
PC in which the MEXE02
has been installed
The PC must be supplied by the customer. Use the communication cable for the data setting software CC05IF-USB when connecting the PC and driver.
Master controller

5 Safety precautions

The precautions described below are intended to prevent danger or injury to the user and other personnel through safe, correct use of the product. Use the product only after carefully reading and fully understanding these instructions.
Handling the product without observing the instructions that accompany a "Warning" symbol may result in serious injury or death.
Handling the product without observing the instructions that accompany a Caution symbol may result in injury or property damage.
The items under this heading contain important handling instructions that the user should observe to ensure safe use of the product.
•Do not use the product in explosive or corrosive environments, in the presence of flammable gases, locations subjected to splashing water, or near combustibles. Doing so may result in fire or injury.
•Assign qualified personnel the task of installing, wiring, operating/controlling, inspecting and troubleshooting the product. Failure to do so may result in fire, injury or damage to equipment.
ke measures to keep the moving parts in position for vertical operations such as elevator applications. The motor
loses holding torque when the power is shut off, allowing the moving parts to fall and possibly cause injury or damage to equipment.
•The brake mechanism of an electromagnetic brake motor is used to keep the moving part and motor in position. Do not use it as a deceleration/safety b
•When the driver generates an alarm (any of the driver's protective functions is triggered), take measures to hold the moving part in place since the motor stops and loses its holding torque. Failure to do so may result in injury or damage to equipment.
•When the driver generates an alarm (any of the driver's protective functions is t then clear the protection function. Continuing the operation without removing the cause of the problem may cause malfunction of the motor and driver, leading to injury or damage to equipment.
. Doing so may result in injury or damage to the equipment.
Safety precautions
riggered), first remove
the cause and
•Install the motor and driver in the enclosure in order to prevent injury.
•Keep the driver's input power voltage within the specified range. Failure to do so may result in fire.
•For the drivers power supply, use a DC power supply with reinforced insulation on its primary and secondary sides. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.
•Connect the cables securely according to the wiring diagram. Failure to do so may result in fire.
•Do not forcibly bend, pull or pinch the cable. Doing so may cause fire.
•Turn off the power to both the PC and electric shock.
r before connecting your PC to the driver. Failure to do so may cause
•Turn off the driver power in the event of a power failure. Or the motor may suddenly start when the power is restored and may cause injury or damage to equipment.
•Do not turn the FREE input to ON while the motor is operating. The motor will stop and lose its holding power. Doing so may result in
injury or damage to equipment.
Repair, disassembly and modification
•Do not disassemble or modify the motor and driver. Doing so may cause injury. Refer all such internal inspections and repairs to the branch or sales office from which you purchased the product.
Safety precautions
•Do not use the motor and driver beyond its specifications. Doing so may result in injury or damage to equipment.
•Keep your fingers and objects out of the openings in the motor and driver. Failure to do so may result in fire or injury.
•Do not touch the motor and driver during operation or immediately after stopping. The surface is hot and may cause a skin burn(s).
•Do not use other batterie injury or damage to equipment.
•Do not carry the motor by holding the motor output shaft or motor cable. Doing so may cause injury.
•Provide a cover over the rotating parts (output shaft) of the motor. Failure to do so may result in injury.
•Do not leave anything around the motor and driver that wo to equipment.
•The power supply connector (CN1), data edit connector (CN3) and RS-485 communication connector (CN6/ CN7) of the driver are not electrically insulated. When grounding the positive terminal of the power supply, do not connect any equipment (PC, etc.) whose negative terminal is grounded. Doing so may cause the drive equipment to short, damaging both.
