Atlas 190 • User’s guide
The thickness of the documentation
to be bound must be at least 1,8 mm
(with the cover). If the documentation is
thinner, it is necessary to use the filling strips
called O.filling Sticky, available from OPUS
o make document thick enough to bind.
7 - front edge guide for binding jaw
8 - back guide with ruler
A - channel
B - binding jaw
2. Make sure the binding bars also called cover guide system are correctly inserted into the binding slot (3) (see PREPARATION TO WORK and diagram above).
3. Pull up the bind and de-binding handle (1) to the open position, vertical.
4. Move the clamp lever (2) completely to the left.
5. Put the channel into the binding slot (3) between the bars (7 and 8) and insure that the channel is tight against the side stop (9) and the front of the channel is against the binding bar (8)
see diagram above.
When using smaller channels than A4 fit the adjustable side stop (10). Centre the smaller
channel by using the ruler on the back bar in the slot and tighten the side stop (10)and do as
in point 5 above.
6. Close the clamp lever (2) to the right until you can feel resistant’s on the lever.
7. Take the pile of documents insure they are even, put it between the covers, check the pages
are centred in relation to the edges of covers.
8. Take the documents and covers and push carefully into the channel between the protrusions
in the binding slot. NOTE that 5 mm O.CHANNELS and all O.SIMPLE CHANNELS do not have protrusions. Note! Make sure the back cover is facing you.
9. Push down firmly on the bind & de-binding handle (1) holding the covers and documents
vertical till you feel the handle will go no further.
10. Now pull up the bind & de-binding handle (1) to the open position, vertical.
Move the clamp lever (2) to the left completely to take out the bound documents.
11. If the documents are not clamped together firm enough, repeat the process 9 and 10. above
12. You may remove binded documentation.
Be sure the back cover faces you.