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viOracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
This Installation Guide is the primary source of introduction, installation, and
configuration information for Oracle Web Application Server for Windows NT.
This Installation Guide is necessary for installing, configuring, or administering
Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 for Windows NT.
This Installation Guide assumes that you are familiar with:
•Windows NT and have installed and tested it for your PC and network
•Oracle7 or Oracle8 Server and relational database concepts
Oracle Documentation Set
Online documentation is provided in HTML and Adobe Acrobat Portable
Document Format (PDF). To read the HTML documentation, go to the Web
Listener Administrator Home page, and follow the online documentation link
icon. The PDF documentation can be found by clicking the online
documentation icon in the Oracle for Windows NT program group.
Note: To read the PDF online documentation, install the Adobe Acrobat Reader by
double-clicking the file ACROREAD.EXE in the ACROBAT directory on the
product CD.
The Web Application Server 3.0.1 for Windows NT contains the following
•Oracle Web Application Server Installation Guide for Windows NT - This
contains installation information for the Oracle Web Application Server
for Windows NT.
•Overview - This provides general information about the Oracle Web
Application Server.
•Using Oracle Web Application Server Cartridges - This describes how to use
the cartridges provided by Oracle for the Web Application Server.
•Developing your own Web Application Server Cartridges - This provides
information for developing your own Web Application Server cartridges.
•Security - This describes how to use the security features of the Web
Application Server. It also describes how to generate certificate requests.
Related Oracle Documentation
Oracle Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Oracle Server Administrator’s Guide
Oracle Server Utilities User’s Guide
Oracle Server Messages and Codes Manual
SQL Language User’s Guide
SQL Language Reference Manual
SQL*Plus User’s Guide
viiiOracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
Conventions Used in This Manual
This table lists the typographical conventions used in this manual.
Monospace textIndicates text that must be typed exactly as shown.
set echo off
All uppercase
BoldUsed for filenames, directories, and utilities such as:
ItalicsIndicate a value that you must provide. For example, if a
Vertical bar |Represents an ‘or’ option between several options. You
Indicates command names, SQL reserved words and
keywords as in ALTER DATABASE.
All uppercase plain is also used for directory names and
file names.
command asks you to type filename, you must type the
actual name of the file.
Italics are also used for emphasis in the text and to
indicate the titles of other manuals.
Indicate that parts of the statement or command not
directly related to the example have been omitted.
CHKVAL fieldname value 1 value 2... valueN
must enter only one of the options. Do not enter the
vertical bar. The set of alternative choices is enclosed by
curly braces if one of the items is required, or by square
brackets if the item is an optional alternative.
Curly braces {}Enclose required items. You must choose one of the
..DEFINE { macro1 | macro2 }
Square brackets [ ]Enclose optional items. You can choose one or none of
the alternatives.
cvtcrt termname [outfile]
Square brackets also indicate a function key, for example
Customer Support
C:\>Represents the Windows NT command prompt of the
current hard disk drive. Your prompt may differ and
may, at times, reflect the subdirectory in which you are
SymbolsSymbols other than brackets and vertical bars must be
entered in commands exactly as shown.
Oracle Worldwide Technical Support can be reached at the following number
1-650-506-1500 in the United States of America
Be prepared to supply the following information:
•your CSI number (this helps Oracle Corporation track problems recorded
for each customer)
•the release numbers of the Oracle Web Application Server and associated
•the operating system name and version number
•details of error numbers and descriptions (write down the exact errors—it
helps Oracle Technical Support track down the problem more quickly)
•a description of the problem
•a description of the changes made to the system
Documentation Sales
To order printed documentation, please call:
1-800-252-0303 in the United States
Your Comments Are Welcome
We value and appreciate your comments as an Oracle user. We encourage you
to send your comments to us at the following address:
xOracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
Web Application Server Documentation Manager
Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
xiiOracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
Overview of the Product
As the World Wide Web matures, a new generation of Internet and Intranet
business applications is emerging. These new applications will incorporate real
business transactions, data-driven multimedia content, and interactive
information. Database-powered Web applications built on this new platform
will enable corporations to expand their services and customer base as well as
explore lucrative new business endeavors while still leveraging their investment
in existing client-server systems. Such powerful Web applications demand a
new breed of Web platform that combines all the power and reliability of
traditional client-server environments with the flexibility and ease-of-use of the
Note: Refer to the online glossary for definitions of terms with which you may not be
Open Architecture
Operating within the framework of Network Computing Architecture, Oracle
Web Application Server 3.0.1 expands dramatically upon the power of standard
Web servers, enabling the development and deployment of full-featured
transaction-based Web sites that are scalable, reliable, and secure.
