Opto 22 all products Communication Tools & Protocols

Communication Tools & Protocols
Form 1820-200629
Because Opto 22 products—both current and legacy—are based on open standards, you can use them with a variety of programming tools and communication protocols. In addition to monitoring and controlling sensors, machines, and equipment, you can exchange data with devices, databases, systems, software applications on your premises or in the cloud, and web services.
Thanks to open standards, Opto 22 products can make data available for integration, storage, analysis, and industrial internet of things (IIoT) applications.
This technical note describes the programming tools, protocols, and options you can use and shows you which Opto 22 products work with each. Some require free Opto 22 software development kits (SDKs) and integration kits, which are available for groov EPIC®, SNAP PAC, and legacy products.
The table beginning on page 2 lists development environments and the products that support them.
The table starting on page 3 lists protocols and communication methods and the products that work
with them.
Programming and communication tools, APIs, SDKs, and integration kits are briefly described starting on
page 7.
Protocols and other communication options are described starting on page 11.
See developer.opto22.com for complete information on RESTful APIs, Node-RED nodes, Ignition and
Ignition Edge® from Inductive Automation®, MQTT and Sparkplug, code samples, and more.
You can also see and contribute to additional methods of communication developed by our user community in the OptoForums at www.opto22.com.
Many of the tools and protocols in this tech note apply to these Opto 22 products. Follow the links to see descriptions and specifications:
groov EPIC processors
groov RIO® edge I/O modules
PAC Project™ automation software suite
SNAP PAC controllers (SNAP PAC S-series, R-series, and SoftPAC)
SNAP PAC brains (I/O processors)
groov View mobile operator interface tool
If you have questions on tools, protocols, or the use of Opto 22 products, contact Pre-Sales Engineering by phone or email. Pre-Sales Engineering is free, and we’re glad to help.
Phone: 800-321-6786 (toll-free in the U.S.) or 951-695-3000 Contact via website: https://www.opto22.com/support/contact-us
After you purchase Opto 22 products, you’ll also receive free product support from the experienced engineers in our Temecula, California headquarters.
© 2011-2020 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Communication Tools & Protocols
Form 1820-200629
Development Environments
NOTE: Legacy products are listed in the table but are not recommended for new development. For information on most legacy equipment, see Legacy and Current SNAP Product Comparison Charts, form 1693.
Development Environment
C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, or any other JSON-compatible programming language
C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, or any other Raspberry Pi-compatible programming language
C/C++, Java, Python, and other languages
CODESYS® Development System with any IEC-61131-3 compliant language
Ignition from Inductive Automation
Ignition Edge
Purpose Opto 22 Products Notes
Access I/O point and variable data in a groov EPIC processor or SNAP PAC controller, using the controller’s REST API.
Access data in a groov® View Data Store using the groov View API.
Use a Raspberry Pi to monitor and control industrial digital sensors & devices.
Build custom programs to run on Linux® OS.
Read or write to memory map addresses in the device.
Create and run control programs. groov EPIC processor
Integrate full-featured Ignition HMI with Opto 22 systems. Add external access to OPC-UA server, scripting, database support, and all Ignition modules.
Connect to PLCs using OPC UA. Connect to Modbus/TCP devices and software. Communicate data using MQTT with Sparkplug or string payloads.
PAC Project and groov EPIC processor, or SNAP PAC R-series or S-series controller
groov View on groov EPIC, groov Edge Appliance
(groov Box), or groov Server for Windows
Digital I/O Carrier Board for Raspberry Pi G4PB8H or G4PB16H rack and G4 digital I/O modules or SNAP-D4M rack and SNAP digital I/O modules
groov EPIC processor
groov EPIC processors groov RIO modules
SNAP PAC controllers SNAP PAC brains G4EB2 brain E1 and E2 brain boards
(Legacy) SNAP Ethernet I/O, SNAP Simple I/O, SNAP Ultimate I/O, SNAP-LCE controller
groov EPIC (with firmware R1.4.0 or higher)
groov EPIC groov Box
See developer.Opto22.com for complete API documentation and steps for getting started. For SNAP PAC, requires firmware R9.5a or higher.
See groov View User’s Guide (form 2027). See API documentation in groov Build (choose Help > groov Public API). Requires groov R3.3a or higher.
See developer.Opto22.com for getting started steps and code samples.
Requires Linux Secure Shell access license,
Requires groov EPIC firmware 1.3.0 or higher and free GROOV-LIC-CRE. See licensing steps in the
groov EPIC User's Guide.
Requires Ignition license. Contact an Opto 22
Pre-Sales engineer for information.
Requires GROOV-LIC-EDGE. For groov Box, also requires groov Admin 1.570.47 or higher.
© 2011-2020 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Communication Tools & Protocols
Form 1820-200629
PAC Project Automation Software Suite
Purpose Opto 22 Products Notes
Read or write to I/O point and variable data in a PAC Control™ strategy (control program).
