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8 | sTeP 3: ATM ProgrAMMiNg : NAuTilus hyosuNg ATMs
Step 3
The OptConnect OC-3501 supports both Dial-up and High-Speed
TCP/IP Communication. When running Dial-up communication,
there is no need to alter any ATM programming. For a list of processor phone numbers, see page 20 of this guide.
The OptConnect OC-3251 runs high-speed transactions via TCP/
IP communication. TCP/IP communication signicantly cuts transaction speeds over dial-up transactions requiring less time for your
customers to complete their transactions.
Running TCP/IP involves programming the ATM for this mode of
communication. You must have master password access to the
ATM programming menus to make the necessary changes.
The OC-3251 runs ON LY high-speed wireless TCP/IP transactions
only possible with ATMs capable of communicating via TCP/IP.
NAuTilus hyosuNg ATMs
TCP/IP Setup
Nautilus Hyosung ATMs capable of TCP/IP communication include
1800CE/SE, 2700CE/T, MM5000, MM5300CE/XP,
MM5100T, HALO, HALO II, 4000W
Once the physical installation
is complete, the Status Light is
ashing green, and the Cell On
and Signal Lights are solid green,
enter the ATM’s Operator Menu
using your Master Password.
If your ATM menus appear differently than described in this
Guide, please call OptConnect
technical support at 877-6783343 for further assistance.