Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT , Release 7.3
Part No. A42396–1
Copyright 1996 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Primary Author: Joseph Garcia
Contributors: Mark MacDonald, Uma Murthy, Liff Thomas, Milton Wan,
Vivekandha Raja, Prem Kumar, Dave Colello, Linlong Jiang, Tina Marc
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his User’s Guide is your primary source of introductory,
installation, and configuration information for Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT. Included in this Guide:
• introduction to Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
• installation instructions
• Oracle WebServer 1.0
• Oracle Spatial Data Option
• using Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
• getting the most out of Integration with Windows NT
• database maintenance
• documentation roadmap
• directory structures
• initialization parameter files
• configuration file parameters and the Windows NT Registry
• messages and codes
• national language support
This Guide is necessary for anyone installing, configuring, or
administering Oracle7 Server for Windows NT.
This Guide assumes that you:
• are familiar with the concepts presented in the generic
• have installed and tested Windows NT and configur ed it for your
• are familiar with W indows NT and your network transport
How this Guide Is Organized
Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Describes the basic features of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. It also
describes new features of this release, and the contents of your Oracle7
Server for Windows NT package.
documentation for Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. (See
Documentation Roadmap for information about documentation.)
PC and network hardware
Additional Information: If you are not familiar with Oracle
products and terminology, see Oracle7 Server Concepts.
Chapter 2 Installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Instructions for installing and configuring Oracle7 Server for W indows
NT, and for migrating from earlier releases.
Chapter 3 Using Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Instructions for performing the tasks necessary to set up and run the
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT.
Additional Information: For information on using the
graphical database tools, see the integrated online Help
included with the Database Tools. It contains important
information about the database tools you can install.
Chapter 4 Getting the Most out of Integration with Windows NT
Instructions for using the W indows NT operating system integration
ivOracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Chapter 5 Database Maintenance
Instructions for performing ongoing database maintenance tasks using
graphical and command–line procedures.
Appendix A Documentation Roadmap
Details the documentation included in your package, and how you can
use it most effectively.
Appendix B Directory Structures
Directory structures for Windows NT and Windows/Windows95.
Additionally, information about the types of possible Oracle WebServer
installations is included.
Appendix C Initialization Parameter Files
Describes Oracle7 Server for Windows NT initialization parameters,
how to edit them, and Windows NT–specific defaults (and ranges) for
Appendix D Configuration Parameters and the NT Registry
Describes the use of the Windows NT Registry for various Oracle
products. Additionally, it lists the defaults and ranges for configuration
Appendix E Messages and Codes
Lists the error messages and codes specific to installing and using
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT and supported network protocols.
Appendix F National Language Support
Explains the NLS_LANG configuration parameter (and its components),
and lists the available options.
Using the Documentation
This Guide, contains installation and operating information specific to
the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT envir onment. It includes frequent
references to the location—in other Oracle7 Server documents—of
additional sources of information on topics discussed in this Guide.
For New Users
Oracle7 Server Concepts describes the essential concepts behind an Oracle
database server. Users new to Oracle products should refer to this
document before installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT.
Database Administration
Server Utilities
Database Tools
See Installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT of this Guide and the
accompanying Release Notes to answer questions regarding Oracle7
Server for Windows NT installation.
This Guide contains information about database administration on
Windows NT systems. Oracle7 Server Administrator’ s Guide contains
information on Oracle7 Server database administration not specific to
Windows NT.
Oracle7 Server Utilities contains detailed generic information on the
utilities included with your Oracle7 Server for Windows NT package
and their use.
See the chapters on setting up and operating Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT of this Guide for Windows NT–specific (32–bit)
information on these utilities.
Detailed information on the GUI–based database tools is included as
online Help. These tools can be used from a Windows platform, or
through Windows on a Win32 (WOW) subsystem.
Oracle7 Server Messages contains a complete listing of Oracle7 Server
error messages and codes. For Oracle7 Server messages and codes
specific to Windows NT operation, see Messages and Codes in this Guide.
