Open iConnectAccess624W Technical Reference/users Manual

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Copyright© 2005 OPEN Networks Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. The content of this manual is subject to change without notice. The information and messages contained herein are proprietary to OPEN Networks Pty Ltd. No part of this manual may be translated, transcribed, reproduced, in any form, or by any means without prior written permission by OPEN Networks Pty Ltd.
For content and procedures available in this document, OPEN Networks Pty Ltd does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed.
Rev.: 1.8 Date Released: September 30th, 2005
Table Of Contents
Document Conventions................................................................................6
System Requirements...............................................................................7
Web Browser Support:.............................................................................. 7
Your iConnectAccess624W At A Glance ....................................................8
Ports And Buttons.....................................................................................8
Restore To Factory Defaults.......................................................................................9
Front LED Panel .....................................................................................10
Before You Begin........................................................................................11
Configuring Your Ethernet Network Card................................................11
Configuring Your Ethernet Network Card................................................11
For Windows® 98 Second Edition / Windows® Me....................................................11
For Windows® 2000 / Windows® XP..........................................................................12
Setting Up Your iConnectAccess624W.....................................................13
Default Settings.......................................................................................13
Log Into Your iConnectAccess624W ......................................................14
Setup Tab ....................................................................................................16
LAN Set Up.............................................................................................17
Accessing The LAN Configuration Screen................................................................17
Enabling DHCP.......................................................................................18
Management IP.........................................................................................................20
Ethernet Switch.......................................................................................24
Wide Area Network (WAN) Setup...........................................................26
Connection Types .....................................................................................................26
PPPoE Connection Type...........................................................................................27
PPPoA Connection Type...........................................................................................30
Static Connection Type.............................................................................................33
DHCP Connection Type............................................................................................36
Bridged Connection Type:.........................................................................................39
Classical IP Over ATM (CLIP) Connection ...............................................................42
Modify An Existing Connection ...............................................................44
Advanced Tab .............................................................................................47
SNTP ......................................................................................................50
IP QoS ....................................................................................................55
Port Forwarding ......................................................................................59
Allow Incoming Ping................................................................................62
Custom Port Forwarding.........................................................................64
IP Filters..................................................................................................66
LAN Clients.............................................................................................69
LAN Isolation...........................................................................................71
Bridge Filters...........................................................................................73
Static Routing..........................................................................................78
Dynamic Routing.....................................................................................80
Access Control........................................................................................82
Wireless Tab................................................................................................84
Wireless Configuration:...........................................................................87
Associated Stations...................................................................................................98
Multiple SSID...........................................................................................................100
Tools Tab...................................................................................................102
System Commands...............................................................................103
Remote Log ..........................................................................................104
User Management ................................................................................106
Update Gateway ...................................................................................108
Ping Test...............................................................................................109
Modem Test..........................................................................................110
Network Statistics .................................................................................112
To View Ethernet Statistics: ....................................................................................112
To View DSL Statistics:...........................................................................................113
To View Wireless Statistics:....................................................................................113
Connection Status.................................................................................114
DHCP Clients........................................................................................115
Modem Status.......................................................................................116
Product Information...............................................................................117
System Log...........................................................................................118
Log Out......................................................................................................119
Index ..........................................................................................................120
Document Conventions
OPEN Networks’ Technical References use the following style conventions:
Type Face Used For:
Bold Typeface
GUI tabs; GUI menu items; Window and screen buttons
Window, dialog and screen: Titles; Field names.
User-entered data
Data entered by the user
Computer keyboard commands
Also, different strategies are used to draw your attention to certain pieces of information. In order of how critical the information is to your system, these items are marked as Note, Tip or Warning. For example:
NOTE: If you need to use the VPI and VCI values in an existing connection, you
will need to open it and edit the setting. It is not possible to have more than one connection using the same VPI/VCI values.
TIP: Ensure your computer is configured for DHCP mode and that proxies
are disabled in your browser. You must also ensure that JavaScript support is enabled in browser settings, so that the browser does not display a login redirection screen. Finally, if any screen other than the Login screen appears, you may need to delete your temporary Internet files. (ie, basically flush the cached web pages).
