Current Calibrator 0/4 - 22mA, Source-Sink
Voltage Calibrator 0-14V
mV-Outputs 28mV and 560mV
DIN Thermocouples J, K, N, R, S, T, B, E
Multimeter ± 2V to ± 200V DC and ± 100mA
Calibrates and Measures simultaneously
Firm steps and continuous ramps
Direct value entry via the keyboard
Rechargeable Battery
Software calibration
Orbit Controls Model OC 502-t is a Calibrator-Multimeter which
generates currents 0/4-22mA in Source or Sink mode and Voltages 0 to
14V. External voltages ± 2V, ± 20V and ± 200VDC (firm ranges or
Autoranging) and currents up to ±100mA can be measured while the
calibrator generates the selected output signal. Due to this simultaneous
operation a response from e.g. external transmitters under test can be
measured with the calibrated signal from OC502-t. Both, the generated
calibration signal and the measured external signal are displayed.
For calibration of mV devices such as strain gauges chains, Millivolt outputs 0-28mV or 0-560mV with
high resolution are available.
Din Thermocouples J, K, N, R, S, T, B, E can be simulated in positive temperature range. The sensor
type will be selected and the required temperature entered with the keyboard. The display shows the
temperature, the mV output is at the output terminals. The junction is compensated for the ambient
temperature with internal sensor. The compensation can be switched-off.
OC502-t can be software recalibrated via the keyboard whenever required. The instrument is supplied
from internal rechargeable battery which permits 9 hour uninterrupted operation.
Back ground light can be switched on.
OC502-t can be set for following functions by using the keyboard and the digital display:
Tara of the analogue outputs, the filter selection, Range selection 0-28mV or 0-560mV
background light. with resolution 0.001mV and 0.01mV.
Direct value entry via the keyboard. Simulation of DIN - J, K, N, R, S, T, B, E
The current can be set between 0 and 22mA, Thermocouples with or without
the voltage between 0 and 14V. compensation.
Raising or sinking Ramps 0-14V or Signal output of all Signal types in firm
0-22mA, with selectable steps. steps such as 0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14V.