Contributing Authors: Yishai Hadas, Dror Harari, Adeeb Massad, Meera Srinivasan, Bo Stern, Shashi
Suravarapu, Costi Zaboura, Sheela Vasudevan, Marian Jones
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii
Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility.................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... viii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii
1 Introduction
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Overview .......................................................................................... 1-1
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture...................................................................................... 1-2
Integration Flow from Oracle Application Server to a Legacy Application ............................. 1-2
2 Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J.................................................................... 2-1
Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter....................................................................................... 2-2
Using the CCI API to Develop Applications ...................................................................................... 2-3
Installing the Kit ................................................................................................................................. 6-5
Viewing the XML Schema.............................................................................................................. 6-26
Creating XML Schemas .................................................................................................................. 6-27
A Advanced Tuning of the Metadata
Metadata for the Back-end Adapter..................................................................................................... A-1
General Tab ........................................................................................................................................ A-1
Data Type Mapping ................................................................................................................................ B-1
C Advanced Tuning of the Daemon
Daemon Control ...................................................................................................................................... C-1
WS Server ........................................................................................................................................... C-9
Defining the Language and Codepage................................................................................................ D-1
This guide is the primary source of user and reference information on OracleAS
Adapters for IMS/TM, which enables client applications to access transactions
running under IMS/TM through the Sun J2EE Connector Architecture (J2CA) API.
This document describes the features of OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM that apply to
the UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
This preface covers the following topics:
■Documentation Accessibility
■Related Documents
This manual is intended for Oracle integration administrators who perform the
following tasks:
■Installing and configuring OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM
■Diagnosing errors
■Using OracleAS to access IMS/TM transactions
Note: You should understand the fundamentals of OracleAS,
OC4J, the UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating system before
using this guide to install or administer OracleAS Adapters for
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
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Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
support, call 800.446.2398.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Other Product One
Release 7.0 documentation set or in the Oracle Other Product Two Release 6.1
documentation set:
■Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide
■Oracle Application Server Adapter Installation Guide
■Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide
■Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE User’s Guide
■Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Services Guide
■Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide
The following text conventions are used in this document:
boldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM (OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM)
enables you to connect Oracle Application Server to an Information Management
System-Transaction Management (IMS/TM) system. This section provides an
overview of the features and architecture of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.
This section contains the following topics:
■OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Overview
■OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Overview
IMS/TM is a high-performance transaction management system that is part of the IBM
IMS product family.
The application components in IMS/TM are executable programs called transactions.
These programs are typically written in COBOL but may possibly be written in other
languages, such as PL/I, C and even Java. There are several types of IMS/TM
programs including MPPs (Message Processing Programs) and BMP (Batch Message
Processing Programs).
IMS/TM transaction are invoked using an API called OTMA (Open Transaction
Manager Access) as well as through 3270 terminals. IMS/TM transactions are built
around an input message-output message concept with a special layer (MFS)
translating the message to the screen and back, for a user interface.
In addition to OTMA, there is also an IMS/TM transaction gateway that enables
TCP/IP access to IMS/TM transactions.
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM includes the following features:
■Captures and maintains a metadata schema for IMS/TM by importing COBOL
copybooks and transforming them into mapping definitions for Oracle Connect on
the OS/390 or z/OS Series platform and by associating the data structures with
specific physical files.
■Utilizes an enterprise application integration (EAI) model. Users of a requesting
application can model the interactions that they want implemented, specifying
what each interaction does, when it occurs, and the inputs and outputs expected
for each interaction.
■Provides access to MPP based IMS/TM transactions. Each OracleAS Adapter for
IMS/TM outbound interaction is mapped to a specific IMS/TM transaction.
■Maps data structures for facilitating access to IMS/TM transactions from within
Introduction 1-1
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture
OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM Architecture
OracleAS adapter includes the following components:
■J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter: The J2CA IMS/TM adapter is a standard resource
adapter that is compliant with J2EE Connector Architecture, providing J2EE
components connectivity.
■Oracle Connect: Oracale Connect runs on the legacy system and handles requests
from the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter, that runs within Oracle Application Server
Containers for J2EE (OC4J).
