OREGON SCIENTIFIC DS6639 User Manual [fr]

18/03/12 Model : DS6639
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
© 2004 Oregon Scientific. All rights reserved. 086-003300-060
Model : DS6639
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18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
2.0 Mega-P ixel Slim Card-Sized Dig ital Camera (DS663 9) USER MA NUAL
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1
Brief De scription .......................................................................................... 1
Im portant Notice ........................................................................................... 1
Safety Notes .................................................................................................. 1
Notes on the Digital Cam era ......................................................................... 2
Key Feat ures ...................................................................................................... 3
Front View ..................................................................................................... 3
Back View ..................................................................................................... 3
Mode Switch ................................................................................................. 4
4-Wa y Controller ........................................................................................... 4
Ge tting Start ed .................................................................................................. 5
Pac kage Contents .......................................................................................... 5
Installing the Batteries .................................................................................. 5
Attaching the Strap ....................................................................................... 5
Secure Digital (SD) Car d / Multi-Media Card (MMC) ................................ 5
Basic Photogr aphy ............................................................................................. 6
Quick Start .................................................................................................... 6
Pre paring the Came ra .............................................................................. 6
Holding the Came ra ................................................................................ 6
Taking Basic Pictures .............................................................................. 7
Basic Functions and Settings ........................................................................ 7
Toggling OSD (On-Scre en Display) Informa tion ................................... 7
Selecting a Flash Mode ........................................................................... 8
Zooming .................................................................................................. 9
Using the Self-Tim er ............................................................................... 9
Play ing Back Last Picture Ta ken ............................................................ 10
Introduction to Camera Modes ........................................................................ 10
Guide to Menus ............................................................................................. 10
Setup Menu ............................................................................................. 11
P.Counter ( Picture Counter) ............................................................. 11
Set Clock .......................................................................................... 11
Set City ............................................................................................. 12
Show Time ........................................................................................ 12
Language ........................................................................................... 13
Beep Tone ......................................................................................... 13
Auto Off ( Auto Power- Off) .............................................................. 13
TV Output ......................................................................................... 13
File No. ............................................................................................. 13
Forma t .............................................................................................. 14
Reset ................................................................................................. 14
Page 3
LCD Brightness Levels..................................................................... 14
Info. (Ca mera Model and Firmwar e informa tion)............................. 15
Came ra Menu ......................................................................................... 15
Mode Selection ................................................................................ 15
Size (I mage Size) ............................................................................. 16
Quality ( Picture Qua lity) .................................................................. 16
White Bal. (W hite Balanc e) ............................................................. 17
Metering ........................................................................................... 17
ISO .................................................................................................... 18
Con. Shoot (Continuous Shooting) .................................................. 18
EV (Exposure Compensation) .......................................................... 19
Shooting Movies ................................................................................................ 19
Movie Mode Functions ................................................................................. 20
Movie Menu .................................................................................................. 20
Playback Functions ........................................................................................... 20
Play back of Im ages ....................................................................................... 21
Zooming Functions ................................................................................. 21
Deleting Pla ybac k Image ........................................................................ 22
Play back of Movies ...................................................................................... 22
Deleting Pla ybac k Movie ....................................................................... 23
Multi-Frame Review ..................................................................................... 23
Play back Menu ............................................................................................. 23
Delete ...................................................................................................... 24
Deleting Selec ted Im ages and Movies ............................................. 24
Deleting All ...................................................................................... 24
Prote ct (Protec ting Im ages) .................................................................... 24
Prote cting / Unprotec ting Selected I mages a nd Movies ................... 24
Thank you for selecting the Oregon Scie ntific 2.0 Me ga-Pixel Slim Card- Sized Digital Came ra as y our personal produc t of choice. Your c ame ra is designed to give you m any yea rs of reliable ser vice.
Key Feat ures Include:
• 3.0 Mega-pixel softwar e output re solution
Resam ples each im age for incr eased re solution.
• 2x digital zoom
Makes the subjec t look closer.
• Self-t imer
Delay the cam era’s shutter re lease to allow y ou to include y ourself in the picture .
• 8 megabyte inter nal memory
Standard in ca mera storage capac ity f or saving pictures or m ovies.
• SD or M MC memory car d compatibility
Supported me mory forma ts for increa sed storage ca pacity.
• Movie mode
Record m oving images f or motion capture .
• Home / world time
Switch betwee n local a nd world time without having to go through the entire se ttings proce ss.
• Video output
For picture pre view on television scree n
• USB 1.1 interface
Connection used to transfe r image s between y our cam era a nd PC.
• White B alance and manual exposure c ompensation sett ings
For more accur ate color re production under diffe rent lighting situations.
18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Prote cting / Unprotec ting All ............................................................ 24
DPOF (Spec ifying Digital Print Orde r Format) ..................................... 25
DPOF of Sele cted Ima ges ................................................................ 25
DPOF of A ll Ima ges ......................................................................... 25
Slide (Slideshow) ................................................................................... 25
Connecting to Exter nal Devices ....................................................................... 26
Connecting to a TV ....................................................................................... 26
Connecting to a Windows-Ba sed PC ............................................................ 26
Installing Drivers a nd Softwar e .............................................................. 27
Connecting the Cam era to the PC ........................................................... 27
Disconnec ting the Cam era ..................................................................... 28
Connecting to a Mac intosh ........................................................................... 28
Connecting the Cam era to the Mac intosh ............................................... 28
Addendum ......................................................................................................... 29
List of Compatible Mem ory Ca rds ............................................................... 29
Mem ory Capac ity, Picture Size and Quality ................................................ 29
Battery Inform ation ...................................................................................... 29
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 30
Specifications ..................................................................................................... 32
Trademark Information ................................................................................... 33
Additional Resource s ........................................................................................ 33
• Spot / evaluative / center light meter modes
For more control over how y ou want y our pictures exposed unde r differe nt lighting situations.
