Oracle Audio Technologies Contact Center Anywhere User Manual

Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide
Version 8.1 March 2007
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Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release
Chapter 2: CCA Overview and Requirements
CCA Architecture Overview 5
Tier Zero 6 Tier One 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tier Two 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tier Three 8
Software Requirements 8
CCA Installation Overview 10
Installing Required Software 10 Configuring Database for CCA 10 Installing CCA Server Components 10 Configuring Web Server 10 Getting Started With CCA 10
Chapter 3: Configuring the Database
Database Configuration Options 11
Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA 11
Creating a New Oracle 9i Database 11 Upgrading an Older Oracle 9i Database for CCA 13
Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database 14
Creating a New Database on MS SQL Server 2000 14 Upgrading Database on MS SQL Server 2000 16
Chapter 4: Installing CCA Server Components
Creating Database Connection to the Application Server 19
Creating an ODBC Data Source for Oracle 9i Database 20 Creating a TNS Name for Oracle 9i Database on Solaris 9/Red Hat AS4 20 Creating an ODBC Data Source for Ms SQL Server DB 21
Installing CCA Application Files 22
Installing the TCPIPBus 23
Configuring CCA Resources 25
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 1
Using the Network Manager to Manage CCA Resources 25 Adding Shared and Dedicated Server Resources 26 Configuring Resources Using Network Manager 28 Starting and stopping TCPIPBus 34 Starting and Stopping CCA Resources 34
Chapter 5: Configuring the Web Server
Deploying CCA Web Applications on Oracle 10g Application Server (OAS 10g) 35
Creating JDBC Connection Pool on OAS 10g 36 Creating JDBC Data Source on OAS 10g 37 Deploying CCA Web Applications on OAS 10g 37
Deploying CCA Web Applications on WebLogic 8.1 SP5 40
Creating a New Server Domain 41 Installing WebLogic as a Windows Service 42 Deploying CCA web applications on WebLogic 42
Chapter 6: Getting Started With CCA
Logging in Administration Manager (AM) 47
Logging into the Integrated Client 47
Enabling the Partition Feature 48
Making interactions 48
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1

1 What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide, Version
Ta b le 1- 1 lists changes of the documentation described in this version to support release 8.1 of the
Table 1-1. New Product Features in Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide, Version 8.1
Topic Description
Deploying CCA Web Applications on Oracle 10g Application Server (OAS 10g) on page 35
Creating a TNS Name for Oracle 9i Database on Solaris 9/Red Hat AS4 on page 20
CCA web applications now can be deployed on Oracle 10g Application Server.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS4 is now supported by CCA.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 3
What’s New in This Release
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
2 CCA Overview and
This chapter describes the architecture overview of the CCA application and the software requirements to run a CCA system. It also describes a brief overview of the CCA installation procedures described in later chapters. This chapter includes the following topics:
CCA Architecture Overview
Tier Zero
Tier One
Tier Two
Tier Three
Software Requirements
CCA Installation Overview
Installing Required Software
Configuring Database for CCA
Installing CCA Server Components
Configuring Web Server
Getting Started With CCA

CCA Architecture Overview

Contact Center Anywhere (CCA) is a multi-channel e-contact center solution. It is built on a carrier­grade architecture designed to address the concerns of unique provisioning, scalability, reliability, and economies of scale of Telcos and other service providers, who want to deploy hosted contact center technology in their networks.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 5
CCA Overview and Requirements
Architecturally, CCA is split into four tiers, as shown in Figure 1.
CCA Architecture Overview
Figure 1. CA Architecture Overview