■Oracle Studio: Oracle Studio is the configuration tool for Oracle Connect.
Configuration tasks using Oracle Studio are performed on a Windows platform.
Oracle Studio uses perspectives that enables you to generate specific information
necessary to model OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.
The following figure illustrates the components of OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM:
Figure 1–1 Adapter Architecture
Note: For a comprehensive description of the integration adapter
architecture, see the following Oracle documentation:
Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide
Integration Flow from Oracle Application Server to a Legacy Application
The J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter converts the J2CA interaction invocation received from
an application client to the XML format and passes the XML format to Oracle Connect
on the legacy server. The daemon listens for the request coming from the J2CA 1.5
IMS/TM adapter client and assigns a server process to handle the request. The
properties of the server process, such as connection pooling requirements, are defined
by a workspace definition within the daemon. The server process includes an instance
of the application engine, which converts the XML format into native structures
understandable by IMS/TM and passes the converted XML to the back-end adapter.
The back-end adapter builds an interaction based on the metadata for the back-end
adapter stored in the repository and the incoming converted XML, and passes it to the
legacy application to be executed. The results of the execution are passed back to the
application engine, using the back-end adapter, where these results are converted to
XML and passed back to the client.
1-2 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM
To deploy and integrate OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with Oracle Application
Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J), you need to configure the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM
This section includes the following topics:
■Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J
■Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter
■Using the CCI API to Develop Applications
■Configuring Multiple Adapters
■Updating Configuration Information
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J
Oracle Application Server provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
environment that executes on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the standard Java
Development Kit (JDK). OC4J is J2EE certified and provides all the J2EE specific
containers, APIs, and services. OC4J supports the J2CA 1.5 standard.
with OC4J
J2CA defines standard Java interfaces for simplifying the integration of applications
with the EIS. OracleAS adapters are deployed as a Resource Adapter (RA) within the
OC4J container.
The contract between the OC4J client application and the resource adapter is defined
by the common client interface (CCI). The contract between the OC4J container and
the resource adapter is defined by the service provider interface (SPI). The SPI API
addresses the connection management, transaction management and the security
Connection management enables application components to connect to an EIS and
leverage any connection pooling provided by the application server.
Transaction management enables an application server to use a transaction manager to
manage transactions across multiple resource managers. Security management
provides authentication, authorization, and secure communication between the J2EE
server and the EIS.
Lifecycle management contracts enable an application server to initialize a resource
adapter instance during the deployment of the adapter or application server startup.
In addition, it enables the application server to notify the resource adapter instance
during server shutdown or undeployment of the adapter.
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J 2-1
Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter
The lifecycle contract provides the mechanism for the application server to manage the
lifecycle of the resource adapter instance.
Work management contracts enable the resource adapter to carry out its logic by using
threads dispatched by an application server, rather than creating threads on its own.
The handshake is done through a Work instance submission. This makes the
application server threads management more efficient, providing better control over
their execution contexts (like security and transaction).
See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide, Oracle
Application Server Containers for J2EE User’s Guide, Oracle Application Server
Containers for J2EE Services Guide, and Oracle Application Server Containers for
J2EE Security Guide.
Configuring the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM Adapter
To connect to the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter under Oracle Application Server, perform
the following steps:
1.Edit the oc4j-ra.xml file, which is located at the following path:
The following table lists the properties that must be specified, and optional
Table 2–1 OC4J Connection Properties
locationSpecifies the JNDI location where Oracle Application Server
eisNameSets the name of the adapter to use. The adapter is defined in the
2-2 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
should bind the connection factory instance for application
Oracle Connect server using Oracle Studio, as described in
"Setting Up an Oracle Connect Adapter" on page 6-19.
Using the CCI API to Develop Applications
Table 2–1 (Cont.) OC4J Connection Properties
serverNameSets the TCP/IP address or host name where the Oracle Connect
daemon is running. The daemon runs on the computer specified
at the beginning of
in Oracle Studio" on page 6-14.
See Also: Appendix C, "Advanced Tuning of the Daemon" for
details about the daemon.
"Setting Up the IBM OS/390 or z/OS Platform
workspaceSpecifies the name of an Oracle Connect server workspace to use.
portNumberSpecifies the TCP/IP port where the Oracle Connect daemon is
The default workspace is Navigator.
