Huge pictures with breathtaking
quality, large enough to fi ll a wall
No setup required! Just plug in, point at a wall and insert a DVD
movie disc for huge screen, digital quality Home Cinema.
The largest big screen TV’s are dwarfed by the astounding MovieTime™ DV10
picture that can fi ll a wall.
Carry a Home Cinema system with a wall sized image,
to a friend’s house, in one hand.
Ultimate quality digital connection between the integrated digital DVD player and
digital projector ensures crystal clear, high contrast, perfectly balanced pictures of
vastly superior quality to Plasma or LCD.
Use with:
Digital TV or Satellite set-top boxes - for giant screen viewing
Games Console - for life size characters and totally immersive action
Digital Camera - display your favourite Photo image CD’s from the
integrated DVD player
Computer - a computer monitor the size of a wall
Camcorder - transform home movies into a cinema experience
VCR - your old favourites but bigger
Ultra Portable
Instant Home Cinema
The MovieTime™ DV10 integrated Digital
Projector, Digital DVD Player and Sound
System provides huge pictures and audio
of exceptional quality in a sleek, ultra
portable design.
Digital DVD
Instant Home Cinema
Huge Screen Experience
Perfect Image Quality
Giant Screen TV,
Gaming & Photo viewing
Ultra Portable