Intelsat 15
Ku-band Commercial Communications Satellite for Intelsat
Mission Description
The Intelsat 15 (IS-15) satellite manufactured for Intelsat replaced Intelsat 709 positioned at 85 degrees
East Longitude. The high power Ku-band payload provides video and data services for the Middle East,
Indian Ocean regions and Russia. Based on Orbital’s GEOStar-2™ spacecraft bus, IS-15 produces 4.6
kilowatts of payload power and features two 2.3 meter dual grid deployable reectors as well as one
1.4 meter deck-mounted antenna.
GEOStar™ Satellites for Intelsat
Intelsat 15 is one of ten Orbital GEOStar communications satellites ordered by Intelsat.
• Galaxy 12
• Galaxy 14
• Galaxy 15
• Horizons-2
• Intelsat 11
• Intelsat 15
• Intelsat 16
• Intelsat 18
• Intelsat 23
• Intelsat 28
Middle East, Indian Ocean Region and
Ku-band video and data services
Intelsat 15 in Orbital’s Dulles, Virginia satellite
manufacturing facility
Intelsat 15
Launch Mass: 2,550 kg (5,622 lb.)
Solar Arrays: Four panels per array, UTJ Gallium
Arsenide cells
Stabilization: 3-axis stabilized; zero momentum system
Propulsion: Liquid bi-propellant transfer orbit system;
monopropellant (hydrazine) on-orbit system
Batteries: Two >4840 W-Hr capacity Li-Ion batteries
Mission Life: 15 years
Orbit: 85
Repeater: 22 active transponders with 30-for-22
Antenna: Two 2.3 m deployable dual grid reectors;
Launch Vehicle: Zenit
Site: Baikonur, Kazakhstan
Date: November 30, 2009
East Longitude
redundant TWTAs
one 1.4 m deck-mounted
Mission Partners
Intelsat is a premier global provider of video and data services via
Orbital Sciences Corporation
Prime contractor for Galaxy 12, 14 and 15; Intelsat 11, 15, 16,
18, 23 and 28; Horizons-2 for an Intelsat/SKY Perfect JSAT joint
Land Launch
Launch provider
The GEOStar™ Advantage
Orbital’s highly successful Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)
communications satellites are based on the company’s GEOStar
spacecraft platform, which is able to accommodate all types of
commercial communications payloads and is compatible with all major
commercial launchers. The company’s GEOStar product line includes
the GEOStar-2 design, which is optimized for smaller satellite missions
that can support up to 5.0 kilowatts of payload power. Orbital has also
developed the higher-power GEOStar-3 spacecraft design, delivering the
next increment of payload power for applications between 5.0 and 8.0
kilowatts, allowing Orbital to offer its innovative and reliable satellite design
to the medium-class of communications satellites.
Intelsat 15 was launched into
orbit on a Zenit launch vehicle
in 2009.
Orbital Sciences Corporation
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