See Also: "Workspaces" on page C-7 for details about workspaces.
running on the server. The default port is 2552.
Specifies a user who can access the Oracle Connect server. The
user is defined in the Oracle Connect daemon configuration.
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5 and "WS Security" on
page C-16 for details about users allowed to access an Oracle
Connect server.
Specifies a valid password for the user..
Set to true or false. When set to true, connections can persist
across multiple requests or connection context changes. It is
recommended to set this property to true.
Set to true or false. When set to true, the socket used for the
connection is always kept open. It is recommended to set this
property to true.
Specifies the firewall protocol used: either none or fixedNat (the
Nat protocol using a fixed address for the daemon). The default
value is none.
Specifies the connection timeout in seconds. The default is 0,
meaning that there is no connection timeout.
fakeXaSet to true of false. When set to true, the XA APIs are
Specifies the name of encryption protocol to use. The default is
null. The RC4 protocol is supported.
Specifies the name of the symmetric encryption key to use.
Specifies the value of the symmetric encryption key to use.
internally converted to local transaction APIs.
Using the CCI API to Develop Applications
You can develop applications to run adapter interactions using the Common Client
Interface (CCI) API.
Perform the following steps to use the CCI API with the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter:
1.Select a ConnectionFactory for the J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter.
Integrating OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM with OC4J 2-3
Configuring Multiple Adapters
2.Create a Connection object using the selected ConnectionFactory. A
Connection is a handle to the underlying network connection to the EIS, which is identified in the oc4j-ra.xml file by the serverName property.
3.Create a Connection object using the selected ConnectionFactory. Specify
the interaction properties using an AttuInteractionSpec object. The
AttuInteractionSpec object has the following format:
AttuInteractionSpec(java.lang.String name, int verb, int timeOut)
The following table describes the properties that can be specified:
Table 2–2 Interaction Spec Properties
nameSpecifies the interaction name to be executed.
verbSpecifies the mode for the interaction: SYNC_SEND, SYNC_
timeOutSpecifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait for an EIS to
run the specified interaction.
The following is an InteractionSpec sample:
AttuInteractionSpec iSpeq = new AttuInteractionSpec("query",
javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec.SYNC_RECEIVE, 60
javax.resource.cci.RecordFactory rf = new AttuRecordFactory(con,
javax.resource.cci.MappedRecord queryRecord = rf.createMappedRecord("query"),
queryRecord.put("##text", "select * from disam:nation");
javax.resource.cci.Record oRec = interaction.execute(iSpec, queryRecord);
4.Invoke the execute method on the interaction to initiate a call to the EIS. Pass
any data for the interaction as input and output records.
5.Once the interactions have been processed, close the Interaction and
Connection objects.
Configuring Multiple Adapters
Each J2CA 1.5 IMS/TM adapter requires an entry in the oc4j-ra.xml file as
described in
on page 2-2.
See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter Concepts Guide
Updating Configuration Information
You can change the configuration settings for a resource adapter by editing the
relevant connector-factory entry in the oc4j-ra.xml file. For these changes to
take effect, you need to stop and restart Oracle Application Server.
2-4 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for
Troubleshooting Oracle AS Adapter for IMS/TM involves checking various definitions
and properties in Oracle Connect, including daemon status, workspace options, server
parameters, and various system logs.
This section contains the following topics:
■Troubleshooting the Daemon
■Resolving Communication Errors
■Resolving Specific Errors
Troubleshooting the Daemon
Troubleshooting the daemon and the communication between Oracle Application
Server and OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM is performed using Oracle Studio. It is used
to monitor the daemon and server activity and control what happens to the daemon
and server processes.
This section contains the following topics:
■Starting the Daemon
■Shutting Down the Daemon
■Monitoring the Daemon During Run Time
■Daemon Logs
Starting the Daemon
The daemon is started when OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM is installed. In case you
have shut down the daemon, as described in
page 3-2, you can restart the daemon as described in the following task.
See Also: Appendix C, "Advanced Tuning of the Daemon" for
details about the configuration settings.
