OpenStax College Physics for AP User Manual

Lab Manual - Student Edition
College Physics for APⓇ Courses Lab Manual
Student Version
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Table of Contents
Information for the Student 5
Lab 1: Graphing Motion 9
Lab 2: Projectile Motion 18
Lab 3: Newton’s 2nd Law 23
Lab 4: Forces 29
Lab 5: Circular Motion 34
Lab 6: Hooke’s Law and Spring Energy 40
Lab 7: Impulse and Momentum 49
Lab 8: Conservation of Momentum 55
Lab 9: Simple Harmonic Motion 62
Lab 10: Rotational Motion 67
Lab 11: Mechanical Waves 73
Lab 12: Sound Waves 78
Lab 13: Electrostatics 82
Lab 14: Ohm’s Law 90
Lab 15: Resistor Circuits 97
Lab 16: Kinetic Theory of Matter 102
Lab 17: Gases 108
Lab 18: Fluid Dynamics 117
Lab 19: Thermodynamics 125
Lab 20: RC Circuits 131
Lab 21: Observations of Magnetic Fields 137
Lab 22: Quantitative Magnetism 143
Lab 23: Electromagnetic Induction 150
Lab 24: Mirrors 157
Lab 25: Geometric Optics 165
Lab 26: Light as a Particle 171
Lab 27: Double-Slit Interference and Diffraction 177
Lab 28: Atomic Physics 185
Lab 29: Models of the Hydrogen Atom 190
This content was originally authored through a collaboration with the Texas Education Agency (TEA). It is presented here with modifications, including updates to align with the 2019 Course and Exam Description for AP Biology. These resources are available to all verified instructors free of charge at the following hyperlink:
To the Student:
Congratulations on being accepted into, and having the courage to take, an Advanced Placement biology class! You are about to delve deep into some very detailed biology concepts. This lab manual aims to help you better understand these concepts through hands-on experiences in the laboratory. In addition, it will challenge you to critically think about biology concepts, scientific methods, and experimental design as part of its inquiry-based framework.
Inquiry-based learning involves challenging yourself to learn through self-discovery. Instead of simply presenting you with facts to memorize, this manual encourages you to ask questions about the material that you will then answer through your own exploration. By creating your own hypotheses and then planning and carrying out your own experiments on a variety of topics in the lab manual, you will hopefully learn biology by satisfying your own curiosity.
In this AP lab manual, the inquiry-based structure includes the following components:
1. Pre-assessment section. This section contains a list of questions that you should answer before
starting each activity. These are meant to get you thinking about the main concepts of each lab. The pre-assessment questions are designed to connect the concepts in each lab to your experiences in daily life. Whether you realize it or not, you observe biology constantly in the world around you. Therefore, you are likely familiar with more biology topics than you realize! The pre-assessment questions are meant to tap into the biology knowledge you already have and apply it to what you will learn in each lab. As a result, your answers to these questions may not be graded and you will benefit greatly by discussing your answers as a class. This also allows your teacher to measure how familiar you and your classmates are with the material.
2. Structured Inquiry. In this section, you will be introduced to an experimental system by doing a
well-laid out experiment with detailed steps. This section is meant to guide you in using the equipment in a “safer” activity before planning and performing an entire experiment. However, you will still be posing questions, predictions, and hypotheses in the structured inquiry. You will also critically think about how to achieve the most accurate and reliable results during the structured inquiry in preparation for creating your own experiments in the guided inquiry.
3. Guided Inquiry. In the guided inquiry, you will use the familiarity you gained during the structured
inquiry to perform your own self-investigation. The experimental setup of the guided inquiries is often identical to that used in the structured inquiry. Therefore, you will be working with equipment and methods that you have already tried in the structured inquiry. This time, you will pick a variable to study, create a hypothesis, and fully design an experiment to test your hypothesis. You will determine which equipment and methods you should use to collect accurate and precise data.
Once you have planned your experiment, be sure to have your plan approved by your teacher, who will also ensure that your plan is safe and appropriate for the equipment available. Finally, you will
analyze your own data and make conclusions based on your experimental evidence. If time allows, you will then refine and re-run your experiments or test additional hypotheses that you find interesting. In many ways, the guided inquiry step is meant to engage you in the same processes that scientists have used to discover information about our world and universe!
Components of Structured and Guided Inquiry Sections
To ensure that an inquiry-based approach is implemented in each activity, both the structured and guided inquiries also contain each of the following steps at least once:
Hypothesize/Predict: This is where you will be creating hypotheses, which are questions or predictions about what will happen during an experiment. Be sure that your hypotheses are clear, specific, and testable.
