Orbital Minotaur I User Manual

March 2014 Minotaur I User’s Guide
Release 3.0
Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited
©2013 Orbital Sciences Corporation
Minotaur I User’s Guide Revision Summary


TM-14025 Mar 2002 Initial Release All
TM-14025A Oct 2004 Changes throughout. Major updates include
Performance plots
Payload accommodations
Added 61 inch fairing option
3.0 TM-14025B Mar 2014 Extensively Revised All
Release 3.0 March 2014 ii
Minotaur I User’s Guide Preface


This Minotaur I User's Guide is intended to familiarize potential space launch vehicle users with the Minotaur I launch system, its capabilities and its associated services. All data provided herein is for reference purposes only and should not be used for mission specific analyses. Detailed analyses will be performed based on the requirements and characteristics of each specific mission. The launch services described herein are available for US Government sponsored missions via the United States Air Force (USAF) Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) Space Development and Test Directorate (SD), Launch System Division (SDL).
Additional technical information and copies of this User's Guide may be requested from Orbital at:
Minotaur@orbital.com www.orbital.com/spacelaunch/Minotaur/I
(480) 814-6276
Orbital Suborbital Program - Mission Development Orbital Sciences Corporation Launch Systems Group 3380 S. Price Road Chandler, AZ 85248
Additional information can be obtained from the USAF OSP Office at:
USAF SMC Space Development and Test Directorate (SMC/SD) Launch Systems Division (SMC/SDL) 3548 Aberdeen Ave SE Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5778
(505) 853-5533 (505) 853-0507
Release 3.0 March 2014 iii