"Shutting Down the Daemon" on
Note: The daemon is started on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS
platform. It cannot be started remotely using Oracle Studio.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-1
Troubleshooting the Daemon
Task: Starting the Daemon
Activate INSTROOT.USERLIB(ATTDAEMN) as a started task to invoke the daemon.
For example, in the SDSF screen enter the following:
WhereINSTROOT is the high-level qualifier where Oracle Connect is installed.
See Also: "Starting the Daemon" on page 6-10 for details about
Shutting Down the Daemon
To shut down the daemon, use Oracle Studio, as follows:
1.From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2.Select the required computer in the Configuration Explorer.
3.Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.
4.In the Runtime Explorer, right-click the computer, and select Shutdown Daemon.
Monitoring the Daemon During Run Time
Use the Runtime Manager perspective of Oracle Studio to monitor the daemon during
run time.
1.From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2.Right-click the required computer in the Configuration Explorer and select Open
Runtime Perspective.
You can manage the daemon by expanding the relevant node, daemon, workspace or
server process, and choosing the relevant option, as described in the following
Daemon (Computer) Options
Right-click the daemon to display the options available for it, including the ability to
display the daemon log.
The following table lists the avaiable options:
Table 3–1 Daemon Options
Edit Daemon
StatusChecks the status of the daemon. The information about
Opens the daemon editor, enabling you to reconfigure the
See Also: Appendix C, "Advanced Tuning of the Daemon"
for details about the configuration settings.
the daemon includes the daemon name, configuration
used, the active client sessions, and logging information.
Reload Configuration Reloads the configuration after any changes. Any servers
3-2 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
currently started are not affected by the changed
See Also: Appendix C, "Advanced Tuning of the Daemon"
for details about the configuration settings.
Troubleshooting the Daemon
Table 3–1 (Cont.) Daemon Options
View LogDisplays the daemon log. For details see "Daemon Logs"
on page 3-4.
View EventsDisplays the daemon events log.
Daemon Properties
Shutdown Daemon
Recycle serversCloses all unused servers and prepares all active servers to
Kill serversImmediately closes all active and unused servers.
Displays information about the computer where the
daemon is running, such as the physical address and any
username and password needed to access the computer.
Shuts down the daemon on the computer.
close when the client disconnects. New connection
requests are allocated with new servers.
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,
as it may lead to data loss.
Enables to change the name of the daemon displayed in
the Runtime Explorer.
Removes the daemon from the Runtime Explorer.
Refreshes the display.
Workspace Options
Right-click a workspace to display the options available for the workspace, including
the ability to display the workspace log.
The following table lists the available options:
Table 3–2 Workspace Options
Edit Workspace
StatusChecks the status of the workspace, whether it is available
View LogDisplays the log for all servers for the workspace. For
View EventsDisplays the workspace events log.
Recycle ServersCloses all unused servers and prepares all active servers to
Kill ServersImmediately closes all active and unused servers.
RemoveRemoves the selected workspace from the Runtime
DisableDisables the selected workspace.
RefreshRefreshes the display.
Opens the daemon editor to enable you to reconfigure the
See Also: Appendix C, "Advanced Tuning of the Daemon"
for details about the configuration settings.
or not.
details see
close when the client disconnects. New connection
requests are allocated with new servers.
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,
as it may lead to data loss.
"Daemon Logs" on page 3-4.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-3
Troubleshooting the Daemon
Server Options
Right-click a server to display the options available for the server, including the ability
to display the server log.
The following table lists the available options:
Table 3–3 Server Options
Checks the status of the server. The information about the
server includes the server mode and the number of active
client sessions for the server.
Daemon Logs
View Log
View EventsDisplays the the server events log.
Kill serverEnds the server process, regardless of its activity status.
Displays the server log. For details see "Daemon Logs" on
page 3-4.
Note: It is recommended to use this option with caution,
as it may lead to data loss.
Refreshes the display.
Oracle Connect produces a number of logs that you can use to troubleshoot problems.
The daemon manages the following logs:
■The daemon log
■The workspace log
■The server process log
The Runtime Manager perspective of Oracle Studio provides a monitor for these logs,
as shown in the following figure:
Display the required log by right-clicking the level you want (daemon, workspace or
server) and selecting View Log. Each log is displayed in a different tab. You can flick
between logs by clicking the required tab.