Statement of Re sponsibility
Oregon Scie ntific assum es no responsibility for a ny incidenta l losses (such a s the costs of photography or the loss of incom e from photography) incurr ed as a re sult of faults with this product.
Notes on Copyright
Im ages rec orded using your digital ca mera cannot be used in wa ys that infringe copy right laws without the consent of the owne r, unless intended only f or personal use. Note that som e restrictions apply to the photographing of stage pe rforma nces, enterta inments and exhibits, even w hen intended purely for per sonal use. Users ar e also asked to note that the transfe r of me mory containing images or data protecte d under c opyright laws is only pe rmissible within the restrictions impose d.
To ensure that you use y our cam era c orrectly , read these Safe ty Notes and y our User Manual ca refully beforeha nd. The warnings given he re provide impor tant safety inform ation and should be observed a t all time s.
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
USB Terminal
Menu B utton
On-Screen Display
4-Way Controll er
Memory Card Slo t
Self-Timer Lamp
Built-In Flash
Power Bu tton
• The e nclosed disc is a com puter CD-ROM disc. Never attempt to play this disc on an ordinar y m usic CD play er, as it ca n produce extre mely high noise leve ls that could dam age y our hearing or y our audio sy stem.
• Do not imm erse the de vice in water or subject the c amer a to impact or shock.
• Do not, under a ny circ umstance s, touch the e xposed electronic c ircuitry of the device , as there is a dange r of elec tric shock.
• Take specia l care whe n handling a dama ged LCD display, a s the liquid cry stals can be harmf ul to your health.
• Do not use or store the device in loca tions that may adver sely af fect the produc t such as ra in, snow, desert, and m agnetic fields.
• Check all maj or functions when the device is unused for a long period of time. This is to ensure its full operation. Maintain re gular testing and clea ning of your de vice.
• Do not look through the viewf inder at the sun or other strong lights. This could dam age y our eye sight.
• Avoid leaving the c amer a exposed to direc t sunlight, as the action of the lens could ca use fires.
• Rem ove the batteries a nd mem ory ca rd before storing the ca mera for long periods of time . Then, keep it in a we ll-ventilated plac e in order to pre vent moulding.
Cleaning your Camera
Lens / Viewf inder Use a blowe r or a lens brush to re move dirt or dust. Wipe
car efully with a soft c loth to rem ove fingerprints and othe r stains. Do not touch with fingers.
Body Clean with a dam p cloth; dry im mediate ly .
• Do not use benzene , thinner, or similar cleaning agents to cle an your c ame ra, as these m ay c ause perm anent dam age not cover ed by the warranty .
• Do not scra tch hard obj ects against the lens, LCD or view finder as these sur faces are easily dam aged.
Handling your Camera
• For importa nt photographs (suc h as weddings and over seas trips), alway s take a test photograph and vie w the image to ma ke sure that the c ame ra is functioning norma lly.
• Do not use the c amer a while you a re walking, running, driving or operating ma chinery . This can result in serious ac cidents.
• Do not use this device in airc rafts or hospitals. It can c ause ma lfunctions in the control device s of other equipm ent.
• If the came ra is carr ied suddenly fr om a cold loca tion into a war m place , con densation m ay for m inside the device . Switch the ca mera off in such ca ses and wait an hour be fore using it again.
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Record Mo de
Playback Mode
Mode In dicator
Digital Zoo m-Out
Digital Zoo m-In
Instant Review Fun ction
OK/DISP Butto n
When y ou unpack your Digital Came ra, ma ke sure to keep a ll the pac king m aterials in a safe place, in ca se you nee d to later transport the de vice or retur n it for ser vicing.
In the box, y ou will find:
• Digital Came ra (DS6639)
• Two Batterie s (AAA x 2)
• Hand Strap
• Quick Start Guide
TIP: To ma ximize the perfor mance of your c ame ra and for greater ba ttery life, use
NiMH rec hargeable type batter ies. Please r efer to the "Adde ndum" for m ore details.
The Secur e Digital (SD) and Multi-Media Card ( MMC) ar e externa l me mory cards that can be plugged into your Digital Cam era to extend the m emor y ca pacity. P lease ref er to ( p.29) for the list of me mory cards com patible with this digital cam era. The ty pe of me mory currently used by the came ra is indicated on the OSD (O n- Scree n Display ):
Icon Memory Type Descr iption
Interna l Files are store d in the ca mera s inter nal mem ory.
Externa l Either a Sec ure Digital car d or a Multi-Media car d
has bee n installed. Files are store d on the cards me mory .
Your camera is ship ped with two AAA-sized batteries. Ins ert the b atteries as sho wn on the compartment lid.
You may damage yo ur camera if the batteries are installed incorrectly.