Minotaur I User’s Guide Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Minotaur Family Performance and Capability ............................................................................... 2
2. MINOTAUR I CONFIGURATIONS ..................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Minotaur I Launch System Overview ............................................................................................ 4
2.2. Minotaur I Launch Service ............................................................................................................ 4
2.3. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle ............................................................................................................ 5
2.3.1. Lower Stack Assembly .............................................................................................................. 5
2.3.2. Upper Stack Assembly .............................................................................................................. 6 Avionics ............................................................................................................................... 6 Attitude Control Systems ..................................................................................................... 7 Telemetry Subsystem.......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.3. Payload Interface ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.4. Payload Fairing .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Launch Support Equipment .......................................................................................................... 9
3. GENERAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1. Mission Profiles ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Launch Sites ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1. Western Launch Sites ............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2. Eastern Launch Sites .............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.3. Alternate Launch Sites ............................................................................................................ 13
3.3. Performance Capability ............................................................................................................... 13
3.4. Injection Accuracy ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.5. Payload Deployment ................................................................................................................... 19
3.6. Payload Separation ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.7. Collision/Contamination Avoidance Maneuver ........................................................................... 19
4. PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................. 20
4.1. Steady State and Transient Acceleration Loads......................................................................... 20
4.1.1. Transient Loads ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.2. Steady-State Acceleration ....................................................................................................... 22
4.2. Payload Vibration Environment................................................................................................... 23
4.3. Payload Acoustic Environment ................................................................................................... 23
4.4. Payload Shock Environment ....................................................................................................... 23
4.5. Payload Structural Integrity and Environments Verification ........................................................ 23
4.6. Thermal and Humidity Environments .......................................................................................... 24
4.6.1. Ground Operations .................................................................................................................. 24
4.6.2. Powered Flight ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.6.3. Nitrogen Purge (non-standard service) ................................................................................... 26
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4.7. Payload Contamination Control .................................................................................................. 26
4.8. Payload Electromagnetic Environment ....................................................................................... 26
5. PAYLOAD INTERFACES .................................................................................................................. 28
5.1. Payload Fairing ........................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.1. 50” Standard Minotaur I Fairing ............................................................................................... 28 Payload Dynamic Design Envelope .................................................................................. 28
5.1.2. Optional 61” Payload Fairing ................................................................................................... 29 Payload Dynamic Design Envelope (61” Payload Fairing) ............................................... 29
5.1.3. Payload Access Door .............................................................................................................. 30
5.2. Payload Mechanical Interface and Separation System .............................................................. 32
5.2.1. Minotaur Coordinate System ................................................................................................... 32
5.2.2. Orbital Supplied Mechanical Interface Control Drawing .......................................................... 34
5.2.3. Standard Non-Separating Mechanical Interface ..................................................................... 34
5.2.4. Optional Mechanical Interface ................................................................................................. 34 Dual and Multi Payload Adapter Fittings ........................................................................... 34 Load-Bearing Spacecraft ............................................................................................ 34 Non Load-Bearing Spacecraft – Dual Payload Adapter Fitting (DPAF) ..................... 35
5.2.5. Optional Separation Systems .................................................................................................. 36 Orbital 38” Separation System .......................................................................................... 37 Planetary Systems Motorized Lightband (MLB) ................................................................ 39 RUAG 937 Separation Systems ........................................................................................ 39
5.3. Payload Electrical Interfaces....................................................................................................... 40
5.3.1. Payload Umbilical Interfaces ................................................................................................... 40
5.3.2. Payload Interface Circuitry ...................................................................................................... 41
5.3.3. Payload Battery Charging ........................................................................................................ 41
5.3.4. Payload Command and Control .............................................................................................. 41
5.3.5. Pyrotechnic Initiation Signals ................................................................................................... 41
5.3.6. Payload Telemetry ................................................................................................................... 41
5.3.7. Payload Separation Monitor Loopbacks .................................................................................. 42
5.3.8. Telemetry Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 42
5.3.9. Non Standard Electrical Interfaces .......................................................................................... 42
5.3.10. Electrical Launch Support Equipment ................................................................................... 42
5.4. Payload Design Constraints........................................................................................................ 43
5.4.1. Payload Center of Mass Constraints ....................................................................................... 43
5.4.2. Final Mass Properties Accuracy .............................................................................................. 43
5.4.3. Pre-Launch Electrical Constraints ........................................................................................... 43
5.4.4. Payload EMI/EMC Constraints ................................................................................................ 43
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5.4.5. Payload Dynamic Frequencies ................................................................................................ 43
5.4.6. Payload Propellant Slosh ........................................................................................................ 44
5.4.7. System Safety Constraints ...................................................................................................... 44
6. MISSION INTEGRATION .................................................................................................................. 45
6.1. Mission Management Approach ................................................................................................. 45
6.1.1. SD/SDL Mission Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 45
6.1.2. Orbital Mission Responsibilities ............................................................................................... 45
6.2. Mission Planning and Development ........................................................................................... 46
6.2.1. Mission Assurance .................................................................................................................. 48
6.3. Mission Integration Process ........................................................................................................ 49
6.3.1. Integration Meetings ................................................................................................................ 49
6.3.2. Mission Design Reviews (MDR) .............................................................................................. 49
6.3.3. Readiness Reviews ................................................................................................................. 49
6.4. Documentation ............................................................................................................................ 50
6.4.1. Customer-Provided Documentation ........................................................................................ 50 Payload Questionnaire ...................................................................................................... 50 ICD Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 50 Payload Mass Properties .................................................................................................. 50 Payload Finite Element Model .......................................................................................... 50 Payload Thermal Model for Integrated Thermal Analysis ................................................. 51 Payload Drawings ............................................................................................................. 51 Program Requirements Document (PRD) Mission Specific Annex Inputs ....................... 51 Launch Operations Requirements (OR) Inputs .......................................................... 51 Payload Launch Site Integration Procedures .................................................................... 51 ICD Verification Documentation ........................................................................................ 51
6.4.2. Orbital Produced Documentation, Data, and Analyses ........................................................... 51 Launch Vehicle to Payload ICD ........................................................................................ 52 ICD Verification Documentation ........................................................................................ 52 Preliminary Mission Analyses ........................................................................................... 52 Coupled Loads Analyses (CLA) ........................................................................................ 52 Integrated Launch Site Procedures ................................................................................... 52 Missile System Pre-Launch Safety Package (MSPSP) Annex ......................................... 53 PRD Mission Specific Annex ............................................................................................. 53 Launch Operation Requirements (OR) ............................................................................. 53 Mission Constraints Document (MCD) .............................................................................. 53 Final Countdown Procedure ............................................................................................ 53 Post-Launch Analyses..................................................................................................... 53
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6.5. Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 54
6.5.1. System Safety Requirements .................................................................................................. 54
6.5.2. System Safety Documentation ................................................................................................ 54
7. GROUND AND LAUNCH OPERATIONS ......................................................................................... 55
7.1. Launch Vehicle Integration Overview ......................................................................................... 56
7.1.1. Planning and Documentation .................................................................................................. 56
7.1.2. Upper Stack Assembly Integration and Test Activities ............................................................ 56
7.1.3. Minuteman Motor Integration and Test Activities .................................................................... 57
7.1.4. Mission Simulation Tests ......................................................................................................... 57
7.1.5. Launch Vehicle Processing Facilities ...................................................................................... 57
7.2. Payload Processing/Integration .................................................................................................. 57
7.2.1. Payload to Minotaur I Integration............................................................................................. 58
7.2.2. Pre-Mate Interface Testing ...................................................................................................... 58
7.2.3. Payload Mating and Verification .............................................................................................. 58
7.2.4. Final Processing and Fairing Closeout .................................................................................... 58
7.2.5. Payload Propellant Loading ..................................................................................................... 58
7.3. Launch Operations ...................................................................................................................... 58
7.3.1. Booster Assembly Stacking/Launch Site Preparation ............................................................. 59
7.3.2. Final Vehicle Integration and Test ........................................................................................... 59
7.3.3. Launch Vehicle Arming ............................................................................................................ 59
7.3.4. Launch ..................................................................................................................................... 60
7.3.5. Launch Control Organization ................................................................................................... 60
7.3.6. Launch Rehearsals .................................................................................................................. 61
8. OPTIONAL ENHANCED CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................... 62
8.1. Separation System ...................................................................................................................... 62
8.2. Conditioned Air ........................................................................................................................... 62
8.3. Nitrogen Purge ............................................................................................................................ 62
8.4. Additional Access Panel ............................................................................................................. 62
8.5. Enhanced Telemetry ................................................................................................................... 63
8.6. Enhanced Contamination Control ............................................................................................... 64
8.6.1. Low Outgassing Materials ....................................................................................................... 64
8.6.2. High Cleanliness Integration Environment .............................................................................. 64
8.6.3. HEPA-Filtered Fairing Air Supply ............................................................................................ 64
8.6.4. Fairing Surface Cleanliness ..................................................................................................... 65
8.7. Secure FTS ................................................................................................................................. 65
8.8. Over Horizon Telemetry .............................................................................................................. 65
8.9. Increased Insertion Accuracy ...................................................................................................... 66
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8.10. Payload Isolation System ............................................................................................................ 66
8.11. Orbital Debris Mitigation .............................................................................................................. 67
8.12. Dual and Multi Payload Adapter Fittings ..................................................................................... 67
8.13. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle Enhanced Performance Configuration ............................................. 68
8.13.1. Minotaur I Commercial .......................................................................................................... 68
8.14. Large Fairing ............................................................................................................................... 68
8.15. Hydrazine Servicing .................................................................................................................... 68
8.16. Nitrogen Tetroxide Service ......................................................................................................... 70
8.17. Poly-Pico Orbital Deployer (P-POD) ........................................................................................... 71
8.18. Suborbital Performance .............................................................................................................. 71
8.19. Alternate Launch Location .......................................................................................................... 73
Figure 1.1-1. The Minotaur Family of Launch Vehicles ............................................................................... 2
Figure 1.1-2. Space Launch Performance for the Minotaur Family Demonstrates a Wide Range of
Payload Lift Capability ............................................................................................................ 3
Figure 2.1-1. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle ...................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.3-1. OSP Minotaur I Launch Vehicle Configuration ....................................................................... 5
Figure 2.3.1-1. Minotaur I LSA Being Lifted out of Transporter Erector ...................................................... 6
Figure 2.3.2-1. Minotaur I Upper Stack Assembly Processing at Orbital’s Vehicle Assembly Building
at VAFB ................................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2.3.4-1. Minotaur I 50” Fairing and Handling Fixtures ...................................................................... 8
Figure 2.4-1. Minotaur I EGSE Configuration ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 3.1-1. Minotaur I Generic Mission Profile........................................................................................ 11
Figure 3.2-1. Flexible Processing and Portable GSE Allows Operations from Multiple Ranges or
Austere Site Options ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3.2-2. Launch Site Inclinations ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 3.3-1. Minotaur I Performance Curves for VAFB Launches ........................................................... 14
Figure 3.3-2. Minotaur I Performance Curves for KLC Launches .............................................................. 15
Figure 3.3-3. Minotaur I Performance Curves for CCAFS Launches ........................................................ 15
Figure 3.3-4. Minotaur I Performance Curves for WFF Launches ............................................................. 16
Figure 3.3-5. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for VAFB Launches ................................. 16
Figure 3.3-6. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for KLC Launches .................................... 17
Figure 3.3-7. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for CCAFS Launches............................... 17
Figure 3.3-8. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for WFF Launches ................................... 18
Figure 4.1.1-1. Payload CG Net Transient Lateral Acceleration Envelope ............................................... 21
Figure 4.1.2-1. Minotaur I 3-Sigma Maximum Axial Acceleration as a Function of Payload Mass ........... 22
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Figure 4.3-1. Payload Acoustic Environment during Liftoff and Flight ....................................................... 23
Figure 4.2-1. Payload Random Vibration Environment during Flight ........................................................ 23
Figure 4.4-1. Maximum Shock Environment – Launch Vehicle to Payload ............................................... 24
Figure 4.4-2. Maximum Shock Environment – Payload to Launch Vehicle ............................................... 24
Figure 4.6.1-1. Minotaur I HVAC System Provides Conditioned Air to the Payload.................................. 25
Figure 4.6.2-1. Typical Minotaur I Fairing Pressure Profile ....................................................................... 26
Figure 50” Payload Fairing Dynamic Envelope with 38” (97 cm) Diameter
Payload Interface ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 61” Payload Fairing Dynamic Envelope with 38” (97 cm) Diameter
Payload Interface ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 5.1.3-1. 50” Payload Fairing Access Door Placement Zone .......................................................... 31
Figure 5.2.1-1. Minotaur Coordinate System ............................................................................................. 33
Figure COSMIC Spacecraft Configuration Utilized the Orbital MicroStar Bus to
Fly Six SVs ................................................................................................................... 35
Figure JAWSAT Multiple Payload Adapter Load Bearing Spacecraft .................................... 35
Figure Five Bay Multiple Payload Adapter Concept ............................................................... 36
Figure DPAF Configuration ..................................................................................................... 36
Figure Orbital 38” Separation System ....................................................................................... 38
Figure 38” Planetary Sciences Motorized Lightband ................................................................ 39
Figure RUAG 937S 38” Separation System ............................................................................. 39
Figure 5.3-1. Payload Electrical Interface Block Diagram Payload Interface Circuitry .............................. 40
Figure 5.3.1-1. Payload Umbilical 1:1 Pin Outs ......................................................................................... 41
Figure 6.1-1. Mission Integration Team ..................................................................................................... 45
Figure 6.2-1. Typical Minotaur Mission Integration Schedule .................................................................... 47
Figure 6.2-2. Typical Mission Field Integration Schedule .......................................................................... 48
Figure 7-1. Hardware Flow – Factory to Launch Site ................................................................................ 55
Figure 7.1-1. Launch Vehicle Processing Flow.......................................................................................... 56
Figure 7.1.5-1. Minotaur I Processing Is Performed at the MPF at VAFB ................................................. 57
Figure 7.3.4-1. Notional Minotaur Countdown Timeline ........................................................................... 60
Figure 7.3.4-2. Minotaur I Prepared for Launch ......................................................................................... 60
Figure 8.3-1. GN2 Purge Interface To Minotaur Fairing (Flyaway at Liftoff) .............................................. 62
Figure 8.4-1. Multiple Access Doors Were Demonstrated on the Optional Minotaur I Large Fairing ........ 63
Figure 8.6-1. Minotaur Team Has Extensive Experience in a Payload Processing
Clean Room Environment ..................................................................................................... 64
Figure 8.7-1. Orbital’s Secure FTS System Block Diagram ....................................................................... 65
Figure 8.8-1. TDRSS 20W LCT2 Transmitter and Cavity Backed S-band Antenna .................................. 66
Figure 8.8-2. TDRSS Notional Telemetry Flow.......................................................................................... 66
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Figure 8.10-1. Minotaur I SRSS Significantly Attenuates Peak LV Dynamic Environments ..................... 67
Figure 8.11-1. Operational and Disposal LEOs ......................................................................................... 67
Figure 8.13.1-1. Minotaur I Commercial Offers Exceptional Performance with Proven Reliability ............ 68
Figure 8.15-1. Typical Propellant Loading Schematic ............................................................................... 69
Figure 8.15-2. UPC Provides Reliable and Demonstrated Hydrazine Servicing for Minotaur ................... 70
Figure 8.18-1. Minotaur I Lite Ballistic Performance .................................................................................. 71
Figure 8.17-1. P-PODs Have Successfully Flown On Multiple Minotaur Missions .................................... 71
Figure 8.18-2. Minotaur I-Lite Replaces the Orion 38 with a Low Cost and Risk Simple
Aluminum Cylinder .............................................................................................................. 72
Figure 8.19-1. Minotaur IV Vehicles Have Successfully Launched From KLC .......................................... 73
Figure 8.19-3. Minotaur I Vehicles Have Successfully Launched Multiple Times From Wallops .............. 73
Figure 8.19-2. Launch Complex 46 at CCAFS Supports All Minotaur Configurations .............................. 73
Table 3.3-1. Common Mission Options and Associated Masses (These Masses Must Be Subtracted
from the LV Performance) ..................................................................................................... 14
Table 3.4-1. Minotaur I Injection Accuracy ................................................................................................. 18
Table 3.5-1. Typical Pre-Separation Payload Pointing and Spin Rate Accuracies ................................... 19
Table 4.8-1. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle RF Emitters and Receivers ......................................................... 27
Table 5.2.5-1. Minotaur I Separation System Options ............................................................................... 37
Table 5.4.2-1. Payload Mass Properties Measurement Tolerance ........................................................... 43
Table 8.9-1. Enhanced Insertion Accuracies ............................................................................................. 66
A. PAYLOAD QUESTIONNAIRE ..............................................................................................................A-1
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Glossary