WARNING! If you need to use the VPI and VCI values in an existing connection, you
will need to open it and edit the setting. It is not possible to have more than one connection using the same VPI/VCI values.
Congratulations on the purchase of your OPEN iConnectAccess624W. Fully-featured, it is the perfect high-speed ADSL Modem WAN bridge/router, specifically designed to connect your PC or LAN to the Internet and directly connect to your local area network via a high speed 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port.
The iConnectAccess624W’s extensive routing and bridging functions rende r it a flexible and scaleable platform for multiple users to access the Internet. Features include port forwarding and VPN pass-through, along with the ability to enable public or private Intranet solutions through a single IP address, using its RIP v 1 / 2 routing engine or NAPT features.
The highest levels of security are implemented in the iConnectAccess624W, including Stateful Packet Inspection firewall and DMZ support for a full suite of security options against malicious intruders.
The iConnectAccess624W is fully compatible with all computers which support an Ethernet interface and are running a TCP/IP protocol stack. So, plug in the iConnectAccess624W (refer to the Quick Start Guide), configure it (per your ISP’s instructions) and enjoy fast Internet access as never before!
System Requirements
Pentium® MMX 233MHz or greater computer, installed with the following: CD-ROM drive; Ethernet or wireless card installed in your computer with TCP/IP Protocol
(required only if you are connecting to the Ethernet port of your router);
OS independent for Ethernet.
Web Browser Support:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (or later versions);
Your iConnectAccess624W At A Glance
The iConnectAccess624W has different ports and LEDs. The following list details these:
Ports And Buttons
The telephone cable connects from the line port of the iConnectAccess624W to the DSL port of your line filter. (ADSL Line)
This button resets your iConnectAccess624W to factory default settings. (All customized settings will be lost when you perform a reset.)
E1 – E4
The Ethernet cable connects from one of the four Ethernet ports of the iConnectAccess624W to the Ethernet LAN port of your computer.
The power cable connects from the DC port of the iConnectAccess624W to the mains power outlet. Remember to use only the power cable supplied with your iConnectAccess624W.
NOTE: As each of the cables is connected, the corresponding LED will light up on
the front of the iConnectAccess624W.
Restore To Factory Defaults
The Restore To Factory Defaults feature will reset the iConnectAccess624W to its factory default configuration.
To Restore Factory Defaults to The iConnectAccess624W:
Ensure that the iConnectAccess624W has been powered on for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Use a blunt implement, such as a pencil or paperclip to press the reset
button for 10 seconds, then release it.
NOTE: During this time the reset is in progress. Do NOT power the
iConnectAccess624W off whilst it resets.
The iConnectAccess624W will be reset to its factory defaults and once the indicator lights have returned to green (non-blinking), the reset is complete.
Front LED Panel
The following table displays the LED Status of each of the iConnectAccess624W’s LEDs and the definitions of each:
ADSL Front Panel LED
LED Status Definition
Steadily Lit Up Power is supplied to the iConnectAccess624W.
Flickering N/A Steadily Lit Up
iConnectAccess624W Ethernet cable is properly connected to Computer Ethernet port.
E1 – E4
Flickering Ethernet is transmitting / receiving data. Steadily Lit Up The wireless access point is enabled. Off The wireless access point is disabled.
Flickering N/A Steadily Lit Up ADSL connection is established.
Router is trying to establish connection with ADSL Service Provider.
Steadily Lit Up
An Internet connection to iConnectAccess624W is established.
Flickering N/A
Before You Begin
Configuring Your Ethernet Network Card
Before you can use your iConnectAccess624W, you may need to configure the Ethernet ports on the modem.
Configuring Your Ethernet Network Card
For Windows® 98 Second Edition / Windows® Me
NOTE: Please note that these instructions may vary, depending on whether this is
the first time you are configuring your Ethernet Driver in Windows. Those below are for first time configurations.
step 1 From your Windows desktop, click Start > Settings > Control Panel. step 2 From the Control Panel window, double-click the Network icon. step 3 From the Network screen, highlight the Configuration tab to make it active. step 4 From the The following network components are installed area of the
window, select TCP/IP-> xxx where xxx refers to the model of the Ethernet card connected to your ADSL Modem, and click Properties.
step 5 From the TCP/IP Properties screen, click the IP Address tab to make it
step 6 Highlight the Obtain an IP Address Automatically radio button, and click OK
to save the settings.
step 7 Ensure that the iConnectAccess624W is powered on. Restart your system
when prompted.