3-4 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Communication Errors
The Daemon Log Monitor
The daemon log displays activity between clients and the daemon, including clients
logging in and logging out from the daemon. You can change the level of logging by
clicking Properties. The following levels of logging are available:
■none: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon.
■error: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon and any
errors that have been generated.
■debug: The log displays who has logged in and out from the daemon, any errors
that have been generated, and any tracing that has been specified in the daemon
See Also: "Daemon Logging" on page C-3.
The Workspace Log Monitor
The workspace log displays information about the workspace being used by the client.
You can change the level of logging by clicking Properties. The following levels of
logging are available:
■none: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
■error: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
process and any errors that have been generated.
■debug: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
process, any errors that have been generated, and any tracing that has been
specified in the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Logging" on page C-13.
The Server Log Monitor
The server log displays activity between clients and the server process used by that
client to handle the client request. You can change the level of logging by clicking
Properties. The following levels of logging are available:
■none: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
■error: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
process and any errors that have been generated.
■debug: The log displays who has connected and disconnected from the server
process, any errors that have been generated, and any tracing that has been
specified in the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Logging" on page C-13.
Resolving Communication Errors
When Oracle Studio disconnects from the IBM OS/390 or z/OS computer, the
computer is displayed in Oracle Studio with an X in a red circle. If this situation
occurs, try to access the computer later.
The following table describes the various scenarios that may exist when OracleAS
disconnects from the IBM OS/390 or z/OS computer.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-5
Resolving Specific Errors
Table 3–4 Scenarios When a Client Is Disconnected
Explicit Disconnect
(client explicitly
closes connection
or client program
Abrupt Disconnect
(client closed
without proper
shutdown or client
system hanged
Idle (Not Processing a Client
The server is immediately notified of
the disconnect and either becomes
available for use by another client or
terminates (if it is not reusable).
The server does not know that the
client has disconnected and remains
in the idle state.
After timing out based on whichever
comes first of the value for the client
idle timeout daemon workspace
parameter or the TCP/IP KEEPALIVE
parameter, the server is notified of the
disconnect and either becomes
available for use by another client or
terminates (if it is not reusable).
Processing a Client Request
The server does not know that the client has
disconnected and continues processing. When
processing completes, the server tries to reply to
the client and immediately gets an error that the
connection was lost. The server either becomes
available for use by another client or terminates (if
it is not reusable).
The server does not know that the client has
disconnected and continues processing. When
processing completes, the server tries to reply to
the client. After an interval (typically several
minutes, depending on the TCP/IP configuration),
during which the TCP/IP subsystem retries
sending the message to the client, the server
assumes that the client has terminated and notifies
the server that the connection has been closed. The
server either becomes available for use by another
client or terminates (if it is not reusable).
To troubleshoot client/server communication problems, you need to be familiar with
the following:
■Daemon configuration settings.
■Oracle Connect security.
■TCP/IP subsystem. OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM uses TPC/IP for internal
intermachine communications.
■System details, such as the account name and password of the administrator
account, the IP address of the computers involved and whether a portmapper is
being used.
Resolving Specific Errors
The following error messages relate to errors received from Oracle Connect.
C007: Server initialization failed.
Cause: The daemon failed to start its network service.
Action: Check the processes being run on the system to see whether another
daemon or program is using the port specified in the oc4j-ra.xml file for the
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the current computer by trying to ping it
or run FTP or Telnet to or from it.
Action: Check whether the daemon has privileges to use the TCP/IP services on
the current computer with the port specified in the oc4j-ra.xml file for the
C008: Setting server event handler failed.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
3-6 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Specific Errors
C009: IRPCD process has been terminated by user request.
Cause: This message is informational only. The daemon successfully shut down.
Action: No action required.
C00A: Application %s not found.
Cause: The requested workspace does not exist.
Action: Check that the workspace defined in the oc4j-ra.xml file is also
defined in the daemon configuration on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.
C00B: Invalid IRPCD client context.
Cause: A non-Oracle Connect program is trying to connect to the daemon.