Tier Zero

Tier Zero is also re f e r r e d to as the Internet Zone or the User Zone. This is where agents, supervisors, and administrators reside along with their respective interfaces. There are several communication threads that connect CCA to these users. For example, there is a session established between their PCs, using their Web-based interface, and the Web servers in the Tier One and Tier Two Zones. This session is supported over HTTP typically using port 80 (or user defined), or its more secure cousin, HTTPS, typically using port 443 on the firewall. Likewise, chat communications flow over HTTP and emails travel based on the native protocol of the corporate email server. In addition, call control messages and screen refreshes all use HTTP or HTTPS. Using these standard protocols and ports helps avoid unnecessary customizations of firewall rules, making CCA easy to implement, install, and maintain.
Agents and supervisors are also connected to the platform by the telephony network (either PSTN or Voice Over IP). When customers’ calls flow through the Telephony Servers in Tier Three from the network, a second call from one of Telephony Servers is placed to the appropriate agent and then they are patched together. Tier Zero of the architecture is where the CCA client applications reside and where connectivity to the outside world happens. Agents and the supervisors may be located wherever a broadband Internet connection or private network connection is available. This means Tier Zero extends into the home for remote agents.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
CCA Overview and Requirements CCA Architecture Overview

Tier One

In reality, this is an optional tier that can be collapsed together into the Tier Two/DMZ zone. It shows how CCA fits into an overall multi-tiered communications infrastructure used by many companies. For example, many companies with distributed users and multiple sites, use a set of HTTP servers as the user interface to their DMZ zone, where various Web-based session servers reside. There are two reasons for doing this; namely load balancing and HTTP caching.
The interface handling and caching is typically managed by Reverse Proxy Servers and Basic HTTP Servers. HTTP servers can cache static information (such as images) and provide segmentation for additional tiers of security. This layer of HTTP servers is not part of the traditional CCA implementation, but usually exists in larger corporate environments.
Load balancers are an essential part of any architecture using multiple HTTP/J2EE servers. There are three functions load balancers perform:
Balancing the HTTP stream traffic amongst multiple HTTP.J2EE servers,
Off-loading of HTTPS-to-HTTP de-encryption (SSL encryption), and
Failover functions of re-directing HTTPS sessions from one HTTP/J2EE server to another.
CCA works with the Cisco CSS11500 content switch, which offers these three load balancing functions. Other gear may work as long as a persistent or sticky session from the Load Balancer can be maintained for each HTTP/J2EE server, but these are not certified.

Tier Two

This is where CCA's J2EE-based session servers live. A traditional firewall implementation in most corporate networks includes a DMZ zone to provide maximum security. DMZ access is based on rules set up by a security administrator, who dictates what communications are allowed through the DMZ zone to the internal Network Zone. CCA is engineered to work properly within this structure.
Client applications access the J2EE Web Session Server(s) supporting CCA using the standard port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS. The J2EE Web Session Servers then request data and services from the application servers (in Tier Three/Network Zone) using port 9001 on the Company LAN. This traffic can be limited, using a firewall, to only accept traffic on that port from the specific Web server. No traffic is ever given the ability to directly reach the corporate data or application servers directly.
One of the most critical components of the CCA application is the J2EE Web Session Server. Located in the Tier Two/DMZ Zone, the J2EE Web Session Server handles all requests from all users and customers located in the Tier Zero/Internet & User Zone. These J2EE Web Session Servers handle dynamic information and act as the main entry to the system.
J2EE Web Session Servers are hosted in a standard computer. These standard computers run four types of software:
Off-the-shelf Web Server software, such as Oracle Web Session Server or BEA Systems WebLogic
CCA Application JSP pages
Servlets and other connectivity software, such as FTP and JDBC software
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 7
CCA Overview and Requirements
A Web services library and interpretive layer. The Web Services interpretive layer acts as a
standard interface to the CCA native Web container.
In larger environments, such as overlay networks or service provider deployments, it is best to have separate physical servers set up as Report Servers. These serve all customers reports and extract data from secondary databases.
The Tier Two/DMZ zone is also a typical zone to house corporate mail servers. These corporate mail servers are not part of the CCA architecture per se, but they interface to CCA to facilitate unified messaging and identifying ACD Email projects.
In some cases, additional physical servers may be placed in the Tier Three/Network Zone to act as Email proxy servers. Do this when corporate Email servers use IMAP/4 protocols are in the Tier Two/ DMZ zone. The Email Proxies in the Tier Three/Network Zone perform protocol conversion duties (POP3/SMTP-to-IMAP/4).
Software Requirements