Release Notes
Release Notes contain information not available at the time the
documentation was created. See Release Notes for information about
specific features and procedures.
viOracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Conventions Used in this Guide
Note these typographical conventions when reading this Guide:
Monospace text
[ ]
lowercase mono
lowercase italics
Type text exactly as shown. Text typed for a
command statement is not case sensitive unless
noted otherwise.
Brackets enclose optional items or indicate a
function key. Do not enter the brackets.
A vertical bar represents an “or” option between
several options. You must enter only one of the
options. Do not enter the vertical bar .
Punctuation other than brackets and vertical bars
must be entered in commands exactly as shown.
Uppercase characters within the text represent
command names, SQL reserved words and
keywords, and filenames.
Lowercase characters within command lines
represent variables. You should substitute an
appropriate value for the variable. In examples,
lowercase characters represent sample values for
the variables.
Lowercase italics in the text represent variables. You
should substitute an appropriate value for the
Special icons are provided to alert you to particular information in this
Attention: Calls your attention to important
information and suggestions.
C:\> represents the Windows NT command prompt
of the current hard disk drive. Your prompt may
differ and may, at times, reflect the subdirectory in
which you are working.
A backslash before a directory name indicates that
the directory is a subdirectory.
SID (system identifier) represents the unique name
of an Oracle instance. The SID you assign to a
particular instance becomes the value of the
ORACLE_SID initialization parameter for the
associated database.
Reader Comments
Additional Information: Highlights text referring you to other
parts of the other Oracle documentation.
W arning: Highlights text that warns you of actions that could
be particularly damaging or fatal to your operations.
We value and appreciate your comments as an Oracle user and reader of
our manuals. As we write, revise, and evaluate our documentation, your
opinions are the most important input we receive. At the back of this
Guide is a Reader’s Comment Form. We encourage you to use it to tell
us what you like and dislike about this (or other) Oracle manuals.
If the form is missing, or if you would like to contact us, write us at the
following address:
his chapter introduces you to Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. It
• special terms
• Oracle7 Server for Windows NT overview
• Oracle7 Server for Windows NT integration with Windows NT
• Oracle7 Server for Windows NT product contents
1 – 1Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Special Terms
Note the following special terms when using this Guide:
Oracle7 Server
Oracle7 database
Oracle7 RDBMS
Oracle Protocol
A system that runs an Oracle–supported
application and connects to the shared database(s)
on an Oracle7 Server .
The combination of processes that begins each time
a database is started.
An executable program that enables an Oracle7
Server to accept connections from client
A host system that runs a multiuser Oracle7
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
and maintains at least one database that can be
shared by remote clients. The term Oracle7 Server
refers to the RDBMS that is using SQL*Net and is
capable of serving Oracle clients.
The software used to create and maintain the
database system, as well as the actual data stored in
the database.
The Oracle Relational Database Management
System. Oracle7 Server for Windows NT is an
Oracle RDBMS.
The software component of the Oracle Transparent
Network Substrate (TNS) architecture that
translates TNS function calls into requests to the
underlying network protocol.
Oracle tool
Oracle Database
1 – 2Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Any Oracle application tool (such as SQL*Plus), an
Oracle end–user tool (such as Oracle Forms), or a
third–party software program that interfaces with
an Oracle7 Server .
Structured Query Language—the internationally
accepted standard for defining and manipulating
relational databases.
The Oracle client/server communication software
that offers transparent operation to Oracle tools or
databases over any type of network protocol and
operating system.
Oracle Database Tools are a suite of powerful,
easy–to–use, graphical database management tools
that help you complete database tasks efficiently.
Oracle Database Tools include: Database Manager,
User Manager , Object Manager, Session Manager,
Database Expander, Import, Export, and
Server Utilities
Oracle7 Server Utilities are included in the server
software of your Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
package. Oracle7 Server Utilities include: Backup
Manager, Recovery Manager, Server Manager,
Import, Export, and SQL*Loader (all Windows NT
Additional Information: For information on using the
graphical database tools, see the integrated online Help
included with the Database Tools.