Six Degrees of Freedom
Alaska Aerospace Development ACAT-1
Acquisition Category 1
Attitude Control System
Air Force Research Laboratory
Atmospheric Interceptor AIT
Assembly Integration Trailer
All-Ordnance Destruct System
Booster Control Module
Bit Error Rate
Collision/ Contamination C/D
Clamp Band Opening Device
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Critical Design Review
Center of Gravity
Coupled Loads Analysis
Commercial Launch Facility
Collected Volatile Condensable
DoD Information Assurance
Department of Defense
Dual Payload Adapter Fitting
Electronic Control Unit
Electrical Ground Support EMC
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Environment
Electromagnetic Interference
Eastern Range
Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Readiness Review
Flight Termination Logic Unit
Flight Termination System
Government Furnished Equipment
Government Furnished Property
gaseous nitrogen
GPS Positioning Beacon
Global Positioning System
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion
Heating, Ventilation, and Air I&T
Integration and Test
Interface Control Document
Inertial Navigation System
Independent Readiness Review
Independent Verification and IVT
Interface Verification Test
Kodiak Launch Complex
Kennedy Space Center
Launch Control Room
Low Earth Orbit
Launch Equipment Vault
Liquid Injection Thrust Vector LOCC
Launch Operations Control Center
Launch Readiness Review
Lower Stack Assembly
Launch Stool Assembly
Launch Support Equipment
Launch Vehicle
Mission Assurance
Modular Avionics Control MARS
Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport
Mission Design Review
Mission Dress Rehearsal
Mechanical Ground Support
Mechanical Interface Control MLB
Motorized Lightband
Mechanical Ordnance Destruct MPA
Multiple Payload Adaptor
Maximum Predicted Environment
Minotaur Processing Facility
Mission Requirements Document
Mission Readiness Review
Mission Simulation Test
Avoidance Maneuver
Certification and Accreditation Process
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Glossary
Medium Transfer Orbit
National Aeronautics and Space NCU
Nozzle Control Unit
Non-Recurring Engineering
Nitrogen Tetroxide
Ordnance Driver Module
Operations Requirements
Orbital Suborbital Program 3
Payload Attach Fitting
Pulse Code Modulation
Preliminary Design Review
Program Engineering Manager
Payload Processing Facility
Poly-Pico Orbital Deployer
Program Requirements Document
Right Ascension of Ascending RCS
Roll Control System
Radio Frequency
Range Working Group
Safe and Arm
Self-Contained Atmospheric
Space Development and Test SDL
SD Launch Systems Division
Support Equipment Building
Space Launch Complex 8
Space Launch Vehicle
Space and Missile Systems Center
Softride for Small Satellites
Spaceport Systems International
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
Space Vehicle
Telemetry Data Relay Satellite TLI
Trans-Lunar Injection
Total Mass Loss
Thrust Vector Control
United Paradyne Corporation
Upper Stack Assembly
United States Air Force
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Wallops Flight Facility
Work Package
Protective Ensemble
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 1.0 – Introduction


