Page 20
Review the information in the table below to troubleshoot operating problems.
I. Optical Section:
The illumination is open, but the eld
of view is dark.
The plug of the LED holder is
not connected to the illumina-
tion set
Connect them
The brightness is too low Adjust to a proper setting
Too many colour lters have
been stacked
Minimize the number of the lters
The edge of the eld of view is
vignetted or the brightness is asym-
The nosepiece is not in the correct position
Turn the nosepiece to a click stop
The color lter is partially
Insert the lter to full depth
The phase contrast slider is not
in the proper position
Move the slider to a click stop
Dust and stains can be seen in the
eld of view.
There are stains and dust on
the specimen
Clean the specimen
There are stains and dust on
the eyepiece
Clean the eyepiece
There is an apparent double image. The size of the aperture dia-
phragm is too small
Open the aperture diaphragm
Poor image quality:
The image is not sharp
The contrast is not high
The details are not clear
The phase contrast is low.
The nosepiece is not in the
center of the light path
Turn the nosepiece to a click stop
The aperture diaphragm in
the view of eld is opened too
much or too little
Adjust the aperture diaphragm
The lenses (condenser, objective, eyepieces are culture
dish) is dirty
Thoroughly clean all the optical system
In phase contrast observation,
the bottom thickness of the
sample is more than 1.2mm
Use a sample holder whose bottom thickness is less than 1.2mm
A bright eld objective is used
for phase contrast observation
Switch to a phase contrast objective
The condenser ring is not
aligned with the objective
phase ring
Adjust the condenser ring to match the
objective phase ring
The light ring and/or the phase
contrast ring is not centered
Adjust the bolts to center them
The objective used is not compatible with the phase ring
Please use a compatible objective
The phase contrast depends on
the sample position
The sample holder is not at. Move the
sample around until a compatible area is