Optris Xi400, PI 05M Operating Manual

optris PIX Connect
Software for Thermal Imager
Operator’s Manual
Content ................................................................................. 2
Welcome! .............................................................................. 5
Legal disclaimer ................................................................... 6
1. Getting started................................................................ 7
1.1. Software installation .................................................. 7
1.2. Choice of camera ..................................................... 9
1.3. Choice of language ................................................... 9
1.4. Software window (example) .................................... 10
1.5. Menu and Toolbar (Icons) ....................................... 14
1.5.1. Menu.............................................................. 14
1.5.2. Toolbar (Icons) ............................................... 15
2. Software configuration ................................................ 17
2.1. General settings ..................................................... 17
2.1.1. Color palettes ................................................. 17
2.1.2. Temperature unit ............................................ 19
2.1.3. Temperature range scaling of reference bar ... 19
2.1.4. Displayed frame rate ...................................... 21
2.1.5. Change of title bar .......................................... 22
2.1.6. Optimization of software ................................. 22
2.1.7. Lock / unlock application ................................ 23
2.2. Software layout ....................................................... 24
2.2.1. Displayed windows ........................................ 24
2.2.2. View bars ....................................................... 25
2.2.3. Information within image ................................ 25
2.2.4. Temperatures in digital displays ..................... 26
2.2.5. Layout management ...................................... 27
2.2.6. Assign / remove layouts ................................. 28
2.2.7. Further information ......................................... 28
2.3. Arranging of thermal image ..................................... 29
2.3.1. Mirroring of displayed image .......................... 29
2.3.2. Rotation of displayed image ........................... 29
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2.3.3. Zooming in areas of the displayed image ........ 29
2.4. Imager configuration................................................ 31
2.4.1. Calibration files ............................................... 31
2.4.2. Correction of camera calibration ..................... 31
2.4.3. Detector heating (Chip temperature mode) ..... 32
2.4.4. Emissivity, transmissivity, ambient temperature ..
................................................................... 33
2.4.5. Reference temperature ................................... 33
2.4.6. Changing the optics (only PI) .......................... 35
2.4.7. Changing the temperature range .................... 35
2.4.8. Video formats (Device framerate) ................... 36
2.5. Imager interfaces for PI and Xi 400 camera ............. 37
2.5.1. General .......................................................... 37
2.5.2. Process interface (PIF) ................................... 38
2.6. Software Development Kit (SDK) ............................ 41
2.6.1. Interprocess Communication (IPC) ................. 41
2.6.2. COM-Port ....................................................... 41
2.7. Start options ................................ ............................ 42
2.7.1. Overview of start options ................................ 42
2.7.2. Start of multiple software / imager instances ... 43
3. Data capturing .............................................................. 45
3.1. Open files ................................................................ 45
3.2. Replay of files ......................................................... 45
3.2.1. Control panel .................................................. 45
3.2.2. Replay options ................................................ 46
3.3. Editing video sequences ......................................... 47
3.4. Saving files .............................................................. 48
3.4.1. Setting the recording frame rate ..................... 48
3.4.2. Setting the recording modes ........................... 49
3.4.3. Temporary recording file ................................. 50
3.4.4. Saving radiometric video sequences .............. 51
3.4.5. Saving image data as radiometric snapshot or
text file ............................................................ 52
3.4.6. Saving text file of the temperature / time
diagram .......................................................... 56
3.4.7. Location and filename templates of triggered
recordings ...................................................... 56
3.4.8. Display of snapshots in a separate window .... 57
3.4.9. Saving images or screenshots to clipboard .... 58
3.4.10. Capture Screen .............................................. 59
4. Data processing ........................................................... 61
4.1. Measure areas ........................................................ 61
4.1.1. General settings ............................................. 61
4.1.2. Calculated Objects ......................................... 65
4.1.3. Excluding hot and cold spot areas .................. 68
4.1.4. Individual emissivity values of measure areas 69
4.2. Temperature profile ................................................ 70
4.3. Temperature Time Diagram .................................... 73
