Thi s user ma nual is g uidan ce for us ing and i nstal ling Wi reles s Video D oor Ph one.
Our c ompan y reser ves the r ight to c hange o r alert p roduc t and sys tem wit hout
pri or noti ce.
If there' s any disti nction betwe en descripti on and real product, ple ase subject to the
real produc t.
Ple ase fol low the r ight pr ocess t o turn of f. Do no t remo ve bat tery w hen po wer- on or it i s
bei ng char ged, av oid any d igita l infor matio n loss. An d insta ll the Mi cro SD in r ight wa y,
avo id brok en.
Ple ase vis it www.o pizcn .com f or deta ils.
Thi s produ ct with p atent .OPIZ t ake OP- D05 all c opyri ght and r egist ered tr adema rks.
Dis posal b atter y canno t be disp osed as o rdina ry wast e. Plea se refe r to loca l
rul es abou t the dis pose of e lectr onic pr oduct s.
Kee p the ind oor mon itor an d all acc essor ies out o f reach o f child ren.
Kee p the ind oor mon itor aw ay from l iquid , do not pl ace the p roduc t where i s air-w et.
Kee p the ind oor mon itor aw ay from f ire, li tten ci garet te.
Do no t paint o r lacqu er the pr oduct s.
Do no t drop, t hrow or b end the p roduc t.
Do no t place t he prod uct tog ether w ith any m agnet ic thin gs, suc h as magn etic di sc,
cre dit car d, and tr avel ca rd. It ma y affec t the in form atio n stor ed in th ose ca rds.
Do no t put the p roduc t where t emper ature i s above 6 0℃.
Do no t attem pt to rep air thi s produ ct by you rself s uch as op ening o r remov ing cov ers.
To avoi d poten tial da nger, pl ease us e the spe cifie d batte ry and po wer ada pter.
Use w et or ant i-sta tic clo th inst ead of dr y and sta tic clo th to cle an the pr oduct . Don' t
cle an the pr oduct w ith che mical a gent or s tonew ashed a gent fo r it will
dam age the o utsid e part of t he prod uct.
Nev er crus h or sque eze LCD a nd came ra, for t hey are f ragil e. Keep t he prod uct awa y
fro m sharp t hings .
If th ere is an y probl em, ple ase con tact ou r tech su pport a nd cust omer se rvice .
Pre cauti ons For S afety
The d evice m ay inte rfere w ith med ical eq uipme nt like C ardia c Pacem aker, he aring a id,
etc. W hen ans werin g, plea se keep t he devi ce at leas t 15cm a way fr om Card iac
Pac emake r.
Att entio n
Con tents
At ten tion ……… ……
Saf ety pre cauti ons ……… …………… .
Con tents ……… …………
Par t che cklis t …… ………….
Fe atur e……… ……… ……..
Ind oor mon itor … …………. .
Out door ca mera… …..
LCD di spla y……
Ope ratio n … .
Tou ch-sc reen m enu i nstru ction …
Men u set ting. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
Inf rared r emote c ontro l.... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .
Bra cket in stall ation ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
Out door c amera insta llati on .. ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..
Tech nical data .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..
…… ……… ..…. ……… ……… ……. ….…… ……… ……… .…1
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….… …………… …….…. …………… ……….4 -5
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……… …….. ….…… …………… ….…. ………… …………. ….6- 7
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……… ……..… .………… …………. 9-11
……… ……..… .12
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Clo se alar m…... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....… …………. .….…… …………… ….….1 2
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