A typical technology infrastructure involves a wide range of operating systems,
languages, networks, applications, Web servers, and databases.
Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 operates across a wide range of operating
systems, from PCs to workstations, and through its open cartridge API, supports
a diverse class of languages and applications. Oracle Web Application Server
3.0.1 is the first Web server to support real transactions and it does so using X/
Open DTP standards.
Note: A cartridge is a program, run on the server by the Web Request Broker (WRB),
that interfaces to a Web server (Oracle or otherwise) through the WRB API. A
given cartridge will have a varying number of execution instances called
Transaction Enable your Netscape or Microsoft Server
The WRB is portable not only across a range of operating systems, but across a
range of Web servers. Oracle bundles its own HTTP listener with Web
Application Server 3.0.1, but this portability means that it can also integrate with
Netscape and Microsoft listeners. This allows application developers to protect
their existing investments as technological infrastructures change.
Building a presence on the Web can expand horizons considerably, but only if
your Web site can perform and scale to support the vast Internet audience.
Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 can scale to serve tens of thousands of users.
Through the WRB, Oracle delivers vastly superior performance, dispatching,
and access times, even in the extremely high network traffic environments that
are synonymous with the Internet. Built to a true multi-threaded, multiprocess
architecture, the Web Request Broker offers a superior application environment
over low-level, first generation HTTP APIs.
A mission-critical application demands high availability. Oracle Web
Application Server 3.0.1 brings the robustness and reliability of the client-server
world to the Web. Process separation, an object architecture, and independent
cartridge management allow administrators to build, manage, and service their
system on a component basis. Through its independent processing architecture,
the WRB guarantees that third-party server extensions will not affect other parts
of the system security.
1-2Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
With all the potential of real business applications, but no face-to-face contact,
the Web presents new security challenges. Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1
supports full end-to-end security at the client, at every level within the Web
server architecture, and through the firewall to an Oracle database. This
unprecedented degree of granularity supports not only username-password
protection, but also custom security schemes. For even greater protection of vital
data, Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 supports industry standard SSL 3.0.1
encryption, as well as Oracle Advanced Networking Option for secure
communications and transactions.
Supported Features
Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 — Standard Edition
•cartridge-based development platform
•CORBA compliant ORB-based Web Request Broker
•support for fully distributed applications
•listener independence
•language-independent development
•third-party cartridges available through the cartridge solutions network
CORBA-compliant ORB
•Web Request Broker (WRB) services implemented as CORBA-compliant
object services
•supports distributed listener and cartridge architecture
Web Request Broker
•automatic server redirection on maximum connections reached
•safe, scalable architecture
•dynamic load-balancing
•automatic context management
•open API for custom extensions
Fully portable WRB API
Java Cartridge
PL/SQL Cartridge
•CORBA-compliant ORB-based Web Request Broker
•unifying API for Netscape, Microsoft, and Oracle HTTP servers
•native Java environment
•auto-generated wrapper classes for PL/SQL
•native access to Oracle
•HTML presentation classes
•National Language Support (NLS)
•support for persistent database connections
•HTML 3.2 support
•100-percent data encapsulation through stored procedures
•100-percent portable code
•transparent dispatch to Oracle server
•automatically translates HTML parameters to PL/SQL calls
•HTML 3.2 support
•ICX and transaction support
•enhanced error mapping to relay RDBMS messages to user
•object-oriented design
LiveHTML Cartridge
•enhanced Server Side Include (SSI)
•access to other cartridges through ICX
•HTML files can be target of an HTML form submission
Perl Cartridge
•Perl Version 5 interpreter
•Oracle DBI/DBD extensions
•OraPerl Emulation
1-4Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
VRML Cartridge
Inter-cartridge Exchange
•VRML 2.0 standard support
•platform for building and deploying business applications in VRML
•VRML Data Repository that manages persistent, scalable, and secure
VRML worlds
•Logic Repository ties together database triggers with the VRML event
•easy-to-use mechanism for embedding dynamic content, generated by
custom scripts or SQL statements within a VRML scene
•transport-independent, stateless protocol
•mirrors the HTTP request model
•set of APIs to allow a cartridge to address, send, request, and receive a
response from another cartridge
•IP address restriction
•domain name restriction
•basic authentication
•digest authentication
•SSL 3.0 (International version uses 40-bit key)
•client-side digital ID authentication
Built-in Logging and Analysis Tools
•support for clf/xlf system message formats and client-defined statistics
•support for log file cycling/archiving based on size/date
•support for logging into the database
•graphical log analyzer tool
•report generation on accesses, errors, clients, URLs, etc.