4.3.1. General settings ............................................. 73
4.3.2. Scaling of diagram axes ................................. 74
4.4. Histogram ............................................................... 76
4.5. Extended measuring colors .................................... 79
4.6. Image subtraction ................................................... 80
4.7. Relative extreme values .......................................... 81
4.8. Alarms .................................................................... 82
4.9. 3D display of thermal image.................................... 84
4.10. Event grabber ......................................................... 85
4.11. Zoom function of snapshots .................................... 87
5. Xi camera ...................................................................... 88
5.1. Focus setting .......................................................... 88
5.2. Imager interfaces for Xi 80 ...................................... 88
5.2.1. General .......................................................... 88
5.2.2. Process interface (PIF) .................................. 89
5.3. IP settings Xi 80 ...................................................... 94
5.4. Autonomous operation Xi 80 ................................... 94
6. Visual Camera (only PI200/230) ................................... 95
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6.1. Enabling the visual camera ..................................... 95
6.2. Monitoring mode ..................................................... 95
6.3. Cross-fading mode .................................................. 96
6.3.1. General .......................................................... 96
6.3.2. Transparency of thermal image ...................... 97
6.3.3. Moving the thermal within the visual image ..... 98
6.3.4. Cross-fading of defined temperatures ............. 99
7. Line scanner mode ..................................................... 100
7.1. General information ............................................... 100
7.2. Basic settings ........................................................ 101
7.2.1. Line scanner configuration menu .................. 101
7.2.2. Choosing the layout ...................................... 101
7.2.3. Rotating of the image ................................... 101
7.2.4. Activating the Line scanner ........................... 102
7.2.5. Positioning of the line (Line scanner sighting
view) ............................................................. 102
7.2.6. Layout configuration of the Sighting view mode ..
................................................................. 105
7.3. Data evaluation of the scanned line ....................... 106
7.3.1. Line scanner view ......................................... 106
7.3.2. Triggered display of lines .............................. 107
7.3.3. Snapshot configuration ................................. 110
7.3.4. Zoom function of snapshots .......................... 110
8. Merging ....................................................................... 111
8.1. General Information............................................... 111
8.2. Direct Connection over USB Port .......................... 112
8.2.1. Configuration ................................................ 112
8.3. Connection via the Ethernet network ..................... 118
8.4. Simultaneous flag control and frame synchronization
via PIF ................................................................... 119
9. Further information .................................................... 121
9.1. Options ................................................................. 121
9.1.1. Activating software messages ...................... 121
9.1.2. Layouts ........................................................ 122
9.1.3. Device detected ........................................... 122
9.1.4. Temperature unit .......................................... 122
9.1.5. Log events ................................................... 123
9.2. System requirements ............................................ 124
9.3. About software ...................................................... 124
9.4. Extended Configuration ........................................ 125
9.5. Overview shortcuts ............................................... 126
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Thank you for choosing the optris PI and/or Xi infrared camera and corresponding PIX Connect software! The optris PI or Xi calculates the surface temperature based on the emitted infrared energy of objects [►
Basics of Infrared Thermometry]. The two-dimensional detector (FPA - Focal Plane Array) or (CMOS ­Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) allows a measurement depending on the device max. pixels and will be shown as thermographic image using standardized palettes. The radiometric processing of the picture data enables the user to do a comfortable detailed analysis using the software PIX Connect.
Main features of PIX Connect software:
Display of the real time thermal image (up to a max. of
1 kHz) with a wide range of measurement functions
Recording function (video, radiometric video,
Analysis and post processing of
infrared images/ videos
Complete set up of parameters and
remote control of the camera
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Optris GmbH Ferdinand-Buisson-Str. 14 13127 Berlin Germany
Phone: +49-30-500 197-0 Fax: +49-30-500 197-10
E-mail: info@optris.global Internet: www.optris.global
Legal disclaimer
Read the manual carefully before you start the device. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the herein described specifications in case of technical advance of the product.