Tier Three

The Tier Three, which is also called the Network Zone, is where the Application Servers, File Servers, Database Servers, and Telephony Servers reside. The CCA application servers can be classified into separate functional areas or Resources. Each CCA resource is responsible for delivering specific functionality. CCA uses two types of resources in Tier Three; Shared Resources and Dedicated Resources.
Shared Resources are common system resources that are used systemwide. An example of a
shared resource is the Call Center Server. It is responsible for managing voice and switching functions between the Telephony Servers and the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Even though it defaults as a shared resource, it is possible to configure a Call Center Server to be used for only one company and to have still other Call Center Servers configured in the same system as shared.
Dedicated Resources are company-specific resources. These dedicated resources use private
data that can only be accessed by one company. This is part of CCA's partitioning and data security schema. For example, the ACD Server holds all of the routing rules for Company A. Therefore, it would not be used for Company B. So, Company B has its own, dedicated ACD Server running on its behalf. In an overlay network or service provider arrangement, it is typical to have multiple instantiations of the same type of dedicated resource running on the same physical server. For example, you may have 18 ACD Servers (each for its own dedicated use for a specific company) running on a single physical application server.
In the case of one company with many lines of business or departments, the system can be configured to allow each department or line of business to be set up as individual companies.

Software Requirements

Before installing CCA, verify that softwares in Ta b l e are installed on your system.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
CCA Overview and Requirements Software Requirements
Table 2. Software Requirements
Item Requirement
Operating system One of the following operating system versions:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server(32-bit)
Sun Solaris 9 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Sun Solaris 10 (5.10)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS4 for x86
Database server One of the following database servers:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3
Oracle 9i Database Server
Oracle 10g Database Server
Web server One of the following Web servers:
Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3.
BEA WebLogic 8.1 Service Pack 5.
Client Web browser One of the following Web browser:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.
Others The following softwares must be installed:
Sun Java JDK 1.4.2_13 installed on Web server.
Sun Java JRE 1.5.0 Update 10 installed on client PC, where Web
browser is launches CCA.
FTP server: The FTP server hosts all voicemails, quality recordings,
agent and supervisor recordings, faxes, and so on. Typically, this server is a separate physical file server with plenty of disk space.
Optional tools A media player on client PC to listen to voice mails, recordings, and son
A sound recorder to record prompts.
Adobe Acrobat to view advanced reports.
SNMP client to receive traps generated by CCA SNMP agent.
Converter for wav-to-mp3 installed on the same host with FTP server
to run MP3 server.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 9
CCA Overview and Requirements
CCA Installation Overview

CCA Installation Overview

The CCA installation process consists of following phases:

Installing Required Software

Before installing CCA, make sure that all required software listed in “Software Requirements” on
page 8 section are installed. Ta b le 3 provides reference links to some softwares required by CCA.
Table 3. Some Required Software Reference Links
Software Reference Link
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Oracle 9i Database
Oracle 10g Database
WebLogic 8.1
Oracle 10g Application Server

Configuring Database for CCA

Chapter 3 describes how to create database or upgrade an existing database for CCA.

Installing CCA Server Components

Chapter 4 describes how to install and configure all server resources (reside at Tier Three) needed
by CCA.

Configuring Web Server

Chapter 5 describes how to deploy CCA Web applications on WebLogic 8.1 SP5 and Oracle Application
Server 10g Release 3.