Common Gateway Interface
•CGI 1.1 compliant
Optional Extensibility
•dedicated process per request
•automatic cleanup
•native imagemap support
•multiple imagemap extensions
•configurable DNS resolution
•Common Log Format
•OCI cartridge (Oracle Call Level Interface)
•Rdb cartridge
•Oracle Security Server
•Oracle Internet Commerce Server (cartridge-based solution for electronic
•third-party cartridges available through the Cartridge Solutions Network
Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 — Advanced Edition
In addition to the standard features, the advanced edition offers the following:
ODBC Cartridge
•accepts SQL statements
•returns HTML table with formatted results
•optional use of format strings
•callable through ICX from any other cartridge
Transaction support
•supports X/Open DTP model
•supports open standards — SQL, X/Open’s XA and X/Open’s TX
•defines a set of APIs that is modeled on the XA interface
•APIs to start or join a transaction, retrieve transaction information, commit
and rollback a transaction
1-6Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
•transactional support across multiple cartridges
Persistent Storage Services
•APIs for storing and retrieving content or managing content from a SQL
•schema attributes include content-type, author, creation date, etc.
•service supports Oracle DBMS, or file system storage
Products Available for Installation
•Oracle Web Listener
•W eb Application Server Cartridges - The PL/SQL, Java, and Live HTML
cartridges are bundled under the label Web Application Server cartridges
and are automatically installed on the single node and primary multinode install.
•Web Request Broker
Additional Cartridges
You may choose to install the following additional cartridges during installation:
1-8Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
2Installation Requirements
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Hardware ItemRequired
CPUAn Intel compatible 486 or higher processor
Memory64 MB (32 MB for a listener only machine)
Disk Space150 MB
Swap Space64 MB
CD-ROM DeviceRockRidge format
Software Requirements
Software ItemVersion
Operating SystemWindows NT Server v. 4.0
Web BrowserAny browser that supports tables and forms
ListenerOracle 40-bit
Oracle 128-bit
Netscape FastTrack V2.0, V2.0.1
Netscape Enterprise Server V2.0, V2.0.1
Microsoft Internet Information Server V2.0, V3.0
Oracle RDBMS7.1.6
*Note: For cartridges that link with the Oracle client libraries (OCI/PRO*C and
Product Dependencies
JAVA Developer Kit
transactional), the Oracle 7.3 RDBMS client libraries must be used. With these
libraries, the cartridge can connect to supported versions of either Oracle 7.x or
Oracle 8.0.x databases.
If you want to use Oracle Web Application Server with an Oracle database, you
are required to install other products. The following table lists the required
2-2Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
Oracle products and minimum release levels for using the Web Application
Server with an Oracle database.
Note: The Oracle Server and PL/SQL are not installed automatically with Web
Application Server.
Remote Database Installation
If you wish to access an Oracle database on a remote machine, install the
products listed above on the remote machine.
On your local machine, you must also install SQL*Net and the TCP/IP Protocol
Adapter provided on the Web Application Server CD.
Local Database Installation
If you wish to install Oracle Web Application Server as a stand-alone Internet
server, and you want to access a database on your local machine, you need only
install an Oracle database and PL*SQL.
Note: If you wish to use either Oracle8 or the Multi-Threaded Server option to connect
to a local database, you must install SQL*Net 2.3 and the TCP/IP Protocol
Adaptor. These products are automatically installed with Oracle Web
Application Server 3.0.1.
Supported Configurations
Oracle Web Application Server can be installed as a single-node, where
everything is installed on a single computer; or as a multi-node, which consists
of a primary-node installed on one computer and multiple remote-nodes
installed on different computers.
Oracle Web Application Server is made up of several processes, and you can run
these processes on different machines on the network. You can do this because
Installation Requirements2-3
Multi-Node Primary
the architecture of the Web Application Server is based on CORBA (common
object request broker architecture), which is a standard for distributed objects.
One advantage of distributing the processes on different machines is
performance and scalability. You can handle more requests without using up too
much resources from one machine.
See Appendix C, “Multi-node Configuration” on page 1 for additional
The following are examples of typical Web Application Server installation
configuration choices:
This installation shows components installed on a single-node:
•WRB with Oracle Administrator Listener
•Listener (Oracle, Microsoft, or Netscape)
•Web Application Server cartridges (required)
•Additional cartridges (optional)
This installation shows components installed on the primary-node in a multinode configuration.
•WRB with Oracle Administrator Listener
•Listener (Oracle, Microsoft, or Netscape)
•Web Application Server cartridges (required)
•Additional cartridges (optional)
Multi-Node Remote - Cartridge Only Installation
This installation shows an example of a remote-node in a multi-node
•Web Application Server cartridges (required)
•Additional cartridges (optional)
2-4Oracle Web Application Server™ Installation Guide
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