All products are warranted against defective materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the delivery date of the original purchase, provided such products have been under normal storage, use and service, and in accordance with the instruction. This warranty expires in case of inappropriate use of all delivered components. All products not manufactured by us included in systems delivered by us to the original purchaser carry the warranty, if any, of the particular supplier only and we have no responsibility whatsoever for such products. The manufacturer is not liable for any use of the software PIX Connect including data recording. The manufacturer does not carry liability for error-free operation of the software in any hardware and operating system. The warranty is not expressed for possible quality changes, errors when presenting the software, occurring defects during operation or insufficiencies in certain applications. The user is liable for any defects or data processing insufficiencies when in using the software. The manufacturer has no other liability inside the scope of supply other than mentioned above. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any business loss or claim for compensation, loss of the computer software, possible loss of data, additional costs for replacement software, claims of third parties or other occurring costs or failures and deficits. The software is protected by copyright and is not allowed to be changed or sold to third parties.
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1. Getting started
1.1. Software installation
Please install at first the software PIX Connect from the CD. The CD contains the software application, the specific calibration data of the imager as well as some sample files. These data will be installed automatically.
Insert the installation CD into the according drive on your computer. If the autorun option is activated the installation wizard will start automatically. Otherwise please start setup.exe from the CD-ROM. Follow the instructions of the wizard until the installation is finished.
At the end of the installation, you will get an overview of what has been added, changed and corrected in the current software version. You will find this overview again on the data medium under the document name Changelog.
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The installation wizard will place a launch icon on the desktop and in the start menu.
Now you can connect the infrared imager into an USB port (USB 2.0 or higher) of your PC. After the software has been started, you should see the live image from the camera inside a window on your PC screen.
The sharpness of the image can be adjusted by turning the exterior lens ring at the camera (PI) or by using the distance function in the software (Xi).
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1.2. Choice of camera
In case your language is not provided you will find a translation tool on the software CD delivered with the camera.
In case you are using more than one camera simultaneously (e.g. via USB hub) please select the required device from the list in the Devices menu.
1.3. Choice of language
In the Tools and Language menu you can choose from a variety of available languages.
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1.4. Software window (example)
10 9 8
6 5 4
2 2 1
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IR image from the camera
Temperature profile: Shows the temperatures along max. 2 lines at any size and position in the image.
Control displays: Displays all temperature values in the defined measure areas like Cold Spots, Hot Spots, temperature at cursor, internal temperature and chip temperature.
Alarm settings: Bar showing the defined temperature thresholds for low alarm value (blue arrow) and high alarm value (red arrow). The color of numbers within control displays changes to red (when temp. above the high alarm value) and to blue (when temp. below the low alarm value).
Temperature of measure area: Analyses the temperature according to the selected shape, e.g. average temperature of the rectangle. The value is shown inside the IR image and the control displays.
Reference bar: Shows the scaling of temperature within the color palette.
Temperature time diagram: Shows the temperature curves over time for selectable region of interest (ROI)
Histogram: Shows the statistic distribution of single temperature values.
Automatic / manual scaling of the palette (displayed temperature range): Man., </> (min, max), 1σ : 1 Sigma, 3σ : 3 Sigma, OPT: Palette optimization
Distance function: Adjustment of the motor focus to focus the IR picture
Menu and Toolbar (Icons)
Icon enabling switching between color palettes
Status bar: Model and serial number, optic, temperature range, cursor position, device framerate/ display framerate, emissivity, ambient temperature, flag status
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Under View and User Mode you can select between two additional display options. In
User Mode Touch
User Mode Tablet
addition to the Desktop view, the Touch view or the Tablet view can also be used here. These additional views are particularly useful when using a touch computer or a tablet. The screen and menu are customized and displayed according to their functions.
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Note The User Mode Tablet provides only limited functionality.