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT Overview
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT is a full–function Release 7.3 Oracle
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT runs on a personal computer (PC) that
is part of a local area network (LAN). The server machine must be
running W indows NT Version 3.51. This customized Windows NT
version of the Oracle RDBMS operates in essentially the same manner as
the Oracle RDBMS on other platforms.
This Guide describes only the features of the Oracle7
Server for Windows NT software that apply to the Windows NT
operating system. For information about the Oracle7 RDBMS in
general, see Oracle7 Server Concepts, and other documentation
included in your package.
Feature Highlights
This release of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT includes the following
Option is a system for distributing data in your database(s) across
multiple machines. Additionally, the processing of your data can
be distributed among multiple machines.
Additional Information: For more information about the
Distributed Option, see Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems,
1 – 3Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Oracle7 Server
Volume I: Distributed Data, Oracle7 Server Concepts, Oracle7 Server
Administrator’s Guide, and other appropriate documentation
(included online with your product).
• Spatial Data Option—separately licensable feature. The Spatial
Data Option enables you to store spatial data within the relational
database model.
Additional Information: For more information on the Spatial
Data Option, see Spatial Data Option Application Developer’sGuide, Spatial Data Option Reference and Administrator’s Guide,
and Spatial Data Option Overview.
• Parallel Query Option—separately licensable feature. With the
parallel query option, multiple processes can work together
simultaneously to process a single SQL statement. By dividing the
work necessary to process a statement among multiple server
processes, the Oracle Server can process the statement mor e
quickly than if only a single server process processed it.
Additional Information: For more information on the Parallel
Query Option, see Oracle7 Server Tuning.
• Enterprise Manager—system management tools that combine a
single point–of–control management console, intelligent agents,
and common services in an integrated, comprehensive systems
management platform.
Additional Information: For more information on Enterprise
Manager, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide, and
Oracle Enterprise
other Enterprise Manager documents included in your package.
• W ebServer 1.0 —bundled as part of Oracle7 Server for Windows
NT. Oracle WebServer 1.0 enables you to bring data stored on
your Oracle7 Server to the World Wide Web.
Additional Information: For more information on the
WebServer 1.0, see Oracle WebServer User’s Guide .
Advanced Replication Option enables users to maintain and
manipulate multiple copies of data at different sites in a
distributed environment.
Additional Information: There are many configuration and
usage possibilities with Advanced Replication. For more
information about Advanced Replication, in this Guide, Oracle7
Server Distributed Systems, V olume II: Replicated Data, Oracle7
Server Concepts, Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide, and other
appropriate documentation.
1 – 4Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Instance Manager (GUI version)—a GUI version of Instance
Manager is included in this release. All of the functionality of the
command line version of Instance Manager has been incorporated
into a powerful, easy to use GUI tool.
• Performance Monitor—Oracle7 Server for Windows NT uses the
Windows NT Performance Monitor to monitor Oracle7 activity.
Using Performance Monitor, administrators can monitor the
performance of local and remote databases.
• Event Viewer—Oracle7 Server for Windows NT uses the
Windows NT Event Viewer to log Oracle7 events. The Event
Viewer notifies you of errors and alert conditions that exist on the
database. This list can be viewed online, saved to a file, or
• Easy Configure Utility—Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
includes this utility for easily configuring simpler networks. You
can configure your network environment by answering questions
on a few dialog boxes.
• Oracle Objects for OLE—object linking and embedding (OLE)
application programming interface for use with Microsoft Visual
Basic and VBA–enabled applications.
• Oracle Database Tools—Oracle has enhanced its database tools
to help you administer your database more easily and efficiently
than ever. Extensive integrated online Help is included with the
Database Tools.
• Security Features—improved security features for remote
database access. See Security Features in this chapter for more
information on database security.
• Multiple Version Installation—Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
can run along with earlier releases of Oracle7 Server for Windows
NT. See Installation in this Guide for more information.
• Oracle Names Support—a tool that allows you to save (in a
centralized database) full network locations in the form of
easy–to–remember aliases.
Additional Information: For detailed information on the new
features of Oracle7 Server not specific to Windows NT, see
Oracle7 Server Migration.