Good hypothesis: The volume of water in a container will be higher when a 2-gram mass is added compared to when a 1-gram mass is added.
Poor hypothesis: The volume of water in this experiment will increase as larger objects are added.
Good hypothesis: The speed of a vehicle traveling down the 30 ramp will be lower than the speed of the
vehicle traveling down the 60 ramp.
Poor hypothesis: The vehicle will travel fast down the ramp with the greater amount of slant.
Student-led Planning: Each inquiry contains at least one step where you and your lab partners will plan how to properly conduct your experiment. During the Structured Inquiry, you will generally plan proper techniques for getting the best results possible using the available equipment and described methods. As with many things in life, two or more heads are often better than one, and you and your group members should come to a consensus on a plan before proceeding. This will lay the groundwork for the Guided Inquiry; you and your group will need to plan an entire experiment in this step.
Critical Analysis: This step typically occurs near the end of each inquiry. Here you will critically analyze your results, judge their validity, and explain why your hypotheses were supported or not supported by your results. You will also suggest ways that your experimental methods could have been improved to get more accurate or precise data as well as determine new questions to ask related to your results.
A Note About Your Notebook
As part of the challenge of taking an AP course, this lab manual does not contain data tables where you record your findings. Therefore, you will be required to design your own tables, answer assessments, and do any other note-taking in a separate notebook. You should use the same notebook for biology lab throughout the year. This will allow you to easily refer back to previous labs when you need to reference earlier content. Do not put non-biology content in your biology notebook, as your teacher may collect and grade your notebook throughout the year.
Components of a Lab
Main introduction:
Each lab contains an introductory section under the title. This introduces the “big picture” concepts of the lab as well as how they connect to everyday life. They will also introduce the pioneering physicists and experiments that led to our current knowledge of each lab topic. Relevant equations that you will use in the labs are also introduced here, including definitions of their variables. Many of the labs involve measuring the value of these variables so that you can later perform your own calculations. Please read the lab and activity introductions carefully before your lab period. Then, before the lab starts, ask your teacher about any concepts of which you are unsure.
In this lab you will learn
This section presents learning objectives for the lab. These are the “take away points” that you should be able to explain or perform after doing the activities. It is helpful to read these objectives before each lab to prime yourself for what you will learn. It is then helpful to reread these at the end of each lab to ensure that you have achieved all of the learning objectives.
Each lab is divided into 2-3 activities. Please note that your teacher may or may not have you perform all activities in a given lab, so pay close attention to your teacher’s instructions throughout the lab.
Safety precautions:
These bullet points list important safety issues that will prevent injury to yourself or your classmates during the lab activities. Each activity has its own safety precautions section. Please read and
understand all safety precautions before beginning each activity!
For this activity you will need section:
This section lists all of the materials needed for each activity. Before you start the lab, make sure that you can identify all items on this list. Also, pay close attention to your teacher’s instructions, as you may be using different equipment for these labs than those on this list.
Activity introduction:
These are short introductions relevant to specific activities. As with the main introduction, the activity introductions may contain formulas, equations, or other background information needed to successfully carry out and understand the activities. As with the main introduction, please read these introductions carefully before your lab period. Then, before the lab starts, ask your teacher about any concepts of which you are unsure.
Process steps:
These are the steps you will perform to carry out the activities. Please read through all of the process steps and setup diagrams before starting Step 1. Ask your teacher if there are any steps you don’t understand prior to starting. This will help you perform the activities correctly the first time, preventing the need to redo activities or having to leave your laboratory period with unusable data.
The assessment sections provide questions that test your knowledge of the lab material. Your teacher will instruct you on how to submit answers to the assessments for grading.
College Board® (CB) Standard Alignment:
College Board® standards are summarized in a table format at the beginning of each lab. The College Board’s® AP Biology Course and Exam Description was used to provide this information. In addition, standards tags are found on the assessments, allowing you to quickly identify which standard is addressed by each question.