Configuration window for User Mode Touch and Tablet
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1.5. Menu and Toolbar (Icons)
Open, save and replay of files; recording; saving temp./time diagram data; snapshot; screenshot; capture screen
Editing of sequences and layouts
Display or fade-out of different software features
Choice of camera and self-referencing
Additional settings of camera and software parameters as line scanner mode; layouts; language; extended settings as merged device configuration and updating the firmware
Information about software; documentation; SDK; locking application
1.5.1. Menu
Using the menu you can adjust all software settings. Each feature will be explained in detail in the following chapters of this manual:
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1.5.2. Toolbar (Icons)
Previous palette
Visible Video
3D Chart
Enable linescanning
Temperature profile (horizontal)
Linescanner view Sighting view
Temperature profile (vertical)
Linescanner configuration
Temperature time diagram
Image subtraction
Save snapshot to file
Digital display group
Image subtraction from file
Copy snapshot to clipboard
Snapshot history
Refresh Flag
Save screenshot to file
Acknowledge Alarm
Screenshot to clipboard
Toggle user mode
Close all tools
Capture screen
Full screen
Digital display (main measure area)
Replay captured screen
IR/Visible Fusion
Digital display (mouse curser)
Reference bar
Next palette
The most important features of the software can be activated directly via the toolbar. You can redesign the toolbar according to your preferences (see section 2.2.2). Available toolbar icons are the following:
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Toggle Minimum, Mean Value, Maximum
Config merged device
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2. Software configuration
Gray (Black = Cold)
Gray (White = Cold)
Iron Hi
Alarm Red
Alarm Green
Rainbow Hi
Alarm Blue
Rainbow Medical Blue Hi
2.1. General settings
You can activate all here mentioned features in the Tools, Configuration and General menu (except for color palettes and temperature unit).
2.1.1. Color palettes
In the Tools, Configuration, Measuring colors and Standard palette menu you can choose from a list of color palettes to achieve ideal displaying of the infrared image and the included temperature information.
You can also adjust the color palette via the Icon on the toolbar or the menu View and Shift palette.
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Examples of various color palettes:
Palette Iron
Palette Rainbow
Palette Blue Hi Palette Rainbow Hi
Palette Rainbow Medical
Palette Gray (Black = Cold)
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2.1.2. Temperature unit
The lower and the upper border (Min/Max) can be determined individually.
The software continuously defines the upper and the lower border based on the hottest and coldest pixel in the image.
The temperature unit can be changed in the menu Tools, Extended and
Options. When setting the Temperature unit you can choose between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).
Alternatively, the temperature unit can also be changed by pressing the right mouse button in the live IR image.
2.1.3. Temperature range scaling of reference bar
Via the Temperature range scaling settings you can allocate colors to temperature values within the reference bar.
These are the following options:
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1 σ
The mean value of all pixels in the image will be continuously calculated. Based on the mean value one standard deviation (1 sigma) sets the limits of reference bar.
3 σ
The mean value of all pixels in the image will be continuously calculated. Based on the mean value three standard deviations (3 sigma) set the limits of reference bar.
With OPT a contrast optimization is achieved. This function allows an optimum contrast between very low and very high temperatures.
Palette optimization (OPT) is not available for PI 1M and PI 05M.
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2.1.4. Displayed frame rate
The display frame rate corresponds to the device frame rate of the camera.
It skips so many pictures that the set display frame rate results.
The pixels are averaged out of a sequence of images. This weakens the detector noise.
From a sequence of images, the smallest value is displayed for each pixel.
From a sequence of images, the highest value is displayed for each pixel.
Is a combination of average and skipping and is used at very low display rates. The averaging time indicates how many percent of the set frame time should be averaged. In the remaining time, the frames are skipped (e.g., if the display frequency is 1 Hz and the averaging time is 10%, then 100 ms is averaged and 900 ms are skipped).
The option Reduce displayed frames defines what frame rate is used to display the image. Typically, the specification is in Hertz (Hz, images per second). The maximum frame rate of the imager depends on the camera model you’re using. It is recommended to use the default parameters of 20 Hz. The camera supplies the software with all images at the whole time. When you using a lower display framerate you have to decide what should happen with the rest of the pictures. Under Mode you have several options:
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Note A reduced frame rate means a less loaded computer in terms of data processing. Therefore, please adjust the displayed frame rate according to your application as well as to the performance of your computer.
2.1.5. Change of title bar
The Application title bar option enables the individual setting for an own title name. The setting Default displays the standard software name PIX Connect“. Using the setting User defined you can specify an individual name. The option Instance name is important if starting several cameras and software on one computer. The option Revision name is disabling the display of software version in the title bar.
2.1.6. Optimization of software
The display of the thermal image in the main window of the software can be adjusted according to the performance of the computer. Choosing the option Quality and High-speed temperature calculation the display will be enlarged to the highest resolution, but requires a higher computing power. Using a slow computer, it is recommended to choose the option Performance. Is the bar placed in the middle, you get a compromise between quality and performance. If Keep Aspect Ratio is selected the aspect ratio will be maintained. The option Prevent screensaver is suppressing the screensaver functionality of your computer.