Insta lling the Ba tteries
Page 6
It is recom mende d that all mem ory c ards are forma tted using the Forma t option ( p.14) befor e using them with this digital came ra. Mem ory ca rds form atted using other device s may be incompa tible.
When the SD card is installed, all image s and movies taken ar e automa tically stored on the c ard. Ima ges and movie s in the interna l memor y ca nnot be acc essed until the card is re moved.
The SD ca rd will not insert fully into the slot if it is facing the wrong wa y. Be car eful not to apply undue f orce to the ca rd.
1. Fram e your subj ect in the viewfinde r. You can a lso view the subj ect on the OSD.
2. Pre ss the Shutter Relea se Button.
3. The im age taken is display ed on the OSD for a pproximately a second ( Auto
4. Once the Auto Review has finished, you m ay pr oceed to take the next picture .
When m emor y is full, no more images c an be stored. The c ame ra will
Taking Basi c Pi ctures
18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Removin g the SD / M ulti-Media Card
Installin g the SD / Mu lti-Media Card
1. Tu re off the
2. S lide the card into the slot until it clicks in to pos ition.
1. Tu re off the camera.
2. P ush o n the card s till lodg ed ins ide.
3. Th e card automatically ejects itself out of the slo t.
1. Ho ld the camera firmly.
2. Av oid b lockin g the len s and flash .
3. Do not move nor remain in motion while taking pictures.
1. S lide the Mo de Switch to Camera Mode.
2. P ress an d ho ld the Power butto n to
turn th e camera on .
3. C heck th e battery ind icator, making sure th ere is en ough power.
Icon Description
Adequ ate power remains
Battery is runnin g low
Battery is runnin g very l ow.
Battery is exhaust ed.
4. Lo op th e strap ov er your wrist.
beep a nd the words "Interna l Mem ory Full" or "Memory Card Full" will
appea r on the LCD if you pr ess the Shutter Rele ase Button.
5. When y ou have f inished taking your picture s, slide the Mode Switch to Off .
When y ou slide the Mode Switch to any modes, the On- Scre en Display ( OSD) is automa tically switched on.
Camera Mode On-Scre en Display
Togg ling On-Screen Displ ay Inf ormati on
Preparing the Ca mera Holdi ng the Camera
Flash Icon ( p.8)
Set Timer ( p.9 )
Size ( p.1 6)
Focus Dial Setting ( p. )
Current Date ( p .11)
Battery Level Indicator ( p .6 )
Memory Type ( p .5)
Quality ( p.16 )
Audio Tag ( p. )
Page 7
Toggling Be tween On-Scree n D isplay Settings
To toggle betwee n Flash Modes, pre ss the button on the ca mera and observe the Flash Icon on the On- Scre en Display. W hen a picture w ith f lash has been taken, the Status Lamp will blink while the fla sh is rec harging. Once it stops blinking, y ou can resum e taking pictures a gain. By defa ult, the cam era flash is set to auto. If you cha nge this setting, the ca mera will memor ize your setting when y ou turn the powe r off.
Inital Flash Set tings
When y ou turn on your came ra, the inital flash setting will vary depending on the level of y our battery .
Batt ery Status Inital Flash Set ting
or The fla sh setting is saved af ter y our ca mera is switched off
or the m ode switch change s to another mode.
or The inital flash setting is . Howeve r, you ca n manua lly
set the flash to other settings.
Toggling Be tween Flash Modes
OSD with All Shoo ting Information Dis played
OSD with On ly Key Information Dis played
OSD is tu rned off
Selecting a Flas h Mo de
Usi ng the Self-Ti mer
Flash Mode Options Table
Icon Function De scription
Auto The fla sh may dischar ge automa tically , depending on
the light conditions.
Flash On The fla sh dischar ges regardle ss of lighting c ondition.
Flash Off The flash will not dischar ge.
Your digital cam era c omes with a x2 zooming f unction. By de fault, the zooming is not enabled. I n Cam era, or Movie m ode, incre ase zooming by pressing The Digital Zoom Icon on the OSD, , indicates the c urrent zoom leve l. To decr ease the zooming, pre ss ( p.4).
Came ra Mode Zoom ing Options
Defa ult
x1.0 / x1.1 / x1.2 / x1.3 / x1.4 / x1.5 / x1.6 / x1.7 / x1.8 / x1.9 / x2.0
Movie Mode Zoom ing Options
Defa ult
x1.0 / x1.2 / x1.4 / x1.6 / x1.8 / x2.0
In m ovie m ode, once the shutter button is pressed and r ecording starts, zooming cannot be further adj usted for the dura tion of the recor ding.
The Self-T ime r function counts down bef ore the cam era automatically takes a pictur e by itself. T his is useful when y ou want to be in the picture , and there is no one e lse to press the Shutter Relea se Button.
1. Slide the Mode Switch to Camer a Mode.
2. Pre ss ( p.4). The Self-Tim er will engage . The front Self-Tim er Lam p lights up.
3. Pre ss the Shutter Relea se Button. Audible bee ps can be hea rd, and the front
Self-Tim er Lam p will start blinking. The num ber displaye d next to the OSDs Self-Tim er icon will appear and start counting down.
18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
To hasten the c ountdown to 3 seconds, press the Shutter Relea se Button once a gain.