•When connecting, check the silk screen of the driver and pay attention to the polarity of the power supply. Reverse­polarity connection may cause damage to the driver. The power-supply circuit and the RS-485 communication circuit are not insulated. Reverse-polarity connection may cause damage to the driver.
s than the accessory dedicated battery
(sold separately). Doing so may result in
uld obstruct ventilation. Doing so may result in damage
r and these
•Use a motor and driver only in the specified combination. An incorrect combination may cause a fire.
•Do not touch the rotating part (output shaft) during operation. Doing so may cause injury.
•Provide an emergency stop device or emergency stop circuit external to the equipment so that the entire equipment will operate safely in the event of a system failure or malfunction. Failure to do so may result in injury.
•For the power s and secondary sides. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.
•Before supplying power to the driver, turn all input signals to the driver OFF. Otherwise, the motor may start suddenly at power ON and cause injury or damage to equipment.
•Before moving the motor directly with the hands, confirm t result in injury.
•Immediately when trouble has occurred, stop running and turn off the driver power. Failure to do so may result in fire or injury.
upply to the electromagnetic brake
, use a DC power supply with reinforced insulation on its primary
hat the FREE input turns ON. Fa
ilure to do so may
Maintenance and inspection
•To prevent the risk of electric shock, do not touch the terminals while performing the insulation resistance test or dielectric strength test.
•To dispose of the motor and driver, disassemble it into parts and components as much as possible and dispose of individual parts/components as industrial waste.
Safety precautions
Handling the battery
Be sure to observe the following instructions when using the accessory battery (sold separately). Handling the battery without observing the instructions may cause the liquid leakage, heat generation and explosion, etc., which may result in injury or damage to equipment.
•Do not heat the battery or throw it into a fire.
•Never short-circuit the battery or connect the positive and negative terminals in reverse.
•When carrying/storing the battery, do not place it together with metal necklaces, hairpins, coins, keys or other conductive objects. When storing the battery, store it away from direct sunlight in a place not subject to high temperature or high humidity.
o not disassemble or modify the battery.
o not apply solder directly to the battery.
•Use a dedicated driver to charge the battery.
•The battery has a vent structure for the release of internal gas. Do not apply a strong force to the battery, since it may cause this structure to deform.
•When installing the battery into the machine, never place it inside a sealed structure. The battery sometimes g
enerates gas, which, if trapped, may cause a burst or an explosion due to ignition.
•The battery contains an alkali solution. If the alkali solution comes in contact with the skin or clothes, flush the area thoroughly with clean water. If the alkali solution gets into the eyes, do not rub. Flush the eyes thoroughly with clean water and seek immediate medical attention.
•Do not use the battery if
o not immerse the battery in water or seawater, nor allow it to become wet. Doing so may cause the battery to
generate heat or rust.
•Do not scratch the battery and battery cable. A scratched battery easily causes shorting, resulting in leakage, heat generation or bursting.
•The battery is connected to the primary circuit, so d
•Do not forcibly bend, pull or pinch the cable. Also, do not bend and flex the cable repeatedly.
•Do not make a continuous vibration or excessive impact.
•Always charge the battery connecting to the driver before use. Refer to p.38 for charging method.
•Nickel-metal-hydride cell is used in this battery. Disposal of the used batteries is subject to each country's regulations on environmental control. Contact your nearest Oriental Motor office if you have any questions.
there is leakage, discoloration, deformation or another abnormality.
o not touch the battery while the pow
er is on.
Precautions for use

