Orbita Smart lock Installation And User Manual

Tha nk s for p urcha sin g our pro duc t, plea se re ad this m anu al care ful ly befo re us ing it
Pleas e be su re to kee p it fo r futur e ref erenc e
Thi s ma nua l is subj ect t o chang e wit hout an y not ice
Orb it a sha ll not be h eld a ccoun tab le for an y acc ident a nd ha zard ar isi ng from
incor rec t user op era tions
Huizh ou Or bita Technol ogy C o., Ltd . (Ma rketi ng Ce nter an d Man ufact uri ng Base i n Chi na )
Gua ng don g Pro vi nce , P.R.C
Tel: +86- 752 -3633 501 + 86-75 2-3 63350 2 +86 -752- 363 3503
Fax : +8 6-7 52-36 336 00; +86 -75 2-363 390 0
Custo mer S ervic e Hot line: 4 00- 834-6 688
(Huiz hou O rbita Techno log y Co., Lt d. re serve s the r ight of fi nal i nterp ret ation o f thi s manua l)
Installation and User Manual
1:Product Ove rview
1-1: Appear an ce
1-2: Featur es
1-3: Technical Sp ec ifications
1-4: Safety P recautions
1-5: Chargi ng Safety
1-6: Prec au tions for Use
2Produc t Installation
2-1: Prod uc t List
2-2: Instal la tion Instructio ns
2-3: Instal la tion Precau ti ons
2-4: Instal la tion St eps
2-5: Instal la tion Diagrams
1- 1:Appearance
Delet e exi t key
Product Over view
(As the p rod uct is co nstan tly upd ated, t he actu al shap e of
the produc t shoul d be subj ect to th e actua l pro duct. )
batte ry co ver
3:Oper at ing Guide (ope rate wi th the ap p)
1: Add Blueto oth Administr at or to the lock
2: eKey
3: User pas sword
4: IC card
5: Fingerpr in t
6: Auto loc k
7: Low powe r wa rning
8: Keyp ad lock out
9: Delete B lu etooth Admini st rator/Restore
to defaul t fa ctor y se tt ing
WEB mana ge ment login
1 2
front pan el
sideback pa ne l
1- 2:Features
1. Materi al : high-end alumin um a lloy
2. Biologic al s emiconducto r recognition f in gerprint head
3. Support passwo rd unlock, 1 6-bit virtual passw ord
4. Support card unl oc k
5. Support phone blue to oth app unlock
6. Supprt touch loc k un lo ck
7. Support unlock rem otely (perm an en t,Timed,one -t im e,Erase,
Custom, cy clic)
8. Support passwo rd remote ly (permanent ,T im ed,one-time ,E ra se,
Custom, cy clic)
9. Unlockin g record qu er y
10.Compan y attendanc e fu nction
1- 3: Technical Specifications 1- 4: Safety Precautions
Panel material
Latch material
Door thickness
Operating temperature
Bluetooth standard
Support phone system
Working voltage
Low battery voltage alarm
Static current
Operating current
Unlock time
Button type
Fingerprint header type
Fingerprint capacity
False accept rate (FAR)
False reject rate (FRR)
Password type
Card type
Card capacity
Unlocking method
3 4
High-end aluminum alloy
40 to 110mm
Concealed super grace B mechanical cylinder
Android 4.3/IOS7.0 above
4 AA Alkaline batteries
Capacitive touch button
Semiconductor (ZFM-10) < 0.001% < 1.0%
200 pieces
< 1.0%
APP send password
custom password
MIFARE M1 card
100 pieces
APP, Password, Fingerprint, Card, Mechanical key
1. Keep t he panel away fro m corrosive s ubstances to av oid damage to t he surface coati ng .
2. Do not opera te the produc t wi th wet hands to p revent liqu id s such as water or dr in ks from enter ing the lock body.
3. Do not pre ss t he keyp ad with exces si ve force or wit h sh arp objects.
4. Keep y ou r fingers clean whi le u si ng this pro du ct . To ensure norma l us e, keep th e fi ngerprint are a clean as the surface ma y be co me smudged after it is used for a pe ri od of time.
5. Do not pull th e product with ex cessive force.
6. Do not use wat er, benzen e or a lcohol to cle an t he p roduct; u se a s oft and dr y cl ot h to clean the lock b od y.
1- 5: Charging Safety
1. This pro du ct uses 4 AA alkali ne d ry bat teries, please in st all the batte ry accordi ng to the corre ct positive and n eg ative electro des.
2.When the vo lt age is lower th an 4 .8V, a low voltage alar m wi ll sound every time the lock i s un locked. Pay atte nt ion to repl ac e the batte ry in time.
3. Do not short the posit iv e and negative te rminals of th e battery.
4.Please us e th e specified bat tery in th is p roduct, do no t co nnect other batte ri es modified by yo ur se lf.
5.Do not disc ard the rep la ce d batte ry to avoi d po ll uting the envir onment.
1- 6: Precautions for Use
1. Do not install bat teries before the lock is instal le d on the door.
2.P l ease carefu ll y keep your password a nd c hange it on a reg ul ar base to preve nt l eaks.
3.C h arge or rep lace the batt eries within one we ek aft er the batt er y
repla ce me nt alarm sounds .
4.M ake sure that the door i s co mp letely locked when leavi ng . If you fail t o op en the door using t he f ingerprint, password o r ca rd, you can use the mecha ni cal key. Ple as e keep the me ch anical ke y properly.
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