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
4. To pause / unpa use the Self-Time r, press the Shutter Release Button once m ore after the 3-second c ountdown.
5. Once the picture has been taken, the Self-Tim er will be disabled.
The Self-T ime r cannot be use d while the Continuous Shooting function ( p.18) is ena bled.
You ca n display the last still picture taken by pr essing ( p.4). When vie wing the last ima ge, you m ay c hoose to delete it by pr essing and confirm . Press again to re turn to shooting.
Pre ss MENU to acce ss the m enu scree ns, where settings can be specified. To switch betwee n Prima ry and Sec ondary Menus, highlight the top menu f ields.
Mode Primary Menu Secondary Menu Desc ription
Record Se tup Can be set as Came ra Mode / Record Movie Mode . Mode Came ra Mode: Digital still photography
with adjusta ble settings. Movie Mode: Allows y ou to shoot movies w ith the cam era.
Play back Setup Play back and revie w all images re corded Play back onto the cam era’s internal or e xternal Mode me mory card.
Use to navigate the menu scr een ( p.4). P ress directly onto to confirm setting changes.
Example of a Menu Screen
Setup Menu
Under the Setup Menu, which is a vailable in all modes, the ba sic settings of the cam era c an be adj usted.
Setup Menu Settings and Options
The options underlined a nd in italics are initial defa ults.
Settings Page Options
P.Counter p.11 Down / Up
Set Clock p.11 Adjust date and tim e settings
Set City p.12 Toggles betwe en Home or World City time
Show Time p.12 Home City
Language p.13 English / França is / Deutsch / Español / Ita lia no / Português
Beep Tone p.13 O n / Off
Auto Off p.13 N one / 1 min. /
TV Out p.13 PAL / NTSC
File No. p.13 Continue
Forma t p.14 Form at internal m emory or me mory card
Reset p.14 Canc el / Reset
LCD Bright p.14 Adj ust LCD brightness levels.
Info. p.15 View mode l number and f irmwar e version inform ation.
P. Counter (P icture Count er)
The P icture Counter ca n count the numbe r of image s already taken (count up) or a vailable to be saved onto m emor y (count down) .
Set Clock
This sets the Date a nd Home Tim e of the cam era. W hen acc essed, a new Set Clock configura tion scre en will appear.
Use to press or and adj ust the values of e ach field below.
Playing B ack Last Picture Taken
1/2 Exit OK
160 0
White Bal
Rec ord
Primary Menu Field (currently accessed )
Highli ghted S etting
Total No. of Menu Pages
Current Menu Page
Second ary Menu Field (no t currently accessed)
Option Currently Cho sen
Description s of Butto n Fun ctions
Butto n On Camera
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18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Current Da te Field Adjust the c urrent date of the cam era.
Date Form at Choose from the following date form ats:
• DD/MM/YY (da te, month, ye ar)
• MM/DD/YY (m onth, date, ye ar)
• YY/MM/DD (y ear, m onth, date)
Current Tim e Field Adjust the c urrent time of the cam era.
Time For mat Choose betwee n 12-hr (AM/PM) or 24-hr display.
Set City
You ca n choose to display the c urrent time in two differ ent time zones. Configure y our Home and World Cities’ time zone from a list of city names.
The Wor ld Time ca nnot be dire ctly set. It autom atically adj usts itself via the tim e zone offset, using the Hom e Time values specifie d in the Set Clock setting.
Icon Function D escription
Home Time Select the time zone
where your r esidence is located.
World Tim e Se lect the time zone
for a nother loc ation acr oss the world.
If y our city is not selec table, choose a nother c ity within your tim e zone instead.
Show Time
You ca n choose to display either the Home Time or World Time on your cam era.
icon is shown on the OSD if World Tim e is selected. Howe ver, no Icon is display ed if Home time is selected.
Choose your menu langua ge: English, Fr ench, Germ an, Spanish, Italian, and P ortuguese. The def ault language is English.
Be ep Tone
The ca mera will make “beeping” sounds during cer tain functions, such as the Set Time r function’s countdown. This “bee ping” sound can be turned on or off.
Auto Off (A ut o Power-Off )
You ca n set the cam era to turn off a utomatically when no ope ration is perform ed. The per iod of time before shut-down c an be adj usted.
Auto Off is not ava ilable in slideshow mode or when the ca mera is connected
to a PC.
TV Out
If c onnecting the cam era to a TV , you ca n set the ca mera ’s TV output system to either the PAL (Europe) or N TSC (North Am erica) standards.
File No.
Your ca mera ke eps an internal file c ounter for e very im age and m ovie taken that can be re set. The setting options are Continue and Ne w.
All files are stored w ithin a designated folder. The initial folder is alwa ys numbe red at 100.
1/4 Exit OKMENU
Dow n
P. Count er
Set Clock
Set City
Show Time
1/4 Exit
Dow n
P. Count er
Set Clock
Set City
Show Time
Set City
Londo n
(GMT +00 :00 )
Londo n
(GMT +00 :00 )
Set Clock
05/1 0/03
11: 44
24- hr
Page 10
Continue Under this def ault option, the internal f ile counter is first set to “0001”. Every
subsequent picture is assigned an inc reme ntal File Numbe r.
The interna l file counter incre ments by 1 regardle ss of the media ty pe, unless it is reset.