For Windows® 2000 / Windows® XP
NOTE: Please note that these instructions may vary, depending on whether this is
the first time you are configuring your Ethernet Driver in Windows. Those below are for first-time configurations.
Windows® 2000:
step 1 From your Windows desktop, click Start > Control Panel. step 2 From the Control Panel window, double-click the Network Connections icon. step 3 From the Network Connections window, right-click on the Local Area
Connection icon and select Properties.
step 4 Proceed from step 4 in the Windows XP Ethernet Driver Configuration
Procedure below.
Windows® XP:
NOTE: Instructions are based on the default Start menu option.
step 1 From your Windows desktop, click Start > Control Panel. step 2 From the Control Panel window, double-click the Network Connections icon. step 3 From the Network Connections window, right-click on the Local Area
Connection icon that reflects the model of the Ethernet Card connected to your iConnectAccess624W, and click Properties.
step 4 Ensure that the Connect Using field indicates the model of the Ethernet Card
connected to your iConnectAccess624W.
NOTE: This is important especially if you have more than one Local Area
Connection icon displayed in the Network Connections window. Ensure that you have selected the correct one.
step 5 From the This connection uses the following items: area of the Properties
window, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
step 6 From the General tab of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window,
highlight the Obtain an IP Address Automatically radio button, and click OK.
step 7 Click OK again to close the dialog. step 8 Ensure that your iConnectAccess624W is powered on. Restart your system
when prompted.
Setting Up Your iConnectAccess624W
This section will guide you through your iConnectAccess624W’s configuration via the web interface. The iConnectAccess624W is shipped with a standard PPP configuration.
Default Settings
The following table lists the default settings for your iConnectAccess624W. These settings may change depending on your ISP. Please check with your ISP for more information.
Setting Default Value
Login Username
Login Password
Server On Enabled Start IP
End IP
DHCP Configuration
Lease Time
604800 seconds (7 days)
IP Address
Management IP
Log Into Your iConnectAccess624W
To Log Into Your iConnectAccess624W:
step 1 Open your web browser and enter in the
Address bar, then press <Enter>. The following screen appears:
step 2 In the Log In screen, enter root (case sensitive) in the Username field and
in the Password field, enter ØP3N (zero, P three, N - case sensitive).
step 3 Click Log In.
TIP: Ensure that proxies are disabled in your browser.
You must also ensure that JavaScript support is enabled in browser settings, so that the browser does not display a login redirection screen. Finally, if any screen other than the Login screen appears, you may need to delete your temporary Internet files. (ie, basically flush the cached web pages).
step 4 Once you have logged in, the following screen appears:
The Home tab will allow you to access the other menus of the iConnectAccess624W’s web interface and displays some basic status information. It consists of the following menus that provide all the options you need to configure and operate your iConnectAccess624W:
Tab Function
Configuration of LAN and WAN Settings.
Configuration of advanced options within the iConnectAccess624W such as security, routing and filtering.
Configuration of wireless features.
Access tools and diagnostics to assist in debugging.
Obtain the status of the iConnectAccess624W.
View the extensive online help.
Setup Tab
The Setup screen consists of two set up subsections: LAN Setup and WAN Setup. From here you can select the LAN and WAN Settings you wish to configure by clicking the appropriate links from the menu list.
Its options include:
LAN Setup:
LAN Configuration; Ethernet Switch;
WAN Setup:
New Connection; Modem.
LAN Set Up
By default, your iConnectAccess624W has the DHCP server (LAN side) enabled. If you already have a DHCP server running on your network, you must disable one of them; if you connect a second DHCP server into the network, you will experience network errors and the network will not function normally.
Accessing The LAN Configuration Screen
Before configuring the IP settings for your LAN, you will need to select the Ethernet interface type to set up in the LAN Configuration screen.