This User’s Guide is intended to familiarize payload mission planners with the capabilities of the Orbital Suborbital Program 3 (OSP-3) Minotaur I Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) launch service. This document provides an overview of the Minotaur I system design and a description of the services provided to our customers. Minotaur I offers a variety of enhanced options to allow for maximum flexibility in satisfying the objectives of single or multiple payloads.
The user’s handbook is not intended as a design document but rather it is to be used to select a launch vehicle that meets the requirements of the payload. This document describes typical environments seen on previous missions. Each spacecraft is unique and will require detailed analysis early in the program.
The primary mission of Minotaur I is to provide low cost, high reliability launch services to government-sponsored payloads. Minotaur I accomplishes this by using flight proven components with significant flight heritage. The philosophy of placing mission success as the highest priority is reflected in the success and accuracy of all Minotaur missions to date.
The Minotaur I launch vehicle system is composed of a flight vehicle and ground support equipment. Each element of the Minotaur I system has been developed to simplify the mission design and payload integration process and to provide safe, reliable space launch services. This User’s Guide describes the basic elements of the Minotaur I system as well as optional services that are available. In addition, this document provides general vehicle performance, defines payload accommodations and environments, and outlines the Minotaur I mission integration process.
The Minotaur I system can operate from a wide range of launch facilities and geographic locations. The system is compatible with, and will typically operate from, commercial spaceport facilities and existing U.S. Government ranges at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), and Kodiak Launch Complex (KLC). This User’s Guide describes Minotaur I­unique integration and test approaches (including the typical operational timeline for payload integration with the
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 1.0 – Introduction
Minotaur I vehicle) and the existing ground support equipment that is used to conduct Minotaur I operations.