New Under this option, the internal f ile counter to “0001” for ne w media only . But in
case there are picture files alre ady pr esent inside the storage m edia, it will start counting from the highest file numbe r of the me dia.
It is advisable to set the File Number setting to New only in the following case s:
• Either the inter nal mem ory or SD card has be en newly formatted ( p.14).
• A com pletely ne w SD card has be en installed.
This option will form at all data in either the internal m emory or the exte rnal card
, including all protected im age files.
Caution: Do not eje ct the SD card w hile the ca rd is being form atted, as this may dama ge the car d.
Forma tting deletes all data from the m emor y device chosen. The ima ges and files will not be re coverable .
You ca n reset all the settings to factory defa ult. Refer to the Setup Menu table to se e the
Info. (System Information)
This option allows you to che ck:
• Cam era m odel number.
• Current ve rsion of firmwa re installed.
Camera Me nu Settings and Options
The options underlined a nd in italics are initial defa ults.
Settings Page Options
Record Mode p.15 Camera or Movie m ode Switch between digital still selection and m otion picture c aptures.
Size p.16 Super Fine 2048 (softwa re-interpolated 3.0 Me ga-Pixel) /
Fine 1600 (2.0 Me ga-Pixel)
Pixel) / Basic 640 ( VGA)
Quality p.16 ECO (Econom y) / STD (Standa rd) /
White Bal p.17 Auto / Sunlight / Shade/ Ye llow F.L. (Fluoresce nt Lamp)
/ White F.L. (Fluoresce nt Lam p) / Tungsten
Metering p.17 Central / Spot / Matrix
Cam era Menu
3/4 Exit OKMENU
Con t
File N o.
LCD Bright
Con t
File N o.
18/03/12 Model : DS6639
DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
defa ults for ea ch setting ( p.11).
The re set function can re set all the settings to factory default exc ept for the curr ent time and da te.
LCD Br ight
You ca n adjust the LCD brightness level to com pensate for diff erent lighting conditions, for e xample.
• If the re is plenty of a mbient light such as in bright sunshine, you c an adjust the br ightness levels higher to m ake the display easier to se e.
• If a mbient light levels are r elatively low suc h as indoors or a t night, you c an adjust the brightness levels lower to ma ke the display easier to see .
TIP: To ma ximize battery life, keep br ightne ss
settings low.
ISO p.18 Auto / 50 / 100 / 200 Con.Shoot p.18 Off / On
EV p.19 +2.0 / + 1.7 / +1.3 / +1.0 / +0.7 / +0.3 /
-1.0 / -1.3 / -1.7 / -2.0
Switching Betwe en Camera and Movie M ode
Use the m enu to switch betwee n Cam era and Movie mode s.
Movie Mode In this mode y ou can r ecord m oving ima ges at 10
fra mes per se cond. The dura tion of the m ovie will depend on the battery life and mem ory
In Movie m ode, you c an only adj ust the white balanc e, EV and ISO. In Ca mera mode , all settings will apply.
3/4 Exit OKMENU
LCD Bright
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Size (Image Size)
Im age size repre sents the re solution of the picture. The resolution is, in turn, direc tly relate d to the num ber of pixels of the c amer a. As such, 2.0 Mega -pixel can be a rranged a s 1600 x 1200 pixels or lower.
The higher the re solution size of a n image , the larger the mem ory spac e it occupies. P lease refer to “Memory Capacity , Size and Qua lity” section for m ore details ( p.29).
Icon Type of Media Descr iptions
Super Fine Im age Highest detail and re solution (2048 x 1536 3.0 Mega-
Pixel) ( output by sof tware interpolation)
Fine Ima ge Very good detail and resolution (1600x1200
2.0 Mega- Pixel).
Norm al Ima ge Good c larity and r esolution (1280x1024 1.3 Mega -
Basic Im age Basic quality and resolution (640x480 VGA).
• The DS6639 com es with a 2.0 Mega -pixel sensor with true 1600 x 1200 pixels output. When y ou choose 2048 on the m enu, the software interpola tion is e nabled automa tically. This enha nces the ima ge output to 3 Mega- pixel.
Q uality (Pic ture Q uality)
The picture quality repr esents the com pression rate of the images ta ken. For im ages with higher quality , the mem ory spa ce it takes is also higher. Conver sely, ima ges with low quality take up less spac e.
The higher the re solution size of a n image , the larger the mem ory spac e it occupies.
Picture Quality Options
Name Option Desc ription
High Quality G ood image qua lity, high am ount of image data.
Standard Standa rd quality, me dium am ount of image da ta.
Econom y Lowest qua lity, taking up the least me mory space.
White Bal. (White B alance)
You ca n take pictures a ccording to the light conditions by setting the white ba lance. By using this, the im ages will have the cor rect balanc e of colour.
White Balanc e Options
Icon Settings
Yellow F.L. (Fluoresce nt Lamp)
White F.L. (Fluoresce nt Lamp)
Met ering
Metering is a se tting that determ ines your subje ct’s c orrect e xposure. The ca mera will com pute the brightness levels, contra st, and am ount of bright to dark parts in the sce ne automa tically.