To do this, from any web interface screen:
step 1 Click Setup, then LAN Configuration. The following screen appears:
step 2 Click Configure. The following screen appears.
step 3 Ensure the Use the following Static IP address radio button is highlighted,
and in the area beneath this field, enter a different IP Address in the IP Address field if required.
step 4 Enter the netmask in the Netmask field as required. step 5 Click Apply, then Tools. The following screen appears:
step 6 Click System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
NOTE: If you change this address from the default, you will need to reconnect
using your new IP Address.
Enabling DHCP
A static IP address must be set on the iConnectAccess624W if the DHCP server is to be enabled.
step 1 Follow steps 1 to 4 of the
Accessing The LAN Configuration Screen
step 2 In the Enable DHCP Server area of the screen, highlight the Enable DHCP
Server radio button.
step 3 Enter the Start IP Address in the Start IP: field. This address is the
beginning of the range from which the DHCP Server starts issuing IP addresses.
step 4 Enter the End IP Address in the End IP Address field. This address is the
end of the range from which the DHCP Server issues IP addresses.
step 5 Click Apply, then Tools. The following screen appears:
step 6 Click System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
The following table lists the Enable DHCP Server area of the LAN Group 1 Configuration screen fields and their definitions:
Field Description
Highlight this radio button if this LAN group does not require a management IP address.
Obtain an IP address automatically
Check this checkbox if another DHCP server is providing addressing for the iConnectAccess624W.
IP Address
This field will be populated when the iConnectAccess624W receives an IP Address from a DHCP Server.
This field will be populated when the iConnectAccess624W receives an IP Address from a DHCP Server.
PPP IP Address
Check this checkbox if PPP is providing addressing.
Use the following Static IP Address
Highlight this radio button to use a static address for your router. This is the default setting.
IP Address
Enter a static IP address, the Default IP Address for the iConnectAccess624W is
Enter static the subnet mask; the Default Netmask for the iConnectAccess624W is
Default Gateway
Enter the default gateway if specified by your ISP. Otherwise leave this field blank and it will be automatically populated when an ISP connection is made.
This is the assigned hostname for the iConnectAccess624W. The Hostname can be any alphanumeric word that does not contain spaces. The default hostname is R624.
The Domain Name is used in conjunction with the
Hostname to uniquely identify the iConnectAccess624W.
Static Options Enable DHCP Server
Highlighting the Enable DHCP Server radio button turns on the DHCP server. This will need to be disabled if a DHCP server is already running on the LAN. The DHCP Server is set to on by default.
Start IP
This address is the beginning of the range from which the DHCP Server starts issuing IP addresses. You need to ensure the iConnectAccess624W Management IP address and any statically-defined addresses are not within the DHCP start and end address ranges. The default Start IP address is
End IP
This is the end of the DHCP Server IP address range. The default End IP is
Lease Time
The Lease Time is the amount of time a LAN computer will hold the IP address. The client will automatically renew the address after this time has elapsed. If the LAN computer does not renew the address after the lease period the lease information will be removed from the DHCP database. This database can be viewed under Tools> DHCP Clients. The lease time is in units of seconds; the default value is 604800 seconds (7 days).
Enable DHCP Relay
Highlighting the Enable DHCP Relay radio button configures the iConnectAccess624W to forward the DHCP request to a remote DHCP server. Enter the remote DHCP server address in the Relay IP field.
Server and Relay Off
This will disable the iConnectAccess624W’s DHCP server and relay functionality.
Management IP
The Management IP area of the web interface allows you to configure the LAN IP Address details for the iConnectAccess624W. This is accessed through the LAN Group 1 Configuration screen.
NOTE: If you change this address from the default, you will need to reconnect
using your new IP Address.