Lab 1:
Graphing Motion
In this lab you will learn
how to measure the speed of an object traveling at a constant velocity
how to differentiate between motion at a constant velocity and motion with acceleration
how to use a position or velocity versus time plot to understand motion
Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
1. Would you expect an object that you set in motion to continue moving at a constant speed? Why or why not?
2. Discuss the answers to question 1 with the class.
Activity 1: Constant Velocity
Suppose you graphed the motion of an object using the horizontal axis for the time elapsed, in seconds, and the vertical axis for the distance traveled. For an object traveling at constant speed, the change in distance would be proportional to the change in time. Therefore, when you plot your data on a distance-versus-time graph, the points should fall along a straight line. However, every measurement has some error, so the data points would not be likely to exactly fall on a straight line. Using a line of best fit helps to average these errors and give a more accurate approximation. To draw a line of best fit, you would use a ruler to draw a straight line that follows the trend of the data and comes as close to all of the data points as possible. The slope of that line is given by
The slope equals the speed of the object. Because of measurement errors, some points will lie above the best-fit line and some will lie below it. This is because the best-fit line passes through the middle of the data and averages the values. As a result, the slope of the line of best fit provides a more accurate value of the speed than a single pair of data points would.
Safety Precautions
Keep the cart on the track to avoid damage or injury.
For this activity, you will need the following:
Straight track*
Cart with spring
Masking tape*
Meter stick
For this activity, you will work in pairs.
*Note—If you have access to air tracks, using them will improve your approximation of a frictionless system that can move at a constant speed. **Note—For increased accuracy, photogate timers or other technology can be used in place of the stopwatch and masking tape. The distance between the photogate timers would replace the distance between pieces of masking tape, and the timers instead of a stopwatch would record the time.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Place your track with one end against a wall. Rest the cart against the wall, as shown in Figure 1.1, so that releasing
its spring can launch the cart. Place one piece of masking tape on the track ahead of the starting position of the cart and another piece of tape further down the track. Measure the distance between the two pieces of tape. Create a data table in your notebook for recording the distance and travel time for the cart’s motion. You will be moving the second piece of tape at least three times, so you will need space in the table to record at least four separate times and distances.
Figure 1.1: The speed of the cart can be measured by using the spring to launch the cart from the wall and then measuring how long the cart takes
to travel a fixed distance. This can be done either by having it pass through two photogate timers or by using a stopwatch to measure the time of
travel between two pieces of masking tape.
Step 2: Hypothesize/Predict: Knowing that, ideally, the cart should move at a constant speed, predict how your measurements would change as you vary the location of your second tape marker. How would this prediction differ if the cart did not move at a constant speed? Realistically, do you expect your data to resemble the ideal situation?
Step 3: Student-Led Planning: You will now use your photogates, or a stopwatch and meter stick, to measure the speed of your cart. You should vary the position of your second piece of tape or photogate timer to measure the speed for at least four distances. If your class uses photogates, listen closely to your teacher’s instructions on how to use them. Discuss with your partner what data you need to collect and how to use the data to determine the speed of the cart.
Step 4: Critical Analysis: Record the time it takes for the cart to travel each distance in the data table in your notebook. Then calculate the speed of the cart for each trial, as well as the average speed across all trials. Were the predictions you made in Step 2 supported by your data? Why or why not? How could you improve your results? Discuss your answers with your partner and then write them in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Is this experimental setup a good choice for observing motion at a constant speed? What
potential issues does it have, and what improvements could you make?
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Discuss with your partner how to use the data in your table to plot a graph from which you can determine the speed of the cart. Now plot your data and use the graph to find the speed of the cart in your experiment.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: How did the speed you calculated using your graph compare with the speeds you calculated for each trial, and the average speed across all the trials, in your table? Which is a better method for measuring the speed of the cart, and why? Did your graph look as you expected for an object moving at a constant speed? Discuss your answers with your partner and record them in your notebook.
1. Consider a baseball player who hits a home run and runs around all of the bases on the field. a. Considering that he started and ended at home plate, is the distance he traveled equal to zero? What about
the displacement? Explain.
b. Is the player’s average speed over his entire base run equal to zero
c. Based on this, is it important to know the path an object followed to calculate its speed, or do you only
need to know where and when it started and ended? Explain.
2. In a particular city, each block is 50 m long. A runner goes two blocks north in 10 seconds, then five blocks south in
20 seconds, then eight blocks north in 50 seconds.
a. Plot the runner’s distance traveled as a function of time. b. Calculate the runner’s speed for each interval.
c. Calculate the runner’s average speed for the entire run.
Activity 2: Pre-Assessment
1. What does it mean for an object to travel at constant acceleration? How could you set an object in motion at
constant acceleration?
2. Describe at least two different types of accelerated motion.
3. Discuss the answers to questions 1 and 2 with the class.
Activity 2: Constant Acceleration
An object is accelerating if its velocity is changing. The acceleration a of an object is calculated by dividing Δv, the
change in the object’s velocity, by Δt, the time over which the velocity changed
The SI unit for acceleration is m/s2, or meter per second per second. The slope of a position versus time graph for an accelerating object is still the object’s velocity, but, by definition, the velocity of an accelerating object is changing. However, for an object with constant acceleration, the slope of the velocity versus time graph is
and the graph should be a straight line whose slope is the acceleration.