1/2 Exit OK
160 0
White Bal
1/2 Exit OK
160 0
White Bal
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Metering Options
Icon Settings Options
Matrix Evaluated by splitting the scene into multiple zones, (Multi- then ca lculate e ach zone’s exposure via the came ra’s segm ent) computa tions. Ideal f or genera l pic ture-taking.
Avera ges the exposure of the entire sce ne but gives (Centre- extra w eight to the ce ntre. Use for ba cklit subjec ts. Weighe d)
Spot O nly the sma ll are a at the ce ntre of the screen de termine s
the exposure . Ideal for highlighting the ma in subject.
The ISO setting af fects the ca mera ’s sensitivity to light.
An ima ge taken at higher ISO speeds m ay c ontain more “ noise” or gra ininess than an im age taken at lower spe eds.
ISO Options
Speed Description
The ca mera sets the speed autom atically.
ISO rating 50. Use f or very brightly lit scenes.
ISO rating 100. Use f or brightly lit scenes.
ISO rating 200. Use f or norma lly lit sce nes.
Con.Shoot (Continuous Shooting)
With this setting, picture s can be taken continuously whe n you pre ss the Shutter Release button. The icon w ill appea r on-scre en. A maxim um of 2 continuous pictures ca n be taken, with brief 0.5- second pauses be twee n each shot.
Continuous Shooting ca nnot be used with flash or whe n the Self-Timer is set. Moreover , it ma y not be suitable for night time or dark scene s beca use flash is disabled.
EV (Exposure C ompensation Setting)
Exposure c ompensation is require d when there is a n extreme differenc e in brightness betwee n the background and the subj ect. Use this setting to manua lly br ighten or darken an im age.
EV Options
+2.0 / +1.7 / +1.3 / + 1.0 / +0.7 / +0.3 / 0.0 / -0.3/ -0.7 / -1.0 / -1.3 / -1.7 / -2.0
The Movie Mode e nables you to take m oving ima ges. The length of the m ovie that can be take n depends on the am ount of mem ory a vailable within your came ras curr ent mem ory stora ge.
Movie M ode On-Scre en Display
Movie Mo de ( p.2 0)
Total Availab le Time for Recording
Memory Type ( p.5 )
Current Elaps ed Recordin g Time (in hh :mm:ss)
Battery Level Indicator ( p .6)
Current Date ( p.1 1)
2/2 Exit OKMENU
Con .Shoot
2/2 Exit OKMENU
Con .Shoot
Page 13
Movie M ode Func tions
Function Page Desc ription
Toggling OSD Inform ation p.8 Ide ntical procedur es to Camera Modes
Zooming p.9 Ide ntical procedur es to Camera Modes
Begin Recording Movie N/A Press the Shutter Rele ase Button
Stop Recording Movie N /A Pr ess the Shutter Rele ase Button again
after recording ha s started.
Image Playback Mode On-Scre en Display
Size ( p.1 6)
Memory Type ( p.5 )
Protect Mod e Indicator ( p .24)
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Pre ss MENU to acce ss the Movie Menu.
Use to navigate the m enu scre en ( p.4). Pr ess directly onto to confirm setting changes.
Movies Sett ings and Options
The options underlined a nd in italics are initial defa ults.
Settings Page Options
White p.17 Auto / Sun light/ Shade/ Ye llow F.L. (Fluoresce nt Balance Lam p) / White F.L. (Fluorescent La mp) / Tungsten
ISO p.18 Auto / 50 / 100 / 200
EV p.19 + 2.0 / + 1.7 / +1.3 / +1.0 / +0.7 / +0.3 / 0.0 / -0.3/
-0.7 / -1.0 / -1.3 / -1.7 / -2.0
In Pla yback Mode, y ou can revie w the image s and movies stored within y our curre nt active stora ge mem ory . The last image or movie taken is displaye d on the OSD in Play back Mode. Use a nd press or to view through the im ages and movies ta ken.
If the Sec ure Digital car d / Multi-Media Card is installed, the Pla ybac k Mode will only show the im ages and m ovies stored on the car d. To acce ss the data stored within the internal m emor y, the SD car d must first be re moved ( p.5).
The zooming func tion can m agnify images up to x5.0 on the On- Scre en Display:
x1.0 / x1.5 / x2.0 / x2.5 / x3.0 / x3.5 / x4.0 / x4.5 / x5.0
1. Wait until the icons disappea r from the play back image.
2. Pre ss ( p.4) to zoom in. The icon appe ars, as well as the c urrent ma gnification level.
3. To zoom out, press ( p.4).
4. Pre ss direc tly onto to exit zooming mode .
While an im age is ma gnified, only a por tion of the im age will be visible. Press the Shutter Release Button to enable/disable scr olling, then use to scr oll to other parts of the image.
All zooming functions are disabled while the Scrolling Mode is enable d.
Battery Level Indicator ( p .6)
Zooming into Pictures
Scroll ing a Magni fied Im age
Page 14
To delete the image c urrently be ing viewe d during playbac k, pr ess and confirm .
Prote cted image s (indicated with ) ca nnot be dele ted and must be unprotecte d first ( p.24).
Movie Playback Mode On-Scre en Display
To playbac k movies:
1. Wait until the icons disappea r from the play back movie. The icon will then appea r.
2. Pre ss the Shutter Relea se Button to start play back.
3. Pre ss direc tly onto the to hide the Progr ess Bar. Pre ss again to restore the P rogress Bar.
4. Pre ss the Shutter Relea se Button again to stop the play back. The movie will return to Movie Play back OSD scree n.
All zooming functions are disabled dur ing Movie Play back mode .
