1.1 Your PC should be Windows 2000 or Windows XP or Windows Vista.
If your PC is Windows XP : before the installation of your Camera please check whether it is
Service Pack2 or not, should not please update your XP from the Microsoft web site.
If your PC has got a USB less than 2.0 there may be some problems in capturing image
from the camera due to the transmission not fast enough.
1.2 In the parcel of your Camera you will find two CD, the firmer has the ARCsoftware and
Drivers, the latter has many other softwares, a manual folder and a troubleshooting folder.
1.3 First of all you have to install the two Drivers you will find in the “Software Digital CD”,
one driver is for capturing images and the second for capturing video.
1.4 Then you can install ARCH software which allows you to save images and videoclips as
a normal Home Digital Camera.
1.5 Now you can use the second CD in wich you will find :
a) Manuals
you’ll find the various manuals about the software of your CD, if you don’t find a manual is
because it’s already in the help menu of the software.
b) TroubleShooting
you’ll find the answers at several questions about the software and drivers.
c) software \ dot net 3.0
copy on your Desktop the file dotnetfx3.exe, run it for uploading your Windows library, this
library is useful in case the VisionLite software gives any error.
d) Emamcapture
it is an easy software for capturing videoclips and images, you only have to copy it on your
desktop and run Emamcapture.exe.
e) Vision lite simple
it is an easy software for capturing and make measures on your images, you only have to
copy the whole folder on your desktop and run OptikaVisionLite.exe.