Safety Precautions
Keep the cart on the track to avoid damage or injury.
Limit the angle of incline of the track to less than 10°, so that the cart reaches the end of the track at a reasonable
speed, avoiding damage or injury.
For this activity, you will need the following:
Straight track
Masking tape*
Meter stick
Ring stand or blocks
For this activity, you will work in pairs.
*Note —For increased accuracy, photogate timers or other technology can be used in place of the stopwatch and masking tape. The distance between the photogate timers would replace the distance between pieces of masking tape, and the timers instead of with the stopwatch would record the time.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Position the track so that one end is slightly lifted above the ground, using either the ring stand mounts or blocks.
Using your meter stick, place pieces of masking tape along the track to divide the track into five even intervals, as shown in Figure 1.2 Create a data table in your notebook to record the distance and time for the cart’s motion.
Figure 1.2: A cart that is free to move on an incline will accelerate and will have different velocities at different locations.
Step 2: Hypothesize/Predict: Now that the track is no longer horizontal, predict what should happen to the speed of the
cart as it travels down the track. How will this differ from the motion of the cart at constant speed?
Step 3: Student-Led Planning: You will now use your stopwatch to measure the speed of the cart as it travels different distances down the ramp, starting from rest. Discuss with your partner what data you will need to collect in each trial to measure the average speed for the given distance. Explain in your notebook why the final speed at the end of this distance is twice the average speed if the cart starts from rest. Be sure to think carefully about the start and end points you choose for each measurement of the cart’s speed. Your procedure may be different if you are using photogates to time the arrival times at several different locations in each trial.
Step 4: Record the time it took for the cart to travel between each marker in the data table in your notebook. Calculate the final speed of the cart at the end of each interval. Given that the cart started at rest, calculate the acceleration of the cart for each interval, and calculate an average value for the acceleration across the trials.
Step 5: Critical Analysis: Were the predictions you made in Step 2 supported by your data? Why or why not? What methods could you have used to improve your results? Discuss with your partner and then write your answers in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: What makes the experimental setup here different from that in Activity 1? How will that
make your graphs different from those in Activity 1? What do you expect the position and velocity versus time graphs to look like for your data?
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Discuss with your partner how the data in the table you created can be used to create position and velocity versus time graphs and how you can use these graphs to determine the acceleration of the cart. Now plot your data and use the graph to find a value for the acceleration of the cart in your experiments.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Given that gravity accelerated the cart down the ramp, does the value you measured for the acceleration of the cart make sense? Why or why not? Did your graphs look like you expected for an object moving with constant acceleration? Did the value you calculated using your line of best fit agree with the average value from your trials for the acceleration? Discuss your answers with your partner and record them in your notebook.
1. How does the acceleration of a cart on an incline relate to the angle of the incline? Give an expression that relates
the acceleration of the cart, acceleration due to gravity, and the ramp angle. Assume that friction can be ignored.
2. If a car speeds up from rest to 30 m/s in 6.0 seconds and then returns to rest in 12.0 seconds, what is its
a. While speeding up? b. While slowing down?
3. In the first activity, you observed the motion of a cart moving at constant speed. However, the cart started at rest
and then began moving. Therefore, the cart did accelerate in Activity 1 because the velocity changed. How did one experimental procedure produce motion at constant speed whereas the other produced accelerated motion?
Activity 3: Graph Matching
A position or velocity versus time graph can tell you about the motion of an object. Figure 1.3 is an example of a graph with a straight line. The slope, which is the object’s acceleration, is therefore constant. The slope is positive, so the object keeps moving faster over time.
Figure 1.3: An object speeding up with constant acceleration has a straight-line velocity versus time graph.
Safety Precautions
Keep the cart on the track to avoid damage or injury.
Limit the angle of incline of the track to less than 10° so that the cart reaches the end of the track at a reasonable
speed, avoiding damage or injury.
For this activity, you will need the following:
Straight track
Cart with spring
Masking tape*
Meter stick
Ring stand or blocks
For this activity, you will work in pairs.
*Note—For increased accuracy, photogate timers or other technology can be used in place of the stopwatch and masking tape. The distance between pieces of masking tape would be replaced by the distance between the photogate timers, and the time would be recorded by the timers instead of with the stopwatch.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Look at the graphs in Figure 1.4. For each graph, describe the motion shown. Does it
describe an object accelerating or one moving at a constant velocity? In what direction is the object moving? If the object is accelerating, is it speeding up or slowing down?