Action: Check the processes and kill the relevant process with a system
C00C: Daemon request requires a server login.
Cause: A non-Oracle Connect server or program was trying to use a daemon
service reserved for Oracle Connect servers.
Action: Check the processes and kill the relevant process with a system
C00D: Daemon request requires a client login.
Cause: The requested daemon requires a valid client login, which was not
Action: Reissue the command and specify a username and password.
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.
See Also: "Setting Up Run-time User Access to the IBM OS/390
or z/OS Platform" on page 6-18.
C00E: Daemon request requires an administrator login.
Cause: The requested daemon service requires an administrative login.
Action: Edit the daemon security in Oracle Studio to specify a valid administrator
username and password.
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5.
C00F: Anonymous client logins are not allowed.
Cause: The daemon is configured to require a valid username and password,
which were not supplied.
Action: Enable anonymous client access in daemon security in Oracle Studio.
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5.
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.
See Also: "Setting Up Run-time User Access to the IBM OS/390
or z/OS Platform" on page 6-18.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-7
Resolving Specific Errors
C010: Anonymous server logins are not allowed.
C011: Client has already timed out.
C012: Invalid username/password.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: A server process was started on behalf of a client and the client has timed
out before the server completed its startup.
Action: Increase the Connect timeout value for the server workspace in the WS
Info. section of the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.
Cause: Invalid username/password supplied when logging on to the daemon.
Action: See the daemon log file for the reason that the username/password were
not accepted.
Action: Edit the user profile in Oracle Studio to specify a valid username and
password for the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform.
See Also: "Setting Up Run-time User Access to the IBM OS/390
or z/OS Platform" on page 6-18.
Action: Make sure the daemon is started from an APF-authorized account that is
allowed to check for system usernames and passwords.
Cause: The maximum number of server processes for the workspace has been
reached, and none of the active servers could accept the client connection.
Action: Increase the value of the Number of sub-tasks in the WS Server
section of the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Server" on page C-9.
Action: Try running the command later.
C015: Failed to start server process.
Cause: The Oracle Connect daemon failed to start a server process or the started
server failed upon starting up.
Action: See the daemon and server logs for the reason the server did not start. For
example, you might receive an message with a reason specified in the log file
similar to the following: [C015] Failed to start NAVIGATOR server
process: No server account name defined for anonymous client;
code: -1601: SQL code: 0
Action: If you use impersonation, check the user profile on the client. Also see
3-8 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Specific Errors
To set impersonation: APF authorize all the steplibs in the server
script on OS/390 computer.
In the WS Security tab of the Navigator workspace under the
daemon node in the Configuration Explorer, check the Use specific workspace account and clear the Workspace account field of all
C016: Unexpected server state.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C017: Active daemon clients exist. Shutdown canceled.
Cause: One or more clients are still connected to the daemon.
Action: Wait until all the clients log off the daemon and then retry the shutdown
C019: Request is not granted because someone else is locking it.
Cause: A request to lock a resource managed by the daemon was denied because
another user has locked the resource.
Action: Wait for the other user to release the resource.
C01A: Lock %s not found.
Cause: A request to free a resource was denied because the caller did not lock that
resource (for example, another user shut down the daemon you are working with).
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C01B: Unexpected error in %s.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C01C: Cannot update configuration without _APPLICATIONS lock.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C01D: Need to lock the application first.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C01F: Cannot set configuration of a deleted application.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C020: Failed in looking up host name (gethostname())
Cause: Cannot connect to the remote computer.
Action: Check that the name specified for the computer in the oc4j-ra.xml file
is correct.
Action: Check that a domain name server (DNS) is available to look up the host
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-9
Resolving Specific Errors
C021: Required variable %s not found
C022: Server failed to connect and register with the daemon.
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run
FTP or Telnet to or from it.
Cause: An environment variable required by the Oracle Connect server was not
defined when the server started up.
Action: Check whether the startup script makes any changes to the environment
variables used by Oracle Connect.
Action: Check whether the system-defined environment size is sufficiently large
for Oracle Connect.
Cause: An Oracle Connect server started by the daemon was not able to connect
or register back with the daemon.
Action: Try to connect again.
Action: Increase the Connect timeout value for the server workspace in the WS
Info. section of the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.