To delete the movie curr ently being viewe d, stop the playbac k, pr ess
Prote cted movies (indica ted with ) cannot be de leted and must be unprotected first ( p.24).
The Multi-Fram e Review shows, as thum bnails, up to nine rec orded ima ges and movies on the OSD. For movie s, the first fr ame is display ed.
1. In play back mode, pre ss directly onto . Thum bnails of image s will appea r on the OSD.
2. Use to navigate . Press direc tly onto to view a c hosen image or movie fully .
Pre ss the MENU button to acce ss the Play back Menu.
Use to navigate the menu scr een ( p.4). P ress directly onto confirm setting changes.
Prote ct
DPOF (D igital Print Orde r Format)
Deleting Pla yba ck Image Deleting Pla yba ck Movie
Movie Mo de ( p.2 0)
Total Reco rded Time
Fold er Number
File No. ( p.13 )
Memory Type ( p.5 )
Protect Mod e ( p.2 4)
Battery Level Indicator ( p .6)
Current Time ( p.1 1)
Current Date ( p.1 1)
Protected Image
Movie F ile
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Delet e
The De lete options within the Play back Menu ca n delete multiple or a ll image s and m ovies.
Prote cted image s and movies (indicated w ith ) ca nnot be
deleted a nd must be unprotec ted first ( p.24).
Deleting Selec ted Im ages and Movies
1. When “ Selec t Images” is selec ted, the OSD displays up to nine thum bnail image s similar to the Multi-Frame Review se tting ( p.23). Use to navigate.
2. Highlight an image , then press directly onto to confirm y our selec tion. The icon will then appe ar to indicate that the im age is set for de letion. To canc el the deletion, press dire ctly onto again.
3. Repeat Step 2 to set m ultiple image s or movies for deletion.
4. Follow the rest of the on-sc reen options to confirm deletion.
Deleting All When “ All Image s” is selected, follow the re st of the options to confirm the
deletion of all im ages and m ovies.
Prote ct (Prot ecting Images)
This option can be used to pr otect im ages and m ovies from de letion.
Prote cted files will still be era sed if the m emory is forma tted.
Prote cting / Unprotec ting Selected I mages a nd Movies
1. When “ Selec t Images” is selec ted, the OSD displays up to nine thum bnail image s similar to the Multi-Frame Review se tting ( p.23). Use to navigate.
2. Highlight an image , then press directly onto to confirm y our selec tion. The icon will then appe ar to indicate that the im age is set for pr otection. To canc el the protection, pre ss direc tly onto a gain.
3. Repeat Step 2 to set m ultiple image s or movies for protection.
4. Follow the rest of the on-sc reen options to confirm protection.
Prote cting / Unprotec ting All
• Whe n “All Image s” is selected, sele ct the “Set Protec t All” to On to confirm the
protection of a ll ima ges and movies.
• To unprotec t all ima ges and movie s, selec t the “Set P rotect All” to Off.
DPOF (Specifying Digital Print Order For mat )
The DPOF option in the Pla yback Menu is used to specify the quantity of e ach
image for printing from the SD Card. When use d, the SD card ca n then be used in printers or taken to specia lists in order to print the image s.
This function is only used f or still pictures. Movies c annot be transf erred to digital prints.
You ca n only specify the DPOF of the interna l me mory by transf erring the ima ges to a blank SD /MMC Card via a Sec ure Digital card / Multi- Media ca rd reade r (sold separa tely).
DPOF of Sele cted Ima ges
1. When “ Selec t Images” is selec ted, the OSD displays up to nine thum bnail images similar to the Multi-Fram e Review setting ( p.23). Use to na vigate.
2. Highlight an image , then press directly onto to confirm y our selection. Pre ss or to set the number of prints for the selec ted im age (up to a ma ximum of 9 c opies). When done , press directly onto
3. Repeat Step 2 to selec t more im ages for printing or c hange the pre viously specifie d numbers.
4. Pre ss direc tly onto and follow the r est of the on-scre en options to con firm the DPOF setting.
DPOF of A ll Ima ges
1. When “ All Image s” is selected, all ima ges will be set to the same specified printing number .
2. Pre ss or to set the number of prints of all stored image s in the SD car d, for up to a ma ximum of 9 c opies.
3. Follow the rest of the options to confirm the DPOF setting.
Slide (Slideshow)
You ca n play back all the image s and movies in a slideshow form at. The interva l betwee n images c an be specifie d.
During the slideshow, pre ss MENU to stop. From he re, you m ay choose to continue or exit the curr ent slideshow.
1/1 Exit OK
1/1 Exit OK
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DS6639 Manual-Eng/Fre/Span (086-003300-060)
Slideshow Options
Settings Descr ipt ions
Start Start Slideshow accor ding to
the specif ied Inter val and Repeat options.
Interva l Spec ifies the a mount of time
the ca mera will display a n image befor e moving on to the next image . The options are 3 sec ., 5 sec., a nd 10 sec.
When se t to On, the slideshow imm ediately r eplays w hen the final ima ge is display ed.
You ca n play back the image s and movies y ou have rec orded on y our TV. Connect your digital cam era to the T V via the video cable included in the cam era’s gift box.