Figure 1.4: Position and velocity versus time graphs describe an object’s motion.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: You will now use the equipment from Activities 1 and 2 to get the cart to move in a way that would produce each of the graphs in Figure 1.5. Discuss with your partner how to do this, and what measurements you will make to recreate the motion described by the graphs.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Record the appropriate time and distance measurements for the three graphs in data tables in your notebook. Were the predictions you made in Step 1 supported by your data? Why or why not? How could you have improved your results? Discuss your answers with your partner and then write them in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Did you choose the correct motions for the cart to recreate the motions described in the
graphs in Figure 1.5? If not, what could you change to make them better agree?
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Discuss with your partner how the data in the tables you created can be used to recreate the graphs in Figure 1.5. Now plot your data and compare the graphs with the expected graphs.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Did your graphs agree with the graphs you were trying to recreate? If they differ, in what ways do they differ? How can you change your experimental procedure to produce better agreement? Discuss your answers with your partner and record them in your notebook.
1. An object slows down at a constant acceleration, and then speeds up with the same constant acceleration. a. Sketch a velocity versus time plot for this motion. b. What experimental procedure could you use to recreate this motion with a cart and tracks?
2. Using dimensional analysis, what quantity would you find by calculating the area under a velocity-versus-time
3. Two velocity versus time graphs have the same shape, but their y-intercepts are different. a. What must be the same about the motion of the two objects? b. What must be different about the motion of the two objects?
Lab 2:
Projectile Motion
In this lab you will learn
how to describe the trajectory of a projectile mathematically and graphically
how to design an experimental investigation of the trajectory of a projectile
how to analyze experimental data describing the trajectory of a projectile mathematically and graphically
Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
1. How could you calculate the velocity of an object that is travelling horizontally? What lab equipment would you use and what data would you collect?
2. Qualitatively describe the vertical acceleration of a falling object. In which direction does a free-falling object accelerate? How does this acceleration affect the velocity of an object initially moving upward? How does this acceleration affect the velocity of an object initially moving downward?
3. Discuss your answers to questions 1 and 2 with the class.
Activity 1: Dart Gun Speed
The introduction pointed out that motions along perpendicular axes are independent; because of this, you need to
analyze horizontal and vertical components separately from each other. These components are the horizontal and vertical parts of a vector. It is important to remember that the downward component of velocity changes during the dart’s motion because of the acceleration due to gravity. In this activity, we fire a dart gun horizontally to determine the velocity at the point at which the dart exits the gun.
Safety Precautions
Be aware of what is in front of the dart gun. Do not shoot the dart gun if someone could get hit.
Wear safety goggles at all times while dart guns are being fired.
For this activity you will need the following:
Dart gun with one dart
Tape measure or meter stick
For this activity, you will work in pairs.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Pick a location where you will fire your dart gun horizontally. The location should be at least 3 meters away from a
wall on which the dart will stick. Measure the height of this location from the ground in centimeters and measure how far away from the wall the position you are firing from is in centimeters. Create a data table for your measurements and show your calculations in your notebook.
Step 2: Hypothesize/Predict: Predict where the dart will strike the wall. Why did you make this prediction? What knowledge have you used about motion in the vertical direction to make your prediction? Add your predictions to the data table you created in Step 1.
Step 3: Student-Led Planning: You will now solve for the velocity at which the projectile exits the dart gun in terms of distances you can measure. Start by looking at the kinematic equations listed in Table 2. Discuss with your partner how you can obtain the time of flight of the dart from the distance downward it moves on its way to the wall. Write an equation in your notebook that expresses the time of flight in terms of how far downward the dart strikes the wall if it had traveled horizontally. Next, discuss with your partner how you will use the time of flight and other data you can measure to find how fast the projectile left the dart gun. Write the expression for the speed in terms of the variables you can measure and the time of flight in your notebook. Remember to separate the horizontal and vertical components of motion in obtaining these equations.