To Change The iConnectAccess624W IP Address:
From any screen in the web interface,
step 1 Click the Setup tab, then LAN Configuration. step 2 From the LAN Configuration screen, click the Configure link beside the
required LAN Group interface (i.e. LAN group 1). The following screen appears:
step 3 Under IP Settings, highlight the Use the following Static IP address radio
step 4 Enter the IP Address in the IP Address field as required. step 5 Enter the netmask in the Netmask field as required. step 6 The default gateway is automatically received from the ISP when a
connection is made. Leave this field blank unless instructed otherwise by your ISP.
step 7 Enter an alphanumeric Hostname in the Hostname field. step 8 Enter the Domain Name in the Domain Name field. This cannot contain
step 9 Click Apply, then Tools. The following appears:
step 10 Click System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
NOTE: The Domain Name is used in conjunction with the Hostname to identify the
iConnectAccess624W uniquely. To access the iConnectAccess624W’s web pages you can type the IP or mygateway.ar7 in the web browser. Using the Hostname in the browser requires the workstation to have its DNS server set to the iConnectAccess624W.
The following table lists the fields and definitions of the Use The Following Static IP Address area of the LAN Group 1 Configuration screen:
Field Description
IP Address
The Default IP Address for the iConnectAccess624W is Its Subnet Mask is, and this allows you to support 254. If you
wish to support a larger number of devices, you can alter the Subnet Mask. However, if you do, remember the DHCP Server is defaulted to give out 101 IP Addresses.
A mask used to determine the subnet to which an IP address belongs. This is the Subnet Mask that will be assigned to the Management interface of the iConnectAccess624W.
Default Gateway
The default gateway is a host to which local computers send data that is destined for a non-local machine. On the iConnectAccess624W, configure the default gateway address here to reach all computers that are not on the same local IP subnet.
The default gateway is the default route for all traffic that does not have a defined route. This field is automatically populated when a PPP session is established. Leave this field blank unless instructed otherwise by your ISP.
This is the assigned hostname for the iConnectAccess624W. The Hostname can be any alphanumeric word that does not contain spaces. The Default value is mygateway1.
Field Description
The Domain Name is used in conjunction with the Hostname to uniquely identify the iConnectAccess624W. Domain Names always have 2 or more parts, separated by dots. The part on the left is the most specific, and the part on the right is the most general. Usually, all of the hosts on a given Network will have the same part as the right-hand portion of their Domain Names. The Default value is ar7.
Ethernet Switch
This screen is used to hard set the Ethernet Speed and duplexing options. It is recommended that that all ports be set to auto.
To Modify the Ethernet Switch Configuration
From any screen in the web interface,
step 1 Click the Setup tab, then Ethernet Switch. The following screen appears:
step 2 From the Physical Port1 drop-down list, select the ethernet port for which
you wish to change the hardware setting. The options are: Auto, 10\Half Duplex, 10\Full Duplex, 100\Half Duplex and 100\Full Duplex.
step 3 Edit each Ethernet port as required. step 4 Click Apply, then Tools. The following screen appears:
step 6 Click System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
NOTE: The Fallback column in this screen displays the speed and duplexing that has
been negotiated on the port.
Wide Area Network (WAN) Setup
Before the router will pass any data between the LAN and WAN interfaces, the WAN side of the iConnectAccess624W must be configured. Depending on your ISP, you will need some (or all) of the information outlined below before you can properly configure the WAN.
The following table lists all DSL requirements:
DSL Requirement Comment
The VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and the VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) define the virtual path settings for the ADSL connection between you and your ISP. By default, these settings are pre-configured for 8/35 in your iConnectAccess624W.
Training Mode
The default is MMODE, and this enables your iConnectAccess624W to tune into the ADSL services in Australia automatically. Do not change this parameter.
PPPoA / PPPoE Requirement
Your username is required for authentication to your ISP.
Your username is required for authentication to your ISP.
Static Type Requirement
DSL Fixed Internet IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway Primary DNS IP Address
Connection Types
As multiple users can use the iConnectAccess624W, different profiles must be set up for different connections. The iConnectAccess624W supports the following connection types:
PPPoE; PPPoA; Bridged; Static; DHCP; CLIP.
Your iConnectAccess624W can support up to 8 unique virtual connections. If you have multiple virtual connections, you may need to utilize the static and dynamic routing capabilities of the router to pass data correctly.