6 Precautions for use

This section covers limitations and requirements the user should consider when using the product.
•Always use the cable (supplied or accessory) to connect the motor and driver.
Be sure to use the cable (supplied or accessory) to connect the motor and driver. In the following condition, an appropriate accessory cable must be purchased separately. Refer to p.208 for details.
•If a flexible cable is to be used.
f a cable of 3 m (9.8 ft.) or longer is to be used.
•If a motor and driver package without a cable was purchased.
•Perform the insulation resistance test or dielectric strength test separately on the motor and the driver.
Performing the insulation resistance test or dielectric strength test with the motor and driver connected may result in damage to the product.
•Do not apply a radial load and axial load in excess of the specified permissible limit
Operating the motor under an excessive radial load or axial load may damage the motor bearings (ball bearings). Be sure to operate the motor within the specified permissible limit of radial load and axial load. Refer to p.28 for details.
•Use the motor in conditions where its surface temperature will not exceed 100 °C (212 °F).
The driver has an overheat protection function, but the motor has no such feature. The motor surface temperature may exceed 100 °C (212 °F) under certain conditions (ambient temperature, operating speed, duty cycle, etc.). To prevent the motor bearings (ball bearings) from reaching its usable life quickly, use the motor in conditions where the surface temperature will not exceed 100 °C (212 °F). Use the gea prevent deterioration of grease and parts in the gear case. If the motor is to be operated continuously, install the motor in a location where heat dissipation capacity equivalent to a level achieved with a heat sink [made of aluminum, 250×250×6 mm (9.84×9.84×0.24 in.)] is ensured.
red type motor in a condition where the gear case temperature does not ex
ceed 70 °C (158 °F), in order to
•Holding torque at standstill
The motor holding torque is reduced by the current cutback function of the driver at motor standstill. When selecting a motor for your application, consider the fact that the holding torque will be reduced at motor standstill.
•Do not use the electromagnetic brake to reduce speed or as a safety brake.
Do not use the electromagnetic brake as a means to decelerate and stop the motor. The brake hub of the electromagnetic brake will wear significantly and the braking force will drop. Since the power off activated type electromagnetic brake is equipped, it helps maintain the position of the load when the power is cut off, but this brake cannot securely hold the load in place. Accordingly, do not use the electromagnetic brake as a safety brake. To use the electromagnetic brake to ho
ld the load in place, do so after the motor has stopped.
•Double shaft type motor
Do not apply load torque, radial load or axial load to the output shaft on the opposite side of the motor output shaft.
•Preventing electrical noise
See "1.7 Installing and wiring in compliance with EMC Directive" on p.30 for measures with regard to noise.
•Peak torque of geared type motor
Always operate the geared type motor under a load not exceeding the peak torque. If the load exceeds the peak torque, the gear will be damaged.
•Grease of geared type motor
On rare occasions, a small amount of grease may ooze out from the geared type motor. If there is concern over possible environmental damage resulting from the leakage of grease, check for grease stains during regular inspections. Alternatively, install an oil pan or other dev leakage may lead to problems in the customers equipment or products.
ice to prevent leakage from causing further damage. Oil
Precautions for use
•Rotation direction of the gear output shaft
The relationship between the rotation direction of the motor shaft and that of the gear output shaft changes as follows, depending on the gear type and gear ratio.
Type of gear Gear ratio
Harmonic geared All gear ratios Opposite direction
3.6, 7.2, 10 Same direction 20, 30 Opposite direction
All gear ratios Same direction
(relative to the motor rotation direction)
Rotation direction
•Do not perform push-motion operation with geared types.
Doing so may cause damage to the motor or gear part.
•Saving data to the non-volatile memory
Do not turn off the power supply while writing the data to the non-volatile memory and 5 seconds after the completion of writing the data. Doing so may abort writing the data and cause a EEPROM error alarm to generate. The non-volatile memory can be rewritten approximately 100,000 times.
•Motor excitation at power ON
The motor is excited when the power is on. If the motor is required to be in non-excitation status when turning on the power, assign the C-ON input to the direct I/O or network I/O.
•Overvoltage alarm by regeneration energy
The overvoltage alarm will generate depending on the operating condition. When an alarm is generated, review the operating conditions.
•Note on connecting a power supply whose positive terminal is grounded
The power supply connector (CN1), data edit connector (CN3) and RS-485 communication connector (CN6/CN7) of the driver are not electrically insulated. When grounding the positive terminal of the power supply, do not connect any equipment (PC, etc.) whose negative terminal is grounded. Doing so may cause the driver and these equipment to short, damaging both. Use the
to set data, etc.
General specifications
7 General specications
Motor Driver
IP65 (Excluding the motor mounting surface and connectors)
Degree of protection
Ambient temperature
Operation environment
Storage environment
Shipping en
Insulation resistance
Dielectric strength
*1 When installing a motor to a heat sink of a capacity at least equivalent to an aluminum plate [100×100 mm
(3.94×3.94 in.), thickness 6 mm (0.24 in.)].
*2 0.5 kVAC for the
Humidity 85% or less A
ltitude Up to 1000 m (3300 ft.) above sea level
Surrounding atmosphere
Ambient temperature
Humidity 85% or less (non-condensing) Altitude Up to 3000 m (10000 ft.) above sea level Surrounding
A temperature
Humidity 85% or less (non-condensing) Altitude Up to 3000 m (10000 ft.) above sea level Surrounding
ARM14, ARM15, ARM24
IP20 (Double shaft type, models including "S" in the motor identification of motor name.)
10 to +50 °C (+14 to +122 °F)
(non-freezing) Harmonic geared type: 0 to +40 °C
(+32 to +104 °F) (non-freezing)
No corrosive gas, dust, water or oil
20 to +60 °C (−4 to +140 °F)
No corrosive gas, dust, water or oil
20 to +60 °C (−4 to +140 °F)
No corrosive gas, dust, water or oil 100 MΩ or more when 500 VDC megger
is applied between the following places:
· Case - Motor windings and sensor windings
Case - Electromagnetic brake windings
Sufficient to withstand 1.0 kVAC at 50 Hz or 60 Hz applied between the following places for 1 minute:
· Case - Motor windings and sensor windings
· Case - Electromagnetic brake windings"
0 to +50 °C (+32 to +122 °F) (non-freezing)
25 to +70 °C (−13 to +158 °F)
25 to +70 °C (−13 to +158 °F)
100 MΩ or more when 500 VDC megger is applied between the following places:
· FG terminal - Power supply terminal
Sufficient to withstand 500 VAC at 50 Hz o
r 60 Hz applied betwe
following places for 1 minute:
· FG terminal - Power supply terminal
en the