Step 4: Critical Analysis: After obtaining the necessary equations, aim the dart gun as close to horizontal as possible, fire the dart, and collect your data. Record your data and use the data to determine the velocity of the projectile. List your results in your data table. Were your predictions in Step 2 supported by your data? Why or why not? How could you have improved your results? Discuss your answers with your partner and then write them in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: How will the time of flight, and the displacement downward of the dart during flight, change
if you fire the dart horizontally from a distance closer to the wall? Will it strike higher or lower than before? How will it change if the dart gun is farther from the wall? Why? Write your predictions and your reasoning in your notebook.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Assume the dart leaves the gun at the same velocity you determined in the first part of this lab. Work with your partner to use the kinematic equations to obtain an expression for the time of flight of the dart in terms of the distance of the gun from the wall. Write the expression in your notebook. Discuss with your partner how to calculate, in terms of the time of flight, the distance downward that the dart should fall before reaching the wall. Then choose two distances from the wall, one closer and one farther than you used in the first part of the lab. Calculate the expected displacement downward from where the dart strikes the wall. Then carry out the actual measurement of this displacement by firing the dart horizontally from the measured distances. Write your results in your notebook at each step.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: How did the displacement downward of the dart compare with your prediction of whether it would be higher or lower than in the first part of the lab? How well did its precise measured value compare with the value predicted from your calculations? Discuss with your partner the possible sources of any disagreement and write your ideas in your notebook.
1. In your notebook, draw a position in the x-direction versus time graph, a velocity in the x-direction versus time graph, and acceleration in the x-direction versus time graph for the dart launch experiment. Repeat this for the y-direction for a total of six graphs. You can omit numbers on your x- and y-axes and just show the shape of each graph line. After each graph, write a brief explanation of why the graph has the shape that it does.
2. A baseball outfielder throws a baseball horizontally with an initial velocity of 38 m/s. If the player releases the baseball from a height of 2.25 m, how far does the baseball travel horizontally before it strikes the ground? Be sure to include a table of horizontal and vertical variables and show all of your work.
Activity 2: Marble Launch Landing Spot
In the first activity of this lab, you determined the velocity of a projectile as it left a dart gun. Each time you
performed this activity, the projectile was launched horizontally, so the vertical component of its initial velocity was always zero. In this activity, you will launch your projectile at an angle above the horizontal direction so that its initial velocity has a non-zero vertical component. You will predict where this angled shot strikes the floor.
Safety Precautions
Be aware of what is in front of the marble launcher. Do not shoot the marble if someone could get hit.
Do not fire the marble into the ceiling or windows of the classroom.
Wear safety goggles at all times while marble guns are being fired.
Be sure all breakable objects, including cell phones, are out of range of the marbles.
For this activity you will need the following:
Marble launcher with one marble
Tape measure or meter stick
Protractor or any other tool to determine the angle of launch
For this activity, you will work in pairs.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: First you will measure the speed of the projectile as it leaves the launcher. Pick a location where you will fire your
marble launcher vertically. Remember all of the safety precautions and only fire the marble when it is safe. Launch your marble straight up. Use the stopwatch to time how long the marble is in the air. From the measured time of flight and the known value of the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.80 m/s2), calculate the speed of the projectile as it left the launcher. (Remember that the vertical component of velocity of the marble is zero at the top of its flight.) Create a data table in your notebook to show your measurements and calculations.
Step 2: Hypothesize/Predict: Assuming the marble exits the launcher at the same speed as in Step 1, predict how far you think the marble will travel before hitting the floor if it is launched horizontally from a table. Mark your prediction with a piece of tape or a similar object. Also predict where the marble would land if fired at an angle of 30o. Add your predictions to the data table you created in Step 1.
Step 3: Student-Led Planning: You will now use the kinematic equations to solve for how far the marble will travel when fired horizontally, given the initial speed you determined in Step 1 and the height of the launcher. Discuss with your partner how you will use your collected and previously known data to solve for the horizontal displacement using the kinematic equations.
Step 4: After you have solved for a displacement, mark that position with a piece of tape or a similar object. Once it is safe, fire the marble launcher and see if your calculated value and observed value are in reasonable agreement. If they aren’t, return to your equations to see if you can explain why before moving on to Step 5.
Step 5: Student-Led Planning: You will now solve for the horizontal displacement the marble will travel when fired at an angle of 30o using the height of the launcher, the initial speed you determined in Step 1, and the kinematic equations. Discuss with your partner how you will use your collected and previously known data to solve for the horizontal displacement using the kinematic equations.
Step 6: Use your protractor or a similar tool to make sure your marble launcher is positioned at the correct angle. Mark that position with a piece of tape or a similar object. When it is safe, fire the marble launcher and see if your calculated value and observed value are in reasonable agreement. If they aren’t, return to your equations to see if you can explain why before moving on to Step 7. Repeat this step for two other angles that you choose and create a data table for the angle of launch and horizontal components of initial velocity.
