Oregon Scientific 109179 Instruction Manual

PP//NN 1100 99117799
This manual
on assembly,
and safety.
Please read
This Grinder
meets or
exceeds all
A grinding wheel that has been improperly installed may crack and disintegrate during operation resulting in severe injury to the operator.
A damaged grinding wheel may disintegrate during use due to high­speed operation of the unit. This can cause wheel fragments to eject at very high rates of speed.
Always maintain proper grinding wheel maintenance, check for visible cracks and perform a “ring test.” (A good grinding wheel will sound a clear musical tone when tapped gently with a metal tool like an Allen wrench.) See Fig 4, page 6.
Do not force a grinding wheel onto the machine or alter the size of the mounting hole. Do not use a wheel that does not fit exactly. We recommend use of Oregon
grinding wheels only. Make sure the mounting-flange nut is
serviceable and not damaged in any way. If grinding wheel vibration should occur when the grinder is started, or running, remove and inspect the mounting flange and the grinding wheel.
To avoid possible grinding-wheel failure, always allow a new grinding wheel to run at operating speed for at least one minute before grinding or dressing.
The hazard of kickback resulting in serious injury to operator is increased if cutting chain guard drive links or guard tie straps have been reversed, removed, or filed down. To avoid injury Do not use a cutting chain that has been altered in any way.
Cutting chain depth gauges not properly filed can substantially increase the risk of kickback and injury. To reduce likelihood of injury, always file depth gauges to original profile.
Dressing the grinding wheel places the fingers of the operator in close proximity to the grinding wheel. Contact with a rapidly turning wheel may result in injury. Wear gloves.
Always work cautiously, maintain a strong grip on the dressing brick, and watch what you are doing at all times.
Do not use the side of the grinding wheel for grinding.
The following symbols are used to draw special attention to operator and/or bystanders to help prevent possible injury. Also designed to help prevent mechanical failure or damage to the machine and/or product.
There is the risk of severe personal injury from high speed ejection of material. Read and follow all instructions in this manual. Wear eye and hand protection.
Wear eye protectionWear hand protection
Introduction 2- 5
Safety Rules and Precautions 2-3
Parts Included for Assembly 4
Grounding Instructions 5
Assembly Instructions 6-7
Mounting-Base Unit to Bench or Wall 6
Selecting and Mounting the Grinding Wheel 6
Dressing the Grinding Wheel 7
Operating Instructions 8-12
Inspecting the Chain 8
Parts of a Cutter 8
How a Cutter Works 8
Grinding for Bench or Wall-Mounted Workstations 9
Chain Setup 9-10
Setting Vise for Top-Plate Angle 9
Setting the Chain Stop 10
Setting Grind Depth 10
Grinding Cutters 10-11
Setting the Depth Gauge 11
Dressing the Wheel for Depth Gauges 11
Servicing the Hydraulic System 12
Chain Grinding Chart 13
Grinder Replacement 14
Part Numbers And Exploded View
11.. KKeeeepp cchhiillddrreenn aawwaayy..
All bystanders should be
kept at a safe distance from work areas.
22.. WWeeaarr pprrooppeerr aappppaarreell..
Never wear loose clothing, neckties, bracelets, rings or any other jewelry that could come into contact or get caught in the grinding wheel or any other moving parts. Non-slip footwear is recommended. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
33.. AAllwwaayyss uussee ssaaffeettyy ggllaasssseess oorr ffaaccee ssccrreeeenn..
Always wear gloves and protec­tive eyewear while operating the grinder and while profiling the wheel using the dressing stone. Also use face or dust mask if cutting operation is dusty. Everyday eyeglasses do not have impact resistant lenses, they are not safety glasses.
44.. NNeevveerr ssttoopp tthhee wwhheeeell wwiitthh yyoouurr hhaannddss..
Never attempt to stop the rotation of the grinding wheel with your hands.
55.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt ttoooollss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg..
Make sure the plug is disconnected when fitting or changing the grinding wheel and during any other maintenance operation or transport.
66.. KKeeeepp gguuaarrddss iinn ppllaaccee aanndd iinn ggoooodd wwoorrkkiinngg oorrddeerr..
Never start the grinder without the wheel
guards in place.
77.. RReemmoovvee aaddjjuussttiinngg kkeeyyss aanndd wwrreenncchheess.. Always make sure that keys and adjusting wrench­es are removed before turning the grinder to the “on” position.
88.. OOppeerraattee tthhee ggrriinnddeerr wwiitthhiinn iittss iinnddiiccaatteedd ddeessiiggnn ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn..
It will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. Your grinder has a plate indicating:
Size of arbor.
No-load speed in revolutions per minute.
Proper grinding wheel. Table 2, page 13.
Also, make sure that the voltage and frequency indicated on the plate applied to the grinder correspond to those of the power outlet.
99.. RReedduuccee tthhee rriisskk ooff uunniinntteennttiioonnaall ssttaarrttiinngg.. Always make sure that the start-up switch is in the off position before connecting the plug to the outlet.
1100.. NNeevveerr uussee ccaabblleess,, pplluuggss oorr eexxtteennssiioonn ccoorrddss tthhaatt aarree ddeeffeeccttiivvee oorr nnoonn--ssttaannddaarrdd..