8 CE Marking

Low Voltage Directives
Because the input power supply voltage of this product is 24 VDC/48 VDC, it is not subject to the Low Voltage Directive but install and connect this product as follows. This product is designed and manufactured to be installed within another device. Install the product in an enclosure. For the driver power supply, use a DC power supply with reinforced insulation on its primary and secondary sid
EMC Directive
This product has received EMC compliance under the conditions specified in "Example of motor and driver installation and wiring" on p.31. Since the compliance of the final machinery with the EMC Directive will depend on such factors as the configuration, wiring, layout and risk involved in the control-system equipment and electrical parts, it therefore must be verified through EMC measures by th
Applicable Standards
EN 61000-6-4 EN 61800-3 EN 55011 group 1 class A
EN 61000-6-2 EN 61800-3
CE Marking
e customer of the machinery.
AR 2 4 S A K D - H 50 - 3

9 Preparation

This chapter explains the items you should check, as well as the name and function of each part.

9.1 Checking the product

Verify that the items listed below are included. Report any missing or damaged items to the branch or sales office from which you purchased the product. Verify the model number of the purchased product against the number shown on the package label. Check the model number of the motor and driver against motor and driver combinations are shown on p.22.
•Motor .................................................1 unit
•Parallel key ........................................1 pc. (Supplied with geared types; except for the
•Cable for motor .................................1 pc. (Supplied with a motor and driver package)
•Cable for electromag
•Driver ................................................1 unit
•CN1 connector ..................................1 pc. (for power supply input terminals; 5 pins)
•CN5 connector ..................................1 pc. (for sensor signals; 5 pins)
•CN8 connector ..................................1 pc. (for inpu
N9 connector ..................................1 pc. (for output signals; 7 pins)
•Motor OPERATING MANUAL .......1 copy
•Driver OPERATING MANUAL .......1 copy
netic brake
the number show
.......1 pc. (Supplied with an electromagnetic brake motor and driver package)
t signals; 9 pins)
n on the nameplate. Model names for
AR24, AR46TH

9.2 How to identify the product model

Motor size 1: 20 mm (0.79 in.) 2: 28 mm (1.10 in.) [30 mm (1.18 in.) for Harmonic geared type] 4: 42 mm (1.65 in.) 6: 60 mm (2.36 in.) 9: 85 mm (3.35 in.) [90 mm (3.54 in) for geared types]
Series name AR Series
* The model name is "7" for the gear ratio "7.2" of the PS geared type.
Gear ratio
T: TH geared typeH: Harmonic geared type PS: PS geared typeBlank: Standard type N: PN geared type
Driver type D: Built-in Controller Type
Power input K: 24 VDC/48 VDC
Motor type A: Single shaft B: Double shaft M: With electromagnetic brake
Motor identification
Motor length
Number: Length of supplied connection cable (m) None: Without connection cable

9.3 Combinations of motors and drivers

indicates A (single shaft), B (double shaft) or M (with electromagnetic brake).
For For geared type,  indicates A (single shaft) or M (with electromagnetic brake).
•When a connection cable is included,  in the model names indicates a number (-1, -2, -3) representing the cable
in the model names indicates a number representi
Standard type
geared type
geared type
geared type
Harmonic geared type
,  indicates A (single shaft) or B (double shaft).
ng the gear ratio.
Type Model Motor model Driver model

