Opiz OP-D2D2A User Manual

Science & Technology protect your comfort life.
User Manual
Video Door Phone
www. opizcn. com
Thank y ou fo r you r kindly purchasin g our p roduct.
Pleas e car efu lly read this user man ual b efore using the prod uct a nd follow instruct ion s
II.Description for Operation
1. F ront View
2. R ear View
① ② ③
1.A visitor key in th ree o r four digits room num ber o n the d oor station, the doo r stati on wi ll ri ng the household ind oor p hone, when the house hol der pick up the han dse t and d ual talk to the visito r, wai t for master remote lo ck.
2.In the operati ng pr ocess, such as input e rro rs ca n be according to remo ve
key cle are d, ne w dial-up
3.Input number i f aut omatic cleared, ex pla in th is number excee ds th e
Digit al di spl ay area
Keybo ard a rea
Acces s ID ca rd re ading area
machi ne co de ra nge.
4.If sound "di-d i" th at means this extens ion n umb er is not exist or the ind oor phone i s fau lt
5.If sound "di-d i-d i", that means this ex ten sio n is in short circuit or i s not hange d up no w.
6.If the calling i s suc ceed, ring tone will b e hea rd. Waiting f or th e house hol der p ick up the handset.
7.If the househo lde r is not at home machine w ill b e hea rd., about 45 sec ond s after a uto mat ically return to sta tic .
8.If the master al low s visitors in, Damon e lec tri city lock automati cal ly open,
the gue st to e nte r.
9.Public passw ord t o use
10. Key in "*250" and t hen k ey in 8 digits passwor d MMM MMM MM to unlock.
11. Unlock passwo rd se tti ngs: private pa ssw ord f or each householde r.
1)* *00 xx xx(the administr ato r password, the init ial n umber is 2098)
2)* *12
Digit al tu be
Charg e mod ule
Louds pea ker
3)XXX MMMM (XXX fo r the h ouseholders'ro om nu mbe r, MMMM for the new p ass wor d you want to set )
4)A long tone "di-- -" it s successfully to se t the p ass word.
5)Continue to se t up ot her user's passwor d, pl eas e repeat step (3) ,
pleas e pre ss th e "*" key to exit.
6)Prohibit different p ass word for each househ old er, re peat step (3), Chang e MMM M int o 0000.
12. Public unlock p ass word settings:
1)* *00 xx xx(the administr ato r password, the init ial n umber is 2098)
2)* *13 MM MMMMMM (MMMMMMMM f or 8 di gits random passwo rd)
3)A long tone "di-- -" it s successfully to se t the p ass word.
Acces s ele ctr onic control lock, d ire ct-control elect ric l ock. 12V: powe r sup ply for the door stati on, c onn ect to the door statio n pow er supply. Syste m lin e. V: De cod er power line, unnec ess ary when network con nec tions. T: System, callin g, au dio , unlock line. G: Syst em pu bli c lines, connect to de cod er, connect to audio vi deo switc her w hen i n the networking. Vi: Door statio n vid eo ou tput, connect to the v ide o switch, connect to the au dio & vid eo switch when in the ne two rking. M: Video contro l lin e, co ntrol the video on or off.
-: (1 )C onnect to the system v ide o cable shielding la yer.
(2) Connect to the vi deo 1 8V po wer
(3) Connect to the do or st ati on and video swit che r pow er supply ground lin e. +: Power suppl y for v ideo, supply power t o the s creen and camera, co nne ct to the pos iti ve. 1 8V power supply line a nd "+ " of video switches.
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Envir onm ent t emperature: -40~+ 70 Relat ive h umi dity: 45%-95% Atmos phe ric p ressure: 86-108K pa Shell f ire pro of rank: IP33 Work voltage: D C12 V Stati cs cu rre nt: 0.042A Working curre nt: 0 .24 5A Dimen sio n: 31 5 130 45mm Embed s ize : 300 113 31mm
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