Step 7: Critical Analysis: After completing your calculations, record your collected data in your data table. Also include the initial velocity of the projectile from Step 1 and the displacements solved in Steps 4 and 6. Did your data support your predictions in Step 2? Why or why not? How could you have improved your results? Discuss your answers with your partner and then write them in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: The range of the projectile is how far it lands from the launcher. How does the launch angle
affect the range? Discuss with your lab partner what the range of the projectile should be if the projectile is fired straight up and if it is fired horizontally starting just barely above the tabletop. What angle would you predict gives the maximum range? Should the range get smaller or larger if the angle is increased from this maximum-range launch angle? What if the launch angle is decreased? Discuss your answers and your reasoning with your partner and write them in your notebook.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Discuss with your partner how you will test the range produced by launch angles of 10°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 80°. Collect your projectile range data, measured from the exit point of the launcher, for each of the five launch angles. Write the data for each one in your data table.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Did your data support your prediction of which angle would give the maximum range for the projectile? What does your data show is the effect on the range if the launch angle is made larger than the angle that gave the largest range? How about if the launch angle was made smaller? If you were to choose a distance smaller than the maximum range, how many different launch angles would there be that make the projectile land at this distance? Discuss your answers with your partner and write them in your notebook.
1. If you were to know the initial velocity and the angle of launch, could you accurately predict whether or not a basketball player could make a free throw? Explain how you would design an experiment that could determine if a player will make or miss a free throw before the ball reaches the rim.
2. Whether a projectile is launched at 20o or 70o, it will land in the same spot as long as the projectile’s initial speed leaving the launcher is the same. How can you explain this phenomenon?
3. Your friend is leaving your house when you discover your friend’s wallet in your room. You quickly run to your second-story window. You call out and throw the wallet horizontally from the window, and your friend catches it, 13.0 m away from the house. If your window is 3.5 m above the ground, how fast did you throw the wallet? Be sure to include a table of horizontal and vertical variables and show all of your work.
Lab 3:
Newton’s 2nd Law
In this lab you will learn
how to use free-body diagrams to determine and visualize experimental variables for force and motion
how to graph velocity versus time
how to measure and calculate velocity
how to calculate acceleration
Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
Figure 3.1: The cart of mass m1 accelerates along the table. Rate of acceleration is directly proportional to mass m2.
1. Using Figure 3.1, draw a free-body diagram, indicating all the forces acting on the cart and its cargo.
2. Answer the following questions based on Figure 3.1:
a. What is the strength of the force accelerating the system, in terms of the masses involved? b. What is the relationship between the acceleration of mass m1 and the acceleration of mass m2?
c. Does the force accelerating the system change or remain constant until mass m2 reaches the floor? Does
the acceleration itself change?
d. What total mass does the gravitational force acting on mass m2 accelerate?
3. Imagine that you placed all the masses you intend to test as cargo in the cart, except the one that is hanging (Figure 3.1). You then exchange the hanging mass with one from the cargo section that is heavier. How will that affect
a. the mass that is being accelerated, and b. the net force causing the acceleration?
4. Discuss the answers to questions 1–3 with the class.
Activity 1: Applying Constant Force
When a constant force is applied to an object or system, the object or system will accelerate at a constant rate. If
the applied force and mass of the system are known, the acceleration predicted by Newton’s Second Law can be calculated.
In this lab, you will measure acceleration of various masses by various forces using the setup shown in Figure 3.1.
The lab cart starts at rest and accelerates at a constant rate. According to the kinematic equations, the distance Δx that the cart travels in time Δt is then
for acceleration a. This can provide a useful method for determining the acceleration by timing the motion.
Safety Precautions
Heavy weights that fall can cause injury. It is safest to use a cart and hanging weight of modest mass whenever
Make sure your experimental setup includes a means of stopping the cart to prevent it from rolling off the table.
For this activity you will need the following:
Cart, weights, and pulley and string setup; note—If no pulleys are available, then dental floss over the edge of the
table will work
Scale capable of weighing the cart and weights used
Meter stick
Visible tape or chalk for marking positions
Stopwatch or video capture device
For this activity, you will work in pairs or small groups.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Using the notation from your free-body diagram, apply Newton’s Second Law to derive an
equation predicting the acceleration of the cart for given masses m1 and m2. Ignore friction and air resistance as well as the mass of the pulley and string.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: You will need to determine the acceleration of the cart for several different applied forces. The total mass should be kept the same. Discuss with your partner the details of how to accomplish that goal by timing the travel of the cart between two lines marked by chalk or by visible pieces of tape. What precisely will you measure and how will you analyze your data? Then, discuss with your partner what masses you will use for m2. Using the values for m2 you selected, create a data table to structure your data. Include in the table the predicted values for each mass that you can calculate using the equation you derived in Step 1.