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2.1.7. Lock / unlock application
The software offers the possibility to block or unlock the application by entering a password. This is possible under menu Help and Lock / unlock application. Enter a password and repeat it. Then press Lock and the application is locked.
The setting options are now all gray in color and they are no longer able to make changes. Only when you go to Help and Lock / unlock application, enter the password and click Unlock, the software will be unlocked again.
Remove Password removes the current password and with Change Password a new password can be assigned.
If the application should be locked again, the current password remains memorized and a repeated entry of the password is no longer necessary.
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Separate window and window with positioning field to place it into the software individually.
2.2. Software layout
2.2.1. Displayed windows
You can individually choose the displayed windows and easily change their positions within the desktop area (drag & drop). To add windows please use the menu item View and Windows.
On the one hand a window can be positioned separately on the screen. On the other hand a window can be set at a fixed position in the software. The location can be determined using the positioning field (mouse over the arrows above“, „below“, „right“, „left“). When a window is dragged into another one (mouse has to be placed within title head) both will be merged. You can switch between them using the tab provided.
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2.2.2. View bars
All icons shown on the toolbar can be individually selected via the option Customize tool bar… (Please see also 1.5.2).
For individual display of software you can show or hide single bars in the software window. There is the possibility to Show all bars or Hide all bars by one click.
2.2.3. Information within image
Using the menu View and Image Information you can decide, which information you would like to see inside the infrared image window.
Via Reference bar you can set the position of the temperature scale within the infrared image window.
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The menu item Use contrast color can be used for highlighting particular information within the IR image.
Display of thermal image without and with contrast colors
2.2.4. Temperatures in digital displays The menu option View and Digital display group
temperatures allows the user to define which temperature
control displays will be shown in the application window Temperatures (see section 2.2.1). The shown pre-defined values can also be displayed in the temperature time diagram (see section 4.3). Furthermore, the alarm configuration can be based on these temperatures (see section 4.8)
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2.2.5. Layout management
Before you click Save layout you must add new layout name into the field provided.
In the menu item Tools and Layout you can manage pre-designed or your own image layouts. If you want to use an alternative layout you must activate it under Load layout. You can save your own layouts with user­defined names.
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2.2.6. Assign / remove layouts
To confirm the changes as explained above you must always save the file. Please use the menu File and Save or the Icon on the toolbar.
In the menu item Edit and Assign layout to current file you can save files with a new layout setting. Using Remove layout from current file it is possible to configure a file in a way that it has no associated layout pattern. When you play it again the layout of the previously played file will be used.
Under Tools, Configuration and Extended Layout, created layouts can be
assigned to specific device types. These layouts are then only visible for the selected device types.
2.2.7. Further information
Independent whether other programs are running on your PC the PIX Connect software can always be kept in the foreground. To activate this feature please use View and Always on top. All other applications will now run in the background.
The thermal image of the main window can be displayed in a full screen mode. Please use the menu View and Full screen or the Icon on the toolbar to change the display size.
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2.3. Arranging of thermal image
The thermal image within the main window of the software can be displayed in various ways using the menu
Tools, Configuration and IR Image arranging.
2.3.1. Mirroring of displayed image
Sometimes, depending on the fitting position of the PI, it is useful to Mirror the camera image horizontally or vertically. Either the image will be adjusted by the menu mentioned above or under Tools and Mirror.
2.3.2. Rotation of displayed image
By tagging an icon it is possible to Rotate the thermal image into a different position. Alternatively, a manual adjustment can be done by defining a User defined angle.
2.3.3. Zooming in areas of the displayed image
Using the Zoom option a detail of the image can be enlarged in the main window by the position information. The option can be activated by tagging the Maximal (diagonal to the square) filed. Furthermore you can use Pick rectangle for user defined zoom. The corresponding measuring area can be selected. When user defined is selected, the coordinates Left, Right, Top and Bottom can be entered manually. The Resulting size of IR image will be shown below.
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Rotation and zooming of a defined measure area.
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