Orange Micro USB Card Instructions Manual

007-4492-001 1
Gasket Attachment Instructions for O range Micro®USB Card
The following instructions describe how to attach an EMI gasket to an Orange Micro USB card. This USB card is used in graphics systems that require a USB keyboard and mouse.
To attach the EMI gasket, you need the following items:
One gasket (P/N 042-1243-001)
Two USB type A connectors (for alignment)
Note: If you do not have any USB connectors, you will need to visually align the EMI
gasket with the USB card.
Before the gasketcan beattached to the USB card,the card must be installed in your system. For instructions on how to install the Orange Micro USB card, see the PCI card installation section of your system user’s guide.
To attach the gasket, follow these steps:
1. RemovetheprotectiveadhesivetapefromtheEMIgasket.
2. To ensure proper alignment of the gasket to the USB card, insert a USB connector into a cutout at each end of the gasket, as shown in Figure 1. Make sure that you insert the connector starting on the non-adhesive side of the gasket, and that the orientation of the connector is in the correct position to mate with the connector on the USB card.
3. With the pointed end of the gasket positioned to the left, insert the two USB connectors into the mating connectors on the USB card.
Figure 1 Inserting Two Type A USB Connectors
Adhesive tape
EMI gasket
Position point to the left
Non-adhesive side of gasket
Orange Micro USB card
2 007-4492-001
4. Apply pressure along the gasket to properly adhere it to the USB card’s bulkhead.
5. Remove the two USB connectors.
Figure 2 Attaching Gasket to USB Card Bulkhead
Gasket installed
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