9.4 Names and functions of parts

Data edit connector (CN3)
RS-485 communication connectors (CN6/CN7)
Function setting switches (SW3)
Address number setting switch (SW1)
Transmission rate setting switch (SW2)
Battery connector (CN4)
Motor connector (CN2)
Electromagnetic brake terminals (CN1)
Power supply input terminals (CN1)
Frame Ground Terminal (CN1)
Output signal connector (CN9)
Input signal connector (CN8)
Sensor signal connector (CN5)
DIN lever
Name Description Page
POWER LED (Green) This LED is lit while the power is input. ALARM LED (Red)
C-DAT LED (Green)
Address number setting switch (SW1)
Transmission rate setting switch (SW2)
This LED will blink when an alarm generates. It is possible to check the generated alarm by counting the number of times the LED blinks.
This LED will blink or illuminate steadily when the driver is communicating with the master station properly via RS-485 communication.
his LED will illuminate when a RS-485 communication error occurs with the
master station. Use this switch when controlling the system via RS-485 communication. Use this
switch and SW3-No.1 of the function setting switch, to set the address number (slave address) of RS-485 communication. (Factory setting: 0)
Use this sw
itch when controlling the system via RS-485 communication. Set the
transmission rate of RS-485 communication. (Factory setting: 7) Use this switch when controlling the system via RS-485 communication.
No.1: Using this switch and the address number setting switch (SW1), set the address number (slave address) of RS-485 communication.
Function setting switches (SW3)
(Factory setting: OFF N
o.2: Set the protocol of RS-485 communication. (Factory setting: OFF)
p.131 p.167 p.179
No.3: Not used. No.4: Set the termination resistor (120 Ω) of RS-485 communication. (Factory setting: OFF)
Electromagnetic brake terminals (CN1-MB1/MB2)
Power supply input terminals (CN1)
Frame Ground Terminal (CN1) Ground using a wire of AWG24 to 16 (0.2 to 1.25 mm
Connect the lead wires from the electromagnetic brake. MB1: Electromagnetic brake − (black) MB2: Electromagnetic brake + (white)
Connect th
r supply of the driver.
e powe
+: +24 VDC/48 VDC power supply input
: power supply GND
). p.36 Motor connector (CN2) Connect the motor cable or flexible motor cable to connect the motor. p.32 Data edit connector (CN3) Connect a PC in which the
Battery connector (CN4) Connect the accessory batter
has been installed, or the
y (sold separa
tely). p.38
. p.36
Sensor signal connector (CN5) Connects the limit sensor. p.32 RS-485 communication
connectors (CN6/CN7) Input signal connector (CN8) Connect the input signals cable. Output signal connector (CN9) Connect the output signals cable.
Connect the RS-485 communication cable. p.37
Motor (Example: ARM66SMK)
Protective Earth Terminal (M4)
Mounting holes
(4 locations)
Output shaft
Electromagnetic brake cable
Electromagnetic brake
Motor cable
2 Installation and
This part explains the installation method of the product, the mounting method of a load and the connection method as well as I/O signals.
Table of contents
1 Installation ........................................ 26
1.1 Location for installation ..........................26
1.2 Installing the motor ................................26
1.3 Installing a load .....................................27
1.4 Permissible radial load and
permissible axial load .....................
1.5 Installing the driver ................................ 29
1.6 Installing the battery .............................. 30
1.7 Installing and wiring in compliance
with EMC Directive ................................ 30
2 Connection ........................................ 32
2.1 Connection example
(electromagnetic brake motor) ..............32
2.2 Grounding the motor and driver ............36
2.3 Connecting the data setter .................... 36
onnecting the RS-485 communication
cable ......................................................37
2.5 Connecting and charging the battery ....38
3 Explanation of I/O signals ............... 39
3.1 Assignment of direct I/O ........................39
Assignment to the input terminals ....................39
Changing the logic level setting of input
signals ...............................................................40
Assignment to the o
3.2 Assignment of network I/O .................... 43
Assignment of input signals ..............................43
Assignment to the output terminals ..................45
3.3 Input signals .......................................... 47
3.4 Output signals .......................................52
3.5 Sensor input .......................................... 56
3.6 Genera
l signals (R0 to R15) .
utput terminals .
Metal plate

1 Installation

This chapter explains the installation location and installation methods of the motor and driver, along with load installation. The installation and wiring methods in compliance with the EMC Directive are also explained.