Be sure to adj ust the TV Out setting ( p.13) to corr espond with your country ’s system (PAL or NTSC) bef ore connec ting the cam era to the TV.
Caution: Turn off the TV and digital cam era bef ore connec ting the video ca ble.
1. Plug the video c able into the Video Socket of the cam era ( p.3).
2. Connect the video c able’s yellow conne ctor to the ye llow AV input term inal of your TV. Refer to y our TV’s manua l for more information.
3. Turn the TV a nd cam era on. Make sure to switch the TV to the appr opriate AV channe l display .
The OSD is autom atically off when the ca mera is connec ted to a TV.
Use the USB ca ble included to c onnect to your W indows PC. This enables y ou to upload, download, e dit, and play back pictures and m ovies onto your P C. Howeve r, the softwar e must be installed first.
An optional cra dle with mini USB connector ca n be used with this product. Plea se contact y our local distributor for m ore details about this option.
• Pe ntium 166MHz • 16- bit colour display at 800x600
• 64MBytes RAM • USB 1.1 interfa ce
• 350MBytes H ard disk spa ce • Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP
• CD-ROM drive
1. Insert the CD la belled “DS6639” into your CD-ROM drive. The installation will start automa tically .
If the “ autorun” fe ature is disabled on y our PC, start the installation by running [x:\setup.exe] where “ x: is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive.
2. Follow the on-scree n instruction to com plete the installation of the cam era drivers and softwa re. When done , click on the [Finish] button on-scre en to restart the P C.
Only the images and m ovies stored in the ca mera s c urrent me mory device (SD car d or internal me mory ) will be visible on the PC.
The OSD is autom atically off when the ca mera is connec ted to the PC.
1. Turn on y our PC and allow y our system ’s Windows operating syste m to boot up.
2. Turn off your digital cam era. Connec t the cam era and y our PC via the U SB cable . Refe r to your P C’s manual to loca te the USB connection on the PC.
3. Turn on y our digital came ra to any Mode. The device s Status Lamp will blink. The ca mera will then appe ar as Rem ovable Disk drive on your sy stems [My Computer] .
4. Double-c lick on the [Remova ble Disk] drive. Two folders, [ DCIM] and [MISC], are now visible. Ignore the [MISC] file (it contains DP OF inform ation) and double-click on the [DCIM] f older.
5. New subf older is now visible - [ 100DSHOT]. T he [100DSHOT] subfolder contains all the Econom y, Standar d, and High Quality im ages stored as .JP G files. Movie clips are also stored he re as .AVI files which can be played using W indows Media P lay er.
6. You ca n double-c lick on the image s and movies to view them (provided the appropr iate P icture Viewe r and Movie Play er a re installed). These files can also be dele ted, copie d, or moved like norma l computer f iles.
Pre-Instal latio n Checkli st
Insta lling Drivers and Sof twa re
Connecti ng the Camera to the PC
Interva l 5s
Repeat Off
Page 17
For PC users with Windows ME, 2000, or XP opera ting system s, the cam era de vice driver should be stoppe d before disconne cting the USB cable .
1. Find the “Unplug or Ej ect Hardw are” icon in y our Windows sy stem tray .
2. Right-click on the icon. The “Stop USB Disk” option will pop up. Highlight and left-c lick on the option.
3. Wait for a second. A pop-up w indow will inform you that the USB Device can now be saf ely re moved.
4. Disconnec t the USB cable f rom the c amer a and/or from the PC.
Use the USB ca ble included to c onnect to your Ma cintosh. Your Macintosh will treat the c ame ra as a m ass-storage de vice. The im ages and m ovies within the ca mera can the n be uploaded and downloa ded.
• Powe r PC • 16-bit colour display at 800x600
• 350 MB free hard disk space • USB 1.1 interf ace
• 64 MB RAM • MAC OS 9.x or higher
• CD-ROM drive
Only the images and m ovies stored in the ca mera ’s c urrent me mory device (SD car d or internal me mory ) will be visible on the Macintosh.
Disconnecti ng from the PC (Windows ME, 2000 , and XP users only)
Pre-Instal latio n Checkli st
Connecti ng the Camera to the Macintos h
The following Secur e Digital cards have been tested a nd are ver ified to be compa tible for use w ith the DS6639: SanDisk: 64MB, 128MB, 256MB Pana sonic: 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB Toshiba: 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB
Opera tion is not guarante ed for other, unlisted m emory car ds. For more de tails on the above cards, please contact the m anufacture r directly .
The table be low indicates the numbe r of ima ges that can be store d when using a 8MB Secure Digital / Multi-Media ca rd.
The above table is based on standar d shooting conditions tested by O regon Scientific and m ay va ry de pending on the subjec t, shooting conditions, capture modes, and SD c ard me mory capac ity .
To ma ximize the perfor mance of your c ame ra and for greater ba ttery life, it is rec omme nded that you use N iMH re chargea ble batteries. For a c omparison betwe en battery types a nd battery lives, please refer to the following table:
Supe r Fine (2048 x 1536) Fine (1600x1200) Normal (1280x1024) Basic ( 640x480)
Q uality
9 15 52
Approximate N umber of Pictures Stored under
the Following Picture Q uality Selections
+ 28 hidden pages