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1.HBA Overview1
Kit Contents1
HBA Features and Specifications1
Operating System Requirements3
System Interoperability3
Host Platform Support4
Storage System Support4
Fibre Channel Switch Support4
Software Support5
2.Hardware Installation and Removal7
Observing ESD and Handling Precautions7
Installing the Hardware8
▼To Verify the PPS Shelf Manager Firmware Version8
▼To Install the HBA8
▼To Connect the Optical Cable10
▼To Verify the Installation (Solaris OS)13
▼To Verify Attached Storage (Solaris OS)14
Removing the Hardware15
▼To Prepare the HBA for Hot-Plug Removal Using the Module Handle15
▼To Prepare the HBA for Hot-Plug Removal (Solaris OS)15
▼To Remove the HBA Hardware16
3.HBA Software Installation17
Installing Software for the Solaris OS17
▼To Install or Update the Driver From a Patch17
Solaris Diagnostic Support18
Installing Software for the Wind River Linux OS18
▼To Obtain the Wind River Development Kit18
Installing Software for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS19
▼To Install the HBA Software for the Linux OS19
4.Known Issues21
Potential AMC I/O Card Corruption21
A.Declaration of Conformity, Safety, and Regulatory Statements23
Declaration of Conformity25
Safety Agency Compliance Statements27
Regulatory Compliance Statements41
ivSun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
This installation guide describes how to install and remove Oracle’s Sun StorageTek
ATCA 4Gb FC dual port host bus adapter (HBA). It also explains how to verify the
driver version and install any necessary patches.
This document is written for technicians, system administrators, application service
providers (ASPs), and users who have advanced experience troubleshooting and
replacing hardware.
This preface contains the following topics:
■ “Accessing Oracle Documentation” on page v
■ “Accessing Related Documentation” on page vi
■ “Documentation, Support, and Training” on page vi
■ “Documentation Comments” on page vi
Accessing Oracle Documentation
To view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Oracle documentation, including
localized versions, go to:
The document listed in this section is available at:
TitlePart Number
Solaris Fibre Channel and Storage Multipathing Administration Guide819-0139
Documentation, Support, and Training
Sun FunctionURL
Note – Prior to contacting Oracle support, record the HBA serial number in a safe
Documentation Comments
We are interested in improving the product documentation and welcome your
comments and suggestions. You can submit comments by clicking the Feedback{+}
link at:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide, part number 820-221713
viSun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
HBA Overview
This chapter provides a basic overview of Oracle’s Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC
Dual Port host bus adapter (HBA), which uses Emulex technology. This chapter also
describes the various operating systems, host platforms, storage, and infrastructure
configurations that support the HBA.
The Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA (SG-XPCIE2FC-ATCA-Z, SGPCIE2FC-ATCA-Z, SG-XPCIE2FC-ATCA-N, SG-PCIE2FC-ATCA-N) is a singlewidth, midsize, Advanced Mezzanine Card with a 4-lane PCI Express bus. The
board supports two independent FC buses operating at 4.25 Gbits/sec. It is also
backward compatible with 2.125-Gbit/sec and 1.0625-Gbit/sec devices. See
for a list of the HBA features.
TABLE 1-1HBA Features and Specifications
AMC connectorB+
PCI signaling environmentPCI Express x4 (4 active lanes)
PCI transfer rate (maximum)PCI Express Generation One (2.5 Gbits/sec) x4
Number of FC busesTwo
Number of devices supported126 devices per FC loop; 510 devices in Fabric mode
FC bus type (external)Fiber-optic media, short-wave, multi-mode fiber
(400-M5- SN-S)
FC transfer rate400 MBps per port maximum, half-duplex
800 MBps per port maximum, full-duplex
RAM1.5 MB, parity protected, per port
BIOS ROMOne 4-MB flash ROM, field-programmable
NVRAMOne 2-KB EEPROM, field-programmable
External connectorsTwo Small-Form Factor (SFF) multimode optic with LC-
style connectors
Maximum FC cable length1 Gbps: 500 meters using 50/125 µm core fiber
300 meters using 62.5/125 µm core fiber
2 Gbps: 300 meters using 50/125 µm core fiber
150 meters using 62.5/125 µm core fiber
4 Gbps: 150 meters using 50/125 µm core fiber
70 meters using 62.5/125 µm core fiber
LED indicatorsTwo LEDs per channel (yellow and green) on the front
panel as status indicators. Three AMC LEDs: one blue
LED for hot-swap, one red LED for out-of-service, and
one green LED for in-service.
Form FactorAdvancedMC, single wide
2Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
Operating System Requirements
The HBA requires the operating system (OS) levels, at minimum, listed in TABLE 1-2.
TABLE 1-2Supported Operating System Versions
Operating SystemSupported Versions (minimum)
Solaris 10 OS for
the x64 and x86
Solaris 10 OS for
Linux OSWind River PNE 2.0 Carrier Grade Linux
* Patches are available at
† Packages are available at the Sun Download Center (SDLC) at
Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4), 11/06 (s10u3), 6/06 (s10u2), and 1/06 (s10u1)
and latest patches
Solaris 10 First Customer Shipment (FCS), packages†SUNWemlxs and
SUNWemlxu and latest patches 119255, 119131, and 120223
Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4), 11/06 (s10u3), 6/06 (s10u2), and 1/06 (s10u1)
and latest patches 119130 and 120222
Solaris 10 FCS, packages SUNWemlxs and SUNWemlxu and latest patches
119254, 119130, and 120222
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.2
119131 and 120223
System Interoperability
This section provides information about selected platforms, storage systems, and
switches that are compatible with the heterogeneous FC network design of the HBA.