1 – 5Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Features Specific to Windows NT
This Guide describes a number of features unique to Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT. This chapter describes those features briefly; more
detailed discussions appear later in this Guide.
Windows NT Services
A service is an executable process installed in the W indows NT Registry
database and administered by Windows NT. The Windows NT Registry
automatically tracks and records security information for each service
you create. Once you create and start a service on your Oracle7 Server
for Windows NT machine, the service can run even while no user is
logged on.
Windows NT Services and Workstation Security
Since Oracle7 Server for Windows NT runs each instance as a service,
the instance can also run with no user logged on to the server machine.
This feature allows you to maintain workstation security while running
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. A database administrator can start a
particular instance of the database and log off the machine.
Windows NT Services Naming Conventions
For each instance created, Oracle defines an Oracle service—the Windows
NT service related to the database executable. This Oracle database
service is named OracleServicesid, where sid is the instance name. (The
instance name is the same as the value of the ORACLE_SID
configuration parameter, and can be any alphanumeric combination of 1
to 4 characters.)
In addition, for each network listener defined during network
installation, Oracle creates a SQL*Net listener service—another
Windows NT service related to the network listener. This service is
named OracleTNSListenerid, where id is the name or abbreviated ID
associated with the network listener .
Additional Information: Use the SQL*Net Easy Configuration
Utility to configure simpler networks. Use Network Manager to
configure more complex networks. Oracle Network Manager forWindows Installation and User’s Guide includes information on
configuring more complex networks.
Security Features
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT provides extra security features. Earlier
releases allowed remote database access with the Server Manager
1 – 6Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
CONNECT INTERNAL command. With Release 7.3, the following two
steps ensure database security:
• verify that the database connection is secure
• assign SYSOPER or SYSDBA privileges to users to whom you
want to grant privileged access to the database
This procedure enables administrators to track who logs on as SYSOPER
and SYSDBA. Rather than logging on as INTERNAL, users log on with
their user ID plus the SYSOPER or SYSDBA privileges.
Additional Information: See Oracle7 Server Reference for more
information about database security.
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT Memory Structures
When you start a database, Oracle7 Server for W indows NT
automatically starts a single instance by creating background threads
and memory structures unique to the Windows NT environment.
Each instance of the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT has its own
(separate) Oracle system process and Oracle database service. When you
make a local or remote connection to an instance, Oracle starts one new
thread in the process dedicated to the new connection.
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT Integration with Windows NT
The tight integration of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT with the
Windows NT operating system gives you unprecedented opportunity to
monitor and manipulate your server .
Information on Oracle7 Server for Windows NT and Performance
Monitor, Event Viewer, OS Authentication, and Groups and Roles is
presented later in this guide.
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT Product Contents
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT includes three types of software:
• server software—applications and utilities used on the server
side to run, administer , and maintain database operations
• client software—applications and utilities used on the client side
to access databases and make use of database functions
1 – 7Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Server—Windows NT
Server software includes the RDBMS, utilities, and products that enable
you to connect to clients.
Here are the major server product components included in this package:
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Release 7.3 multi–user Oracle7 Server for Windows NT (the basis of
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT software)
PL/SQL (the procedural language extension to SQL) PL/SQL supports the
following features:
• database triggers
• database alerts
• stored procedures and packages
Oracle7 Utilities
networking software—software used to provide connectivity
among database clients and servers
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT includes a suite of server–based
utilities, five of which are detailed below. These are 32–bit, Windows NT
utilities for database administration.
Server Manager—aids database administration functions. Server
Manager recognizes not only standard SQL commands, but additional
commands pertaining to DBA activities.
Instance Manager—enables you to create, modify, start and stop
SQL*Loader—provides utilities for loading data from existing data files
into your Oracle7 Server for Windows NT database.
Export—writes data from the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT to an
operating system file. Use Export for data archiving and moving data to
other Oracle databases. See Chapter 4 of this Guide and Oracle7 ServerUtilities for instructions.