1.1. Minotaur Family Performance and Capability

Figure 1.1-1 shows the Minotaur family of launch vehicles, which is capable of launching a wide range of payload sizes and missions. Representative space launch performance across the Minotaur fleet is shown in Figure 1.1-2 to illustrate the relative capability of each configuration. In addition to space launch capabilities, the Minotaur I Lite and Minotaur IV Lite configurations are available to meet suborbital payload needs for payloads weighing up to 3000 kg. This User’s Guide covers the Minuteman-based Minotaur I. Please refer to the Minotaur IV – V – VI User’s Guide for information on the Peacekeeper­based Minotaur vehicles.
Figure 1.1-1. The Minotaur Family of Launch Vehicles
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 1.0 – Introduction
Figure 1.1-2. Space Launch Performance for the Minotaur Family Demonstrates a Wide Range of
Payload Lift Capability
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations


2.1. Minotaur I Launch System Overview

The Minotaur I launch vehicle, shown in Figure 2.1-1, was developed by Orbital for the United States Air Force (USAF) to provide a cost effective, reliable and flexible means of placing small satellites into orbit. Orbital is the launch vehicle developer and manufacturer under the Orbital Suborbital Program 3 (OSP-3) contract for the U.S. Air Force. An overview of the system and available launch services is provided within this section, with specific elements covered in greater detail in the subsequent sections of this User’s Guide.
Minotaur I has been designed to meet the needs of United States Government-sponsored customers at a lower cost than commercially available alternatives through the use of surplus Minuteman boosters. OSP-3 requirements emphasize system reliability, transportability, and operation from multiple launch sites. Minotaur I draws on the successful heritage of Orbital’s space launch vehicles and the Minuteman II system of the USAF to meet these requirements. Orbital has built upon these legacy systems with enhanced avionics components and advanced composite structures to meet the payload-support requirements of the OSP-3 program. Combining these improved subsystems with the long and successful history of the Minuteman II boosters has resulted in a simple, robust, self­contained launch system with a proven success record that is fully operational to support government­sponsored small satellite launches.
The Minotaur I system also includes a complete set of transportable Launch Support Equipment (LSE) designed to allow Minotaur I to be operated as a self-contained satellite delivery system. The Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) has been developed to be portable and adaptable to varying levels of infrastructure. While the Minotaur I system is capable of self-contained operation at austere launch sites using portable vans, typical operations occur from permanent facilities on established ranges.
The Minotaur I system is designed to be capable of launch from four commercial Spaceports (Alaska, California, Florida, and Mid-Atlantic), as well as from existing U.S. Government facilities at VAFB and CCAFS. A Launch Control Room (LCR) serves as the control center for conducting a Minotaur I launch and includes consoles for Orbital, range safety, and limited customer personnel. Further description of the Launch Support Equipment is provided in Section 2.4.