This section contains the following topics:
■ “Host Platform Support” on page 4
■ “Storage System Support” on page 4
■ “Fibre Channel Switch Support” on page 4
■ “Software Support” on page 5
Chapter 1 HBA Overview3
Host Platform Support
The HBA is supported by the platforms and operating systems (OSs) listed in
TABLE 1-3.
TABLE 1-3Platform and Operating System Support
PlatformSupported OS
Netra™ ACTA 3060 and 3220
Solaris, Linux
* See TABLE 1-2 for specific OS versions.
The system must have an available AdvancedMC slot in which you can install the
Storage System Support
The HBA supports the following storage systems:
■ Sun StorageTek 2540 FC array
■ Sun StorEdge 3510 and 3511 FC arrays (RAID configurations only)
■ Sun StorageTek 6140 array
Fibre Channel Switch Support
The HBA is supported with the following FC switches:
■ 2 Gb QLogic SANbox 5200 switch
■ 4 Gb QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602 Stackable FC switches
4Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
■ 10 Gb Brocade M6140 Director
■ 10 Gb Brocade Mi10K Director
■ 2 Gb McDATA Sphereon 4300 switch
■ 2 Gb McDATA Sphereon 4500 switch
■ 2 Gb McDATA Intrepid 6064 Director
■ 4 Gb McDATA Sphereon 4400 and 4700 switches
■ Cisco MDS 9120 Fabric switch
■ Cisco MDS 9124 24-Port Multilayer Fabric switch
■ Cisco MDS 9140 Fabric switch
■ Cisco MDS 9216A Multilayer Fabric switch
■ Cisco MDS 9216i Multilayer Fabric switch
■ Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Director
■ Cisco MDS 9513 Multilayer Director
Software Support
The HBA is supported by the software applications listed in TABLE 1-4.
TABLE 1-4Software Support
Software (Minimum Versions)Supported OS
SunCluster 3.xSolaris
VERITAS Software Foundation 5.0Solaris
Sun StorEdge Enterprise Backup Software
Note - Supported on the client only.
VERITAS Cluster Server 3.5/4.0Solaris
VERITAS NetBackup 6.0Solaris
Note - Supported on the client only.
Chapter 1 HBA Overview5
6Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
Hardware Installation and Removal
This chapter describes the tasks required to install and remove the HBA. Refer to
your system installation or service manual for detailed instructions.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ “Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on page 7
■ “Installing the Hardware” on page 8
■ “To Verify the Installation (Solaris OS)” on page 13
■ “Removing the Hardware” on page 15
Observing ESD and Handling
Caution – Damage to the HBA can occur as the result of careless handling or
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always handle the HBA with care to avoid damage to
electrostatic sensitive components.
To minimize the possibility of ESD-related damage, use both a workstation antistatic
mat and an ESD wrist strap. You can get an ESD wrist strap from any reputable
electronics store, or from Oracle as part number #250-1007. Observe the following
precautions to avoid ESD-related problems:
■ Leave the HBA in its antistatic bag until you are ready to install it in the system.
■ Always use a properly fitted and grounded wrist strap or other suitable ESD
protection when handling the HBA and observe proper ESD grounding
■ Hold the HBA by the edge of the PCB, not the connectors.
■ Place the HBA on a properly grounded antistatic work surface pad when it is out
of its protective antistatic bag.
Installing the Hardware
The hardware installation process involves the following general steps:
■ “To Verify the PPS Shelf Manager Firmware Version” on page 8
■ “To Install the HBA” on page 8
■ “To Connect the Optical Cable” on page 10
The following sections describe these steps in more detail.
▼ To Verify the PPS Shelf Manager Firmware
If you are using Oracle’s Sun Netra CT900 ATCA Blade Server or are using any
Pigeon Point Systems (PPS) Shelf Manager, you must verify the PPS Shelf Manager
firmware version prior to installing the HBA. The latest available version of the PPS
Shelf Manager firmware is required to support the HBA.
1. Access the Pigeon Point Shelf Manager User’s Guide at:
2. Follow the instructions in the Pigeon Point Shelf Manager User’s Guide about how
to verify the PPS Shelf Manager firmware that is currently installed.
3. Verify and, if necessary, install the latest available version of the PPS Shelf
Manager firmware, as described in “Potential AMC I/O Card Corruption” on
page 21.
▼ To Install the HBA
1. Attach an antistatic strap.
Refer to “Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on page 7.
2. Remove the AMC slot filler panel from the front panel of the Netra board
FIGURE 2-1).
8Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Installation Guide • April 2010
FIGURE 2-1 Removing the AMC Slot Filler Panel
Note – A module handle is at the bottom of the HBA. When you install the HBA,
the position of the module handle (pulled out or pushed in) does not matter.
Insert the HBA through the cutout and into the AMC slot (FIGURE 2-2).
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal9
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