Import—reads data from export files into Oracle7 Server for Windows
1 – 8Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Secure Network Services
Required Support Files
SQL*Net is the network interface that enables client workstations to
communicate with the
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. The SQL*Net suite
of products for Oracle7 Server for Windows NT include the
following:SQL*Net V2.3:
• TCP/IP Adapter V2.3
• Named Pipes Adapter V2.3
• SPX Adapter V2.3
• Oracle Names V1.1 (use with SQL*Net V2)
SQL*Plus for Windows NT is a command language interface enabling
you to use the SQL and PL/SQL database languages in the Windows
NT environment.
Secure Network Services enable you to protect your database from
unauthorized access.
Client Software
The Oracle7 Server for Windows NT and the client utilities require
various support files. The necessary files are installed automatically
based on the components you choose to install.
Additional Information: See PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference
for more information about using the features of PL/SQL.
User’s Guide
Additional Information: For more information on Oracle7
Server utilities, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.
This section describes the major client software components included in
this package.
The Oracle7 Server for Windows NT package contains a variety of
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT products for clients. Among the
products included are:
1 – 9Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Database Tools
Oracle Objects for OLE
Adobe Acrobat Runtime
Network Manager
The database tools appear as icons in the Program Manager (Explorer
for Windows 95).These tools allow you to perform basic database
functions from your client machine. See the online Help for more
Oracle Objects for OLE is an object linking and embedding (OLE)
application programming interface for use with Microsoft Visual Basic
and VBA–enabled applications.
Installation of the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT software includes a
runtime version of Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat enables you to view,
search, and print any of the included documentation. Use Adobe
Acrobat to read and search through Oracle documentation.All RDBMS,
networking, and programming documentation you receive in your
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT package is in Adobe Acrobat format.
See the documentation catalog in this chapter for additional information
on available titles and on using the online documents.
Use Network Manager to create configuration files for Oracle
networking products. For more information on Network Manager, see
Oracle Network Manager for Windows Installation and User’s Guide, and
Oracle Network Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Server Manager
Complete advanced database administration tasks from client
workstations using Server Manager .
Enterprise Manager
Oracle Enterprise Manager is Oracle Corporation’s newest generation of
system management tools. Enterprise Manager combines a single
point–of–control management console, intelligent agents, and common
services in an integrated, comprehensive systems management platform.
1 – 10Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Oracle Networking Software
SQL*Net is the Oracle network interface that enables front–end
application software on client workstations to:
on Oracle7 database servers.
SQL*Net uses communication protocols and application programming
interfaces (APIs) supported by a wide range of networks providing
distributed database capabilities for the Oracle7 RDBMS.
SQL*Net Version 2
This release of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT includes SQL*Net
Version 2 only.
The specific networking components you install with your Oracle7
Server for Windows NT depend upon the version(s) of SQL*Net you are
using on your network.
Use the new Easy Configure feature to quickly configure simpler
network environments. For complex network environments, or for more
detailed control of your network, use Network Manager to configure
your network.
• access data,
• modify data,
• share data, and
• store data
Network Manager
SQL*Net V2 and the other TNS–based networking products
(MultiProtocol Interchange and Oracle Names) require a number of
configuration files with precise syntax. These configuration files must be
created using Oracle Network Manager (a graphical user interface tool
for creating configuration files quickly and accurately).
Additional Information: For more information on Network
Manager, see Oracle Network Manager for Windows Installation andUser’s Guide, and Oracle Network Manager Administrator’s Guide.
SQL*Net V2 supports the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange, providing a
bridge between transport protocols. The MultiProtocol Inter change is
not currently supported under W indows NT.
If your network includes machines running another operating system(s),
the MultiProtocol Interchange could run on these machines. In such a
1 – 11Introducing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
case, a server could connect to a client running a protocol different from
those available on the server .
SQL*Net V2 also supports Oracle Names, which establishes a centrally
located database of short aliases representing the full network locations
of all databases on the network.
Appropriately configured users can access this database at every node
on the network over any network protocol supported by SQL*Net.
Oracle Names enables such users to access or refer to databases
anywhere else on the network by short mnemonic names.