1111.. RReemmoovvee tthhee pplluugg
from the outlet immediately if the power cable/cord is damaged or cut. For cable/cord repair or replacement, contact your authorized dealer or service center.
The power supply cable/cord comes complete with terminals and circuit protection. Connecting the power supply cable/cord terminals directly into the switch completes the electrical system for the grinder. The final electrical connection to the outlet should be made in such a way as to prevent damage by individuals or passing vehicles that could endanger both them and the operator.
Keep this manual for future reference. To ensure the correct use of the grinder and
to prevent accidents, do not start working without having read this manual carefully.
This manual explains how the various components work and provides instructions for carrying out the necessary checks and maintenance operations.
The use of accessories or attachments not recommended by the
manufacturer may result in a risk of injury to the operators or bystanders!
1122.. KKeeeepp wwoorrkk aarreeaa cclleeaann..
Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents. Make sure that the working area of the grinding wheel is free of tools or other objects before starting up the grinder. Frequently clean grinding dust from beneath the grinder.
1133.. DDoonntt uussee iinn aa ddaannggeerroouuss eennvviirroonnmmeenntt.. Don’t use power tools in damp or wet locations, or expose them to rain. Be sure to keep the work area well lighted.
1144.. CChheecckk tthhee ppoossiittiioonn ooff tthhee ppoowweerr ccoorrdd dduurriinngg ooppeerraattiioonn,,
making sure that it remains outside the range of action of the grinding wheel and is not under tension. Never operate in the vicinity of other electrical cables/cords.
1155.. MMaakkee wwoorrkksshhoopp cchhiilldd pprrooooff
with padlocks and master switches. Also, do not allow anyone but the operator to touch the power cord or remain in the close vicinity of the grinder while operating.
1166.. AAllwwaayyss kkeeeepp tthhee hhaanndd--ggrriippss cclleeaann aanndd ddrryy..
1177.. BBeeffoorree ssttaarrttiinngg tthhee ggrriinnddeerr,, mmaakkee ssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ggrriinnddiinngg wwhheeeell iiss ccoorrrreeccttllyy sseeccuurreedd
and positioned in the up, rest position. Do not over-tighten the wheel mounting flange nut.
1188.. SSeeccuurree wwoorrkk..
Make sure that the grinder is secured as shown in Figures 1-3, page 6. Use the vise to hold the chain. It frees both hands for mov­ing the grind head/wheel down to grind the chain.
1199.. DDoonntt oovveerrrreeaacchh..
Keep proper footing and
balance at all times.
2200.. NNeevveerr ssttaanndd oonn aann uunnssttaabbllee ppllaattffoorrmm.. Always work in a stable and safe position. Serious injury could occur if the grinder is tipped or if the cutting tool is unintentionally contacted.
2211.. CChheecckk ffoorr ddaammaaggeedd ppaarrttss..
Before using the grinder, check to make sure that all the devices, those for safety and others, are in good working order and free from any obvious damage that could affect performance and safety/reliability during use.
2222.. UUssee rreeccoommmmeennddeedd aacccceessssoorriieess..
Consult the owner’s manual for recommended accessories. The use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury. Use only flanges furnished with the grinder. To guarantee the efficient and consistent operation of your grinder, remember that any worn or broken parts must be replaced using only original spare parts.
2233.. UUssee oonnllyy rreeccoommmmeennddeedd ggrriinnddiinngg wwhheeeellss,,
specified on page 13, table 2.
2244.. CChheecckk yyoouurr ggrriinnddeerr..
Never work with a damaged, poorly repaired, incorrectly fitted, or modified grinder. Do not remove, damage, or disable any safety devices.
2255.. AAllwwaayyss uussee tthhee rriigghhtt ttooooll ffoorr tthhee jjoobb
. Never use the grinder to cut or grind objects other than saw chains. Don’t force grinder or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed.
2266.. MMaaiinnttaaiinn ttoooollss wwiitthh ccaarree..
Keep tools sharp and clean for best and safest performance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
2277.. NNeevveerr lleett yyoouurr ggrriinnddeerr bbee eexxppoosseedd ttoo rraaiinn oorr ddaammppnneessss..
2288.. NNeevveerr uussee tthhee ggrriinnddeerr iinn aann eexxpplloossiivvee oorr ffllaammmmaabbllee aattmmoosspphheerree..
2299.. AAllwwaayyss ccoonnssuulltt yyoouurr ddeeaalleerr
for any clarification
or important maintenance or repair operation.
3300.. NNeevveerr jjeerrkk tthhee ccaabbllee ttoo ddiissccoonnnneecctt iitt ffrroomm tthhee oouuttlleett..
Keep the cable/cord away from heat, oil,
and sharp objects.
3311.. UUssee pprrooppeerr eexxtteennssiioonn ccoorrdd..
Make sure your extension cord is in good condition. When using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current you will need to perform your grinding operation. An undersized cord will cause a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of power and overheating. Table 1, page 8, shows the correct size to use depending on cord length and nameplate ampere rating. If in doubt, use the next heavier gauge. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.
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