2.2. Minotaur I Launch Service

The Minotaur I Launch Service is provided through the combined efforts of the USAF and Orbital, along with associate contractors and Commercial Spaceports. The primary customer interface will be with the USAF Space and Missile Systems Center, Space Development and Test Directorate, Launch Systems
Figure 2.1-1. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations
Division (SDL). Orbital is the launch vehicle provider. This integrated team will be referred to collectively as “OSP” throughout the User’s Guide. Where necessary, interfaces that are associated with a particular member of the team will be referred to directly (i.e., Orbital or SDL).
OSP provides all of the necessary hardware, software and services to integrate, test and launch a payload into its prescribed orbit. In addition, OSP will complete all the required agreements, licenses and documentation to successfully conduct Minotaur I operations. The Minotaur I mission integration process completely identifies, documents, and verifies all spacecraft and mission requirements.

2.3. Minotaur I Launch Vehicle

The Minotaur I vehicle, shown in expanded view in Figure 2.3-1, is a four stage, inertially guided, all solid propellant ground launched vehicle. Conservative design margins, state-of-the-art structural systems, a modular avionics architecture, and simplified integration and test capability, yield a robust, highly reliable launch vehicle design. In addition, Minotaur I payload accommodations and interfaces have been designed to satisfy a wide range of potential payload requirements.

2.3.1. Lower Stack Assembly

The Lower Stack Assembly (LSA), shown in Figure 2.3.1-1, consists of the refurbished Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) Minuteman Stages 1 and 2. Only minor modifications are made to the boosters, including harness interface changes and conversion from All-Ordnance Destruct System (AODS) to Modular Mechanical Ordnance Destruct System (MMODS) Flight Termination System (FTS).
The first stage consists of the Minuteman II M55A1 solid propellant motor, Nozzle Control Units (NCU), Stage 1 Ignition Safe/Arm, S1/S2 Interstage and Stage 1 MMODS FTS. Four gimbaled nozzles provide three axis control during first stage burn. The second stage consists of a refurbished Minuteman II SR19 motor, Liquid Injection
Figure 2.3-1. OSP Minotaur I Launch Vehicle
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations
Processing Facility at VAFB
Thrust Vector Control (LITVC) subsystem, S2 ignition safe/arm device, a Roll Control System (RCS), and the Stage 2 MMODS FTS components. Attitude control during second stage burn is provided by the operational LITVC and hot gas roll control.

2.3.2. Upper Stack Assembly

The Minotaur I Upper Stack is composed of the Stage 3 and 4 motors, their associated interstages, the avionics assembly, and, ultimately, the payload and payload fairing. The Stage 3 and 4 motors are the Orion 50 XL and Orion 38, respectively. These motors were originally developed for Orbital’s Pegasus program and are used in a similar manner on the ground-launched Minotaur I vehicle. Common design features, materials and production techniques are applied to both motors to maximize reliability and production efficiency. The motors are fully flight qualified based on their heritage, conservative design, ground static fires and over 60 launches. Processing of the Minotaur I Upper Stack is conducted at the Minotaur Processing Facility (MPF), as shown in Figure 2.3.2-1. Avionics
The Minotaur I avionics system has heritage and commonality across the Minotaur fleet. The flight computer is a 32-bit multiprocessor architecture. It provides communication with vehicle subsystems, the LSE, and if required, the payload via standard RS-422 serial links and discrete I/O. The avionics system design incorporates Orbital’s innovative, flight proven Modular Avionics Control Hardware (MACH). The MACH consists of standardized, function-specific modules that are combined in stacks of up to 10 modules to meet mission requirements. The functional modules from which the MACH stacks are created include power transfer, ordnance initiation, booster interface, communication, and telemetry processing. These modules provide an array of functional capability and flexibility.
Figure 2.3.1-1. Minotaur I LSA Being Lifted out
of Transporter Erector
Figure 2.3.2-1. Minotaur I Upper Stack
Assembly Processing at Orbital’s Minotaur
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations Attitude Control Systems
The Minotaur I Control System provides three-axis attitude control throughout boosted flight and coast phases. Stages 1 and 2 utilize the Minuteman Thrust Vector Control (TVC) systems. The Stage 1 TVC is a four-nozzle hydraulic system, while the Stage 2 system combines liquid injection for pitch and yaw control with hot gas roll control. Stages 3 and 4 utilize the same TVC systems as Minotaur IV. They combine single-nozzle electromechanical TVC for pitch and yaw control with a three-axis cold-gas Attitude Control System (ACS) resident in the avionics section providing roll control.
Attitude control is achieved using a three-axis autopilot. Stages 1 and 2 fly a pre-programmed attitude profile based on trajectory design and optimization. Stage 3 uses a set of pre-programmed orbital parameters to place the vehicle on a trajectory toward the intended insertion apse. The extended coast between Stages 3 and 4 is used to orient the vehicle to the appropriate attitude for Stage 4 ignition based upon a set of pre-programmed orbital parameters and the measured performance of the first three stages. Stage 4 utilizes energy management to place the vehicle into the proper orbit. After the final boost phase, the three-axis cold-gas attitude control system is used to orient the vehicle for spacecraft separation, contamination and collision avoidance and downrange downlink maneuvers. The autopilot design is a modular object oriented software design, so additional payload requirements such as rate control or celestial pointing can be accommodated with minimal additional development. Telemetry Subsystem
The Minotaur I telemetry subsystem provides real-time health and status data of the vehicle avionics system, as well as key information regarding the position, performance and environment of the Minotaur I vehicle. This data is used by both Orbital and the range safety personnel to evaluate system performance. The Minotaur I baseline telemetry subsystem provides a number of dedicated payload discrete (bi-level) and analog telemetry monitors through dedicated channels in the launch vehicle encoder. The baseline telemetry system has a 1.5 Mbps data rate for both payload and Minotaur launch vehicle telemetry. To allow for flexibility in supporting evolving mission requirements, the output data rate can be selected over a wide range from 2.5 kbps to 10 Mbps (contingent on link margin and Bit Error Rate (BER) requirements). The telemetry subsystem nominally utilizes Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) with a RNRZ-L format. Other types of data formats, including NRZ-L, S, M, and Bi-phase may be implemented if required to accommodate launch range limitations. Furthermore, the launch vehicle telemetry system has the capability to take payload telemetry as an input, randomize if required, and downlink that dedicated payload link from launch through separation. That capability is available as a non-standard option.
The Enhanced Telemetry option as described in the Enhancements section 8.5 augments the existing baseline telemetry system by providing a dedicated telemetry link with a baseline data rate of 2 Mbps. This Enhanced Telemetry link is used to provide further insight into the mission environment due to additional payload, LV, or experiment data acquisition requirements. Supplementary instrumentation or signals such as strain gauges, temperature sensors, accelerometers, analog, or digital data can be configured to meet payload mission-specific requirements.
An Over the Horizon Telemetry option can also be added to provide real-time telemetry coverage during ground-based telemetry receiving site blackout periods. The Telemetry Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) is used for this capability, and has been successfully demonstrated on past Minotaur missions. Close to the time when telemetry coverage is lost by ground based telemetry receiving sites, the LV switches telemetry output to the TDRSS antenna and points the antenna towards the designated satellite.
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations
The TDRSS then relays the telemetry to the ground where it is routed to the Launch Control Room for real-time telemetry updates. Reference Enhancements Section 8.8 for further details on this Over the Horizon Telemetry option.
Minotaur telemetry is subject to the provisions of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). START treaty provisions require that certain Minotaur I telemetry be unencrypted and provided to the START treaty office for dissemination to the signatories of the treaty.

