optitrack V120:DUO, V120:TRIO Quick Start Manual

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quick start guide
V120: TRIO
V120: DUO
1. Install Tracking Tools Software
2. Plug In Hardware
Download the latest software installer from the website or use software CD if included. Run the installer and follow its prompts.
USB Uplink to PC
Left LED
Right LED
I/O-X (breakout box)
12 V @ 3 A
Camera Bar Cable
(see Status LEDs at right)
After starting Tracking Tools software, the device should be ready to track immediately.
Licensing and calibration are automatic and built into the device.
Warning: Ensure power has been disconnected from the I/O-X (breakout box) before plugging or unplugging the Camera Bar Cable. Hot-plugging this cable may damage the device.
Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 users must be logged in as an administrator to install the USB drivers. If you only have one user login on your computer, you probably have administrator privileges.
* Notes
* Status LEDs
Left LED:
OFF Device is OFF RED Device in ON AMBER Device is Recognized
by Tracking Tools
Right LED:
OFF Tracking/Video is NOT ENABLED Solid-RED Configured for External-Sync –
Sync Not Detected Flashing-RED Configured for External-Sync –
Sync Detected Solid-GREEN Configured for Internal-Sync –
Sync Missing Flashing-GREEN Configured for Internal-Sync –
Sync Present