Orbital Minotaur IV User Manual

Minotaur IV
Space Launch Vehicle
System Features
• Full spacecraft integration support, including mission management, spacecraft interface support (power, telemetry, sequencing, attitude control, and deployment), through launch operations and post-launch performance evaluation
• Flexible design enables multiple mission tailoring options
• Cost effective space launch
• Responsive launch solutions available
• Mission success is ensured by mature systems and processes
- Orbital’s rigorous mission assurance
- Full government insight and
independent assessment
• Multiple spaceport launch capability (California, Florida, Alaska, Mid­Atlantic) using portable ground support equipment
The ight proven Minotaur IV Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) provides an extremely cost-effective and capable space solution for U.S. Government-sponsored spacecraft. It builds on a long background of dependable launch systems with over 50 ights of each core stage. The combination of three government-furnished solid rocket stages, a commercial solid rocket upper stage, and Orbital’s ight­proven systems and processes provide an unmatched mix of value and performance. The integration of government motors with commercial boosters and state-of-the-art hardware is one of Orbital’s unique strengths from experience spanning several decades.
For the Minotaur IV, the standard Minotaur-family avionics, ight software, and subsystems are integrated into a Guidance Control Assembly (GCA) which also incorporates the Stage 4 solid motor. The baseline Stage 4 motor is the same Orion 38 design used on Minotaur I, and other Orbital launch vehicles. An optional STA R™48BV motor has been ight demonstrated and is available for additional performance in the Minotaur IV+ conguration.
The Minotaur family of launch vehicles are provided via the Orbital/Suborbital Program (OSP) managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), Space Development and Test Directorate (SMC/SD) Launch Systems Division (SMC/SDL) located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Separation Systems
Payload Interface
Payload Adapter
Stage 4 Motors
Additional payload accomodation details can be found in the Minotaur IV Users Guide.
Orion 38
Minotaur IV
• System performance assured from extensive booster motor ight history of more than 50 ights each
• Typical orbit accuracy better than ±5 km insertion apse, ±25 km non-insertion apse, and ±0.1 deg inclination (3-sigma values)
• Optional enhanced insertion accuracy available
• Cold gas at titude control system readily accommodates a variety of spacecraft mission requirements, including precise separation pointing and post-boost maneuvers
• Minotaur IV with optional STAR™ 48BV Stage 4 provides up to 225 kg increased performance to LEO and support for HEO missions
Payload Accommodations
• Standard 2.34 m (92 in) diameter spacecraft fairing
• Mission-specic fairing access doors for spacecraft support
• Spacecraft and fairing assembly integrated independently from launch vehicle stages
• Well-dened launch environments derived from extensive ight data
• Temperature, humidity, and cleanliness control through lift-off
• Standard 986 mm (38.81 in) diameter bolted interface with optional spacecraft support options
- Single and multiple spacecraft adaptors
- Various ight-proven spacecraft separation systems available, including low-
shock designs
• Multiple Payload Adapter Fitting (MPAF) option
• Hydrazine upper stage for multiple orbit altitude capabilities or increased orbital
insertion accuracy
160 0
140 0
NOTE: Pay load Mass in cludes
Payload (kg)
* Detai led Anal ysis Neede d for
Missio ns to These Alt itudes
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Orbit Altitude (km)
Ø0.48 m
(19.2 in)
0.87 m
(34.5 in)
1.52 m
(60.0 in)
2.87 m
(113.3 in)
Ø38.81 in In terface
(No Sep System)
Fairin g Sep Plan e
Adapte r Cone, Sep aration System a nd Other Miss ion­Speci c Hardware
Ø1.33 m
(Ø52.5 in)
Ø2.05 m
(Ø80.9 in)
CCAS 28.5° WFF 43°
Kodiak 63.4 VAFB Sun -Synch
For technical details or questions please contact Orbital at:
Orbital Sciences Corporation
45101 Warp Drive
©2014 Orbita l Sciences Corporatio n BR06005_2429
Dulles, Virginia 20166
Copies of the Minotaur User's Guide can be downloaded from:
Standard Fairing
Additional information should be from the USAF OSP Ofce
USAF SMC Space Development and Test Directorate (SMC/SD)
Launch Systems Division (SMC/SDL) Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5778 (505) 853-5533 (505) 853-0507