Getting Started With CCA

Chapter 6 describes how to launch and verify a successful installation.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1

3 Configuring the Database

This chapter describes how to create a new database or upgrade an existing database previously used by Contact Center Anywhere. It includes the following topics:
Database Configuration Options
Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA
Creating a New Oracle 9i Database
Upgrading an Older Oracle 9i Database for CCA
Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database
Creating a New Database on MS SQL Server 2000
Upgrading Database on MS SQL Server 2000

Database Configuration Options

When installing CCA 8.1, choose whether to create a new database or upgrade an existing database used by previous CCA versions. When installing a new CCA system, create a new database. Choose upgrade, if a previous version of CCA is running and you want to upgrade it to version 8.1.
CCA provides three different character sets for your system and you can choose one of them when creating a new database: Latin, Japanese, and Chinese. This guide uses Latin.
This installation guide uses two database servers; Oracle Database Server 9i and Micosoft SQL Server 2000.
NOTE: Before configuring database for CCA, make sure Sun Java JDK 1.4.2_13 is installed on the host used to run the database scripts.

Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA

In the CCA installation package, find the Database directory. There are two sub directories; Oracle and Sql Server. The Oracle directory contains scripts to configure a database on an Oracle database server. The the SQL Server directory is for Microsoft SQL Server. Each one has two sub directories;
Automated and Patch. Automated is for creating a new database. Patch is for upgrading a database.

Creating a New Oracle 9i Database

Complete these steps to create a new Oracle 9i database for use with CCA:
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 11
Configuring the Database
Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA
To create a new Oracle 9i database
Copy the database\Oracle\Automated directory from the CCA installation package to the host you
use to run database creation scripts.
2 Edit the UseMe.sql file to reflect the correct information necessary to create the database by
using the following guidelines:
NOTE: Keep the quotation marks (‘’) surrounding the parameters’ value.
Replace &1 with the password of the sys user.
Replace &2 with the name of the connection to the database server saved in tnsnames.ora
file. The tnsnames.ora file typically resides at ORACLE_HOME\network\admin.
Replace &3 with the name of the table space that will contain all database tables.
Replace &4 with the path to the location where table space will be created. For example,
Replace &5 with the size of the table space. The default size is 500MB. This value is not a
limitation, and the database can grow over that limit.
Replace &6 with the name of the temporary table space that contains temporary data, which
occurs, for example, when a complex SELECT statement is executed.
Replace &7 with the path to the location where the temporary table space will be created.
For example, C:\oracle\oradata\oracle\twcc81tmp.ora
Replace &8 with the size of the temporary table space. The default size is 50MB.
Replace &9 with the growth size of the temporary table space. The default size is 10MB.
Replace &10 with the name of the database role will be created.
Replace &11 with the username of the user that has administration privileges on the new
database. For example, admincc81 can be used.
Replace &12 with the password of user declared in parameter &11.
Replace &13 with the username of user who has access to the CCA database. For example,
Replace &14 with the password of user declared in parameter &13.
Replace &15 with the database service name (SID).
Replace &16 with the host name or IP address of the database server.
Replace &17 with the port that Oracle 9i database server uses to listen for new connection.
By default, port 1521 is used by Oracle 9i database server. If your Oracle 9i database server is using a different port, this value must be modified.
After editing the script file, it returns to the following:
-- &1 - sys password sys_password
-- &2 - Database TNS Name my_db_connection
-- &3 - TWTableSpace CCA db Table Space
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
Configuring the Database Configuring an Oracle 9i Database for CCA
-- &4 - PathTableSpace Path for the TAW Table Space
-- &5 - TableSpaceSize 500M Initial size of the Table Space
-- &6 - TWTableSpaceTemp TAW Temporary Table Space
-- &7 - PathTableSpaceTemp Path for the TAW Temporary Table Space
-- &8 - TableSpaceTempSize 50M Initial size of the Temporary Table Space
-- &9 - TableSpaceTempGrowthSize 10M Temporary Table Space Growtrh Size
-- &10 - TWRole TWRole
-- &11 - ADMINCC81 (Admin Username) ADMINCC81
-- &12 - ADMINCC81 (Admin Password) ADMINCC81
-- &13 - CC81 (User Username) CC81
-- &14 - CC81 (User Password) CC81
-- &15 - Database Service Name Use by the JDBC Connection
-- &16 - Database Hostname db Hostname --> Use by the JDBC Connection
-- &17 - Database Port Number db port number --> Use by the JDBC Connection
@CreateDatabase.sql 'syspassword' 'oracle' 'TWTableSpacecc81' 'c:\oracle\oradata\oracle\twcc81.ora' '500M' 'TWTableSpacecc81Tmp' 'c:\oracle\oradata\oracle\twcc81tmp.ora' '50M' '10M' 'TWRolecc81' 'ADMINCC81' 'admincc81' 'cc81' 'cc81' 'oracle' 'support-db' 1521
3 Open the command line window. Navigate to directory that contains the UseMe.sql file by cd
4 Open the Sql Plus console by typing: sqlplus /nolog
5 From the Sql Plus command prompt, type: @UseMe.sql to run the script file.
6 After the script file completes running, check all log files created to verify that no error is
reported during database creation process.