1.1 Location for installation

The motor and driver has been designed and manufactured to be installed within another device. Install them in a well-ventilated location that provides easy access for inspection. T
he location must also satisfy the following conditions:
•Inside an enclosure that is installed indoors (provide vent holes)
•Operating ambient temperature Motor: −10 to +50 °C (+14 to +122 °F) (non-freezing) Harmonic geared type: 0 to +40 °C (+32 to +104 °F) (non-freezing) Driver: 0 to +50 °C (+32 to +122 °F) (non-freezing)
•Operating ambient humidity 85% or less (non-condensing)
•Area that is f
•Area not exposed to direct sun
•Area free of excessive amount of dust, iron particles or the like
•Area not subject to splashing water (rain, water droplets), oil (oil droplets) or other liquids
•Area free of excessive salt
•Area not subject to continuous vibration or excessive shocks
•Area free of excessive electromagnetic
•Area free of radioactive materials, magnetic fields or vacuum
•1000 m (3300 ft.) or lower above sea level
ree of ex
plosive atmosphere or toxic gas (such as sulfuric gas) or liquid
noise (from welders, pow
er machinery, etc.)

1.2 Installing the motor

The motor can be installed in any direction. To allow for heat dissipation and prevent vibration, install the motor on a metal surface of sufficient strength.
•Installation method A
Harmonic geared ∗1
Harmonic geared ∗2 90 (3.54) M8 4 (560)
AR24, AR46
*3 *4
type only.
Frame size
[mm (in.)]
20 (0.79) M2 0.25 (35) 2.5 (0.098)
42 (1.65) M3 1 (142) 4.5 (0.177) 60 (2.36) M4 2 (280) 85 (3.35) M6 3 (420) 28 (1.10) M2.5 0.5 (71) 4 (0.157) 42 (1.65)
60 (2.36) 90 (3.54) M8 4 (560) 15 (0.591) 28
3 42 (1.65) M4 2 (280) 8 (0.315) 60 (2.36) M5 2.5 (350) 10 (0.394) 90 (3.54) M8 4 (560) 15 (0.591)
0 (1.18)
type only.
•Installation method B
Metal plate
Nominal size
M4 2 (280) 8 (0.315)
M3 1 (142) 6 (0.236)
Tightening torque
[N·m (oz-in)]
Effective depth of
bolt [mm (in.)]
A28 (1.10) M2.5 0.5 (71) 2.5 (0.098)

1.3 Installing a load

When connecting a load to the motor, align the centers of the motor output shaft and load shaft. Flexible couplings are available as accessories.
Using a coupling
Align the centers of the motor output shaft and load shaft in a straight line.
Using a belt drive
Align the motor output shaft and load shaft in parallel with each other, and position both pulleys so that the line connecting their centers is at a right angle to the shafts.
Using a gear drive
Align the motor output shaft and gear shaft in parallel with each other, and let the gears mesh at the center of the tooth widths.
•When coupling the load to the motor, pay attention to the centering of the shafts, belt tension, parallelism of the pulleys, and so on. Securely tighten the coupling and pulley set screws.
•Be careful not to damage the output shaft or bearings when installing a coupling or pulley to the motor output shaft.
•Do not modify or machine the motor output shaft. Doing so may damage the bearings and de
the motor.
•Do not apply strong force using hammer or other tools when removing the parallel key. Doing so may damage the motor output shaft and bearings (ball bearings).
Using a coupling Using a belt drive Using a gear drive
Using a parallel key (geared motor)
When connecting the load and gear output shaft with a key slot, secure the load using the key supplied with the gear output shaft after machining the key slot on the load.
Installing on the ange surface (Harmonic geared type)
With a Harmonic geared type (excluding holes provided on the flange surface.
Metal plate
Model Nominal size
M3 4 1.4 (198) 4 (0.157) M3 6 1.4 (198) 5 (0.2) M4 6 2.5 (350) 6 (0.24)
Number of
), a load can be installed directly to the gear using the load mounting
Load mounting holes
Tightening torque
[N·m (oz-in)]
Effective depth of
bolt [mm (in.)]
•When installing a load on the flange surface, the load cannot be mounted using the key slot in the output shaft.
•Design an appropriate installation layout so that the load will not contact the metal plate or bolts used for installing the motor.

