Monophonic Guitar Synthesizer
User Manual
V-ZERO is a monophonic guitar synth based upon principles of subtractive synthesis. When a note is played the pedal
senses the pitch of the note and drives the on board oscillators. The generated signals can be mixed and processed in
various way by filtering and applying modulations.
Detailed description of every control
OSC1 Waveform (4P rotary switch): Sine, Saw, Square, Triangle
OSC2 Waveform (4P rotary switch): Sine, Saw, PWM, Triangle
OSC1 Octave (6P rotary switch): 6 octaves range
OSC2 Octave (6P rotary switch): 6 octaves range
OSC 1-2 mix (pot): mixes OSC1 and OSC2
OSC 1 tune (pot): fine tunes OSC1 pitch
Mix and output:
Mix (pot) : mixes dry guitar signal with synthesizer signal
Volume (pot): output level
Output jack: a standard TS jack plug can be used or TRS for splitting the output. TIP of the jack carries synth +
dry guitar signal, RING carries dry signal. TIP signal is affected by MIX and VOLUME controls and can be
bypassed while RING signal is not affected by MIX or VOLUME and can't be bypassed. Split function permits to
drive two different amplifiers or routing the signal to different external devices.
LFO rate (pot): speed of the LFO
LFO depth (pot): depth of the LFO
VCA mod (tactile switch with blinking LED):
o short press: LFO modulates VCA
o long press: instrument envelope modulates VCA
LPF mod (tactile switch with blinking LED) :
o short press: LFO modulates LPF
o long press: instrument envelope modulates LPF
o pressing CONTROL and LPF MOD together turns on or off “LPF frequency modulation from OSC2”
Pitch mod (tactile switch with blinking LED):
o short press: LFO modulates pitch of both OSC1 and OSC2 (Control LED = green)
o long press: applies pitch portamento, portamento time can be set with LFO rate pot
o pressing CONTROL and PITCH MOD together turns on or off LOW TRACKING FUNCTION
LFO Wave (tactile switch with LED) : when off the LFO wave is a sine wave, when on the LFO wave is a square
o pressing CONTROL and LFO Wave together switches between LFO groups (SINE/SQUARE or
Portamento ON
(portamento time set
by LFO rate)
YELLOW (short
press of CONTROL)
Portamento ON
(portamento time set
by LFO rate)
GREEN (250ms long
press of CONTROL)
Portamento ON +
LFO modulation
(portamento time set
by LFO rate)
Envelope +
Envelope +
(1sec long press of
Portamento ON +
LFO modulation
(portamento time set
by LFO rate)
Envelope +
Envelope +
blinking (5sec long
press of CONTROL)
LFO Rate sets GATE ON threshold and saves it
Control (footswitch with bicolor LED):
o when off the sustain is in STANDARD mode.
o a short press of the footswitch indicated by yellow LED turns on NOTE HOLD mode. When NOTE HOLD
mode is on the last note picked will play indefinetely until a new note is played.
o a long press (250 milliseconds) of the footswitch indicated by green LED turns on the LFO.
o a longer press (1 second) indicated by yellow/green LED turns on both NOTE HOLD mode than LFO.
o a very long press (5 seconds) will set and save GATE ON threshold based upon position of LFO rate pot.
o pressing CONTROL and PITCH MOD together turns on or off LOW TRACKING FUNCTION
Bypass: standard true-bypass switch
LPF (pot): low-pass filter. When full clock-wise the filter is flat. Turning LPF pot anti clock-wise the filter start
cutting high frequencies progressively.
Resonance (pot): controls the amount of resonance (Q parameter) of the filter. When full anti clock-wise
resonance is off.
Other infos:
V-ZERO works with any pick-up position but with some instruments open strings E tracks better with bridge
V-Zero works with any type of guitar (6 strings, 7 strings etc). Different tunings of the instrument is also