This booklet was prepared to help adult bicyclists and parents of
younger bicyclists understand how to ride safely and legally on the
streets, roads and highways of Oregon. This manual condenses and
paraphrases language in the Oregon Revised Statutes. It also
provides safety advice not included in the law. This manual is not a
proper legal authority to cite and should not be relied upon in a court
of law. Traffic regulations in cities, towns and counties may go beyond
state laws, as long as they do not conflict with state law.
For a complete copy of the statutes relating to bicycling, please
consult the Oregon Vehicle Code, available at your local library. Most
of the statutes relating to bicycling are found in Chapter 814 of the
Oregon Revised Statutes.
You can obtain additional copies of this brochure by contacting your
local DMV office, or by writing:
Traffic Safety Section
Mill Creek Office Park
555 13th Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
Phone: (503) 986-4190
Parents of younger riders may wish to teach them a more defensive
style of riding. For this audience, ODOT publishes a booklet called
“Say, you’re not from this planet, are you?”. It’s available at the above
This manual was prepared by the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian
Program in cooperation with DMV. Comments and suggestions are
welcome. Please contact:
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager
Room 210 Transportation Building
Salem, OR 97310
Telephone: (503)986-3555
Copyright 1997 by the Oregon Department of Transportation. Permission is given to quote and reproduce parts of this document if credit is
given to the source.
Bicycling is an inexpensive and efficient form of transportation for
short trips around town. By riding a bicycle, you are helping
everyone by reducing traffic congestion, wear and tear on our roads
and the need for more roads and parking. You are keeping the air
clean and neighborhoods quiet, while saving petroleum. You are
improving your own health and well-being through regular exercise.
You have a right to ride your bicycle on Oregon’s roads, streets and
highways. Some basic safety principles will help you enjoy a safe
The four basic principles
Most bicycling injuries do not involve a crash with a motor vehicle.
Bicyclists are more likely to fall or hit fixed objects such as a mailbox
or a parked car. To avoid these crashes, follow PRINCIPLE #1:
maintain control of your bicycle. Never ride while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. DUII laws apply when you’re riding a
Most crashes with motor vehicles happen at road intersections and
driveways, where bicyclists and motorists cross paths. To avoid these
crashes, follow PRINCIPLE #2: ride on the right, with traffic, in a
predictable manner.
When motorists and
bicyclists collide, the
fault is about evenly
split between them.
Even if you ride
responsibly, some
motorists may not see
you. So remember
visible and ride
#4: protect yourself:
wear a helmet to reduce the risk of head
injury in the event of
a crash.
You can ride safely on busy streets
by following some basic principles
There are many things you can do to control your bicycle, even in an
First, make sure your bike is the right size and adjusted to fit you
properly. The right size bicycle is easier to control and more comfortable, causing less fatigue. Your local bike shop can help you choose
the right size bicycle for you.
Make sure your bike is in good working order. You should inspect it
regularly. Here are some important parts to check:
Brakes must be powerful enough to let you easily bring your bicycle to a stop. You should be able to easily reach the brake levers.
• Tires should be in good condition and inflated to their recommended pressure.
• Luggage racks and saddle bags let you carry a load while
keeping your hands on the handlebars for steering and braking.
• Lights are required by law when riding after dark. You or your
bicycle must have a white light visible at least 500 feet to the
front, and a red light or reflector visible at least 600 feet to the
rear. These are the
minimum requirements. More powerful lights will make
you more visible to
others, and help you
see road hazards. A
rear light is more
visible than a reflector. Front white
reflectors are not
visible to motorists
entering from a side
street and do not
meet legal lighting
• Fenders keep you
dry and clean. They
also prevent your
bicycle from getting
dirty in wet weather.
Bicyclist A
Bicyclist B
Bicylist B, without a
front light, can’t be
seen; a reflector is
ineffective here.
Bicyclist A, with a
front light, is visible
to approaching
Effectiveness of bike lights
Mountain bikes and hybrids are
easier to handle than many
older bikes. They are wellsuited for city riding thanks to
their upright sitting position,
modern gear shifters and
brakes, rugged construction
and maneuverability.
To improve your riding skills,
practice in an area away from
cars. Learn to ride while
looking ahead, to the sides and
over your shoulder (this is
needed to check for traffic
before turning). Avoid distractions such as listening to a
personal stereo while riding.
In Oregon, a bicycle is a vehicle by law. When riding your bike on a
road, you have the same rights and duties as other road users. With a
few exceptions, the rules of the road for drivers apply to you. Consult
the Oregon Driver’s Manual to become familiar with these rules.
The most important rule to remember is ride on the right, in the
same direction as the traffic next to you. It’s the law. This way
you will be seen by others. When
drivers enter a road, change or
cross lanes, they know where to
look for possible conflicts. If you
are riding with traffic, you are
more visible and drivers will
more likely yield to you.
When riding in a bike lane, you
are still required to ride in the
same direction as the traffic
next to you. Riding with traffic
also shows you are responsible
and will help you gain the
respect of other road users.
This cyclist has lights, fenders,
luggage rack and helmet
Ride with traffic to be seen