1.4 Permissible radial load and permissible axial load

•If the radial load or axial load exceeds the specified allowable value, repeated load applications may cause the bearing (ball bearings) or output shaft of the motor to undergo a fatigue failure.
•With a double shaft type, do not apply load torque, radial load or axial load to the output shaft on the opposite side of the motor output shaft.
Type Model Gear ratio
Permissible radial load [N (lb.)]
Distance from the tip of motor output shaft [mm (in.)]
0 (0) 5 (0.2) 10 (0.39) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79)
12 (2.7) 15 (3.3)
25 (5.6) 34 (7.6) 52 (11.7)
7.2 10
2 36 50
5 200 (45) 220 (49) 250 (56) 280 (63) 320 (72)
7.2 10
25 36 50
7.2 10
25 850 (191) 940 (210) 1050 (230) 1190 (260) 1380 (310) 36 930 (200) 1030 (230) 1150 (250) 1310 (290) 1520 (340) 50 1050 (230) 1160 (260) 1300 (290) 1480 (330)
5 200 (45) 220 (49) 250 (56) 280 (63) 320 (72)
7.2 10
25 36 50
5 480 (108) 520 (117) 550 (123) 580 (130) 620 (139)
7.2 10
25 850 (191) 940 (210) 1050 (230) 1110 (240) 1190 (260) 36 50 1050 (230) 1160 (260) 1300 (290) 1380 (310) 1490 (330)
35 (7.8) 44 (9.9) 58 (13) 85 (19.1)
90 (20) 100 (22) 130 (29) 180 (40) 270
260 (58) 290 (65) 340 (76) 390 (87) 480 (108)
15 (3.3) 17 (3.8) 20 (4.5) 23 (5.1) 10 (2.2) 14 (3.1) 20 (4.5) 30 (6.7)
70 (15.7) 80 (18) 100 (22) 120 (27) 150 (33) 40 (9)
220 (49) 250 (56) 300 (67) 350 (78) 400 (90) 100 (22)
45 (10.1) 60 (13.5) 80 (18) 100 (22)
73 (16.4) 84 (18.9) 100 (22) 123 (27)
109 (24) 127 (28) 150 (33) 184 (41)
250 (56) 270 (60) 300 (67) 340 (76) 390 (87)
330 (74) 360 (81) 400 (90) 450 (101) 520 (117)
480 (108) 540 (121) 600 (135) 680 (153) 790 (177)
45 (10.1) 60 (13.5) 80 (18) 100 (22)
100 (22) 120 (27) 150 (33) 190 (42)
250 (56) 270 (60) 300 (67) 340 (76) 390 (87)
330 (74) 360 (81) 400 (90) 450 (101) 520 (117)
480 (108) 540 (121) 600 (135) 680 (153) 790 (177)
930 (200) 1
030 (230) 1150 (250) 1220 (270) 1300 (290)
* The brackets < > indicate the value for the electromagnetic brake type.
1710 (380)
Permissible axial
load [N (lb.)]
0.7 (0.157)
0.9 (0.2)
1.5 (0.33)
<2.1 (0.47)>
2.2 (0.49)
<2.7 (0.6)>
4.6 (1.03)
<6.1 (1.37)>
.8 (1.98)
<11.8 (2.6)>
13.7 (3)
<16.7 (3.7)>
18 (4)
<24 (5.4)>
10 (2.2) 15 (3.3)
20 (4.5)
0 (11.2)
100 (22)
300 (67)
20 (4.5)
100 (22)
300 (67)
35 mm
50 mm or more
100 mm
Type Model Gear ratio
Harmonic geared
1090 (240) 1150 (250) 1230 (270) 1310 (290) 1410 (310) 1300 (290)
Permissible moment load of the Harmonic geared type
When installing an arm or table on the flange surface, calculate the moment load using the formula below if the flange surface receives any eccentric load. The moment load should not exceed the permissible value specified in the table. Moment load: M [N·m (oz-in)] = F × L
Permissible moment load
[N·m (oz-in)]
2.9 (410)
5.6 (790)
11.6 (1640)

