optris® CTex LT
Infrared sensor for application in hazardous areas
Operators Manual - Addendum
Manufacturer’s declaration for the CTex measurement system
The CTex sensing head can be used as a passive element in hazardous areas. The operator has to
verify the classification of the optris CT sensing heads, according to EN 60079-0/ EN 60079-11
(category of simple electrical devices) on his own.
To verify that the CT sensing head is a simple electrical device according to EN 60079-11 item 5.7 we
hereby confirm the following technical data:
• Inductance (available for the sensor cable only):
Inductance of the loops min. 0.55 mH/ km; max 0.56 mH/ km
In relation to a cable length of 15 m:
Inductance of the loops min. 0.825 *10-3 mH; max 0.84 *10-3 mH
• Capacitance:
Capacitance of the sensor cable:
Capacitance lead/ lead min. 16.5 nF/ km; max. 17.9 nF/ km
Capacitance lead/ rest min. 101.0 nF/ km; max. 103.4 nF/ km
In relation to a cable length of 15 m:
Capacitance lead/ lead min. 0.2475 nF; max. 0.2685 nF
Capacitance lead/ rest min. 1.515 nF; max. 1.551 nF
Capacitance in the sensing head:
C1 = Ceramic SMD Capacitor 6.8 nF +/- 20 %
C2 = Ceramic SMD Capacitor 6.8 nF +/- 20 %

optris® CTex LT
For further information of the CTex sensing head in relation to the appropriate components
Technical Data
Connection diagram
Figure 1: Connection diagram
contact our service department.
Optris GmbH
Ferdinand-Buisson-Str. 14 · D-13127 Berlin · Germany
Tel: +49(0)30 500 197 0 · Fax: +49(0)30 500 197 10
E-mail: info@optris.de · Internet: www.optris.de
optris CT-exMAD-E2014-11-A