2.3.3. Payload Interface

Minotaur provides for a standard non-separating payload interface, with the option of adding an Orbital­provided payload separation system. Orbital will provide all flight hardware and integration services necessary to attach non-separating and separating payloads to the Minotaur launch vehicle. Additional mechanical interface diameters and separation system configurations can readily be provided as an enhanced option as described in Section 5.0. Further detail on payload electrical, mechanical and launch support equipment interfaces are detailed in Section 5.0.
Because of its design flexibility, Minotaur can accommodate and has flown missions with multiple spacecraft. This capability, described in more detail in Section 5.0 of this User’s Guide, permits two or more smaller payloads to share the cost of a Minotaur I launch, resulting in a lower launch cost for each as compared to other launch options. Furthermore, Orbital can accommodate small payloads when there is excess payload and/or mass capability.

2.3.4. Payload Fairing

The baseline Minotaur I 50” fairing, shown in Figure 2.3.4-1, is identical to the Pegasus fairing design and has been successfully deployed in over 40 Pegasus and Minotaur I missions. Due to differences in vehicle loads and environments, the Minotaur I implementation allows for a larger payload envelope than Pegasus. The Minotaur I payload fairing consists of two composite shell halves, a nose cap integral to one shell half, and a separation system. Each shell half is composed of a cylinder and ogive sections.
Options for payload access doors and enhanced cleanliness are available. A larger 61” diameter fairing is also available. Further details on both fairings are included in Section 5.1.
Figure 2.3.4-1. Minotaur I 50” Fairing and
Handling Fixtures
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations

2.4. Launch Support Equipment

The Minotaur I LSE is designed to be readily adaptable to varying launch site configurations with minimal unique infrastructure required. The EGSE consists of readily transportable consoles that can be housed in various facility configurations depending on the launch site infrastructure. The EGSE is composed of three primary functional elements: Launch Control, Vehicle Interface, and Telemetry Data Reduction. The Launch Control and Telemetry Data Reduction consoles are located in the Launch Control Room (LCR), or mobile launch equipment van depending on available launch site accommodations. The Vehicle Interface consoles are located at the launch pad in a permanent structure, typically called a Launch Equipment Vault (LEV). Fiber optic connections from the Launch Control to the Vehicle Interface consoles are used for efficient, high bandwidth communications, eliminating the need for copper wire between locations. The Vehicle Interface consoles provide the junction from fiber optic cables to the cables that directly interface with the vehicle. Figure 2.4-1 depicts the functional block diagram of the LSE. All Minotaur EGSE is compliant with the Department of Defense Instruction 8510.01, DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP). Some launch sites have a separate Support Equipment Building (SEB) that can accommodate additional payload equipment.
The LCR serves as the control center during the launch countdown. The number of personnel that can be accommodated is dependent on the launch site facilities. At a minimum, the LCR will accommodate Orbital personnel controlling the vehicle, two Range Safety representatives (ground and flight safety), and the Air Force Mission Manager. Mission-unique, customer-supplied payload consoles and equipment can be supported in the LCR and payload equipment at the launch pad can be supported in the LEV or SEB, if available, within the constraints of the launch site facilities. Interface to the payload through the Minotaur I payload umbilicals provides the capability for direct monitoring of payload functions. Payload personnel accommodations will be handled on a mission-specific basis.
All of the Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) used to support the Minotaur integration, test and launch is currently in use and launch demonstrated. MGSE fully supports all Minotaur configurations and are routinely static load tested to safety factors in compliance with Orbital internal and Range requirements.
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 2.0 – Minotaur I Configurations
Figure 2.4-1. Minotaur I EGSE Configuration
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance


3.1. Mission Profiles

Minotaur I can attain a range of posigrade and retrograde inclinations through the choice of launch sites made available by the readily adaptable nature of the Minotaur I launch system. A generic mission profile to a sun-synchronous orbit is shown in Figure 3.1-1. All performance parameters presented within this User’s Guide are typical for most expected payloads. However, performance may vary depending on unique payload or mission characteristics. Specific requirements for a particular mission must be coordinated with OSP. Once a mission is formally initiated, the requirements will be documented in the Mission Requirements Document (MRD). The MRD is the requirement kick off document that initiates the contractual agreement and flows the payload requirements to Orbital. The MRD establishes the data required to begin formal trajectory analysis as well as Coupled Loads Analyses (CLAs). Further detail will be captured in the Payload-to-Launch Vehicle Interface Control Document (ICD).
Figure 3.1-1. Minotaur I Generic Mission Profile

3.2. Launch Sites

Depending on the specific mission, Minotaur I can operate from East and West Coast launch sites as illustrated in Figure 3.2-1. The corresponding range inclination capabilities are shown in Figure 3.2-2. Specific performance parameters are presented in Section 3.3. The baseline launch site for Minotaur I is VAFB.
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance
Figure 3.2-1. Flexible Processing and Portable GSE Allows Operations from Multiple Ranges or
Austere Site Options
Figure 3.2-2. Launch Site Inclinations
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance

3.2.1. Western Launch Sites

For missions requiring high inclination orbits (greater than 60°), launches can be conducted from facilities at VAFB or Kodiak Island, AK, as shown in Figure 3.2-2. Inclinations below 72° from VAFB are possible, but require an out-of-plane dogleg, thereby reducing payload capability. Minotaur I is nominally launched from the California Spaceport facility, Space Launch Complex 8 (SLC-8) operated by Spaceport Systems International (SSI), on South VAFB. The launch facility at Kodiak Island, operated by the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation (AADC) has been used for both orbital and suborbital launches, including past launches of Minotaur IV.

3.2.2. Eastern Launch Sites

For easterly launch azimuths to achieve orbital inclinations between 28.5° and 55°, launches can be conducted from facilities at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL (CCAFS) or Wallops Island, VA (WFF). Launches from Florida will nominally use the Space Florida launch facilities at LC-46 on CCAFS. Typical inclinations are from 28.5° to 50°; however, higher inclination trajectories may be accommodated by using northerly ascent trajectories. These would need to consider the potential of European overflight and require range safety assessment. The Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) facilities at the WFF may be used for inclinations from 37.8° to 55°. Some inclinations and/or altitudes may have reduced performance due to range safety considerations and will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case mission-specific basis.

3.2.3. Alternate Launch Sites

Other launch facilities can be readily used given the flexibility designed into the Minotaur I vehicle, ground support equipment, and the various interfaces. Orbital has experience launching vehicles from a variety of sites around the world. To meet the requirements of performing mission operations from alternative, austere launch sites, Orbital can provide self contained, transportable shelters for launch operations as an unpriced option. The mobile equivalent of the LCR is the Launch Support Van (LSV), and the mobile LEV is the Launch Equipment Van.

3.3. Performance Capability

Minotaur I performance curves for circular orbits of various altitudes and inclinations are detailed in Figure
3.3-1 through Figure 3.3-8 for launches from all four Spaceports in metric and English units. These performance curves provide the total mass above the standard, non-separating interface. The mass of the separation system and any Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) that is attached to the 38.81” interface, is to be accounted for in the payload mass allocation. Table 3.3-1 shows a number of common options and the mass associated with each.
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance
Table 3.3-1. Common Mission Options and Associated Masses
(These Masses Must Be Subtracted from the LV Performance)
Total Mass (kg)
(These Masses Must Be
Subtracted from the LV
Portion of Total Mass
That Remains with SV
Post Separation (kg)
Enhanced Telemetry 9.85 0
TDRSS 8.54 0
38” Orbital Separation System1 12.24 4.0
38” RUAG Low Shock Separation System (937S)1 19.89 6.16
38” Lightband1 8.85 2.52
38” Softride and Ring2 9 to 18 0
1. For more information on these separation system options, refer to Table 5.2.5-1.
2. A range is provided for the softride option; actual mass is based on payload requirements.
Figure 3.3-1. Minotaur I Performance Curves for VAFB Launches
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance
Figure 3.3-2. Minotaur I Performance Curves for KLC Launches
Figure 3.3-3. Minotaur I Performance Curves for CCAFS Launches
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance
Figure 3.3-4. Minotaur I Performance Curves for WFF Launches
Figure 3.3-5. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for VAFB Launches
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Minotaur I User’s Guide Section 3.0 – General Performance
Figure 3.3-6. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for KLC Launches
Figure 3.3-7. Minotaur I with 61” Fairing Performance Curves for CCAFS Launches
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