1.5 Installing the driver

Installation method
Mount the driver to a 35 mm (1.38 in.) width DIN rail. When installing two or more drivers in parallel, it is possible to install them closely in the horizontal direction. Provide a minimum clearance of 50 mm (1.97 in.) in the vertical direction. When installing three or more drivers closely, the heat generation of the inside drivers become high. Install the less frequently used drivers toward the in U
se the "overheat warning" parameter to check the inside temperature of the driver.
•Install the driver in an enclosure whose pollution degree is 2 or better environment, or whose degree of protection is IP54 minimum.
•Do not install any equipment that generates a large amount of heat or noise near the driver.
•Do not install the driver underneath the controller or other equipment vulnerable to heat.
•If the ambient temperature of the driver exceeds 50 °C (122 °F), improve the
by using fans or creating spaces between the drivers.
•Be sure to install the driver vertically (vertical position).
Permissible radial load [N (lb.)]
Distance from the tip of motor output shaft [mm (in.)]
0 (0) 5 (0.2) 10 (0.39) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79) 100 (22) 135 (30) 175 (39) 250 (56) 180 (40) 220 (49) 270 (60) 360 (81) 510 (114) 220 (49) 320 (72) 370 (83) 440 (99) 550 (123) 720 (162) 450 (101)
Permissible axial
load [N (lb.)]
140 (31)
ntilation condition such as providing forced cooling
Pull down the driver's DIN lever and lock it. Hang the hook at the rear to the DIN rail, and push in the driver. After installation, secure the both sides of the driver with the end plate.
DIN rail
DIN lever
End plate
Removing from DIN rail
Pull the DIN lever down until it locks using a flat tip screwdriver, and lift the bottom of the driver to remove it from the rail. Use force of about 10 to 20 N (2.2 to 4.5 lb.) to pull the DIN lever to lock it. Excessive force may damage the DIN lever.

1.6 Installing the battery

A battery and battery holder are included in an accessory battery set Use the battery holder to secure the battery. See p.210 for accessory.
(sold separately).
Battery installation
13±0.3 mm
(0.51±0.012 in.)

1.7 Installing and wiring in compliance with EMC Directive

Effective measures must be taken against the EMI that the motor and driver may give to adjacent control-system equipment, as well as the EMS of the motor and driver itself, in order to prevent a serious functional impediment in the machinery. The use of the following installation and wiring methods will enable the motor and driver to be compliant with the EMC directive. Refer to "8 CE Marking" o
riental Motor conducts EMC measurements on its motors and drivers in accordance with "Example of motor and
O driver installation and wiring" on p.31. The user is responsible for ensuring the machine's compliance with the EMC Directive, based on the installation and wiring explained below.
Connecting the power supply
Use a DC power supply compliant with the EMC Directive. Use a shielded cable for wiring and wire/ground the pow Refer to "Wiring the power supply cable and I/O signal cable" for how to ground the shielded cable.
Connecting noise lter for power supply line
•Connect a noise filter in the DC power supply input to prevent the noise generated in the driver from propagating externally through the power supply line.
•When using a power supply transformer, be sure to connect a noise filter to the AC transformer.
•For a noise filter, use HF2010A (SOSHIN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD), FN2070-10-06 (Schaffner EMC) or equivalent product.
•Install the noise filter as close to the AC input terminal of DC power supply as possible. Use cable clamps and other means to secure the AC input cables (AWG18: 0.75 mm firmly to the surface of the enclosure.
•Connect the ground terminal of the noise filter to the grounding point, using as thick and short a wire as possible.
•Do not place the AC input cable parallel with the noise filter output cable. Parallel placement will reduce noise filter effectiveness if the enclosure's internal noise is directly coupled to the power supply cable by means of stray capacita
n p.19 for the applicable standards.
er supply over the shortest possible distance.
input side of the power supply
or more) and output cables (AWG18: 0.75 mm2 or more)
How to ground
The cable used to ground the driver and noise filter must be as thick and short as possible so that no potential difference is generated. Choose a large, thick and uniformly conductive surface for the grounding point.
•Grounding the motor
Be sure to ground the Protective Earth Terminal of the motor. Refer to p.36 for grounding method.
•Grounding the driver
Refer to p.36 for grounding method.
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