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The EDUCAM MULTIMEDIA video camera is especially designed to meet the various requirements in the edu-
cational eld. When it is connected to a professional monitor or simply to a TV set, EDUCAM is able to carry out
many different functions. It can be used in the following ways:
- as an episcope, for the reproduction of texts, documents, photographs, etc.
- as an enlarger, to enlarge small objects, insects, minerals, etc.
- for video-microscopy, connectable both to biological or stereo microscopes using the adapters included.
- as a overhead projector, for the projection of tracings
- as a camera for teleconferences, that can be connected to a computer and to the Internet
- as a camera for video-conferences, used in conferences, assemblies, meetings, etc.
- as a camera for lming, with the help of a video recorder.
This video camera enables you to record clearly even when there is little light available, thanks to its extremely
sensitive electronic circuits. The special lens enables you to focus from 0,76 mm, up to an innite distance.
At the camera base, there is an extremely sensitive microphone that, via the TV itself, or via a separate amplifying system, enables you to reproduce for example the teacher’s voice during the lesson, or to record sounds and
noises from the surrounding area.
The special exible arm and the heavy weight of the base, gives the EDUCAM its versatile, sturdy and stabile
characteristics. The micro-video camera placed on the end of the exible arm can be placed in any position,
even projecting from the base, without jeopardising the system’s stability. A special joint allows the head to rotate
avoiding connector breakages inside the exible arm.