Step 3: Procedure: Execute the planned experiment, repeating the procedure for each of the selected values of m2. Record the numerical results in the prepared data table(s). Display your experimental data in a graph of acceleration versus applied force. Plot the theoretically predicted graph line from your equation in Step 1 on the same graph for comparison.
Step 4: Critical Analysis: Were the results from your experiment in reasonable agreement with your calculated predictions? Why or why not? If your experimental results did not reasonably agree with your predictions, what factors do you think affected the results? What, according to your equation in Step 1, is the meaning of the slope of the acceleration versus force graph? Are your experimental data consistent with this? Discuss your answers with your lab partner and write them in your notebook.
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: What do you predict the acceleration vs. applied force for fixed mass should look like? If
your experimental results weren’t the same as you predicted, what factors do you think affected the results? Consider some of the assumptions that were made about the setup when you did your initial calculations in Step 1. How much do you think those factors affected the results? How could you alter the experiment to test this prediction? Write your ideas in your notebook.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Discuss and decide as a team which modifications to the experiment you should make to test your ideas. Check with your teacher before conducting additional experiments.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Were you able to determine how much impact the setup assumptions have on your experimental results? Could you use this data to improve your predictions for the acceleration of the cart with different values of m2? How?
1. What is velocity?
2. What is acceleration?
3. What is the source of the force causing the acceleration of the system?
4. How did you change the acceleration of the cart?
5. When you increased the hanging mass, did that increase or decrease the acceleration of the cart? Why? ]
6. What measurements did you make that enabled you to calculate acceleration?
Activity 2: Effect of Force on Different Masses
Newton’s Second Law tells us that the acceleration of an object or system is inversely proportional to the mass of
the object or system. The greater the mass of the system for a given force, the smaller the acceleration.
Safety Precautions
Heavy weights that fall can cause injury. It is safest to use a cart and hanging weight of modest mass whenever
Make sure your experimental setup includes a means of stopping the cart to prevent it from rolling off the table.
For this activity, you will need the following:
Cart, weights, and pulley and string setup; note—If no pulleys are available, then dental floss over the edge of the
table will work
Meter stick
Visible tape or chalk for marking positions
Stopwatch or video capture device
For this activity, you will work in pairs or small groups.
Structured Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: The experimental setup in Figure 3.1 shows mass m1 resting on the cart and mass m2
hanging from the string. Can you predict what will happen when you change mass m1 while keeping m2 constant? Choose a value for m2. Then, choose several values for m1 to test. Using the equation you derived in Activity 1, calculate your prediction for the acceleration of the cart for each value of m2. Record your calculations in your notebook.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: In Activity 1 of this lab, you established a procedure for finding the acceleration of the cart. Using the values for m1 you selected in Step 1, create a data table to structure your inquiry.
Step 3: Procedure: Execute the planned experiment, repeating the procedure for each of the selected values of m1. Record the numerical results in the prepared data table(s) and determine the measured acceleration of the cart for each value of m1.
Step 4: Critical Analysis: Compare the experimental results from Step 4 to your calculated predictions from Step 2. Were the results from your experiment in reasonable agreement with your calculated predictions? Why or why not?
Guided Inquiry
Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Based on what you know about Newton’s Second Law, what do you expect would happen if
you did the experiment with both masses, m1 and m2, now 1.5 times larger than before? Or, what if m1 and m2 were multiplied by some other number, such as 0.5? By what factor would that multiply the force that accelerates the cart? By what factor would it multiply the total mass being accelerated? Considering the effect of increasing the force along with the effect of increasing the mass, what changes would this cause? Write your prediction and rationale in your notebook.
Step 2: Student-Led Planning: Work with your lab partner to plan an experiment to test your hypothesis on the effect of changing the masses. Describe your planned experiment in your notebook and get your plan approved by your teacher. Then, carry out the experiment.
Step 3: Critical Analysis: Did your results match your prediction? What is the effect on acceleration if both mass and applied force are multiplied by the same factor, per Newton’s Second Law? How does that relate to your data? If your results differed from your prediction, try to explain why. Discuss your answers with your lab partner and write the analysis in your notebook.
1. When you increased the mass on the cart, did that increase or decrease the acceleration of the cart? Why?
2. Apply the same idea as in the Guided Inquiry to an object in free fall by considering replacing the object with one k times as massive. How will this change in mass (k) affect the force of gravity? By what factor does this change the acceleration of the object? How does this account for Galileo’s observation that all objects in free fall have the same acceleration regardless of mass?
Lab 4:
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