Upgrading an Older Oracle 9i Database for CCA

Complete these steps to upgrade an older Oracle 9i database for CCA:
To upgrade an Oracle 9i database for CCA
Copy the Patch folder for Oracle 9i Database Server from the installation package to the host used to run database scripts. For example, we put it in C:\CCA\database\Oracle\Patch.
2 Edit the UseMe_upgrade.sql file in Patch folder to reflect the correct information that is
necessary to upgrade the database by using the following guidelines:
NOTE: Retain the quotation marks (‘’) surrounding the parameters’ values.
Replace &1 with the username of the administrator who owns all the objects (tables, views,
indexes, and so on) in the database to be upgraded.
Replace &2 with the password of the administrator used in previous parameter.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 13
Configuring the Database
Replace &3 with the name of the database user that the current CCA system uses to access
the database.
Replace &4 with the password of the user used in parameter &3.
Replace &5 with the database TNS name of the database server.
Replace &6 with the host name of the database server.
Replace &7 with the database service name (SID).
Replace &8 with the listening port of the database server. By default, Oracle 9i database
server listens on port 1521.
After the script file is edited, it will return to the following:
-- &1 - Admin User Username
-- &2 - Admin User Password
-- &3 - CCA db User Username
-- &4 - CCA db User Password
-- &5 - database TNS Name
-- &6 - database hostname
-- &7 - Database Service Name
-- &8 - Database Port Number
Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database
@upgrade.sql 'admincc81' 'admincc81' 'cc81' 'cc81' 'oracle' 'support-db' 'cc81' 1521
3 Open a command line window. Use the cd command to navigate to the Patch folder.
4 At the command line, type sqlplus /nolog to open Sql Plus console.
5 At the Sql Plus console, type: @UseMe_upgrade.sql
6 After the script file completes running, check all log files created to verify that no error is
reported during database upgrading process.

Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database

Creating a New Database on MS SQL Server 2000

Complete these steps to create a new Ms SQL Server database for use with CCA:
To create a MS SQL database
Copy the Automated directory for SQL Server from the installation package to the host used to
run database scripts. For example, we put it in C:\CCA\database\Sql Server\Automated.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1
Configuring the Database Configuring a MS SQL Server 2000 Database
2 The database creation procedure can be completed by running the
useMe70LatinLanguage.bat file. Before running, edit the batch file to reflect the correct
information that is necessary to create the database by using the following guidelines:
NOTE: If you are installing the Chinese and Japanese languages, use the corresponding batch file.
Replace %1 with the host name of the database server.
Replace %2 with the sa username. Typically, default value sa is used.
Replace %3 with the password for the sa user.
Replace %4 with the path to the location where the database files will be created.
Replace %5 with the database name for CCA. The default value cc81 is typically used.
Replace %6 with the name of the user who will be created and has access to the database.
This user is used by CCA system to access the database. The default value cc81 is typically used.
Replace %7 with the password that you want to provide to the user defined in the previous
Replace %8 with the port used by the Microsoft SQL Server to listen for new connections. By
default, Ms SQL Server listens on port 1433.
The -remoteDatabase flag should remain as False.
Replace %10 with the language you want to use. If you do not specify a value for this
parameter, Latin language will be used.
Contact Center Anywhere Installation Guide Version 8.1 15
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