Action: Check that the startup script for the workspace launches the correct
version of Oracle Connect.
Action: Increase the value of the Set maximum number of servers and/or
Maximum parameter for the Clients per server limit in the WS Server
section of the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Server" on page C-9.
C023: Call made to unregistered module %d.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C024: Failed to create a socket.
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem.
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run
FTP or Telnet to or from it.
C025: Failed to set socket option %s
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem.
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run
FTP or Telnet to or from it.
C026: Failed to bind server to port %s
Cause: An Oracle Connect server or daemon was not able to bind to the specified
Action: Check whether another program is holding the port that was specified in
the oc4j-ra-xml file for the adapter.
3-10 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Specific Errors
Action: Check whether you have sufficient system privileges.
C027: Cannot create TCP service for %s
Cause: An error occurred within the TCP/IP subsystem
Action: Check the TCP/IP subsystem on the computer by trying to ping it or run
FTP or Telnet to or from it.
C028: Unable to register (%s, %d, tcp)
Cause: This error may happen when a portmapper is used (host:a) but the
portmapper is not available.
Action: Enable the portmapper.
Action: Avoid using the portmapper (by not using :a when starting the daemon).
C029: Failed to create a server thread
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C02A: Server thread failed to start
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C02B: Stopping the %s server - no client
Cause: A server that was started by the Oracle Connect daemon to service a client
did not get a client connection request within one minute. The server terminates.
Action: In most cases, the client was terminated by a user request, so no specific
action is required.
Action: If no client can connect to the server, it may be that the server has multiple
network cards and the Oracle Connect daemon is not aware of this. In this case,
start the daemon with an IP address.
C02C: Unexpected event - a termination signal intercepted
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C02D: Modified transport, context unknown/lost
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C02F: Corrupted arguments passed to procedure
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C030: Unable to free arguments for %s() of %s
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C031: Cannot register a non-module RPC %s
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-11
Resolving Specific Errors
C032: An IRPCD program is required
C033: An IRPCD super-server is required for module events
C034: An invalid super-server module ID was specified, %d
C035: Out of memory
C036: Failed to register RPC procedure module %s
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: Not enough memory to service a client request.
Action: Increase process memory quota or add memory to the system.
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C037: Failed to register an invalid RPC procedure number %x
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C038: Cannot re-register RPC procedure number %x
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C042: Remote call to %s failed; %s
Cause: Remote call to API failed.
Action: Check the daemon log file.
Action: If necessary, change the level of detail written to the log file to help
resolve the problem.
See Also: "Daemon Logging" on page C-3.
C043: Failed to connect to host %s;%s
Cause: The remote host is not correctly defined to Oracle Connect or is not
Action: Check the remote computer definition in the oc4j-ra.xml file for the
Action: Check that the daemon is up on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.
Action: Check the network connection by trying to ping the host computer or run
FTP or Telnet to or from it.
C045: Failed to create a service thread
Cause: The server failed to create a thread to service a client request.
3-12 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Specific Errors
Action: A system or process quota limit has been exceeded. Either increase the
quota or lower the Clients per server limit field value in the WS Info. section of
the daemon configuration.
See Also: "WS Info." on page C-7.
C047: %s out of memory
Cause: Not enough memory was available to Oracle Connect to complete a
requested operation.
Action: Terminate unnecessary processes running on the server.
Action: Add more memory to the system.
Action: Allow the process to use more memory.
Action: Limit the number of processes the daemon may start. If the demand for
servers exceeds the number of available servers, clients get a message telling them
the maximum number of servers has been reached and asking them to try again
C066: Communication error with the server%s
Cause: Connection to the Oracle Connect daemon or server failed, or an
established session with a server has failed.
Action: Check the remote computer definition in the oc4j-ra-xml file.
Action: Check that the daemon is up on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform. Use
the Status option in the Runtime Manager perspective.
Action: In case of a network problem, check the network connection by trying to
ping the host computer or run FTP or Telnet to or from it.
C067: Unexpected error occurred in server function %s
Cause: One of the server functions has exited with an exception, such as an
Abend, or Invalid Instruction.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C068: Fail to login daemon
Cause: The daemon is not running on the server computer.