Additional Information: A complete description of this
product and its configuration appears in the Oracle Names
Administrator’s Guide.
1 – 12Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Installing Oracle7
Server for Windows NT
his chapter covers the following installation topics:
• system requirements—server
• Windows on Win32 (WOW)
• before you install
• co–existence of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT and Oracle7
Workgroup Server
• installation types
• using Oracle Installer
• server/client installations
• Windows client installations
• configuring SQL*Net
• separately installing Oracle7 Options
• removing Oracle7 products
• migrating from earlier releases
Attention: The instructions in this chapter cover installation
of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT from a CD–ROM only.
2 – 1Installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
A Note on Directories
This Guide assumes that all directory names are the default names
created during the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT installation process.
For example, the Oracle home directory for Windows NT products is
assumed to be \ORANT. If your system is set up using different
directory names, substitute these names for the default names found in
this Guide.
System Requirements—Server
Attention: To install Oracle7 Server for Windows NT, you
To install and run Oracle7 Server for Windows NT, you must have the
required hardware and software.
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT Hardware
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT requires an IBM, Compaq, or
100%–compatible PC–based on an 80486 (or higher), or Pentium
processor. Multiprocessor machines are also supported. The following
components must be part of the system:
must log on to the server machine as a member of the
Windows NT Administrators Group.
• RAM—32 MB recommended
• Available disk space—65 MB of free hard disk space (100MB if
you want to install all of the online documentation onto your
hard drive)
• a compatible network interface card (NIC), for networked
• a connected CD–ROM drive, functioning as a logical drive
Advanced Replication Option Hardware
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT with the Advanced Replication Option
requires an IBM, Compaq, or 100%–compatible PC–based on an 80486
(or higher) or Pentium processor. Multiprocessor machines are also
supported. The following components must be part of the system:
• RAM—a minimum of 32 MB
2 – 2Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
• Available disk space—90 MB of free hard disk space (125 MB if
you want to install all of the online documentation onto your
hard drive)
• a compatible network interface card (NIC), for networked
• a connected CD–ROM drive, functioning as a logical drive
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT requires the following software:
• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation Version 3.51 OR
• Microsoft Windows NT Server Version 3.51
• CD–ROM device driver
• appropriate network transport protocol software
– Named Pipes—the necessary Named Pipes software is
installed as part of the Windows NT Complete/New
– TCP/IP—Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows NT is not
automatically installed during Windows NT installation. See
your Windows NT documentation for installation
– SPX—NWLink (Microsoft’s implementation of the IPX/SPX
protocol) is available as part of Windows NT but is not
automatically installed during Windows NT installation. See
your Windows NT documentation for installation
Note: The preceding list describes only the requirements for
the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT software, which includes
the Oracle RDBMS, Oracle7 utilities, and SQL*Net server
Note: Client machines connected to the Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT must use the client component of the same
version of SQL*Net installed on the server.
2 – 3Installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Windows on Win32 (WOW)
Most products running on Windows NT machines (including Oracle7
Server for Windows NT and the SQL*Net Listener) are 32–bit
Windows NT applications.
However, you can also use the Windows NT subsystem—Windows on
Win32 (WOW)—to use 16–bit Oracle Windows products. (Windows on
Win32 is installed automatically when you install the Windows NT
operating system.)
Windows NT
WOW Subsystem
Tools for
The interaction between Oracle products for Windows running on
WOW and your local Oracle7 database for Windows NT is called
loopback. You must install the same version of SQL*Net—along with the
appropriate protocol adapter software—for both Windows NT and
Windows in order for loopback to occur.
Attention: You can always achieve loopback by using
SQL*Net V2 along with the Oracle Named Pipes Protocol
Adapter or the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter for Windows
NT and Windows. Remember that you need a network card if
you use SQL*Net V2 with the TCP/IP protocol adapter.
Attention: If you are using your Windows NT machine as a
client, you can install SQL*Net V2 Client for Windows NT plus
the appropriate Windows NT protocol adapter (Named Pipes,
TCP/IP, or SPX).
Windows NT
Windows NT
2 – 4Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
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