Read or write to memory map addresses in the device.
Communicate with current loop devices using the HART® protocol.
Communicate data among hardware devices, databases, web services, APIs.
Create and run control programs, build Microsoft® Windows® HMI, use OPC server, connect to databases
PAC Project and groov EPIC processor or SNAP PAC controller
groov EPIC processors groov RIO modules
SNAP PAC controllers SNAP PAC brains G4EB2 brain E1 and E2 brain boards
(Legacy) SNAP Ethernet I/O, SNAP Simple I/O, SNAP Ultimate I/O, SNAP-LCE controller
HART SNAP I/O module(s)
groov EPIC processors groov RIO modules groov Box
SNAP-PAC R-series SNAP-PAC-S series
groov EPIC processors SNAP PAC controllers
Requires HART SNAP I/O module(s):
groov EPIC, groov RIO, and groov Box (with groov Admin 1.570.44 or higher) include Node-RED. Free Node-RED nodes are available for groov I/O and groov View. See developer.opto22.com.
Node-RED does not run on SNAP PACs but can talk to them via free SNAP PAC nodes (requires PAC firmware R9.5a or higher). See developer.opto22.com.
Free PAC Project Basic for control and HMI. PAC Project Professional adds other functions.
Protocols and Communication Methods
NOTE: Legacy products are listed in the table but are not recommended for new development. For information on most legacy equipment, see Legacy and Current SNAP Product Comparison Charts, form 1693
Protocol or
Communicate with devices on a BACnet/IP network.
Communicate with systems using the BACnet protocol over RS-485 (serial).
Purpose Opto 22 Products Notes
Requires Opto 22 Library Package for CODESYS
Development System or higher and
groov EPIC
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller
PAC Project and SNAP PAC S-series controller
CODESYS BACnet SL version, available at the CODESYS Store (“Previous Versions” tab; a higher numbered release will not work).
Requires PAC Project R9.4a or higher and PAC firmware R9.4a or higher.
Requires PAC Project R8.2a or higher.
© 2011-2020 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Protocol or
Purpose Opto 22 Products Notes
Communicate with systems using the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol.
Receive data from systems using the CAN protocol.
Transmit to and receive data from devices using the CAN protocol.
Communicate with older Allen-Bradley
drivers or PLCs using
the DF1 protocol.
Communicate with systems using the DNP3 protocol.
Allow Allen-Bradley PLCs to use SNAP-PAC I/O, using the EtherNet/IP protocol.
FTP (client) Work with data files.
FTP (server) Work with data files.
Communicate with current loop devices using the HART protocol.
Communicate with other devices & software.
Communicate with systems using the
60870-5-101 and 60870-5-104 protocols.
microSD card Store data locally.
Communication Tools & Protocols
Requires groov EPIC Firmware 1.5.0 or higher.
groov EPIC and
GRV-CCANI-2 module
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller and
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller and
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller
(Legacy) OptoControl and SNAP-LCM4 or M4 controller
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller
SNAP PAC controllers SNAP PAC EB brains G4EB2 brain
SNAP PAC controllers SNAP Ultimate I/O
SNAP PAC controllers SNAP PAC EB brains G4EB2 brain
(Legacy) SNAP Ultimate I/O and SNAP Ethernet I/O
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller and HART SNAP I/O module(s)
HART SNAP I/O module(s) and SNAP PAC R-series controller or SNAP PAC brain
groov EPIC processors groov RIO modules
SNAP PAC S-series SNAP PAC R-series
PAC Project and SNAP PAC controller
groov EPIC processors groov RIO modules
SNAP PAC S-series SNAP PAC R-series
Works with custom programs developed with shell access or with CODESYS applications (requires
Opto 22 Library Package for CODESYS Development System or higher).
PAC-INT-CAN-RX (Receive only)
Requires SNAP-SCM-CAN2B CAN communication module with firmware R1.0d or lower and PAC Control R9.2a or higher.
PAC-INT-CAN-RXTX (Transmit & receive)
Requires SNAP-SCM-CAN2B CAN communication module with firmware R2.0d or higher and PAC Control R9.2a or higher.
PAC-INT-DNP3 (Requires PAC Control Professional
R8.1 or higher).
Direct communication over EtherNet/IP.
Direct communication over Ethernet.
Direct communication over Ethernet.
Direct communication over Ethernet.
Requires HART SNAP I/O module(s).
Custom program built using
Requires HART SNAP I/O module(s).
HTTP/HTTPS server is built in. SNAP PAC requires firmware R9.5a or higher.
Requires PAC Control Professional R9.3a or higher.
groov EPIC and groov RIO: via USB port (to 32 GB) SNAP PAC: built-in microSD card slot (to 32 GB)
Form 1820-200629
© 2011-2020 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
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