Action: Use the Status in Oracle Studio Runtime Manager perspective to check
whether a daemon is running on the server
Action: Have the system administrator reinstall Oracle Connect on the server.
C069: Fail to get server
Cause: The Oracle Connect daemon on the server computer could not start a
server process to serve the client. A separate message provides more detail on why
the server process could not start.
Action: There are many possible causes of this error. If the cause is not clear from
the related message, see the Oracle Connect daemon log file on the server
Action: The resolution to this error is highly dependent on the particular cause.
The following are some typical causes and resolutions.
Action: Some process creation quota was exceeded. Either try again later or
increase the quota or the other relevant system resources.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-13
Resolving Specific Errors
C06A: Failed to connect to server
C06B: Disconnecting from server
Action: The server startup script failed.
Action: The username given is not allowed to use the requested server. Use an
authorized username.
Action: A limit on concurrent clients for a server has been reached. Try again later.
Action: If you use impersonation, then check the user profile on the client. Also
see C015.
Cause: The server assigned to the client did not accept the client connection. A
separate message provides more detail about why the server process did not
accept the connection.
Action: See the daemon and server log files for the reason that the server was not
available to accept its assigned client.
Cause: A network failure, server failure or server program failure caused the
connection to stop. The currently active transaction is stopped as well.
Action: Oracle Connect automatically tries to reestablish a connection with a
server upon the next SQL command issued against the server. Once the network
or computer failure is corrected, the connection to the daemon is reestablished
C070: Server failed to send reply to the client
Cause: Server terminated unexpectedly.
Action: Unless the client was intentionally stopped (for example, using
Control-C), contact Oracle Support Services.
C071: Connection to server %s was disconnected. Cursors state was lost.
Cause: Either a network failure, server failure, or a server program failure caused
the connection to stop. The currently active transaction is stopped as well.
Action: Normally, Oracle Connect automatically tries to create a new session with
the server upon the next attempt to access the server. If the network and server are
accessible, the next operation should succeed. Otherwise, the network or server
should be fixed before connection can be resumed.
Action: In case of a server crash not related to callable user code, contact Oracle
Support Services.
C072: Reconnect to server %s
Cause: This is an informational message only. The client has reestablished its
connection with the server.
Action: No action is required.
C073: The parameters passed to the admin server are invalid: %s
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
C074: No authorization to perform the requested operation (%s)
Cause: User/account has insufficient privileges.
3-14 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Resolving Specific Errors
Action: Grant administrative privileges to the user/account using the
Administrator parameter of the Daemon Security or WS Security sections in the
daemon configuration.
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5 or "WS Security" on
page C-16.
C075: Failed to register daemon in the TCP/IP service table
Cause: Registration of the daemon in the TCP/IP services file has failed.
Action: Check that the account running the daemon has the permissions to
update the TCP/IP services file.
E001: Failed in lock/release operation
Cause: A lock or release operation of a global resource has failed. A separate
message provides more details. The separate message specifies the cause of this
Action: There are various causes for this error, including lack of sufficient
privileges or a system resource shortage.
J0006: Operation on already closed connection was requested
Cause: A request using a connection that was closed was attempted.
Action: Reopen the connection and try again.
J0028: Internal Error: Unknown XML tag %s
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
J0030: Internal Error: Method %s needs to be overwritten
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
J0031: Internal Error: Required attribute %s not found in %s verb
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
J0032: Internal Error: %s ACP object was returned instead of %s as expected
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
J0033: Internal Error: Attempt to work with closed socket
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
J0034: Internal Error: corrupted message; %s bytes read instead of %s as expected
Cause: XML sent from the client to the server has become corrupted.
Action: Check compression settings for XML transferred from the client to the
server. If the setting are correct, retry sending the request from the client to the
J0035: Internal Error: Invalid redirection address %s returned by daemon
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Troubleshooting OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 3-15
Resolving Specific Errors
J0036: %s: %s
J0037: Internal Error: No ACP response when %s was expected
J0039: Internal Error: ACP root is not found in the XML
J0040: Internal Error: Input record is required for interaction %s execution
Cause: One of the following errors was received from the server: 0 -