PPPoE Connection Type
Computers connected to the Internet via ADSL do so through an Ethernet link. As such, plain TCP/IP has been used, with no additional protocols. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) provides secure login, and traffic metering among other advanced features. PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) was designed to bring the security and metering benefits of PPP to Ethernet connections such as DSL.
PPPoE allows ADSL users to be authenticated by the ISP’s Radius authentication systems. Most broadband connections are Ethernet, hence Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. It also allows for ISPs to provide multiple services over multiple PPP sessions, ie, rated services, broadband specific content (movies, etc.), metered services, etc.
To Configure PPPoE:
NOTE: If you need to use the VPI and VCI values in an existing connection, you
will need to open it and edit the setting. It is not possible to have more than one connection using the same VPI/VCI values.
From any screen in the web interface,
step 1 Click the Setup tab, then New Connection. step 2 From the Type drop-down list, select PPPoE. The following screen is
step 4 Enter a unique name for your PPPoE connection in the Name field. The
name must not have spaces and cannot begin with numbers.
step 5 Check the NAT and Firewall checkboxes beside the Options field. step 6 Enter your ISP provided username and password in the Username and
Password fields.
step 7 Enter the ISP provided VPI and VCI settings. step 8 Click Apply, then Tools. The following screen appears:
step 9 Click System Commands, then Save All. Click OK to confirm the save
when the following appears:
The following table lists the PPPoE Connection type fields and describes each of the options:
Field Description
Network Address Translation is a feature that enables you to use private IP addresses on your computer or your LAN. This is set to Enabled by default for standard operation.
Select to enable firewalling on this connection. This is set to Enabled by default for standard operation.
The Username for your ISP account.
The Password for your ISP account.
Idle Timeout
This specifies that the PPPoE connection should disconnect if the link detects no activity for x seconds. If you wish to ensure the link remains always connected, enter 0 in this field. This option will only be available when the On-Demand option is checked.
Keep Alive
When the On-Demand option is disabled, this value specifies the time to wait without connection to your provider before terminating the connection. If you wish
to ensure the link remains always active, enter 0 in this field. This is set to
10 by
This defines the authentication protocol for your ISP. This is set to Auto by default.
If selected, this enables on-demand connectivity to the Internet. Your Internet connection is activated when traffic is generated from LAN clients. This is unchecked by default.
Default Gateway
This sets the route for this connection as the default gateway in the routing table.
Check this checkbox to enable PPP connection debugging facilities.
The VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) defines the virtual path settings for the ADSL connection between you and your ISP. The value entered here must be supported by your ISP.
The VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) defines the virtual channel settings for the ADSL connection between you and your ISP. The VCI value entered here must be supported by your ISP.
This field defines QoS at the ATM layer. Three different Quality Of Service options are available in the iConnectAccess624W: UBR, CBR and VBR. The QoS selected here must be supported by your ISP. By default this is set to UBR.
Click Connect to authenticate to your ISP via PPPoE and connect to the Internet.
Click Disconnect to break your Internet connection.
PPPoA Connection Type
PPPOA or PPPoA, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over ATM, is a network protocol for encapsulating PPP frames in ATM AAL5. It used mainly with ADSL services and is compliant with RFC 2364. PPP over ATM adaptation layer 5 (AAL5) – PPPoA uses AAL5 as the framed protocol, which supports both PVC and SVC.
It offers standard PPP features such as authentication, encryption, and compression.
To Configure PPPoA:
NOTE: If you need to use the VPI and VCI values in an existing connection, you
will need to open it and edit the setting. It is not possible to have more than one connection using the same VPI/VCI values.
From any screen in the web interface,
step 1 Click the Setup tab, then New Connection. step 2 From the Type drop-down list, select PPPoA. The following screen appears:
step 3 Enter a unique name for the PPPoA connection in the Name field. The
name must not have spaces and cannot begin with numbers.
step 4 Check the NAT and Firewall checkboxes beside the Options field. step 5 Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC) by highlighting the appropriate
radio button. This is provided by your ISP.
step 6 Enter your ISP username and password in the Username and Password
step 7 Enter the VPI and VCI settings as supplied by your ISP. step 8 Click Apply, then Tools. The following screen appears:
+ 90 hidden pages